Mandatory spyware in all new US cars from 2026

Oh no no no burger bros did we get too wienery at the europoor commies? We will unironically have mandatory spyware in all cars from 2026 onwards.
>Tfw this was part of the transportation and infrastructure bill

Section 24220

CRIME Shirt $21.68

Unattended Children Pitbull Club Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    "CortanaCar cannot verify your sobriety, your vehicle will not be able to start until your local glow station authorizes movement"

    • 2 years ago

      Forgot to add pic rel TOPKEK

  2. 2 years ago

    Old news
    You will own nothing, you will be happy.

    • 2 years ago

      The amount of people that perpetually lease or finance cars is staggering. People already 'own nothing'. People act like a 'car payment' is something they just have for life.

      • 2 years ago

        Not to mention they're using Spotify, Netflix and various other SaaS and GaaS. Bank owns their house etc. You're absolutely right, lol. npcs don't bat an eye of course, they think this is awesome.

  3. 2 years ago

    post the rest of it. i'm not downloading this entire fricking pdf just for this section. screencaps.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm a bit offended by your tone if I'm being honest. But you don't need to download it you can view it on the site without downloading.

      • 2 years ago

        nice one, karen.

  4. 2 years ago

    >Oi, ye got a loicense for that automobile?

  5. 2 years ago

    by this logic all cameras are spyware, this is not sending pictures of you to the cloud at all times, just makes sure you have your eyes on the road when driving.

    • 2 years ago

      >this is not sending pictures of you to the cloud at all times
      you sure?

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        solid argument you have there

        • 2 years ago

          Cameras are spyware

    • 2 years ago

      CCTV is spyware.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah totally bro, it's just going to be used on drunk drivers only. Feds don't have any incentive to use it for anything else.

  6. 2 years ago

    impossible to drive a car sober in todays traffic

  7. 2 years ago

    i will literally stop using a car. frick this shit. frick glowies. frick gayman. frick israelitemerica

    • 2 years ago

      uh, yeah, they think that's even better. like, that's their goal. to spite them, you're giving them what they want.

      • 2 years ago

        I dont think so. The government makes a metric frick ton of money from cars
        >taxes from sales, insurance, gas, parts, etc
        What they spend on roadway maintenance is pitiful and borderline illegal with how neglectful it is. Public transportation does not generate even close to as much money.

  8. 2 years ago

    Me chuckleing from my 90s Suzuki.

  9. 2 years ago

    there is nothing about sending or reporting this data or the impairment anywhere. how is this spyware? next you'll say grounding in your plugs is spyware because it also prevents killing yourself? that isn't what spyware is

    • 2 years ago

      You're right this is some kind of DRM.

    • 2 years ago

      There was also nothing in the terms of service of Microsoft, Google, Apple etc about sending your data to the NSA. Therefore they would never do that, right?
      Its amazing how glowies get mad at the mere idea of people wanting privacy and control of their lifes.
      It's malware. I guarantee it will have backdoors too. I don't want to cede control of my vehicle to some cia spook or some piece of pajeet code, simple as.
      >captcha: PPP8D

  10. 2 years ago

    Doesn't matter because soon no one will buy modern cars anyway.
    Electric cars industry is going to implode once they realize they literally can't ignore the battery issue ( charge rate, costs 3/4 the value of the vehicle, can literally catch fire, no support after a few years, also not enough lithium in the fricking world to replace all ICE cars )
    ICE is life. Maintenance is easy as shit, your Tesla broke in the middle of the road? Good luck with that, gonna need to take it to a fricking Tesla mechanic and wait weeks for a replacement.

    • 2 years ago

      >( charge rate, costs 3/4 the value of the vehicle, can literally catch fire, no support after a few years, also not enough lithium in the fricking world to replace all ICE cars )
      You forgot to mention that our infrastructure isn't ready for a nationwide fleet of electric cars. I like the idea of EVS but they aren't practical and they are currently just a mean at the end of the day. They only exist to get money out of rich and or gullible tech enthusiasts. The government shows no signs of actually wanting to improve or infrastructure significantly so they will never ever take off. I don't know why EV companies don't want to point that out or maybe b***hing moan to the government about it since they're willing to do that when they need a bailout.

