Name one good G*rman in history. You can't.

Name one good G*rman in history. You can't.

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  1. 2 years ago

    OP is commie/shitskin gay

  2. 2 years ago

    >Name one good G*rman in history. You can't.

    • 2 years ago

      Martin Luther

      Greta Thunberg

      Frederick II Hohenstaufen
      Martin Luther
      Frederick the Great of Prussia

      Karl Marx
      Friedrich Engels
      Friedrich Nietzsche
      Ernst Junger
      Karl Liebknecht

      These and Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben

    • 2 years ago

      >average germ

  3. 2 years ago


  4. 2 years ago

    Martin Luther

    • 2 years ago

      >When contemplating his own death. Luther is quoted as saying: “The world is a giant anus, and I am a ripe stool ready to be squeezed out of it.”
      >“He [Luther] reportedly ate a spoonful of his own excrement daily, and wrote that he couldn’t understand the generosity of a God who freely gave such important and useful remedies.”

      • 2 years ago

        sources ?

      • 2 years ago

        Based always feces obsessed german

        • 2 years ago


          Why do germans like poo so much tho? any historical reason for that?

  5. 2 years ago

    I would say Nietzsche, but...
    > Nietzsche believed his ancestors were Polish.[100] He wore a signet ring bearing the Radwan coat of arms, traceable leaveish nobility of medieval times[101] and the surname "Nicki" of the Polish noble (szlachta) family bearing that coat of arms.[102][103] Gotard Nietzsche, a member of the Nicki family, left Poland for Prussia. His descendants later settled in the Electorate of Saxony circa the year 1700.[104] Nietzsche wrote in 1888, "My ancestors were Polish noblemen (Nietzky); the type seems to have been well preserved despite three generations of German mothers."[105] At one point, Nietzsche becomes even more adamant about his Polish identity. "I am a pure-blooded Polish nobleman, without a single drop of bad blood, certainly not German blood."[106] On yet another occasion, Nietzsche stated, "Germany is a great nation only because its people have so much Polish blood in their veins.... I am proud of my Polish descent."[107] Nietzsche believed his name might have been Germanized, in one letter claiming, "I was taught to ascribe the origin of my blood and name to Polish noblemen who were called Niëtzky and left their home and nobleness about a hundred years ago, finally yielding to unbearable suppression: they were Protestants."[108]

    • 2 years ago

      > Polish
      > Protestants


      • 2 years ago

        yielded to suppression and became protestants

    • 2 years ago

      Someone post his views on Italy

    • 2 years ago

      >"Germany is a great nation only because its people have so much Polish blood in their veins.... I am proud of my Polish descent."[107]
      What the hell is this autistic back and forth between Slavs and Germanics?

    • 2 years ago

      >Nicholas D. More states that Nietzsche's claims of having an illustrious lineage were a parody on autobiographical conventions, and suspects Ecce Homo, with its self-laudatory titles, such as "Why I Am So Wise", as being a work of satire.[113] He concludes that Nietzsche's supposed Polish genealogy was a joke—not a delusion.[113]

  6. 2 years ago

    Greta Thunberg

  7. 2 years ago

    Frederick II Hohenstaufen
    Martin Luther
    Frederick the Great of Prussia

  8. 2 years ago

    He was good but he wasn't German

  9. 2 years ago

    Karl Marx
    Friedrich Engels
    Friedrich Nietzsche
    Ernst Junger
    Karl Liebknecht

  10. 2 years ago

    Adolf Hitler
    Please next time don't make it so easy.

    • 2 years ago

      Erm chud he was Austrian

  11. 2 years ago

    Pre 1946 being the only western european country that is not just scientifically advanced, industrious, but also has traditional morality.
    Germany was the only country that ever figured that one out. All other countries with traditional morality are poor shitholes. All rich countries are degenerate and hedonistic. Only Germany got the best of both worlds and maintained that for the longest time, until the western liberal powers made it just like them.

    • 2 years ago

      >but also has traditional morality.
      Berlin was known as the homosexual capital of Europe. What else to expect from a country founded by Frederic the gay.

