Is time the fourth dimension or is there any other dimension between the 3 spacial dimentions and time?

Is time the fourth dimension or is there any other dimension between the 3 spacial dimentions and time?

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  1. 2 years ago

    If the universe was 2-dimensional, would time in that universe be the third dimension?

    • 2 years ago

      Eeeerrr... Yes, i think.

  2. 2 years ago

    What do you think a dimension is if you were to define it?

    • 2 years ago

      One of the parameters to calibrate where something is in the universe.
      Given (x, y, z, t) where the firdt three are the classical 3 dimensions and t is time. I'm not sure if i can explain it.

      • 2 years ago

        Space travels along the axis of time.

    • 2 years ago

      The 0 dimension is a point, with no given direction add two points and connect them you have a line segment 1 dimensional, you cant jump or drop down if you were to plot a point on the line but you can move it from left to right, you wanna add altitude to your motion make it square inches add make a square with 4 lines 4 sides, and fill in some dots inside the square you have movement on the 2 dimensional plane of existence, 3 dimensional you add [X,Y, and Zeta] and now you can move like a liquid or a piece of paper falling inside cup volume is added to the explanation sometimes for 3D. aswell 4d is Space-time but idk I need to read alot about that as its sus and gets good.
      Correct me if anything I said is wrong and give your explanations of dimensions

  3. 2 years ago

    I guess a 2D universe's analogue to a block-universe, would be a single point in time of very strange 3D universe?

  4. 2 years ago

    Consider a cube shape jail, with 100 jail cells with a prisoner in each, they are locked in and cannot get out.

    Is this cube, 100 dimensions?

    • 2 years ago

      >Consider a cube shape jail, with 100 jail cells with a prisoner in each, they are locked in and cannot get out.
      >Is this cube, 100 dimensions?

    • 2 years ago

      It would be if this cube occupied the exact same volume (it doesn't need specification, but for clarity: the exact same volume no funny games, as regarded from 3D space as well) as one singular cell.

    • 2 years ago

      3D cube fits 100 cells that dont overlap
      4D cube fits 100 cells on the same XYZ coordinate, at different points in time
      5D cube fits 100 cells on the same XYZ coordinates, at every point in time, at a different causality.

  5. 2 years ago

    Time isn't literally the fourth spatial dimension. Time is one dimensional and will co-exist with any dimension of space.

    3 + 1 = 4

  6. 2 years ago

    There are 11 dimensiona in our universe.

    • 2 years ago

      You superstring clowns are worse than theologists arguing about the sex of the angels.
      Proofs fricking where.

  7. 2 years ago

    is there even any point in dimensional study

  8. 2 years ago

    >is there any other dimension between the 3 spacial dimentions and time?
    Yes, "fractional dimensions".
    Most people fail to understand them.

  9. 2 years ago

    Which dimension is time isn't even well defined globally.
    It depends on in which direction the gravitational well is the steepest. That direction is "the future". It's like gradient descent.
    That would suggest time and space are interchangeable and not substantially different.

  10. 2 years ago

    It's 4 spatial dimensions + time

    • 2 years ago

      No, it's 5 dimensions.. length, width, height, hypotenuse, and field expansion..

      there is no time, only distance.

  11. 2 years ago

    Hypotenuse is the fourth dimension.. Galileo called it ascension.. but that's what he meant..

  12. 2 years ago

  13. 2 years ago

    no. just 45 degree angles all the way down

  14. 2 years ago

    time is the zeroeth dimension as even one instant in time is the basis for anything else to exist

    • 2 years ago

      That has zero sense

  15. 2 years ago

    >this isn't even what a hypercube would look like
    >this is what its "shadow" would look like projected onto a 3D surface
    man was not meant to understand 4 dimensions.

    • 2 years ago

      Ironically it's a 2D shadow of the 3D shadow.

