What's the origin of social "commentaries" that portray a post-World War II pre-Vietnam War Pax Americana society, particularly with a strong religious presence, as pits of vice and sin under a veneer of being perfect?
Although I'm aware that people aren't perfect, and that there's an inevitable person with issues in any large group, picrel is a good example of this phenomenon. The show portrays an entire south-midwestern town as being a shitheap; several closeted gays, rapists with their crimes being known yet them never being brought to justice, people who express pure infidelity in droves, abusive and otherwise just terrible people, etc. Pretty much no character shown in the actual show has even a single redeeming quality, besides the dyke dildo saleswoman, and the gay blonde dude.
With that preface being given, where's the origin of this type of commentary? Why do some people feel very compelled to portray something like Pax Americana society as just terrible? Do they genuinely think religious societies that uphold conservative values instantaneously rot to their core, and that everything is a lie besides their neoliberal shitheap city life?

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  1. 2 years ago

    It was angry Gen-Xers lashing out at Bush/Romney types who hated their parents for believing in god. That show is definitely an artifact of it.

    • 2 years ago

      I think that was the case too. I fricking hate Gen X more than any other group tbh, but maybe that's because I'm a Zoomer born to Gen X parents and having to hear my mother - who was probably a prostitute in her younger years, God Bless my dad for dealing with her shit long enough - complain about how people my age and a bit older go into K-holes at raves, but her generation doing that was perfectly okay. Picrel.

      >portray a post-World War II pre-Vietnam War Pax Americana society
      I don't think Moral Orel ever actually established explicitly when it was set and I always assumed it was set in the contemporary 2000s. It's pretty obvious contextually that it was mocking evangelical fundamentalists who were so prominent at the time (evangelicals peaked demographically at virtually the same period).

      I feel like it's more apt to say it was comparable to 1950's Americana, even if it was set in the 2000s. Not really in *exact* time, but more as expressing disdain for 1950's Americana's relics.

      • 2 years ago

        >I feel like it's more apt to say it was comparable to 1950's Americana, even if it was set in the 2000s. Not really in *exact* time, but more as expressing disdain for 1950's Americana's relics.
        I mean that period was also peak 1950s nostalgia especially among social conservatives like the evangelicals.
        I think the creators tried to make it a timeless critique but in truth it's really a show that's a product of its time. they basically created the "ideal" town for evangelicals and then tried to tear it apart.

        • 2 years ago

          They tried to tear it apart by inserting people that make up a fraction of the population as the majority kegg :DDD

        • 2 years ago

          To me it just seems like the creator wanted to tear apart his new England WASP upbringing or some shit like that.
          Out of personal seethe.

          • 2 years ago

            >To me it just seems like the creator wanted to tear apart his new England WASP upbringing or some shit like that.
            The creator is Dino Stamatopoulos and he grew up in Illinois. Not a WASP nor a New Englander, but he certainly feels the need to seethe about conservative WASPs anyway.

  2. 2 years ago

    >portray a post-World War II pre-Vietnam War Pax Americana society
    I don't think Moral Orel ever actually established explicitly when it was set and I always assumed it was set in the contemporary 2000s. It's pretty obvious contextually that it was mocking evangelical fundamentalists who were so prominent at the time (evangelicals peaked demographically at virtually the same period).

    • 2 years ago

      Rewatching this show was something else. I didn't realize how depressing this show got sometimes.

      • 2 years ago

        How the frick did you not realize that on the first watch? Were you asleep?

      • 2 years ago

        I saw this show as a kid a couple times because I thought
        >oh, funny adult swim
        Being a fan of King Of The Hill and Aqua Teen, but yeah, this show is just a huge bummer

    • 2 years ago

      >I don't think Moral Orel ever actually established explicitly when it was set and I always assumed it was set in the contemporary 2000s. It's pretty obvious contextually that it was mocking evangelical fundamentalists who were so prominent at the time (evangelicals peaked demographically at virtually the same period).
      It's a parody of a clayamtion show form the early 60's by the same people that did Gumby. It probably takes place in the 60's.

    • 2 years ago

      It takes place in the 50/60s, Orel's best friend has a blanket with his phone number on it that's in a mid-century format.

  3. 2 years ago

    This was huge in the 90s / early 00s. American Beauty for one. There are many more examples that escape my memory because they get so repetitive and forgettable.

    Anyways, i think it really is projection. You ever notice how vocal Hollywood types tend to be depressed, bipolar, or just abusive? They're assuming that everyone else is just like that, even in good ol suburban/small town America.

  4. 2 years ago

    Western civilization died in 1945, tradlarpers idolizing the 50s are romanticizing an earlier stage of decay

    • 2 years ago

      >Western civilization died because krauts got killed
      Absolute state. It was over before the French Revolution

    • 2 years ago

      Nothing about Nazis represented western civilisation

      • 2 years ago

        Their desturction ultimately created an ideology that hated western civilisation and (wrongfully) associated it with the Nazis

        • 2 years ago

          Nazis started a completely needless war where they mostly killed Europeans and paved the way for Communism's spread

          • 2 years ago

            Americans paved the way for communism when they kickstarted the entire Soviet industry

  5. 2 years ago

    Nobody ever owned a house, nobody other than Chad ever got laid, your community was never white. Seethe more.