  11. 2 years ago

    The absolute state of this thread. I WILL drive 90mph through the intersection while switching lanes, and there isn't a single fricking thing that you or anyone else can do to stop me. Frick you.

  12. 2 years ago

    old cars are going to be worth a fortune in a decade or two

    • 2 years ago

      People said the same thing about bitcoin Shiba inu, government bonds and treasury traps too. It's all misinformed globohomosexual shilling

      • 2 years ago

        I earned two grand from my dogecoins I bought for fun. I wouldn't have earned the same from investing without a time machine.

    • 2 years ago

      except they're increasingly being taxed and soon they will be illegal
      to save the planet you see, it's for a good cause
      now get in debt to be able to drive goy

  13. 2 years ago

    That's cool but I'm still driving my 2001 Toyota corolla and using Windows 7.

  14. 2 years ago

    Based I'll keep my 30yo wizard shitboxes thanks

  15. 2 years ago

    >my car was manufactured 15 years ago
    >my truck was manufactured 20 years ago
    >I have no intention of replacing either of them ever

  16. 2 years ago

    As long as it doesn't set itself off prematurely I don't give a shit.

    It probably monitors how you handle the vehicle in comparison to road conditions and traffic. And even if it has mics and shit I still don't care in this particular instance.

  17. 2 years ago

    Their performance monitoring is just checking if you're driving like a moron, you can see it if you rent a new car. Like if you swerve too quickly or aren't keeping in a lane it will pop up a gay little nagging message asking if you're ok to drive. This is sexist

  18. 2 years ago

    This you should buy old cars

    • 2 years ago

      There are still old cars on the market, but after the Obama Administration implemented Cash for Clunkers, the used car market hasn't quite been the same. The government used our tax dollars to buy used cars off people, bring them to the desert, and fill the fuel tanks with concrete. I couldn't make up a joke like this even if I tried.

  19. 2 years ago

    i fricking hate car dependence

  20. 2 years ago

    >a bunch of spastic autistics who are specifically barred from driving due to their mental issues
    >whining about cars like it affects them in any way
    Just keep bugging your mother to drive you around like you always have.

    • 2 years ago

      what the frick are you rambling about schizo

  21. 2 years ago
    Leet Mastah

    I like the idea of cars not letting you drive if you're drunk.

    t. DUI offender

    • 2 years ago

      but the car would have to monitor your driving for some amount of time before it decides you are drunk and locks the steering wheel.
      as you are going 90mph down the interstate.

      • 2 years ago
        Leet Mastah

        current systems don't actually stop the car because that is dangerous but they cause it to begin honking and flashing its lights until turned off after a failed rolling retest

      • 2 years ago

        If anything it would put the car in limp mode, or just refuse to start on ignition. There are already some driver monitoring systems on the market that track your head and eye movements and if your eyes close it will sound an alarm chime and vibrate the wheel.

    • 2 years ago

      >russia invades in the evening after you've had a beer
      >car doesn't let you drive to safety
      >get run over by a tank while your wife and children are raped and cut apart as trophies

  22. 2 years ago

    Most new cars have 4G LTE modems built into them, or at least offered as a feature, which in reality means its always there and just turned on or off depending on if you pay for the privilege of using it.

  23. 2 years ago

    Just stop using cars... Oh wait you can't, your country is literally built to be navigatable only by car and hellish in person

    • 2 years ago

      We don't like living on top of each other.

      • 2 years ago

        You mean you don't like your house being within 20 minutes of a business. It'z zoning, not density. Having a home near a business halves the value of the property for an american.

        • 2 years ago

          Zoning doesn't change the fact that population density is way lower in the US than in Europe. It's pretty much always been this way.

  24. 2 years ago

    The reason it's not just a breathalyzer lock is because they're going to use this technology to catch street racers and aggressive drivers. You will NOT weave in an out of traffic. You will NOT pass over the speed limit to go 64 instead of 59 behind a truck. You will not pass the entire line of traffic before the merge sign in a construction zone. You WILL DRIVE LIKE EVERYONE ELSE AND STOP PRETENDING YOU MATTER SO MUCH YOU DESERVE TO BE FIRST IN LINE. YOU WILL STOP THREATENING TO CAUSE ACCIDENTS IF PEOPLE DON'T LET YOU THROUGH.


