lmao why did she BTFO him this bigly bros

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  1. 5 months ago

    Because she was a literal prostitute who would not listen to anything anybody said to her, and would never take responsibility for her son turning into the miserable man he is. Imagine who Arthur would have been if he was raised by someone who actually loved or cared about him. Everything you may say is bad about Arthur is owed to her failure to parent as well as her enduring failure to be a supportive figure throughout the entirety of his life. If she's proof of anything, it's that single mothers who sleep around and do drugs should be euthanized by the state and their kids should be adopted by good and god-fearing people.

  2. 5 months ago

    That's the most delicious poetic justice of all - literally nobody remembers Johanna as anything other than Arthur Schopenhauer's mother whereas during their life the opposite was the case. Nobody has read her travel books for more than 200 years and they don't matter while her son will always be read and admired as one of the finest minds whose feet ever graced this planet. Frick women, frick Black folk and frick israelites

    • 5 months ago

      How is this some sort of gotcha
      She wasn't talking about the worth of his works or how much better she was than him, she was talking about his character and how insufferable it was to be around him.
      Deflecting to his intellectual achievements only further shows a lack of social grace, which is the underlying conflict between the two.
      This isn't to say she was a good parent, but she was absolutely right. Everything she said there was a fact. Schopenhaur drove the people around him away

      • 5 months ago

        >be a c**t of a parent
        >grrr why are you so resentful and pushing us away
        Foids are fricking moronic especially delusional mommies

        • 5 months ago

          Whether you want to blame her for it or not is irrelevant, as is her own c**thood. What she said was true, much of what we know about Schopenhaur leads us to believe he was an absolute c**t of a person himself.
          You can see this and find tragedy in how he was raised, or you can use this to find fault in some of his ideas. But as a man, he was irrefutably a miserable, bitter c**t

      • 5 months ago

        this is a big comeback and anyone who is not dimwitted would see it clearly by that document alone. who would call her son insignificant? it is obvious she considered him a rival. further proven by her having a tantrum when goethe praised schopenhauer instead of her.

        she was not a nobody, she was a writer. and her only merit in this world is now reduced to being the incubator of the great schopenhauer.

    • 5 months ago

      >literally nobody remembers Johanna as anything other than Arthur Schopenhauer's mother
      The biography of him by Will Durant says that he said this to her verbatim in their final parting words before he left home. (After she threw him down the stairs). Big if true.

      • 5 months ago

        Lmao gay boy got thrown by an aging waman

        • 5 months ago

          he later on threw an aging woman down some stairs, if you are into that sort of thing. he was forced to pay an allowance to her for some time. when she died he noted "obit anus abit onus", meaning "old woman has died, the burden has departed."

          but sure, if he is portrayed sensitive and frail in scene it is a negative, then if he is cruel in another that's also a flaw. all that remains is meaningless babble that surround him and his work that shines through.

          • 5 months ago

            its true you really lose no matter what you do when a woman is in your face screaming that youre a shitter in life

    • 5 months ago

      only basedcucks care about Schopenhauer, I think his mother BTFO him. If you value a person by how popular he is then fricking LMAO have a nice day, moron

  3. 5 months ago

    more evidence that behind every pessimist is a shitty parent. it's sad honestly.

  4. 5 months ago

    >totally concedes any argument
    >but... ick tho
    Schlopperbros... did we just lose?

  5. 5 months ago

    homies on IQfy always take Arthur's side when this gets posted because they're the same shut-in, smart-ass, know-it-alls that he was and feel as personally attacked by Johanna's words as he did. She is obviously objectively correct about her judgments of her son's character, and his personal life, especially his relationships (or lack thereof) with the opposite sex aside from his mother, reflect it. Schopenhauer may have been one of the GOATs but the guy sounds like he would have been insufferable to deal with for extensive lengths of time if you weren't already a giant fan of his work and revered the guy.

    And I get the same impression from Socrates. Dude was just buggering randoms in the market about philosophical questions while they were just trying to buy a little fish and salt before heading back to their REAL jobs.

    • 5 months ago

      Your post makes me believe that the phenomenon of onions is basically genetic. There's just a subset of midwits ingrained into our culture who enable moronic women to ruin things, usually at the expense of someone much smarter.