      >inb4 israelite
      Germans are israelites

      Correct. Which also explains Gay Mecca Berlin and Tel Aviv.

      • 2 years ago

        >The mainstays of wild gang culture were sex and violence, often combined. To become a full-fledged member, one had to go under a “baptism.” Fistfights and knife fights would kick things off, followed by acts of sado-sexual exhibition such as timed masturbation, gang rape, and coprophagy. Newcomers were often bound, smeared with piss and shit, then tied to trees and penetrated with homemade dildos carved from tree limbs. Afterward, the whole gang, initiates and veterans alike, would celebrate with a drunken orgy. As for the more routine acts of sexual congress among the already inducted, these always occurred on the hallowed Stoßsofa, or “fricking couch.”

        >Berlin was known as the homosexual capital of Europe. What else to expect from a country founded by Frederic the gay.
        Sure, during fricking Weimar, idiot. But Weimar was between the Kaiserreich and the Third Reich.

        • 2 years ago

          You said pre-1946 you moron
          Also, the people filling the weimar ranks didn't come from nowhere:
          >While both the Nazis and the Communists siphoned the youthful energy of the Wandervögel into their own movements during the twenties and early thirties, the more apolitical spirit of the hiking clubs found outlet in the wild gangs. Yet Guérin, who as a fellow young wanderer had been drawn to Germany for its sexually-charged youth culture, saw the gangs’ dangerous political potential. “I couldn’t dismiss a real anxiety: those who would know how to discipline these masquerade Apaches could make real bandits out of them.” Sure enough, two years later, Guérin recounted, after Hitler had taken power, the journalist Fournier was walking down the street in Berlin when a menacing-looking Nazi stormtrooper marched by and called out her name in a friendly tone. Shocked, she turned and looked. “It was Winnetou.”

          • 2 years ago

            I know about the homosexual youth gangs.

            >You said pre-1946 you moron
            Well, I thought it was pretty clear that I meant the times when Germany had traditional moral values, when I said that Germany combined freedom, scientific advancement and traditional morality. And I didn't mean the single dark period, that was directly in an age that combined the values I mentioned. You didn't prove anything with that. Everyone knows Weimar was degenerate.

          • 2 years ago

            You might want to read this little resumé if you think the Weimar period was a one off…

            >Ulrichs, essentially the first gay activist, encountered censorship and ended up going into exile, but his ideas very gradually took hold. In 1869, an Austrian littérateur named Karl Maria Kertbeny, who was also opposed to sodomy laws, coined the term “homosexuality.” In the eighteen-eighties, a Berlin police commissioner gave up prosecuting gay bars and instead instituted a policy of bemused tolerance, going so far as to lead tours of a growing demimonde. In 1896, Der Eigene (“The Self-Owning”), the first gay magazine, began publication. The next year, the physician Magnus Hirschfeld founded the Scientific-Humanitarian Committee, the first gay-rights organization. By the beginning of the twentieth century, a canon of gay literature had emerged (one early advocate used the phrase “Staying silent is death,” nearly a century before aids activists coined the slogan “Silence = Death”); activists were bemoaning negative depictions of homosexuality (Thomas Mann’s “Death in Venice” was one target); there were debates over the ethics of outing; and a schism opened between an inclusive, mainstream faction and a more riotous, anarchistic wing. In the nineteen-twenties, with gay films and pop songs in circulation, a mass movement seemed at hand.

            tl;dr “traditional morality” in Germany was sucking down each other’s sausages, while accusing England and France of being degenerates. lmao.

      • 2 years ago

        >Berlin was known as the homosexual capital of Europe
        and the germans were quick to do something about it. In 1934 99% of it was gone

    • 2 years ago

      >The mainstays of wild gang culture were sex and violence, often combined. To become a full-fledged member, one had to go under a “baptism.” Fistfights and knife fights would kick things off, followed by acts of sado-sexual exhibition such as timed masturbation, gang rape, and coprophagy. Newcomers were often bound, smeared with piss and shit, then tied to trees and penetrated with homemade dildos carved from tree limbs. Afterward, the whole gang, initiates and veterans alike, would celebrate with a drunken orgy. As for the more routine acts of sexual congress among the already inducted, these always occurred on the hallowed Stoßsofa, or “fricking couch.”