    • 2 years ago

      >Implying I'm not the weird one for driving slow and everyone else is normal for driving 15+ over and weaving in and out of traffic
      Guaran-fricking-tee you don't live in the Northeast, because if you were a New York, Pennslyvania, Massachusetts, Ontario, or Queerbec driver, you wouldn't be posting irony like that.

      • 2 years ago

        Dude, no. Most people drive the recommended way there too. If you and another car drive at the speed limit, you're basically never going to meet because you're at different parts of the road moving at the same speed.

        You will see the car ahead of you and the car behind you. A single butthole speeds past you, and now suddenly one third of traffic looks like it's behaving that way. Another car speeds past you, and now half of traffic looks like it's behaving that way! Meanwhile these speeding guys have passed a hundred cars just like yours, and will never meet the other guys behaving like themselves for exactly the same reason as you.

        • 2 years ago

          >Drive to work (on the highway)
          >Going the speed limit
          >Black folk careen around me going 10+ faster than me

          >Drive home from work (or any other circumstance on the highway)
          >Going about 5+ over
          >homosexuals still careening around me going 10+ faster

          >Drive literally anywhere other than the highway
          >wienersuckers up my ass
          >wienersuckers flashing their lights at me
          >wienersuckers going around while slamming their fricking gas pedals to try and tell me off without honking

          >Cut off in traffic under any circumstance
          >100% chance of a Jersey, Massachusetts, Pennslyvanian, or Canadian license plate
          >50% chance it's a Honda or Subaru badge

          You can't gaslight me, I live it every single day.

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah, but the highway is a great example of what I'm talking about.
            The rightmost lane does the speed limit, the middle one does ~10 over, the leftmost is a free for all for BMWs, motorcycles, and cops going after the other two.
            The issue is that USA has no lane discipline. In Europe, the rightmost lane is for slow traffic and the leftmost for overtaking. More lanes than that and they will fill up with slow traffic from the right. If the USA had lane discipline, ie slow vehicles stick to the right, you wouldn't notice the insane weaving behaviour.

          • 2 years ago

            The middle lane is your right lane, the left and right lanes are your left lane, except when there's an exit, whereupon it becomes a free-for-all to make sure nobody hits anyone else. Going the speed limit in the lane where everyone can be merging on and off is rude at best and suicide at worst. The middle lane is the coasting around the speed limit lane because you don't bother the people merging in and you don't bother the morons zooming in the left lane.
            Now, with two lanes, what you described sort of happens, until someone needs to merge in, at which point it becomes chaos because the BMW or motorcycle was hanging out in your blind spot and you can't get over for the fella merging in, because they were bored and it was funny.
            This is not to insinuate that it's a good idea or a positive outcome, I'm just living in reality, unlike you.

          • 2 years ago

            The middle lane is your right lane, the left and right lanes are your left lane, except when there's an exit, whereupon it becomes a free-for-all to make sure nobody hits anyone else. Going the speed limit in the lane where everyone can be merging on and off is rude at best and suicide at worst. The middle lane is the coasting around the speed limit lane because you don't bother the people merging in and you don't bother the morons zooming in the left lane.
            Now, with two lanes, what you described sort of happens, until someone needs to merge in, at which point it becomes chaos because the BMW or motorcycle was hanging out in your blind spot and you can't get over for the fella merging in, because they were bored and it was funny.
            This is not to insinuate that it's a good idea or a positive outcome, I'm just living in reality, unlike you.

            technically you're not supposed to exceed the speed limit in any lane, you know, even when merging or overtaking. Hence the term "speed limit". This is the law in every US state; you can, legally, be ticketed for even 1mph over the limit. It's just that cops generally don't bother.

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah but technically if you're going even 1mph UNDER the speed limit, you can be ticketed too. It's just harder to convince a judge that going under is worthy of gouging you for money than it is for over. Also, highways are policed mainly by state troopers that have bigger budgets and only go for 20+ whales that are worth their time, whereas on the back roads, small-town cops will gladly ticket you for 1 over if given the chance.

