Judaism or Zoroastrianism?

Judaism or Zoroastrianism?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Zoroastrianism is much better because the dynamic of the Twin Mainyus can become enchanting and complex much like Empdocles' Love/Attraction vs. Strife/Repulsion of the four classical elements.
    Judaism and Abrahamism felt anti-life since its inception.

  2. 2 years ago

    Zoroastrianism so I can frick my mom

  3. 2 years ago

    I think it's pretty clear to say Zoroastrianism provided a template on which all Monotheistic religions based their traditions on.

    • 2 years ago

      Nope. There was influence, but it didn't serve as a template. Too many differences.

      • 2 years ago

        >Good versus Evil dichotomy
        >Apocalypse with final judgement
        >One God above all others
        >Angel's and Demons
        Etc. Etc.

        • 2 years ago

          >>Good versus Evil dichotomy
          There is no true good versus evil in Abrahamism. Command theory is fundamentally different from aspects of cosmological dualism.
          >Apocalypse with final judgement
          It's not central to the metaphysics of Zoroastrianism. You can remove this eschatology from Zoroastrianism, and it wouldn't impact it as much as Abrahamism. It is more central in Abrahamism.
          >>One God above all others
          Zoroastrianism was a monolatry, not a monotheism. There are gods stronger than Ohrmazd like Vayu-Vata.
          's and Demons
          The yazatas and daevas seem more connected to the natural world, having a kind of green aspect to them, whereas in Abrahamism it feels Lovecraftian and anti-life, almost like Bloodborne.

          • 2 years ago

            The apocalypse in Zoroastrian tradition literally starts with the melting of metals in the hills and a river of molten lava in which all people must pass and be judged. Revelations is pretty much a copy paste.

      • 2 years ago

        Bullshit. Abrahamism didn't even exist until the Babylonian captivity. That's like saying pre-Talmudic Judaism had no influence on Christianity or Islam,or white Islam (Mormons). It's all just a copypasta of sorts with varying creative liberties to secure different cultural-genetic strategies.

        • 2 years ago

          I said there was influence, but it didn't serve a template. There were serious metaphysical differences, which I briefly pointed to.

          The apocalypse in Zoroastrian tradition literally starts with the melting of metals in the hills and a river of molten lava in which all people must pass and be judged. Revelations is pretty much a copy paste.

          But there isn't a complex series of Messianic prophecies that have to be fulfilled. It's not that central or worldly in the manner Jacob vs Esau is.
          A lot of modern global conflict is fake and about building the Third Temple for example; building the Third Temple is immensely important in Abrahamism.

          • 2 years ago

            Cope. It's pretty clear Abrahamic faiths was more of a branch off an older tradition than an inherently revolutionary and new worldview.

          • 2 years ago

            Mesopotamians and Assyrians had more influence on development of Abrahamism. I see more commonalities with notions of Anshar and Ashur in Abrahamism.
            Zoroastrianism probably had more influence on Mahayana in the Kushan empire than it ever did on Abrahamism.

            Metaphysical schmetiphysical it was copypasta even if the early rabbinist were mixing in Euro philosophy and psychedelics. Look at the laws in Leviticus -- this was a matter of genetic strategy to isolate from Canaanite-descended pagans and any metaphysical interpretations went through a long approval process before they were added to important text. Early Christians followed suit albeit in a more autistic way.
            >the temple
            Literally and unironically built by Greeks.

            I don't give a shit about your Abrahamic gibberish mixed with contradictory identity politics crap.

          • 2 years ago

            I don't have any idpol involved it's what happened. Simple as

          • 2 years ago

            European Christians of 19th century (e.g., Rev. John Wilson and Martin Haug) kind of ruined Zoroastrian studies by studying it through a Christianized lens, even with Re. John Wilson trying to convert many Parsee through disparaging language. They either understate or overstate Zoroastrian influence on Abrahamism, which is completely alien to its emergence and mythological fabric. Newer and more impartial research is starting to show Zoroastrians had more interactions and religious syncretism with Buddhists and Hindus, especially in the Kushan empire, which makes sense given they're Indo-Iranian traditions that have origin in Central Asia.
            Zoroastrianism was a monolatry with elements of both dualism and monism.

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah, but the whole idea of a unique separate israeli/Semitic tradition is just false.

          • 2 years ago

            Metaphysical schmetiphysical it was copypasta even if the early rabbinist were mixing in Euro philosophy and psychedelics. Look at the laws in Leviticus -- this was a matter of genetic strategy to isolate from Canaanite-descended pagans and any metaphysical interpretations went through a long approval process before they were added to important text. Early Christians followed suit albeit in a more autistic way.
            >the temple
            Literally and unironically built by Greeks.

  4. 2 years ago

    I hate israelites so I follow Zoroaster.

  5. 2 years ago

    schizo Black person nuke israel

  6. 2 years ago

    The degree to which Zoroastrianism was a monotheistic religion during the pre-Islamic period is highly overstated.

  7. 2 years ago

    >Hebrew is the sacred language of God
    >The Hebrew word for religion is borrowed from Persian

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