      • 2 years ago

        That was just Berlin tho. That place has always been a cesspool of godlessness.

    • 2 years ago

      Nazi Germany was anything but tradionnal lmao. 65% of women had pre-marital sex. Abortion and prostitution were widespread.

      • 2 years ago

        Describing soulless periods between 1921-1933.

    • 2 years ago

      tips fedora

  12. 2 years ago


  13. 2 years ago

    >inb4 israelite
    Germans are israelites

  14. 2 years ago

    Karl Marx

  15. 2 years ago

    not a single man

  16. 2 years ago

    Alois Alzheimer Franz Aepinus Ralf Altmeyer
    Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe Ludwig Aschoff Richard Baerwald
    Adolf von Baeyer Emil von Behring Martin Beneke
    Roland Benz Friedrich Bergius Ernest Beutler
    Peter Beyer Heinrich Ernst Beyrich Wilhelm von Bezold
    William Blandowski Paul Richard Heinrich Blasius Jens Blauert
    Max Bodenstein Harald von Boehmer Armin von Bogdandy
    Friedrich Boie Max Born Carl Bosch
    Johann Friedrich von Brandt Magnus von Braun Wernher von Braun
    Ernst Wilhelm von Brücke Franz Ernst Bruckmann Ernst Büchner
    Robert Bunsen Friedrich Burmeister Abraham Buschke
    Adolf Butenandt Karin Büttner-Janz Jean Cabanis
    Sethus Calvisius Franz Ludwig von Cancrin Georg Cantor
    Joseph Carlebach Ernst Boris Chain Otto Detlev Creutzfeldt
    Rudolf Criegee Theodor Curtius Daniel Dahm
    Max Delbrück Otto Diels Gerhard Domagk
    Nikolai Eberhardt Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg Paul Ehrlich
    Manfred Eigen Albert Einstein Bernhard Eitel
    Paul Erman Johann Christian Polycarp Erxleben Adam Karl August von Eschenmayer
    Andreas von Ettingshausen Leonhard Euler Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit
    Horst Feistel Peter Finke Hermann Emil Fischer
    Naika Foroutan Werner Forssmann Salomon Franck
    Joseph Fraunhofer Reinhard Furrer Carl Friedrich Gauss
    Johannes Gehrke Hanns Bruno Geinitz Christian Ludwig Gersten
    Friederich Golz Albrecht von Graefe Arnold Graffi
    Peter Griess Fritz Haber Heinz Haber
    Otto Hahn Willy Hartner Hartmut Heinrich
    Reinhart Heinrich Wilhelm Heinrich Heintz Jochen Heisenberg
    Martin Heisenberg Werner Heisenberg Heinrich Hertz
    József Károly Hell Maximilian Hell Gustav Hellmann
    Hermann von Helmholtz Friedrich Gustav Jakob Henle Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Herbst
    Gustav Herglotz Grete Hermann Richard Hesse
    Johann F. C. Hessel Franz Hillenkamp Diederich Hinrichsen
    Fritz Hofmann Robert Hübner Alexander von Humboldt
    Klaus Hurrelmann Engelbert Kaempfer Elisabeth Kalko
    Franz Josef Kallmann Immanuel Kant Michael Karas
    Friedrich August Kekulé von Stradonitz Oskar Kellner Wolfgang von Kempelen