      • 5 months ago

        Onions are delicious

      • 5 months ago

        >And I get the same impression from Socrates. Dude was just buggering randoms in the market about philosophical questions while they were just trying to buy a little fish and salt before heading back to their REAL jobs.
        jesus christ a fricking idiot, you have no clue what you are talking about

        No it’s because he actually contributed majorly to the canon and was of genius, that’s what matters at the end of the day. You’re seething because like his mother, you and all you enjoy is just a fashion, cope and seethe.

        Where is it written that geniuses have to be amicable with sunshine personalities? The smartest people are usually extremely arrogant and irritable. It is your fault as a moronic normie for expecting otherwise, once you get on their level, they usually relax and become more mellow.

        >but the guy sounds like he would have been insufferable to deal with for extensive lengths of time if you weren't already a giant fan of his work and revered the guy.

        like the sam hyde fella?

        Lmao. Looks like he struck a couple nervs.

        • 5 months ago

          he made so many mistakes in a single paragraph that it took many people to completely fill the holes. and no, I am not any of those people that answered him.

        • 5 months ago

          >have explosive diarrhea on the floor
          >cleaning team is called in and people spectate the atrocious mess
          >"heh looks like i TRIGGERED a whole lot of em"

          • 5 months ago

            yup, go ahead and clean it up janny (female(male))

    • 5 months ago

      >And I get the same impression from Socrates. Dude was just buggering randoms in the market about philosophical questions while they were just trying to buy a little fish and salt before heading back to their REAL jobs.
      jesus christ a fricking idiot, you have no clue what you are talking about

    • 5 months ago

      No it’s because he actually contributed majorly to the canon and was of genius, that’s what matters at the end of the day. You’re seething because like his mother, you and all you enjoy is just a fashion, cope and seethe.

    • 5 months ago

      Where is it written that geniuses have to be amicable with sunshine personalities? The smartest people are usually extremely arrogant and irritable. It is your fault as a moronic normie for expecting otherwise, once you get on their level, they usually relax and become more mellow.

      • 5 months ago

        To women and womenly men, all pursuits, including philosophy, boil down to looking good, appearances, not even any principled aestheticism, just the first parts of the divided line. If you think about it, it's really just a form of might makes right.

        Lmao gay boy got thrown by an aging waman

        Anybody can get pushed down stairs by an abusive person when they're not looking. Secondly, believe it or not, the details of his personal life are utterly irrelevant to me. I'm not even a Schopenhauerian, but these threads are such a regular cancer on this board and quite literally
        >not an argument

        • 5 months ago

          >hese threads are such a regular cancer on this board

          It's just lit's version of gossip, which I am not against

    • 5 months ago

      >but the guy sounds like he would have been insufferable to deal with for extensive lengths of time if you weren't already a giant fan of his work and revered the guy.

      like the sam hyde fella?

    • 5 months ago

      they hated him because he spoke the truth

    • 5 months ago

      >homies on IQfy always take Arthur's side when this gets posted because they're the same shut-in, smart-ass, know-it-alls that he was and feel as personally attacked by Johanna's words as he did.

      Hit the nail on the head. Anyone who isn’t personally offended by her words would be able to easily understand that one can achieve greatness and also be a huge gay to be around. That’s it. That’s the end of the story.

      • 5 months ago

        your mom really shouldnt be saying that to you though

    • 5 months ago

      While it is bait, I'll admit it's true that people here take Arthur's side because they relate more to him.
      It's not true that his mother's assesment of him was correct, however. That's because she's clearly bitter and hates him for reasons unrelated to what she mentioned in the letter. The insults she hurls feel like an ad-hoc rationalization of what she feels, mostly construed to try to maximize the chances her son would be hurt by her words by attacking what she perceived to be the qualities he prized the most in himself.
      He may or may not have been a massive ass, but the reason why people won't take her side even without projecting themselves onto Arthur is because of their relationship making her comments biased at best, and they read like someone grasping at straws in order to insult someone at worst.
      His works being notorious is relevant because it makes it more credible that she was just jealous.

      • 5 months ago

        Shit, I meant post-hoc. I should really double-check latin expressions before using them.

