Is there any real "one man's army" in history?

Is there any real "one man's army" in history?

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  1. 2 years ago

    The Berserker at Stamford Bridge

    • 2 years ago

      There's a top ten last stand video on youtube and the Beserker was on the higher end nearer to number one if I remember. Just youtube it.

      • 2 years ago

        literally everyone on IQfy knows about the vikang at homosexualbridge, kek

  2. 2 years ago

    >uses his best, bravest, and noblest warrior as a human shield to fight off another war in secret
    Name a single real life warrior figure from pre-Christianity ages that did the same bullshit

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah uh there was that norwegian guy on the stannford bridge
      More of a small unit

      Rent free

      • 2 years ago

        Rent free what? Venom Snake is a better man than Big Boss by trying to accept her will.

        • 2 years ago

          mfw the whole MGS V plot was about Kojima using his best franchise as a front to satisfy Konami while he created another one in secret.

          • 2 years ago

            Not even true. MGSV flew over everyone’s head rent free because they wanted the game to tell them the story rather than read between the lines.

          • 2 years ago

            It didn't even flew tbh, the plot twist was just there for the sake of a twist as if to say ''ahaaa gotcha, didn't saw that coming huh? huh?? huh????'', just lazy ass storytelling, overall. As a game MGS V was fun as hell, although some details from previous games were missing, it was pretty solid (kek).

        • 2 years ago

          her as in The Boss*

  3. 2 years ago

    >makes his own cult of personality
    >actually fights against the boss wishes
    >gets tricked by a chinese spy in the 60s when china was shit.
    >gets into slap fights with his ex zero
    big boss was a fricking moron

  4. 2 years ago

    Scaevola and Horatius Cocles

  5. 2 years ago

  6. 2 years ago


  7. 2 years ago

    Rifleman Jaswant Singh Rawat of Indian Army.

    A man who Single-Handedly Fought 300 Chinese Soldiers for three long days.

    Sino-India War in 1962, due to circumstances when his company was asked to retreat from their position, he insisted on staying back alone and fight off the enemies at war.

    He got some help from two Monpa tribal girls named Sela and Nura, together they set up weapons at separate points and maintained a volume of fire that fooled the Chinese into believing, they were faced with a HUGE battalion.

    The Chinese left frustrated, and then finally managed to capture the man who was supplying rations to Sir Jaswant and two girls. (On learning that he would be captured soon, he shot himself in the head.)

    Chinese were so incensed to find that their battalion been fighting a lone soldier all this while that they cut off his head and carried it to China.

    Amazing part is, 54 years after death, Sir is still believed to command' troops guarding the dizzy heights of India's eastern frontiers with China.

    • 2 years ago

      you don't frick with sikhs man, that's the rule.

      • 2 years ago

        pajeets are no joke, heard about that one gurkha soldier who single handedly wooped 3/30 goatfrickers who tried to rob and rape a woman in a train.

        >In September 2010, Bishnu Shrestha, a 35 year-old Gurkha soldier, was on his way to Gorakhpur from Ranchi. He was travelling via the Maurya Express (Hatia-Gorakhpur) when between 30 to 40[5][6] armed robbers attacked the train near Chittaranjan, West Bengal and robbed the passengers of their valuables.
        >Shrestha was fast asleep when the bandits reached him. Awakened, he was prepared to give up his valuables, but the 18-year-old woman next to him was grabbed by the robbers who intended to rape her. The woman called for help. He pulled out the large, curved kukri that all Gurkha soldiers carry and attacked the bandits.
        >Shrestha told the Times of India, "I am a soldier and get paid to protect citizens of this country. I could not sit back and watch as passengers were looted. I pulled out my khukuri and attacked the criminals. I succeeded in connecting with at least three of them. The blows were severe and they must have got themselves admitted to some hospital. By then, the criminals started fighting back. They fired a shot that missed me. At one point of time, the khukri fell from my hand and I was overpowered. They picked it up and used it on me." The Times of India continues, "After Shresta slumped to the ground, profusely bleeding from his wound, all fight went out from the other passengers. None of them dared to make eye contact with the criminals and did their bidding."[7]
        >Six robbers were arrested and Rs 10,470 in cash, 33 mobile phones, 14 wrist watches and an ATM card were recovered, along with two pistols, live cartridges, and seven daggers. [5]
        >Shrestha's injuries to his left arm required two months of medical treatment, but he recovered full use of his injured hand.