    • 2 years ago

      Johannes Kepler Franz Kessler Uwe Kils
      Athanasius Kircher Gustav Kirchhoff Siegfried Knemeyer
      Robert Koch August Köhler Georges J. F. Köhler
      Heinz Kohnen Joseph Gottlieb Kölreuter Ralph von Königswald
      Wladimir Köppen Wilhelm Körner Ulrich Kortz
      Max Kramer Christian Ferdinand Friedrich Krauss Stefan Krauter
      Bernt Krebs Herbert Kronke Adolph Kussmaul
      Heinrich Lamm Rolf Landauer Günther Landgraf
      Gerhard Lang Dieter Langbein Grigori Ivanovitch Langsdorff
      Karl Christian von Langsdorf Rüdiger Lautmann Gottfried Leibniz
      Walter Liebenthal Justus von Liebig Rainer Liedtke
      Herbert Lochs Adolf Loewy Johann von Löwenstern-Kunckel
      Niklas Luhmann Hermann Lux Michael Maestlin
      Herbert Mataré Kurt Mendelssohn Friedrich Sigmund Merkel
      Daniel Gottlieb Messerschmidt Helmut Metzner Viktor Meyer
      Hermann Minkowski Achim Müller Johannes Peter Müller
      Salomon Müller Hermann von Nathusius Heinrich Edmund Naumann
      Rudolf Nebel Walther Nernst Hans E. J. Neugebauer
      Georg von Neumayer Bernd Noack Hugo Obermaier
      Heinrich Olbers Volker Oppitz Theodor Peckolt
      Richard Friedrich Johannes Pfeiffer Max Planck Johannes Plendl
      Kurt Plötner Julius Plücker Ingo Potrykus
      Ernst Pringsheim Jr. Wolfgang Prinz Karl Ramsayer
      Samuel Mitja Rapoport Eberhard Rees Jens Reich
      Ralf Reski Berthold Ribbentrop Ronald Richter
      Ferdinand von Richthofen Nikolaus Riehl Bernhard Riemann
      Wilhelm Röntgen Walter Rogowski Ludwig Roth
      Arthur Rudolph Hans Sachs Kazem Sadegh-Zadeh
      Karl Ludwig Fridolin von Sandberger Monika Schäfer-Korting Valentin Scheidel
      Harald Schering Claus Schilling Johannes Schöner
      Hermann Schlegel Gotthilf Heinrich von Schubert Ulrich S. Schubert
      Stefan Schuster Karl Schwarzschild Gerhard Schwehm
      Johann Salomo Christoph Schweigger Walter Seelmann-Eggebert Johann Andreas Segner
      Meinolf Sellmann Friedrich Sellow Johann Silberschlag
      Eduard Simon Samuel Thomas von Sömmerring Frank Steglich
      Matthias Steinmetz Karl Stetter Erwin Stresemann
      Michael Succow Reinhard Süring Kurt Tank

      Bernhard Tessmann Vera Tiesler Gottfried Reinhold Treviranus
      Ida Valeton Rudolf Virchow Hans Vogel
      Gerhard Vollmer Peter Wagner Albert H. Walenta
      Otto Heinrich Warburg Alfred Wegener Friedrich Wegener
      Arthur Wehnelt Heinrich Welker Guenter Wendt
      Gregor Wentzel Richard Wilhelm Hans Winkler
      Johannes Winkler Friedrich Wöhler Nathanael Matthaeus von Wolf
      Theodor Wolf Rüdiger Wolfrum Johann Zahn
      Karl Ziegler Holger Ziegler Torsten Zuberbier
      Konrad Zuse Eberhard Zwicker etc

      >Name one good G*rman in history. You can't.
      You're right. I can't. There are so many.