    • 2 years ago


  6. 2 years ago

    Bush was a horrifically incompetent president, and everyone outside of the FOX/GOP bubble began to hate Christian conservatives as a result.

    Zoomers can't truly understand because they didn't grow up under Bush.

    • 2 years ago

      I recently thought about the fact almost no one under the age of 18 has any real living memory of the Bush years while re-watching Harvey Birdman. The show drew a lot from then current events and would lose a lot of its impact without knowing the context. They'd be especially baffled by shit like the Evolution episode which was such a huge debate in the 2000s but virtually vanished as an issue since.

    • 2 years ago

      Right, and the reason "everyone hated Trump" is because he was a terrible president too?

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          They hated him before he ever took office. So, no.

          • 2 years ago

            He was a c**t for decades beforehand anon. He was known for being a prick

          • 2 years ago

            This is very stupid. That isn't why the media went after him like they did.

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah it is.

  7. 2 years ago

    It's just ressentiment. A seething hatred of normal, healthy people.

    • 2 years ago

      One day we'll get that type of society again.

      • 2 years ago

        Industrial agriculture is likewise bad, dumbass. It's best to go back to pre-industrial times.

      • 2 years ago

        >Wind turbines are... LE BAD!

      • 2 years ago

        >lots of children
        >shrinking cities
        >no turbines
        >naturally controlled CO2 levels

        • 2 years ago

          You can easily reduce CO2 if you give up on shit like imported avocados and smartphones which are energy intensive to produce and ship and instead focus on locally produced food, early and larger families ironically reduce the amount of households needed, since two adult people will need a single family house instead of two separate apartments, and lifestyle shown automatically assumes less energy consumption through outdoor living and not indoor media consumption. This is coupled with clear and pronounced excision of non-native immigrants to free up the space for locals to grow and enjoy the liberated space.

          • 2 years ago

            leave it to the libtards to create problems just so they can get government to "fix" it (actually make everything worse and control your life)
            liberalism is not only a mental disorder but a potent threat to humanity, with a focus on attacking the White race above all else

        • 2 years ago

          Cities cause more diseases to spread faster, worse mental health (so more drug abuse and overeating), more respiratory problems, more stress, less contact with family, friends and neighbors and more contact with uncaring strangers.
          controlled CO2 levels
          Plants and trees absorb CO2, concrete requires CO2 emissions to be made.

          You can easily reduce CO2 if you give up on shit like imported avocados and smartphones which are energy intensive to produce and ship and instead focus on locally produced food, early and larger families ironically reduce the amount of households needed, since two adult people will need a single family house instead of two separate apartments, and lifestyle shown automatically assumes less energy consumption through outdoor living and not indoor media consumption. This is coupled with clear and pronounced excision of non-native immigrants to free up the space for locals to grow and enjoy the liberated space.

          >This is coupled with clear and pronounced excision of non-native immigrants to free up the space for locals to grow and enjoy the liberated space.
          So are white Americans leaving and giving the land to the Mexicans who have 80% indian blood?

          • 2 years ago

            >So are white Americans leaving and giving the land to the Mexicans who have 80% indian blood?

        • 2 years ago

          >lots of children
          A sign of a good future? And not always true, but lots of (healthy) children implies economic abundance.
          >shrinking cities
          The current state of urban sprawl is absolutely unsustainable.
          >no turbines
          Not sure on the manufacture/transport vs. energy production for wind turbines, but the noise pollution and bird casualties alone make them not worth it. This picture implies a scaling back on immigrant/urban population growth and a disconnect from global imports, so the US' oil & coal would last millennia (just from what we know we have in the ground). Nuclear also works.

        • 2 years ago

          You can easily reduce CO2 if you give up on shit like imported avocados and smartphones which are energy intensive to produce and ship and instead focus on locally produced food, early and larger families ironically reduce the amount of households needed, since two adult people will need a single family house instead of two separate apartments, and lifestyle shown automatically assumes less energy consumption through outdoor living and not indoor media consumption. This is coupled with clear and pronounced excision of non-native immigrants to free up the space for locals to grow and enjoy the liberated space.

          You can "solve" a lot of "problems" associated with modernity by turning your country into an impoverished and backward shithole.

          • 2 years ago

            this is due to Argentina being a corrupt shithole due to state intervention in the economy, do you really think capitalists wouldn't ship it to thailand to be packed if it was less efficient and thus less profitable

            communists are fricking idiots who can't think properly, the only solution is a bullet in the brain

          • 2 years ago

            >by turning your country into an impoverished and backward shithole.
            Yes, because endless wealth transfer to the rich via inflation and outsourcing while turning people into bugmen to be housed in the pods as they compete with third worlders for the few remaining jobs is the bright future we need.

          • 2 years ago

            This isn't 300BC. We're no longer as divided by language, blood, tribe/clan, or local politics as we once were, and we depend on each other more than ever.