    • 2 years ago

      what I’ve always wanted to make (but lack the necessary skills) was an infinitely tiled version of pic related. I feel like this is one of the things that makes 4D harder for ppl to understand, because they see the hypercube and think
      >oh it’s a 4 dimensional object
      but if you’re trying to conceptualize the time dimension I think you have to lose some fidelity with regard to depicting spatial dimensions. 4D and other higher dimensional manifolds are shown to “clip” into and out of themselves, so I feel like a more accurate visual approximation of the fourth dimension would be a kind of infinitely tiled hypercube in constant motion, with every hypercube moving into and out of itself into adjacent hypercubes. I tried drawing a non-animated version of it a while ago and it was insanely tedious trying to focus on the hypercube for all the overlapping and repeating polygons that appear when you tile a hypercube

      • 2 years ago

        >infinitely tiled hypercube in constant motion
        There is constant motion but it's not infinitely cycling through its shapes. The infinite motion is the progression of time and "shapeshifting" is an "illusion"; Your immediate reality is the projection of the fourth spatial dimension and this projection will shift about/around with accelerations.

        • 2 years ago

          right, that’s exactly what I want to “prove” by making it tiled. you can even sort of see in the image I posted that if you tiled it infinitely it wouldn’t look like anything was “moving” in a coordinate sense, it would be an undulating lattice. in the image I posted it looks like the “inside” cube is both moving out the right and moving into the left of the “outside” cube, but if it was tiled I feel like general relativity would suddenly become more intuitive for a lot more people because “motion” (i.e. moving from some coordinate x,y,z to coordinate x1,y1,z1) doesn’t really happen in 4D, it’s just undulations that move *space* around objects

  16. 2 years ago

    If we cannot move through time of our own volition, are we 3d or 4d entities? What would the 5th dimension be to someone who could move through time at will?

  17. 2 years ago

    I like to suppose of an alien world in which the time dimension is mapped to one of our 3D spatial dimensions instead, and one of our 3D spatial dimensions is the alien's time, then try to imagine what this world would look like if we could see a cross section of it, and what the ramifications would be if we could say reach into this cross section and smash something.

    At any given instance of our time, we see a 2D cross section of their 3D world, stretched out along our third dimension showing the entire past and future of that plane. However, as our time ticks forward, this cross section view scrolls forward along their 3rd spatial dimension, giving us a view of the past/future of a different location in their world. If we were able to interact with this world, this "scrolling" would need to be very fast in order to avoid causality violations - quick enough such that the effects of anything we did could not propagate "back" in our time to a future location we've already observed. Imagine we see the cross section worldlines of people walking down a street, and as our view scrolls along the street we reach into their world and explode a bomb - now everyone is ducking for cover, including the people who are space-like separated from the location of the explosion going backwards in our time dimension - but we've already seen the future worldlines of those people walking nonchalantly down the road a few seconds ago, which would be a causality problem. I feel like there's maybe some intuition to be gained from this about how "fast" we must be traveling through time in comparison to space.

    • 2 years ago

      That was a lot if based text to describing watching Mongolian throatsinging in mpv and skipping forwards/backwards to get a better look at a throatsinging girl's panties.

  18. 2 years ago

    Space is a spatial dimension.
    Time is a temporal dimension

    We experience time as 1 dimension. A single point, the present, with the past and future extending out in each direction.
    What if there were 2 dimensional time? Where there's a single point, the present, with the past and future extending in each direction, but also alternate pasts and alternate futures that traverse the Y axis?
    If such a thing did exist, would we know? Could we even know? Could we even test for such a thing?

    The way we perceive things suggests it's 1 dimensional because we remember 1 history/past, experience a single future, but that is technically not true. For example, take 2 jars of different colored sand. Pour them into 1 large container, then mix them vigorously. Now take your "entropy reversal" ray gun and reverse the process, separating the 2 colored sands into their original respective jars. Even with this unobtainable entropy reversal technology and successfully putting the 2 sands back in their old jars, the grains of sand can't be put back in exactly the same position and orientation as they originally were. That information is lost, and also there were an infinite number or orientations/positions for them to be in. As such, there were an infinite number of alternate versions of the original experiment of mixing 2 colored sands that would have arrived at the same conclusion. Alternate realities/timelines go both ways, in the past and future, and multiple timelines can cross over each other intersect at our present time in ways that are imperceptible to us.

  19. 2 years ago

    Time is not a dimension, it is an emergent property of collapsing probabilities.

  20. 2 years ago

    Wen u get buttfricked by abstractions

  21. 2 years ago

    What does space "curve" into, if not a higher dimension?

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