      Literally just a bunch of made up names, also ratio

  17. 2 years ago

    Johannes Kepler Franz Kessler Uwe Kils
    Athanasius Kircher Gustav Kirchhoff Siegfried Knemeyer
    Robert Koch August Köhler Georges J. F. Köhler
    Heinz Kohnen Joseph Gottlieb Kölreuter Ralph von Königswald
    Wladimir Köppen Wilhelm Körner Ulrich Kortz
    Max Kramer Christian Ferdinand Friedrich Krauss Stefan Krauter
    Bernt Krebs Herbert Kronke Adolph Kussmaul
    Heinrich Lamm Rolf Landauer Günther Landgraf
    Gerhard Lang Dieter Langbein Grigori Ivanovitch Langsdorff
    Karl Christian von Langsdorf Rüdiger Lautmann Gottfried Leibniz
    Walter Liebenthal Justus von Liebig Rainer Liedtke
    Herbert Lochs Adolf Loewy Johann von Löwenstern-Kunckel
    Niklas Luhmann Hermann Lux Michael Maestlin
    Herbert Mataré Kurt Mendelssohn Friedrich Sigmund Merkel
    Daniel Gottlieb Messerschmidt Helmut Metzner Viktor Meyer
    Hermann Minkowski Achim Müller Johannes Peter Müller
    Salomon Müller Hermann von Nathusius Heinrich Edmund Naumann
    Rudolf Nebel Walther Nernst Hans E. J. Neugebauer
    Georg von Neumayer Bernd Noack Hugo Obermaier
    Heinrich Olbers Volker Oppitz Theodor Peckolt
    Richard Friedrich Johannes Pfeiffer Max Planck Johannes Plendl
    Kurt Plötner Julius Plücker Ingo Potrykus
    Ernst Pringsheim Jr. Wolfgang Prinz Karl Ramsayer
    Samuel Mitja Rapoport Eberhard Rees Jens Reich
    Ralf Reski Berthold Ribbentrop Ronald Richter
    Ferdinand von Richthofen Nikolaus Riehl Bernhard Riemann
    Wilhelm Röntgen Walter Rogowski Ludwig Roth
    Arthur Rudolph Hans Sachs Kazem Sadegh-Zadeh
    Karl Ludwig Fridolin von Sandberger Monika Schäfer-Korting Valentin Scheidel
    Harald Schering Claus Schilling Johannes Schöner
    Hermann Schlegel Gotthilf Heinrich von Schubert Ulrich S. Schubert
    Stefan Schuster Karl Schwarzschild Gerhard Schwehm
    Johann Salomo Christoph Schweigger Walter Seelmann-Eggebert Johann Andreas Segner
    Meinolf Sellmann Friedrich Sellow Johann Silberschlag
    Eduard Simon Samuel Thomas von Sömmerring Frank Steglich
    Matthias Steinmetz Karl Stetter Erwin Stresemann
    Michael Succow Reinhard Süring Kurt Tank

  18. 2 years ago

    Bernhard Tessmann Vera Tiesler Gottfried Reinhold Treviranus
    Ida Valeton Rudolf Virchow Hans Vogel
    Gerhard Vollmer Peter Wagner Albert H. Walenta
    Otto Heinrich Warburg Alfred Wegener Friedrich Wegener
    Arthur Wehnelt Heinrich Welker Guenter Wendt
    Gregor Wentzel Richard Wilhelm Hans Winkler
    Johannes Winkler Friedrich Wöhler Nathanael Matthaeus von Wolf
    Theodor Wolf Rüdiger Wolfrum Johann Zahn
    Karl Ziegler Holger Ziegler Torsten Zuberbier
    Konrad Zuse Eberhard Zwicker etc

    >Name one good G*rman in history. You can't.
    You're right. I can't. There are so many.

  19. 2 years ago



  20. 2 years ago

    Otto Von Bismarck
    Karl Marx
    Adolf Hitler

    • 2 years ago

      You Imbecile….

    • 2 years ago

      Hitler was an austrian.

      • 2 years ago

        austrian, german, same fricking shit.

  21. 2 years ago

    lmao only germany can make so many subhumans seethe everyday. i know deep down you feel inferior to such a great country but please stop seething over it 24/7 that can't be good for you

    • 2 years ago


      No such thing. A Bavarian has nothing to do with a Branderburger, os a Swabian with a Holsteiner and so on.

  22. 2 years ago

    Dave Gorman

  23. 2 years ago

    Hans Müller

  24. 2 years ago

    seeing this map I had to do it
    these should have been germany's concessions to the netherlands and denmark following wwi

    • 2 years ago

      What if Dane or Dutch united own image of smaller Germans state instead Prussia?

      • 2 years ago


  25. 2 years ago

    >ctrl + f Arminius
    >0 results
    For shame

  26. 2 years ago

    because even though he is Germanic, he killed fair amount of Germans.

    • 2 years ago

      >honorary Roman.
      >Ceasar of the West

      • 2 years ago

        still barbarian germanic in blood, he is a good boy because he killed enough germans

        • 2 years ago

          >killed enough pagan scum
          Blood mean nothing if Rome use Huns, Norman, Cuman, Persian rank etc.

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