Is this the most powerful weapon in history?

Is this the most powerful weapon in history?

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  1. 4 years ago

    shashka is better by a hair

  2. 4 years ago

    No, probably goes to the nuke or whatever bioweapon the CIA or Chinese are developing but it’s definitely got great marketing

  3. 4 years ago

    for me, it's the 100 foot spear

    • 4 years ago

      Only right answer

    • 4 years ago

      Spears in general are just good. Talented spearsman would have no problem in a 1v1 with someone who wielded say, a katana for this matter, or a long sword or the likes.

      • 4 years ago

        >sidestep your jab
        >cut off the point

    • 4 years ago
  4. 4 years ago

    Yes, by far

  5. 4 years ago

    Guns beat swords every time.

  6. 4 years ago

    Range and speed decided almost every single war on history, so the answers are projectiles and firearms.

  7. 4 years ago

    It's true that in ww2 the Japanese officers were targeted because the killing power of the katana was feared and respected

    • 4 years ago

      which is funny considering how shitty the mass produced ones were to a genuine one made by an experienced swordsmith

  8. 4 years ago

    Yes, unquestionably.

  9. 4 years ago

    Your eyes are gonna get a little more slanted when you see the makeshift sun in your backyard

    • 4 years ago

      Black folk are more destructive.

      • 4 years ago


  10. 4 years ago

    The motion picture

  11. 4 years ago

    that's not even a katana you homosexual it's a wakizashi

    • 4 years ago

      Why would you assume he was talking about a katana?

    • 4 years ago

      based weeb, I came here to split hairs as well

  12. 4 years ago

    Yes. In the hands of a master it could not only cut through flesh and bone but through time and space itself.

  13. 4 years ago

    That's it. I'm sick of all this "Masterwork Bastard Sword" bullshit that's going on in the d20 system right now. Katanas deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that.

    I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine katana in Japan for 2,400,000 Yen (that's about $20,000) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even cut slabs of solid steel with my katana.

    Japanese smiths spend years working on a single katana and fold it up to a million times to produce the finest blades known to mankind.

    Katanas are thrice as sharp as European swords and thrice as hard for that matter too. Anything a longsword can cut through, a katana can cut through better. I'm pretty sure a katana could easily bisect a knight wearing full plate with a simple vertical slash.

    Ever wonder why medieval Europe never bothered conquering Japan? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Samurai and their katanas of destruction. Even in World War II, American soldiers targeted the men with the katanas first because their killing power was feared and respected.

    So what am I saying? Katanas are simply the best sword that the world has ever seen, and thus, require better stats in the d20 system. Here is the stat block I propose for Katanas:

    (One-Handed Exotic Weapon)
    1d12 Damage
    19-20 x4 Crit
    +2 to hit and damage
    Counts as Masterwork

    (Two-Handed Exotic Weapon)
    2d10 Damage
    17-20 x4 Crit
    +5 to hit and damage
    Counts as Masterwork

    Now that seems a lot more representative of the cutting power of Katanas in real life, don't you think?

    tl;dr = Katanas need to do more damage in d20, see my new stat block.

    • 4 years ago

      I like this pasta

  14. 4 years ago


  15. 4 years ago

    For me, it's the United States Dollar.

  16. 4 years ago

    I was a late weeb. I acquired the malady in 8th grade, when a teacher said that the american soldiers storming the beaches of Japan in WWII would refuse to run to their trenches, since the japanese could split them in half, helmet and all, with a katana slice. Anime just reinforced this view.

  17. 4 years ago

    double edge>single edge
    infantery with stabbing sowrds > infantery with blowing swords
    swords with more hand protection > swords with less hand protection
    lighter swords for infantery > heavier swords for infantery
    single handed middle swords > double handed middle swords

    • 4 years ago

      also, about infantery formations:

      >When there aren't fire weapons and heavy cavalry:
      Maniple > macedonian phalanx > hoplitic formation > mercenary or varied army

      >When there are heavy cavalry but not fire arms:
      Swiss/Landsknecht mercenaries > Man-at-arms

      >When there are heavy cavalry and fire arms but still not very efficient and not very precise artillery on battlefields:
      Tercio > Swiss/Landsknecht mercenaries > Man-at-arms

      >When there are heavy cavalry and precise artillery but rifles are still of frontal reload and these have smoothbore:
      >Napoleonic army>Frederick the Great prussian army>Swedo-dutch reformed army after tercio>Tercio


  18. 4 years ago
  19. 4 years ago

    No. This is. Honorable mention for The Bible, tho

  20. 4 years ago


  21. 4 years ago

    Wat u say Mudafukka?

  22. 4 years ago

    No when used as a sword.
    Yes when used as a dildo.
    Don't, not like I care tho.

  23. 4 years ago

    No, this is.

  24. 4 years ago


    • 4 years ago

      truly the spawn-camping sniper of real life

  25. 4 years ago

    Not even close

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