          • 2 years ago

            Realistically people have never been more far apart on an individual level than with urbanism and modernity.
            >we depend on each other more than ever.
            And that's a bad thing, no self-reliance

          • 2 years ago

            Fosters communities far larger and stronger than any village as the poorgays meet in kitchens and living rooms to work out how to keep local schools and businesses from shutting down and bothering city councils until they actually try to help.
            >no self reliance
            Sorry I have more pressing matters to attend to than spending 60 hours a week farming my frickin grain.

            Grow up.

          • 2 years ago

            Utter fallacy of a coddled first worlder. Outside your soft cocoon there is nothing you have in common with the Chinese or Pakistani in terms of way of life or morality or understanding of life, save for uibiquity of consumer products that they see as material colonialism of the West. They hate you and would gladly end you just to take your stuff. They think we're rubes for cultivating our softness of morals and manners and rightly so.
            Every study on social cohesion and civic engagement points to diversity corroding any feelings of community and contributing to social decay.

          • 2 years ago

            Touch grass. Unless you live in buttfrick nowhere you probably have some neighbors and coworkers from all over the place.

          • 2 years ago

            and nearly all of the minorities and half of the white people vote to racially discriminate against me for not being "diverse" and subscribe to this critical theory nuleft bullshit that blew up over the past decade

            "diversity" only works when it is like 90% white and the minorities are mostly educated middle classes or the immigrants are white and rapidly naturalized into americans, when most immigrants became hispanic illegal immigrants and refugees from your wars for israel in the middle east, when you court batshit insane kafkaesque postmodernist "philosophy", your melting pot experiment starts to fail

            I don't expect you to understand or register the nuance of this, but it has to be said, I don't really believe in /misc/'s lunatic conspiracy theories about da jooz, but you are absolutely wrong about this, leftism has been a net L for white people, we would do fine without you, in fact we'd be objectively better off

          • 2 years ago

            You're probably not discriminated against for being white.

          • 2 years ago

            In the USA that's literally what affirmative action is.

          • 2 years ago

            It's not. You can legally sue for discrimination if you can prove discrimination against you.

      • 2 years ago

        >lots of children
        A sign of a good future? And not always true, but lots of (healthy) children implies economic abundance.
        >shrinking cities
        The current state of urban sprawl is absolutely unsustainable.
        >no turbines
        Not sure on the manufacture/transport vs. energy production for wind turbines, but the noise pollution and bird casualties alone make them not worth it. This picture implies a scaling back on immigrant/urban population growth and a disconnect from global imports, so the US' oil & coal would last millennia (just from what we know we have in the ground). Nuclear also works.


        >Wind turbines are... LE BAD!

        what the frick is wrong with turbines besides "it is le ugly and le new", the only thing I disagree with

        who cares

        >lots of children
        >shrinking cities
        >no turbines
        >naturally controlled CO2 levels

        globohomosexual will try to exterminate us, we will retaliate, then overpopulation won't be a problem for a few generations

    • 2 years ago

      Western Conservatives apply this same argument to countries like the Soviet Union

  8. 2 years ago

    >How did Christianity fail to gays?
    Hormones are fricked up by the environment and Catholic/Orthodox/Protestant Christian society never had an answer to gays and other sexually misaligned people, because (orthodox) Christianity is inherently anti-sexual, anti-gender, anti-romance, anti-family, and anti-woman. Now that there are more gays and trannies proportionally than ever, how are you going to convince them that they’re wrong other than shoving a Bible verse in their face that can be interpreted any which way?

    Again, in (orthodox) Christianity, anything having to do with sexuality (including having children, romance, gender, etc.) is a result of The Fall and necessary for pragmatic reasons the same way in which eating animals is allowed after Noah. It won’t exist in the Eschaton. This is the belief of the Catholics, the Orthodox, and nearly all Protestants regardless of most laymen not knowing it. It almost certainly comes from Hellenistic, ascetic weirdos, but it’s what stuck, because Hellenistic, ascetic weirdos were the ones who had the autism to do the theological work.

    This theology is inherently doomed when questioned, because it’s internally incoherent (Adam and Eve weren’t supposed to have children, be fruitful, and multiply wtf?), and it also flat-out contradicts everyone’s day-to-day experience. I’m surprised it took this long to be honest.

    • 2 years ago

      I literally do not give a shit about gay people, even though I am a literal homosexual

      • 2 years ago

        >i don’t care about x
        Okay, then your input is irrelevant.

        • 2 years ago

          But I'm a homosexual, anon

    • 2 years ago

      >Christianity is inherently anti-sexual, anti-gender, anti-romance, anti-family, and anti-woman.
      Then why do they have more children and divorce less than non-Christians?

      • 2 years ago

        >because (orthodox) Christianity is inherently anti-sexual, anti-gender, anti-romance, anti-family, and anti-woman.

        source : my rectum

        Do you not understand that there is supposedly no marriage at the Resurrection, almost all the Church Fathers are in consensus that children are a consequence of The Fall, that all instances of romance in the Bible are dismissed as allegory by the Church Fathers, that women are often debated to be lesser beings, and that celibacy is seen as a higher calling?

        • 2 years ago

          >Do you not understand that there is supposedly no marriage at the Resurrection, almost all the Church Fathers are in consensus that children are a consequence of The Fall, that all instances of romance in the Bible are dismissed as allegory by the Church Fathers, that women are often debated to be lesser beings, and that celibacy is seen as a higher calling?
          This is your mind on Catholicism.