        • 2 years ago

          you don't frick with sikhs man, that's the rule.

          Pajeets have probably the best soldier material in the world (hundreds of millions of intensely patriotic and physically fit peasants, many with warrior cultures). Too bad their training is outdated at best and their equipment is shit.
          I'm genuinely asking.

          made a small mistake, the soldier was nepalese, not pajeet, although he served in the indian army

          Pajeets have probably the best soldier material in the world (hundreds of millions of intensely patriotic and physically fit peasants, many with warrior cultures). Too bad their training is outdated at best and their equipment is shit.
          I'm genuinely asking.

          then i'll try to genuiely answer, army-crawling 120 yards while in a safe/even terrain can't possibly be compared with doing the same surrounded by viets, snakes, landmines, and booby-traps in a wet, often muddy terrain.
          i'm actually impressed the madman managed to do it.

        • 2 years ago

          >Pajeets calling anyone goatfricker


      • 2 years ago

        Now this is what I call a last stand

        carlos hathwiener unironically. mfer literally pulled a solo infil mission in vietnam
        >During a volunteer mission days before the end of his first deployment, he crawled over 1,500 yards of field to shoot a PAVN general. This effort took four days and three nights without sleep and with constant inch-by-inch crawling.Hathwiener said he was almost stepped on as he lay camouflaged with grass and vegetation in a meadow shortly after sunset. At one point he was nearly bitten by abamboo viper but had the presence of mind to avoid moving and giving up his position.As the general exited his encampment, Hathwiener fired a single shot that struck the general in the chest, killing him.
        actual naked snake bullshit.

        Are there any books that detailing his journey. Like how do he take shits behind enemy lines or eat

      • 2 years ago

        They are himalayans not pajeets

    • 2 years ago

      pajeets are no joke, heard about that one gurkha soldier who single handedly wooped 3/30 goatfrickers who tried to rob and rape a woman in a train.

      >In September 2010, Bishnu Shrestha, a 35 year-old Gurkha soldier, was on his way to Gorakhpur from Ranchi. He was travelling via the Maurya Express (Hatia-Gorakhpur) when between 30 to 40[5][6] armed robbers attacked the train near Chittaranjan, West Bengal and robbed the passengers of their valuables.
      >Shrestha was fast asleep when the bandits reached him. Awakened, he was prepared to give up his valuables, but the 18-year-old woman next to him was grabbed by the robbers who intended to rape her. The woman called for help. He pulled out the large, curved kukri that all Gurkha soldiers carry and attacked the bandits.
      >Shrestha told the Times of India, "I am a soldier and get paid to protect citizens of this country. I could not sit back and watch as passengers were looted. I pulled out my khukuri and attacked the criminals. I succeeded in connecting with at least three of them. The blows were severe and they must have got themselves admitted to some hospital. By then, the criminals started fighting back. They fired a shot that missed me. At one point of time, the khukri fell from my hand and I was overpowered. They picked it up and used it on me." The Times of India continues, "After Shresta slumped to the ground, profusely bleeding from his wound, all fight went out from the other passengers. None of them dared to make eye contact with the criminals and did their bidding."[7]
      >Six robbers were arrested and Rs 10,470 in cash, 33 mobile phones, 14 wrist watches and an ATM card were recovered, along with two pistols, live cartridges, and seven daggers. [5]
      >Shrestha's injuries to his left arm required two months of medical treatment, but he recovered full use of his injured hand.

      Pajeets have probably the best soldier material in the world (hundreds of millions of intensely patriotic and physically fit peasants, many with warrior cultures). Too bad their training is outdated at best and their equipment is shit.

      low quality bait

      I'm genuinely asking.

      • 2 years ago

        also, i could say the same about the japanese, those frickers literally have a whole culture grounded on suicide from harakiri'ing themselves to sway dishonour from their shoulders to kamikazi'ing their asses into warships, they were made to kill and be killed.