          • 2 years ago

            Do they have a price catalogue for going too slow?

            The middle lane is your right lane, the left and right lanes are your left lane, except when there's an exit, whereupon it becomes a free-for-all to make sure nobody hits anyone else. Going the speed limit in the lane where everyone can be merging on and off is rude at best and suicide at worst. The middle lane is the coasting around the speed limit lane because you don't bother the people merging in and you don't bother the morons zooming in the left lane.
            Now, with two lanes, what you described sort of happens, until someone needs to merge in, at which point it becomes chaos because the BMW or motorcycle was hanging out in your blind spot and you can't get over for the fella merging in, because they were bored and it was funny.
            This is not to insinuate that it's a good idea or a positive outcome, I'm just living in reality, unlike you.

            Why do you need to drive fast in the right lane?

          • 2 years ago

            >Do they have a price catalogue for going too slow?
            Could've sworn they did but I can't find it anymore. To be fair, I can't find the speeding catalog either, just "the points system" table.
            >Why do you need to drive fast in the right lane?
            Middle lane's going too slow and the zoomers in the left lane will rape your butthole if you get left.

            "obstruction traffic" (which is what they would have to write you for) is a much fuzzier thing, and on highways there's often an explicit minimum. On the interstate by my the limit is 70, but there's a signed 45mph minimum; if I'm doing 45, legally, I'm in the clear. Even when there isn't, that's a matter of discretion, whereas the limit isn't, 56 in a 55 will, legally, stick, in a way that 45 in a 55 might not, in the absence of a signed minimum.

            You could make an argument for differentiation between speedometers: one man's 45 is another's 44 or 46, but generally small-town judges just want to throw the book at you so you'll pay their salary and contribute to their third yacht fund, so they don't give a frick.

          • 2 years ago

            >Middle lane's going too slow
            Overtaking on the right is considered a mortal sin here

          • 2 years ago

            "obstruction traffic" (which is what they would have to write you for) is a much fuzzier thing, and on highways there's often an explicit minimum. On the interstate by my the limit is 70, but there's a signed 45mph minimum; if I'm doing 45, legally, I'm in the clear. Even when there isn't, that's a matter of discretion, whereas the limit isn't, 56 in a 55 will, legally, stick, in a way that 45 in a 55 might not, in the absence of a signed minimum.

          • 2 years ago

            Here in Sweden we have "obstructing the flow of traffic", which can be anything from parking at the side of the road in such a way that other traffic has to slow down to pass you safely, to driving _at the speed limit_ if everyone else around you is speeding.

            I actually think this makes more sense. The danger in traffic rarely is high speed, it's high speed around low-speed vehicles. Two cars doing 200km/h and bumping fenders is a non issue because the difference in speed will only be a few km/h, but one car doing 70 (the speed limit) on a road where everyone else is doing 90, is actually a danger.

          • 2 years ago

            Keep dreaming moron, and keep looking for a justification for speeding, you won’t find one

          • 2 years ago

            I don't need to justify speeding though. I do it because I want to. My car is a 2007 Mercedes, it's no snitch, and the cops are welcome to fine me if they feel like it.

            Speeding is just a way of life in the woods of Värmland. I pity the city scum who sit in their grid locks being outpaced by bicyclists every day.

          • 2 years ago

            >Two cars doing 200km/h and bumping fenders is a non issue because the difference in speed will only be a few km/h
            until one of them has to brake for any reason whatsoever. Or even lets off the gas for a few seconds. Then Mr. Tailgater has to slam on his brakes even harder than you did; that's how both accidents and traffic jams happen.

            In any case, why have a speed limit if its not what you're supposed to obey?

          • 2 years ago

            >why have a speed limit
            To slow down poor people and fund the police.
            Rich people just pay the fines and move on.

          • 2 years ago

            >why have a speed limit
            speed limits haven't been updated since the 60s. modern cars can operate safely at higher speeds.
            we could raise speed limits by 30kph everywhere and continue being safe. though elderly drivers should be required to retake the test regularly. my grandma is allowed to drive for another ten years, even though we had to take her keys away ten years ago because she couldn't even reverse out from her driveway.

          • 2 years ago

            human reaction time hasn't changed since then.