          • 2 years ago

            >This is your mind on Catholicism.
            And Orthodoxy and most of Protestantism.

          • 2 years ago

            >most of protestantism
            >most of a highly decentralized loose association of religious sects whose primary commonality is being NOT Catholic
            Your assertion is going to need quite the work to prove.

          • 2 years ago

            I don’t want it to be the case either, but most Protestants academics take the church fathers very seriously. I appreciate that Protestants try to rehabilitate tradition and bring it closer to the truth, but many are stuck in their ways.

            Look, I’m a Christian. Jesus is the Son of God, the Trinity is true, the Logos/Logoi shit is true, The Creation Narrative is true, and the Essence-Energy Distinction is true. The core fundamentals of the faith of Christianity are demonstrably true: faith, hope, and love.

            However, people outside of Jesus are fallible, people are the ones who wrote the Canon, and people are who make up church groups. We can be as ad hoc as we want about The Holy Spirit guiding infallibility, but I just don’t buy it, and I don’t think anyone else should either, because it leads to insane shit.

            Epistemically, the final judge of what we believe is our fallible selves. That doesn’t mean we can’t be right, and it doesn’t mean that Christianity isn’t the truth. It means that we don’t get an easy-out group of people who are always correct who we can always appeal to. We are guided by the Holy Spirit, and God’s not going to frick us over for not being able to know any better. Just do your best.

        • 2 years ago

          >children are a consequence of The Fall
          >"Subdue the earth and multiply"
          >God said that to Adam and Eve after their creation but before the Fall
          >First lines of the Bible
          You're full of lies and deliberate misinformation. You know nothing about the faith or Church fathers.

          • 2 years ago

            I agree, fricker, but READ THE CHURCH FATHERS. They’re insane. I am Christian.

          • 2 years ago

            >However, the reality of sexual life did not come about before the fall of man. St. John Chrysostom, commenting on the passage, "Now Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived" (Gen. 4:1)—which oc- curred after the fall—says:
            Read page 151 of Seraphim Rose’s commentary on Genesis. The Church Fathers are in agreement that reproduction, sexuality, and gender are a consequence of the Fall.

            I used to be Orthodox myself, but this along with a few other things deconverted me. I’m still very much Christian, but the Church Fathers are still extremely fallible.

      • 2 years ago

        Because (shockingly) no one is actually a Christian.

    • 2 years ago

      >because (orthodox) Christianity is inherently anti-sexual, anti-gender, anti-romance, anti-family, and anti-woman.

      source : my rectum

    • 2 years ago

      >Now that there are more gays and trannies proportionally than ever, how are you going to convince them that they’re wrong
      You don’t. You drag them into the street and kill them. All gays should be murdered.

    • 2 years ago

      I actually agree with you about a lot of things, but I disagree with you that Christianity is anti-woman. Unless you mean to say that, because Christianity is anti-sexual, it is therefore anti-woman, because women generally want families.
      >Now that there are more gays and trannies proportionally than ever, how are you going to convince them that they’re wrong
      You don't have to. They already know that they are wrong, they simply refuse to admit it. I would go about it the same way I would go about convincing a theif that theft is wrong. Not by showing him a Bible verse, but by legally punishing him.
      >This theology is inherently doomed when questioned, because it’s internally incoherent (Adam and Eve weren’t supposed to have children, be fruitful, and multiply wtf?)
      I would dismiss this simply for the fact that Paul himself said that he's speaking about his personal opinion, not with the authority of God. So in other words, I don't have to care about Paul's opinion on celibacy, I'll just get married if I want to, and I won't if I don't. But saying that Paul's opinion on celibacy retroactively applies to Adam and Eve is absurd.
      >and it also flat-out contradicts everyone’s day-to-day experience
      I don't care.

      • 2 years ago

        >I don't care
        That's why you lose and will continue to lose.

        • 2 years ago

          What am I losing?

          • 2 years ago

            The hearts and minds of people who aren't indoctrinated cultists

          • 2 years ago

            What are you talking about?

          • 2 years ago

            >loses an argument
            >Pretends to be illiterate
            Are ye a dullard?

            You have lost the culture war because of your autistic refusal to face reality and the bare facts of human existence in favor of ideology.

            Your post above proves me right

  9. 2 years ago

    I don't care that it wasn't a utopia. I just want to live in a homogenous White society. That's literally it.

    • 2 years ago

      Move to Belarus, whitest country in Europe, and by extension, the world. I was in Minsk a couple weeks, very pleasant and homely city.

      • 2 years ago
        Sage in every field

        I knew a Belorussian

        He would regularly get drunk and cry on voice chat about how awful the country was and how Slavs don't allow anyone including themselves a moment of happiness

        • 2 years ago

          Thankfully Belarus is now a de facto province of Russia, which is run by Tatars, Chechens and israelites and don't have the Slavic happiness issue.

    • 2 years ago

      Move to a small town in the Midwest or prairies of North America.

  10. 2 years ago

    It's absolutely a cope to make you think "well, for all its problems, at least I wasn't living in any other time period!" so you do nothing about your situation.