        • 2 years ago

          Japanese have few young people though and they're almost all urban/suburban limpwrists who spend all their time studying.

          • 2 years ago

            i have to agree with you on that, but due to their suicide rates growing rapidly each year i'd say they could probably do it all over again if needed be.

          • 2 years ago

            There's also the whole pacifism thing.

          • 2 years ago

            true, the chinese on the other hand...

  8. 2 years ago

    carlos hathwiener unironically. mfer literally pulled a solo infil mission in vietnam
    >During a volunteer mission days before the end of his first deployment, he crawled over 1,500 yards of field to shoot a PAVN general. This effort took four days and three nights without sleep and with constant inch-by-inch crawling.Hathwiener said he was almost stepped on as he lay camouflaged with grass and vegetation in a meadow shortly after sunset. At one point he was nearly bitten by abamboo viper but had the presence of mind to avoid moving and giving up his position.As the general exited his encampment, Hathwiener fired a single shot that struck the general in the chest, killing him.
    actual naked snake bullshit.

    • 2 years ago

      How does it take four days to army-crawl 1500 yards? I've had to army-crawl the length of a football field (120 yards) before, and that only took several minutes. Surely a fit army soldier could drag himself 1500 yards in a couple hours.

      • 2 years ago

        low quality bait

      • 2 years ago

        I guess he had to wait a lot for patrols to pass by.

  9. 2 years ago

    Simo Häyhä aka The White Death

  10. 2 years ago

    Imam Shamil

    >In 1832, Ghazi Mollah died at the battle of Gimry, and Shamil was one of only two Murids to escape, but he sustained severe wounds. During this fight, he was stabbed with a bayonet. After jumping from an elevated stoop "clean over the heads of the very line of soldiers about to fire on him. Landing behind them, whirling his sword in his left hand he cut down three of them, but was bayoneted by the fourth, the steel plunging deep into his chest. He seized the bayonet, pulled it out of his own flesh, cut down the man, and with another superhuman leap, cleared the wall and vanished in the darkness".[17] He went into hiding and both Russia and Murids assumed him dead. Once recovered, he emerged from hiding and rejoined the Murids, led by the second Imam, Gamzat-bek. He would wage unremitting warfare on the Russians for the next quarter-century and become one of the legendary guerrilla commanders of the century. When Gamzat-bek was murdered in 1834, Shamil took his place as the prime leader of the Caucasian resistance

  11. 2 years ago

    Billy Waugh is unironically Big Boss
    >Enamoured with war since he was a little kid and tried to join the Marines when he was 15
    >Gets caught and graduates high school with a 4.0 GPA
    >Fights in Korea and sees the horror of war wondering if it's worth it
    >Later decides two become a Green Berets because he met two dudes in a bar
    >Fast forward to the Vietnam War and he's running counterinsurgency operations against the Vietcong
    >Gets ambushed on one his missions and is shot,stripped naked and left for dead
    >Some how survives this encounter
    >Later he earns the Sliver Star and in 1970 does the world's first HALO jump
    >Becomes a post man after the war and hates his job because he misses combat
    >Gets contacted by an ex-CIA agent to train up Gaddafi's army and then the CIA asks him to take photos of Soviet missile sites while he was in country
    >Afterwards he continues working for the CIA
    >Fast forward to the 90s and despite being in his 60s he's tasked with taking spying on Carlos the Jackel and Osama bin Laden in Sudan
    >In 2001 goes to Afghanistan with a ODA of Green Berets despite being 7o years old at the time

  12. 2 years ago

    For Americans, Alvin York in WWI. Hillbilly Christian pacifist who morphs into a one man killing machine after some Germans fake surrender and kill his bros. He used his sharpshooting turkey hunting skills from his hardscrabble life to dome numerous Jerries until scores of them surrendered.

    In WWII, Audie Murphy was a scrawny manlet initially rejected for service who held off a German assault single handed, at one point hosing them down with .50 caliber from a burning tank destroyer just before it exploded. After the war he became an actor, mostly in cowboy movies, but meta played himself in To Hell and Back, where they had to tone down his exploits because they seemed too Hollywood.

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