Name a bigger midwit trap than Dostoevsky.

Name a bigger midwit trap than Dostoevsky.

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  1. 5 months ago

    dude ur so heckin above those midwits! admiring ur superior taste in art u frickin enlightened intellectual!!!!

  2. 5 months ago

    dostoevsky and cormac, the two biggest midwit authors for deeply unserious dudes who still play video games.

    • 5 months ago

      Zoomer back to redit

    • 5 months ago

      I think McCarthy is an upper-middle wit but Dostoevsky is decidedly not midwit. These classifications are pretty moronic anyway. Good literature has little to do with wit. You don’t need to say something intellectually profound to write a good novel.

      • 5 months ago

        McCarthy is twice wittier than dostojewsky.

        • 5 months ago

          That is ironically the midwit take. McCarthy is the only midwit among the two precisely because he is the only one that tries to say something witty and profound in his novels. You read the Kukele problem and you realize the guy was a pseud. He tried to say all kinds of shit about cosmology and the subconscious and quantum mechanics and all this Neil DeGrass Tyson shit. Meanwhile, to any degree Dostoevsky tried anything particularly witty, he was just lampooning the utopian revolutionaries and atheists of his time. If you think McCarthy was witty and Dostoevsky wasn’t, that’s because you’re the midwit.

          • 5 months ago

            Way to prove yourself a moron. You have definitely not read the "kekule" problem and I am getting the vibe that you are that paco who has recently been seething about cormac, because he had the same moronic arguments. Kekule problem isn't even about quantum mechanics. God knows what does it have to do with his books anyway. Where is the Neil degrasse tyson shit in Blood meridian? moronation. You have no ground to stand upon. Just a puddle of your piss and nothing else.

            Dostojewsky, meanwhile, is for mopey christians and atheists, who are closeted Christians. He is profound for people who bought that shit aka morons, and you are one which is why you are seething at the truth.

          • 5 months ago

            Sounds like you are just too low IQ for profundity and have made it part of your personality to rage against any semblance of it.

            Another thing, Cormac was By FAR the more aesthetically inclined writer. Dostoevsky won't let you go two pages without blasting his Christian theology in your face. McCarthy keeps his morals, religion and philosophy all ambiguous; or did until the last two books. If anyone can be accused of pseudo profundity and try hard attempts at wit between the two, it's Dosto. He seriously considered himself a thinker and his art was the worse for it.

          • 5 months ago

            >because he is the only one that tries to say something witty and profound in his novels.
            Have you even read Dostoevsky, you absolute frickwit. Let's be real, you have not read McCarthy, but you should atleast read the writer you are trying to defend. Every other page is a "le profound" monologue.

          • 5 months ago

            >Nooooooooo my heccin zoomer brainerino can't stand multi-line dialogue someone please put on some gta gameplay

          • 5 months ago

            Follow the thread, idiot.

        • 5 months ago

          Rajeesh, do the needful.

          • 5 months ago

            Stop being butthurt about English prose writers, Hispanic.
            >reshuffles his ip
            Stop phoneposting, paco. We all know you have seethed here already.

    • 5 months ago

      Said the deeply unserious dude who still plays video games and seethes at anything that challenges the delusions of his pea-sized brain.

  3. 5 months ago


  4. 5 months ago

    >Oh critically revered author is such a fitler for fools I only read work by some niche author which makes better than other people!

    Is this a hobby thing or just a IQfy thing.

    • 5 months ago

      It's called being a hipster.

  5. 5 months ago


  6. 5 months ago

    Many confirmed genius were obsessed
    Now Cormaxk McCarthy and GRRM I don’t think so

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