    • 2 years ago

      >Daily Fascism Support: +0.10

  11. 2 years ago

    >The show portrays an entire south-midwestern town as being a shitheap; several closeted gays, rapists with their crimes being known yet them never being brought to justice, people who express pure infidelity in droves, abusive and otherwise just terrible people, etc.
    That's South/Midwestern towns in a nutshell anon.

    The people who claim to safeguard morality are usually as corrupt or worse than their opponents, and it's only made worse by their blatant hypocrisy.

    When you did something wrong in The Good Old Days, your dad was supposed to beat you. It's not a good thing to associate your parents with fear and pain.

    Do you think that people who live repressed lives are simply free of the things they repress? Do you think that because someone goes to church on Sunday they can't do or say hideous things? It was pretty autobiographical, the showrunner admitted as much. The sequences at the end with Orel making stop motion movies with his little Jesus figures is pretty much how he got started making animations as a kid. It doesn't even entirely tell off Christianity because Orel retains his faith despite everything he saw and passes his love of God on to his fricking kids.

    Grow the frick up anon. Just because people have different opinions of your fantasy time straight out of a Norman Rockwell painting, you feel the need to b***h about a satire of evangelical Christianity from the fricking 2000s.

    This is like someone going to a party where someone gets their throat slit behind a closed door and no one discovers the lifeless body until later, then whining that no one else can really think about the good time they had in the same way because of the recontextualization that the murder forced upon everyone.

    Shut up and pine in silence like God intended.

    • 2 years ago

      I can't tell if this is bait or not anon. Seriously, the level of disconnect from reality that believes in this concept that the instant a community becomes even remotely conservative and especially religious the entire concept of morality falls in private life is unreal man.
      Like shit, it just makes zero sense that this one concept - that being "you need to be moral in public life" - is what makes so many people terrible without question nor failure is something that's so ridiculous, but for some reason so unironically popular. So please anon, I plead for you to be honest: is your post trolling? The reddit spacing inclines me to believe not, especially the line "Grow the frick up anon." That type of thinking of insulting one's maturity is peak reddit.

      • 2 years ago

        not him but what anon was describing is intrinsic to the calvinist cosmology that american protestants inherited, e.g. that one's public reputation and prosperity indicated their status as one of the elect. catholicism corrects this loop via the sacrament of penance, while protestants are stuck trying to fake it till they make it despite shouting sola fide until they're blue in the face

    • 2 years ago

      >people who express pure infidelity in droves, abusive and otherwise just terrible people, etc.
      >That's South/Midwestern towns in a nutshell anon.
      >The people who claim to safeguard morality are usually as corrupt or worse than their opponents, and it's only made worse by their blatant hypocrisy.
      >When you did something wrong in The Good Old Days, your dad was supposed to beat you. It's not a good thing to associate your parents with fear and pain.
      >Do you think that people who live repressed lives are simply free of the things they repress? Do you think that because someone goes to church on Sunday they can't do or say hideous things? It was pretty autobiographical, the showrunner admitted as much. The sequences at the end with Orel making stop motion movies with his little Jesus figures is pretty much how he got started making animations as a kid. It doesn't even entirely tell off Christianity because Orel retains his faith despite everything he saw and passes his love of God on to his fricking kids.
      >Grow the frick up anon. Just because people have different opinions of your fantasy time straight out of a Norman Rockwell painting, you feel the need to b***h about a satire of evangelical Christianity from the fricking 2000s.
      >This is like someone going to a party where someone gets their throat slit behind a closed door and no one discovers the lifeless body until later, then whining that no one else can really think about the good time they had in the same way because of the recontextualization that the murder forced upon everyone.
      >Shut up and pine in silence like God intended.
      Yeah, I live there. You're full of shit and a projecting leftard. If you moved away, stay away. WE don't want you here.

      • 2 years ago

        I live here, moron.

        God doesn't want you online talking shit while your relationship with your family dies a slow quiet death and your community is torn to pieces by internal strife while the afflicted cry for Mana from an uncaring Heaven.

        It's not projection. It's a fact that religious communities have higher rates of domestic violence, alcoholism, and child abuse. You need to sort your shit out and start acting like you really believe that God is watching you.

        I'll keep smoking pot and having loud sex with goth chicks all day, b***h. I'll sing pirate shanties on my walk to work. I'll be my own man and you will conform to all the wrong trends like the meek little freak you are.

        • 2 years ago

          >It's a fact that religious communities have higher rates of domestic violence, alcoholism, and child abuse.
          What religious communities aer you even referring to?

          • 2 years ago

            Any of them besides Buddhists

          • 2 years ago

            How are you going to prove to me that all religious communities other than Buddhists are like that?

          • 2 years ago

            Look it up moron, I'm not here to spoonfeed you

          • 2 years ago

            >Look it up moron, I'm not here to spoonfeed you
            you don't have any stats you lying homosexual

          • 2 years ago

            Anon the burden of proof is on you to disprove me and you haven't yet despite furiously Googling it for hours.

          • 2 years ago

            >Anon the burden of proof is on you to disprove me
            do americans really

          • 2 years ago

            Have rigorous intellectual standards? Yes

            Verification is not required.