      • 5 months ago
        I ignore women


  6. 5 months ago

    My mom when I forget to take the chicken out of the freezer.

  7. 5 months ago

    She didn’t

  8. 5 months ago

    She resented that she fricked him up and that he wasn't anything doing to fix her framing of it. Sucks to suck.

  9. 5 months ago

    Its funny how almost all serious philosophers just don't like women. It isn't even because of their personalities as opposed to just having an intellectual conviction about avoiding them as distractions. Kant and Leibniz and even Hume were relatively good natured and even they would agree with schop about women.

    • 5 months ago

      it unfortunately seems to be the case that Weininger was right.

    • 5 months ago

      Women are great when you’re not too aware and just fricking around. But once you realize love for what it is and women for what they are, as well as man, it just becomes an annoyance. Love is for the youth if you ask me.

  10. 5 months ago

    It is impossible to side with the mother, because it is impossible to have respect for a mother who hates her son so much.
    Whatever truth is found in her "arguments" (insults) is negated by the fact that she was responsible for his upbringing, and thus at least to some extent his character, and it is a known fact that there is no love in the world like a mother's love - to hurl such spiteful words as a mother to a son, no matter the acrimony is completely unnecessary and shameful. It is plainly bizzare. To try and hit your children with some sort of "gotcha" assessment of character achieves nothing outside of venting, and anyone who vents their sore feelings on their children has officially failed as a parent.
    Even Ted Bundy's mother weeped for her boy. This letter says much more about the character of the author, rather than the subject.

  11. 5 months ago

    >gee I wonder why this guy hated women
    my mom is also a screeching harpy and I also hate women, curious

    • 5 months ago

      The biggest women hater I met, has a mom who's a literal psychopath, something something Freud Was Right (I never read Freud)

  12. 5 months ago

    >Goethe shows up for dinner at the Schopenhauer residence
    >Chats with Johanna for a couple of hours. A lovely, lively discussion
    >Teenage Arthur saunters into the room and makes a few quips
    >Goethe turns and speaks to Arthur
    >They go on and on and on and on while Johanna quietly seethes in the corner
    >"There have never been two geniuses in a family." Johanna tells Goethe sharply.
    >"That is true." Goethe replied. "And it appears that young Arthur here is the Genius."
    >Johanna proceeds to spend the rest of her life attempting to belittle her son into an egoless insignificant nothing
    >Goethe laughs his ass all the way home as his one quip burns down the Schopenhauer family

    What an utterly based little man.

    • 5 months ago
      I ignore women

      >"There have never been two geniuses in a family."
      dumb b***h doesn’t even know about the Bernoulli family

  13. 5 months ago

    /// There's a reason the pang of loneliness hurts so much /// Incomprehensibly twisting lanes of swarming tenements stood cheek by jowl beside the villas of the rich /// Financial institutions are still reeling from the blow /// I was nervous, but seeing her allayed my fears /// Their family business is a rinky-dink operation /// I don't understand this form - it's all couched in legal terminology /// These countries are on the brink of cataclysmic famine /// The government has turned a minor local problem into a full-blown regional conflagration /// There's a famous statue by Rodin, which shows the soul of a young woman striving to break free of the flesh of an old crone /// He gathered up the twigs and cast them into the fire /// Educational reform was one of the main planks of their election campaign /// He looked unusually chipper this morning /// All the rest is not evidence, it is just scurrilous gossip and rumour /// Trying to read between the lines of CEO departure statements is a longstanding parlor game for investors, journalists and academics who study succession /// Our fashion editor gives you the lowdown on winter coats for this season /// Sarah was squalling in her crib /// The stilted conversation turned to whether horse-drawn carriages were superior to riding on camel, horse or elephant /// He started issuing peremptory instructions /// Cut it out, you two – I'm tired of listening to you argue! /// The lift is driven by hydraulics /// Bubbeleh, you've got to stop stressing about what other people think /// Whether they had been successful or not was a moot point /// She tried to hit me up for a loan till payday, but I didn’t have any money to give her /// The president's trip had all the trappings of a state visit /// It's free, unfettered window access and someone's already pulled up the blinds /// The four men were killed after a summary trial /// The bus drew up in the village square and disgorged its passengers ///

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