          • 2 years ago

            It doesn't really matter that much. It makes sense to have slower speeds in residential areas (schools and shit), but there's no reason why I shouldn't be able to floor it and go 90 on the highway or something. I mean half the people are already driving 80+ anyway including the cops.

          • 2 years ago

            I don't see you paying for my gas. I'm not gonna floor it and lose 10mpg just because you can't read your watch and leave on time.

          • 2 years ago

            Okay? Just stay on the right side bud.

          • 2 years ago

            I would appreciate this but people need to be better about staying in the correct lane and passing in the correct lane. People do stupid shit all the time because of impatience and ego and we both know it. I don't mind the speed but people need more patience when they speed, ironically.

          • 2 years ago

            Speed limits could be abolished entirely on beltways unless you live in North America where nobody seems to understand the difference between passing and cruising lanes.

          • 2 years ago

            many highways in my city have left exits and the law in the state is that the left lane must only be moving faster than the others.

          • 2 years ago

            Every lane is for going the speed limit. If an emergency vehicle is coming, get over. Otherwise, anyone else can either go around or go the limit as well.

    • 2 years ago

      Unironically sounds wonderful.

    • 2 years ago

      speed the day

      >Drive to work (on the highway)
      >Going the speed limit
      >Black folk careen around me going 10+ faster than me

      >Drive home from work (or any other circumstance on the highway)
      >Going about 5+ over
      >homosexuals still careening around me going 10+ faster

      >Drive literally anywhere other than the highway
      >wienersuckers up my ass
      >wienersuckers flashing their lights at me
      >wienersuckers going around while slamming their fricking gas pedals to try and tell me off without honking

      >Cut off in traffic under any circumstance
      >100% chance of a Jersey, Massachusetts, Pennslyvanian, or Canadian license plate
      >50% chance it's a Honda or Subaru badge

      You can't gaslight me, I live it every single day.

      I take my foot off the gas and slow down by a few MPH for anyone who flashes his lights at me, if you're gonna be a dick because you were stupid enough to be late, well, you can wait an extra twenty seconds. (I did once have a guy get on the shoulder and pass me and a bunch of other people in traffic, and I saw him get pulled over a quarter-mile later, it was hilarious)

      • 2 years ago

        >and I saw him get pulled over a quarter-mile later
        The legendary cop when you need him.

        >Middle lane's going too slow
        Overtaking on the right is considered a mortal sin here

        That's why my original post said that guy must not be from the Northeast. People are animals up here, and I'm not much better.

  25. 2 years ago

    Not my problem. I got nothing to hide.

    • 2 years ago

      >Car falsely detects drunk driving
      >Can't drive anymore
      >It wont happen to me

      • 2 years ago

        I don't drink alcohol, so it won't happen to me.

        • 2 years ago

          If the system didn't work perfectly. They would not sell it.

          • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Oh so you're one of those lefty libtard feminist commies trying to desecrate white men at any cost. Here's something I always like to tell SJW leftists like yourself: it's okay to be white

  26. 2 years ago

    Try posting this in IQfy, janny will delete it almost instantly

  27. 2 years ago

    Isn't this old news? People have known about this for months

  28. 2 years ago

    muttopia will be dead in the water before 2026, you homosexuals are losing truckers at an unprecedent speed, no truckers no nothing, you better be stacking food and water because you'll be in deep shit once gas prices will double in a few months and every single company will be out of business...

  29. 2 years ago

    The eu will actually implement this, and nobody will bat an eye.

    • 2 years ago

      What they should implement instead is a governor that limits acceleration.

  30. 2 years ago

    >buying a vehicle newer than 2000

  31. 2 years ago

    Still driving a truck from the 80s

  32. 2 years ago

    Land of the free.
    Permanent surveillance of everyone for the safety of 0.002% of the population

  33. 2 years ago

    I thought IQfy was better than this - why would you even buy a new car in the current year of our lord? They are expensive, for one - and come with a litany of "features" and monitoring software, as evidenced by OP. I bought an '05 F-150 Lariat with 70k miles on it last year for $12k and it's nearly paid off already. I cannot fathom being stupid enough to consoom new shitty vehicles that spy on you and last maybe a year tops before shit breaks down.