          • 2 years ago

            He can't and won't, because it's not true.

          • 2 years ago

            Prove it

  12. 2 years ago

    It's just pedophile LGBTs trying to rewrite history so they can prey on children. You'll notice they always inject homosexuality into their commentary.

  13. 2 years ago

    Any modern rewritings of history, especially of things such as war, usually reek of being influenced by weird tunnel in which people project their own expoeriences into everything else.
    See: Vietnam veterans of middling intelligence and their successors projecting their views and experiences of war into every single war that has existed that isn't maybe ww28and that's only because the west is entirely built off of it).

    • 2 years ago

      Ask the vietcong or the taliban veteran if the war was without cause or pointless and see wthe responses you get.

  14. 2 years ago

    >What's the origin of social "commentaries" that portray a post-World War II pre-Vietnam War Pax Americana society, particularly with a strong religious presence, as pits of vice and sin under a veneer of being perfect?

  15. 2 years ago

    >made by a greek man criticizing the natives of the country he is a guest in
    what do we do about the Greek Question?

  16. 2 years ago

    >There was never any Aqueducts or cities. We were always mudhut dwelling barbarians being ruled over by Germanic warlords. Those murals in the bathhouse ruins were used to sell soap. Stop looking to the past, Chud.

    • 2 years ago

      I too wish to return to pederasty and paganism

      • 2 years ago

        Augustine essentially said the same thing back then that leftoids say today about our crumbling society

        >Yeah the Roman Empire may be collapsing but at least we aren’t hecking racist

        >A nonsequitour about christianity.
        Truly. Normal people should run society, they are so smart and coherent.

    • 2 years ago

      Augustine essentially said the same thing back then that leftoids say today about our crumbling society

      >Yeah the Roman Empire may be collapsing but at least we aren’t hecking racist

  17. 2 years ago

    Well it was mostly people just being edgy, taking something seen as wholesome and making it depressing.
    And a bit of it is true, the nifty 50s weren't all so great for plenty people.
    It's one of those many situations where any one sided argument doesn't have truth but taken in combination; a more accurate picture is formed.

    The 50s were a great time for a lot of people. Wages were good, people could buy nice homes, families could live decently off of one income, so women had the choice of being stay at home mothers.
    But on the other hand, segregation was still a thing, women who didn't have the temperament to be stay at home wives were often bored and miserable since there wasn't full workplace equality yet and most women were expected to be homemakers rather than workers.
    And gay people and the mentally ill were horribly treated by a society which did not understand them.

    • 2 years ago

      thanks, Reddit.

      • 2 years ago
  18. 2 years ago

    Commies have been seething about happy white people in small towns since the beginning. Give Peyton Place (1956) and No Down Payment (1957) a shot to see the spouting of it in 50's film. Unsurprising, these first spouts of anti-small town propaganda are women's film, targeting women. They couldn't quite be as honest about the underlying hatred being for Christianity, until maybe around the 70's. In the 70's, there's Stepford Wives too.

  19. 2 years ago

    >With that preface being given, where's the origin of this type of commentary?

  20. 2 years ago

    Why do you people constantly ignore the mass scale rapes committed and covered up by religious organizations? That's the reason the illusion was shattered. The child rapes

    • 2 years ago

      People hate the church now because power hates the church. If power hadn't turned against religion people would care as much about muh child rape in church as the do muh child rape in public schools.

    • 2 years ago

      >lump all religion together
      I bet you think Catholicism is Christianity too

      People hate the church now because power hates the church. If power hadn't turned against religion people would care as much about muh child rape in church as the do muh child rape in public schools.

      "power" rapes kids today, what are you even talking about

      • 2 years ago

        That's the oint. Power dislikes the church. So now they release the 1000000 gorillion tons of compromat to shit up the churches reputation. Them raping kids too is absolutely irrelevant to the equation.

        • 2 years ago

          People don't need to be told to hate c**ts who tell you how to run your life

          • 2 years ago

            Oh yes they do.
            Well, not to hate them. But they do have to be told they don't have to tolerate it.
            See:modern Government&friends

          • 2 years ago

            Ok moron

          • 2 years ago

            NTA but you seem stupid.

          • 2 years ago

            Ok moron

        • 2 years ago

          The fact is that leaders of Catholicism have repeatedly shuffled people around who are confirmed to be predators of children to different locations, and gone completely along with it by not warning anybody about these people but concealing it. They could have just admitted the people did what was wrong and thrown them out, but instead they aided and abetted them in finding new areas to predate, like a kind of warped witness protection program.

          The fact that Catholicism has done this, and probably some other cults as well, none of this has any influence on Christianity or the church as such.

      • 2 years ago

        It's not just catholics who rape. Objectively in our society the illusion of church holiness and moral authority was shattered by rape and child abuse. You by necessity have to constantly ignore, justify or minimize the child rape aspect in any way you can

    • 2 years ago

      But we're all supposed to give public schools a pass even though teachers are abusing and grooming children?

