Books to understand this art?

115 posts · 4 months ago

He wrote himself into a corner.

127 posts · 4 months ago

>>62% of jobs are white collar

85 posts · 4 months ago

Write What's On Your Mind ?

325 posts · 4 months ago

How do you even respond to this?

43 posts · 4 months ago

Books that BTFO Calvinism?

21 posts · 4 months ago


39 posts · 4 months ago

Which one should I read first?

46 posts · 4 months ago

The Flea by John Donne

26 posts · 4 months ago

>30K ratings on Amazon

69 posts · 4 months ago

Eastern literature

25 posts · 4 months ago

What book's best

31 posts · 4 months ago

>just be a slave to government bro

35 posts · 4 months ago