  34. 2 years ago

    the speedometer in my 2005 mustang doesn't work and nothing the government does can change that. passed inspection like this for the past 6 years I'm not gonna fix it now.

    • 2 years ago

      I thought IQfy was better than this - why would you even buy a new car in the current year of our lord? They are expensive, for one - and come with a litany of "features" and monitoring software, as evidenced by OP. I bought an '05 F-150 Lariat with 70k miles on it last year for $12k and it's nearly paid off already. I cannot fathom being stupid enough to consoom new shitty vehicles that spy on you and last maybe a year tops before shit breaks down.

      Me chuckleing from my 90s Suzuki.

      Doesn't matter because soon no one will buy modern cars anyway.
      Electric cars industry is going to implode once they realize they literally can't ignore the battery issue ( charge rate, costs 3/4 the value of the vehicle, can literally catch fire, no support after a few years, also not enough lithium in the fricking world to replace all ICE cars )
      ICE is life. Maintenance is easy as shit, your Tesla broke in the middle of the road? Good luck with that, gonna need to take it to a fricking Tesla mechanic and wait weeks for a replacement.

      Do you guys seriously think they just forgot about older cars? They will definitely eventually pass a law that bans all old cars before an arbitrary date because of 'environmental impacts'

      • 2 years ago

        Maybe in some small European country they could do that, but in the US that would be completely unenforceable and a pipedream.

        • 2 years ago

          this, you can still drive ancient cars in the US and there are often specific classes of vehicles by state that are exempt due to being 'vintage' or 'classic'.

        • 2 years ago

          Either that or ban them due to being 'unsafe'.

          in the US they just do shit like Obama's "cash for clunkers".

          • 2 years ago

            I mean yeah that'll trick some dumb poorgays that need some money, but that was pretty routinely mocked by a lot of people. Didn't really work.

          • 2 years ago

            Used vehicle prices spiked by quite a bit. Which was the goal, since it was a bailout for Detroit without having to say so. There's a bunch of nice older-model cars that got taken off the road by that shit.

          • 2 years ago

            It was just temporary. It had no real long term impact.

      • 2 years ago

        Either that or ban them due to being 'unsafe'.

  35. 2 years ago

    You will pay monthly for the privilege of driving your own car
    You will be automatically reported to the police if you drive one mile over the speed limit
    You will be monitored by the FBI via gps
    You will be taxed based on the amount of miles you drive
    You will be banned from driving older cars by the EPA
    You will be forced to live in a major city and take the bus

  36. 2 years ago

    Man, and here I thought present cars were already cucked, what with "smart" features like lane keeping assist and other moronic gay shit. Guess I'm going to have to ship of Thesius my 15 year old Honda until I die. Frick.

  37. 2 years ago

    Good. Hopefully we'll move to self-driivng cars and we don't have to worry about humans crashing against each other and the possibility of dying every time you want to go somewhere. Honestly a rail system would be better but America is already built what are you gonna do?

    • 2 years ago

      lol, self-driving cars are moronic. They can't drive in heavy snow because they freak out about not being able to see lines on the road. AI's are not replacements for humans. Not at all.

      • 2 years ago

        They will be. Soon we will be able to convert the entire DNA makeup and personality of a human into code form. Note how machine learning has progressively started looking less cursed this past few months. China has quantum computers well beyond our own in power.

        • 2 years ago

          You're moronic. Machine intelligence is not comparable to human intelligence, and shouldn't be. No amount of replicating the neural network will produce the same results, unless you really want to simulate every single fricking electron and chemical process that happens in the human brain.

          Machine intelligence should stick with what it is good at: rapid calculation. Meanwhile, humans should stick to what we're good at: improvisation and intuition.

          • 2 years ago

            >unless you really want to simulate every single fricking electron and chemical process that happens in the human brain.
            We're getting closer to that every day. Soon we can solve all of the problems related to humanity (disease, aging, tooth decay, etc.) by converting ourselves entirely to code.

  38. 2 years ago

    And morons will STILL say
    >public transportation, bike lanes, walkable design are le bad because only cars can give you muh freedumbs

  39. 2 years ago

    Stallman was right.

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