      • 2 years ago

        Yes, until the church shit gets cracked down on at least. It makes no sense to ignore one and punish the other

        • 2 years ago

          >muh consistency
          >if someone gets away with a crime everyone should get away with it too
          So i should be free to steal as much shit as i want and you can't arrest me because the government steal too

          • 2 years ago

            Yes, I'm against thrift so if the government is doing something it's only fair you do it to them

      • 2 years ago

        Schools don't shelter pedophiles and those that do like Penn state are basically destroyed by the accusations

        • 2 years ago

          Nah dude you're arguing with conspiracy frickers. They don't view the world like us simpleton NPCs. If you wanna talk to these freaks speak on their level. It's more fun that way

          • 2 years ago

            I can never tell if people like this are trolling tbh

          • 2 years ago

            No, they truly think that anyone who disagrees with them online is a troony israeli communist paid by Mossad to do so

          • 2 years ago

            I wish I was getting paid to shitpost

        • 2 years ago

          >Penn state are basically destroyed
          Still up and running. Same with USA gymnastics that protected a pedo for years

    • 2 years ago

      In reality any mass scale rape is covered up by any institution which is responsible for it. Literally what are you talking about.

  21. 2 years ago

    The subversion of expectations is a key part of humour. Since this period was generally portrayed positively until the 1990s (particularly in the 1980s, where there was a big 1950s nostalgia boom) there's an opportunity for laughs by tipping that on its head.

    Also, it's a negative reaction with a kernel of truth - not so much a reaction to the 1950s-60s themselves, but to Reagan era nostalgia for that period. If you're worried about gay rights, for example, it's not too hard to draw a line between the government looking nostalgically at a period where gays weren't really in public life, and the government refusing to implement a basic public health response to the AIDS crisis. (Something that even the Thatcher government in Britain did, despite a similar nostalgia for traditional values - though a more vague one, since 1950s Britain was still pretty austere.)

  22. 2 years ago

    That's just the reality dude, people are people and people are just never happy. If you genuinely think there weren't rapists, abusers, and closeted gays in 1950's small town America you've fallen into intentional government propaganda and advertising. Im not saying it was hell on Earth but every time and place is bound to suck.

    • 2 years ago

      What I'm asking is why is it portrayed as "hell on earth"

      • 2 years ago

        It's not really, it's just portrayed as some people's experiences. Moral Oral is explicitly about a kid with a dad who is particularly abusive and shitty. I don't think the point of the show is as pessimistic as you think, there are loads of good characters and the show ends on the implication that Oral himself would be a better guy to break the cycle.

        Also, Adult Swim was relatively new at that point so most shows were really just seeing what they could get away with. That's probably the cause of the shock humor from this era.

  23. 2 years ago

    I think it has to do with religion, but not faith. This isn't the result in the belief in a higher power or meaning, it's the result of tightly bound social infrastructure - the structures of doctrine, of protocol, of expectation, of norms and mores and community and all else besides. In this context, think of church in small towns not as (or, at least, not *just* as) a sacred space, but a social one - one that connects people to each other, one that people can expect (and, ah, *do* expect) to see each other and to maintain interpersonal relationships within. There was a study a few months ago regarding how acceptable Americans consider (American) Football to be as a sport for children to play. Approval for the sport was correlated with traditionalist cultural values, Conservative politics, Christianity, being male, among other things. But is there a connection between the teachings of Jesus Christ and thinking that tossing around a pigskin is good? No! Football is a social institution in a lot of places, it's an excuse to get together with friends and to bond with those around you over a shared experience - and to revel in the glory of a victorious team which represents your community. That's the point.

    But that's also the problem. Besides the fact that people will always try and hijack such social infrastructure for their own ends (from mad tyrants and lecherous leaders on down to power-grubbing local officials and kiddy diddler coaches), the maintenance of that sense of community can start to take precedence even over the needs and wants of members of that community. What was meant to unite can become something that binds, instead. Also, some are willing to close ranks around foulness, which is strange.

    Anyways, artists tend to be huge weirdos who put little stake in such things, and are very willing to go iconoclastic on deeply cherished ideas for the sake of those who fall between the cracks. Thus, Moral Orel.

  24. 2 years ago

    >Orel is a devout Christian who truly believes in God and the teachings of Christ
    >manages to overcome the pessimism, unhappiness and genuine evil of his family and townspeople
    >show ends with an adult Orel celebrating Christmas together with his white wife and two white kids
    Why are Chuds complaining about Morel Orel again?

    • 2 years ago

      Because chuds want us to believe that WASP culture is all perfection all the time, they hate the fact that flaws were shown

  25. 2 years ago


  26. 2 years ago

    As a IQfymrade I enjoyed this show and kinda wish we got the episode focusing on Orel's brother's development. It may be a reaction to Bush era politics but showing Religion's use as a tool for enforced social cohesion worked for me as a broader message. Also preferring Orel read the Necronomicon rather than Latin is just funny.

  27. 2 years ago

    they hate Christ and love sin. it really is that simple

  28. 2 years ago

    >With that preface being given, where's the origin of this type of commentary?
    It is human nature to shit on what came before, merely so we feel better about what we have now. This happens regardless of actually happened before.
    Take for example the people in the Victorian era, portrayed as ultra-puritans who at the same time would get horny at ankles, or worse, table legs. This was not the case historically. This was still the stereotype created.

