>life is meaningless

>life is meaningless
What does this even mean, exactly? Do the people who say this think it’s possible for life to have meaning under certain conditions? Or do they think life and meaning are mutually exclusive? Is meaning a spectrum? I could surely imagine that life could be more “meaningless.” What is meaning anyway?

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  1. 2 years ago

    >What is meaning anyway?
    In this example, a set of principles that one should follow to live the ideal life. Life being meaningless means that those principles don't actually exist, and it's up to you to decide what your best life is. If you're happy and satisfied, you're living your ideal life.

    • 2 years ago

      Sounds like autism to me. You don't need any principles to make life make sense, just don't be depressed, lmao.

    • 2 years ago

      But there are obvious rules that generally make life a lot more pleasant. If you sit in your bed all day watching porn then you will be miserable. You literally are not designed to live like this.

      • 2 years ago

        It’s so funny seeing a normal and reasonable person try to talk sense into IQfy

    • 2 years ago

      I like to think that life inherently has meaning, but you have to tap into it yourself. Life isn't a spectator sport.

    • 2 years ago

      >If you're happy and satisfied, you're living your ideal life.
      What about all the rapists, serial killers, drug addicts, animal torturers, child molesters, thieves, gangbangers, etc.? Should they be encouraged to "live their ideal lives" when their ideal lives involve them hurting other individuals and society at large?

      • 2 years ago

        >Should they be encouraged to "live their ideal lives" when their ideal lives involve them hurting other individuals and society at large
        No we shouldn’t let serial killers just kill people. I had to think about that one for a while it was a really hard question

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Oh look another moron. Go cut your dick off and call yourself happy.

  2. 2 years ago

    >What does this even mean, exactly?
    It means that life has no purpose or direction, shit just happens
    Do the people who say this think it’s possible for life to have meaning under certain conditions?
    Yes, meaning can be found during an epiphany or revealed by a sage or divine intervention
    >Or do they think life and meaning are mutually exclusive?
    No, they just mean that they haven't found meaning yet
    >Is meaning a spectrum?
    No, it either exists or it doesn't.
    >What is meaning anyway?
    We don't know

    • 2 years ago

      >It means that life has no purpose or direction, shit just happens
      What do you mean by purpose? I have a goal of marrying and having children. A specific girl too. So I want to make money etc. to achieve this. How is this not purpose?

      • 2 years ago

        What will happen once you achieve these things? What is there beyond them? And why do them? If we pull back, everything we do is a chain of "because" untill we hit why. Everything happens, cause and effect of something else, and then there's nothing. Things caused because of nothing, they chase around to do nothing, and achieve nothing. It's not hard to say, but hard to express. We live as we're destined to live, for no other reason than the atoms of our body being arranged in a way that pushes us to live

        • 2 years ago

          There is no end to achievement. After I have children I will stay work to set an example and have funds ready in case disaster happens. Society could go to shit for all we know. I want to be healthy and able to take care of my grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and ensure the success of my family until I die. Why do this? Because it’s my nature to do so, and I can’t think of anything else more fulfilling, more urgent, more appealing.
          > We live as we're destined to live
          Exactly. So asking “why?” makes no sense. It is a trap created by your own mind. It’s like asking why anything exists. It’s not that there is an answer, and we don’t know it, but that there isn’t even a question. The problem simply does not exist.

          • 2 years ago

            >Society could go to shit for all we know.
            It will, climate change will frick things up immensely but most people are still willfully ignoring it.

  3. 2 years ago

    people who dont understand that reality not being a disney film doesnt mean reality is hollow

  4. 2 years ago

    no one knows? Thought so. Humans are fricking moronic

  5. 2 years ago

    the word 'meaning' is itself meaningless when used in that context, ironically

  6. 2 years ago

    This is a cope by dumb-ish religious people who attribute anything good to their idea of god. So, if you say:
    >I don't believe in your god
    in reality, what they hear is
    >He doesn't believe he can be happy, because MY god is not there and he's what makes ME happy
    because they either refuse or can't think of a scenario where their god is not in the picture.

    Meaning is obviously what each individual person considers of value, important, worthy, etc. To say life is meaningless, is to say life lacks intrinsic value for every single human, not that life is worthless to have.
    Things like children, a nice job, sense of community, a great meal, are considered valuable to everyone, because those produce direct or indirect pleasure, except for depressed people or sociopaths. So, normal people consider those almost synonymous with meaning in life.
    In the same way, people that went to jail, suffered in childhood, suffer from disease, consider different things valuable, like taking their pets to a walk, a warm meal, or recovering their physical form. This implies meaning is subjective, attributed, and context dependent, like a spectrum.

    • 2 years ago

      I agree it’s just cope. Maybe there’s truth in saying it’s not objectively meaningful, though it’s like saying there’s no objective morality. Even if murder isn’t “objectively” wrong, it’s still a bad idea in almost all cases

  7. 2 years ago

    The people who say this are depressed.
    Meaning is the emotional mind state that what you’re currently doing is worth the effort. When people give up on doing something they even say “what’s the point”

    A meaningful life is a good life where each day your actions bring you positive emotion or at least the lack of feeling that you should give up and that there is no purpose to it.

  8. 2 years ago

    >What is meaning anyway?
    Means to cope with inferiority complex.

  9. 2 years ago

    The logical end of atheism is nihilism, and atheism is the state-funded religion forced on kids in tax funded public schools.

    • 2 years ago

      I think the funniest thing about your schizophrenic posting is your horrible English.
      Atheism isn’t a religion
      state funded x in tax funded public schools is redundant three times. You could have just said public schools. Tax funded is already given.

      You won’t fix it though, because you’re severely mentally Ill.

      • 2 years ago

        Spotted the projecting israelite

    • 2 years ago

      I’m an atheist, still want to find a hot submissive girl and make lots of god-babies. My life is not meaningless

    • 2 years ago

      >The logical end of atheism is nihilism
      Yeah meaning is not emanating from the sky and rocks, it’s a complex emotion in our minds and lives that is triggered when we do things like achieve goals, have important life events (weddings, births) spend time with people we love, and make or enjoy art. I get meaning from beautiful landscapes.
      Do you not have any meaning outside of church or thinking about Jesus? I’m sorry man.

      • 2 years ago

        no you don’t get it. He uses IQfy and jerk offs because this glorifies God

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