  29. 2 years ago

    I don't know if you're attacking Moral Orel specifically, but Moral Orel doesn't have that message. If anything the message of Moral Orel is to not let others' unhappiness ruin your worldview and own happiness. Moral ends up getting married to a nice Christian girl and having a happy family; its his parents, who have failed in God's teachings, that suffer for their own ignorance.

  30. 2 years ago

    It is just boomers shitting on the Greatest Generation.

    The GG grew up in the great depression, won the war and entered a postwar boom with America composing 50% of global GDP and most industry. In their utopian stupor they became complacent. Kind of like "good times make weak men", but "weak" in terms of lack of self-discipline and values. When they saw what boomers were becoming and tried to stop it, boomers were now teenagers and the media convinced them their parents were just "square". The 60s "counterculture" had begun.

    What went wrong? Modernity and degeneracy in general. However some groups proved resistant, the real question is why the majority did not learn from them and vastly improve their lives.

    IQfy has its own conspiracies, but they rest on the assumption people are easily manipulated cucks. The reality is people can be pretty stubborn and cynical. Leftists for example like to imagine they are rebels. The problem is more their warped view of what the "establishment" is and how exactly they are being "oppressed". In a society and economy of millions it is almost impossible for the ordinary person to understand what is happening outside their own neighborhood without a blue tick "expert". Even if they can be bothered to study "socioeconomics" thoroughly and impartially themselves, which is a rarity even in academia, they then have to compete with demagogues and charlatans to convince others before their ideas take effect in society at large. The state and other scam artists act against this general awareness, presenting flawed analyses of their own, misinformation and "white noise" to make it difficult to organize against them. If you are simply unaware of something you won't react to it.

    We are seeing this today, as the nuleft consolidates power, like clockwork appears a flurry of "fashionable nonsense", as you would expect. Critical theory, postmodernism, deconstructivism, "decolonizing queer criminology" and so on.

    • 2 years ago

      After years of browsing this site I can't take a single person who complains about "moral degeneracy" unironically.

      • 2 years ago

        You'll also never be a woman.

        • 2 years ago

          Ok moron

          • 2 years ago

            cope troony

        • 2 years ago

          cope troony

          • 2 years ago

            Go back

      • 2 years ago

        >"I can't take x unironically"
        Would you like to try that again in English, homosexual?

    • 2 years ago

      >What went wrong? Modernity and degeneracy in general. However some groups proved resistant, the real question is why the majority did not learn from them and vastly improve their lives.
      no. the bourgeois mores 300 years ago are exactly the same as today, and the whole bourgeois agenda is to give the peasants a taste of those mores.
      Any republics is a shithole and this dates back to centuries, not a few decades

      • 2 years ago

        Is the centuries long, multi-continental bourgeois conspiracy in the room with us right now?

  31. 2 years ago

    In the 50s was invented TV and TV was always a babysitter for housewives and children to keep them out of trouble. Men didn't watch it outside the news and sports.

  32. 2 years ago

    It was simply meant to be edgy and provocative. This was very common for the time. Artist for all of time love to kill the sacred lambs of a society because it makes them different. As for 50s hate in particular, Gen X- Millennials had to grow up listening to their parents idealizing their past, mainly to install their values in their children. So they like to rag on it for all its flaws and blow it up as the worst society ever actually because everyone was terrible. The 50s weren't as bad as the show, nor as good as the cola commercial, and varied heavily, just like society now.

    TLDR; Its not about the 50s its peoples projections of the 50s for modern purposes

    • 2 years ago

      My grandparents explicitly hated the 50's because the interstate practically destroyed most of my hometown, so 50's nostalgia isn't even that big. Like literally the only people who'd notice any significant change in their living quality were middle-class college educated suburbanites. Everyone else's 50's were either just slightly advanced versions of the 40's or actively worse. Or they were kids with no other points of reference so to them the 50's were just going to school and seeing friends and shit

  33. 2 years ago

    Comedy has always done this, it subverts whatever is popular and reverses norms for a laugh. The extreme anti-Christian/conservative push was because Christian conservatives at the time were very extreme trying to ban anything crass in media and blaming videogames for violence and Japanese cartoons for Satanism. It was so bad you had parents pulling kids out of school and reviewing all the media they would consume in case they ended up accidentally summoning a demon in a pack of playing cards. One of my best friends was raised like that but thankfully his parents mellowed out and he was allowed to live a normal life before he ended up a completely sheltered schizo.

    For your viewing pleasure

  34. 2 years ago

    You missed the ENTIRE POINT of Morel Orel you fricking moron.

  35. 2 years ago

    But Orel is the hero of this show and at the end starts his own Christian nuclear family.

  36. 2 years ago

    >particularly with a strong religious presence, as pits of vice and sin under a veneer of being perfect?
    Because it was. It was the height of the moral panic, meanwhile we know these people were into kinky weird shit. It's like the historian. Outwardly moral obsessed a d then you read diaries and private letters and it's all brap-posting and gay shit.
    The real truth is that people are kind of toxic and shitty and always have been, but they occasionally try to be better and that's a good thing.

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