Oops! I accidentally introduced a bug in systemd that sent all your files directly to CIA servers, my bad guys haha didn't have enough sleep

Oops! I accidentally introduced a bug in systemd that sent all your files directly to CIA servers, my bad guys haha didn't have enough sleep

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      nice try fed

    • 2 years ago

      >all throughout recorded human history, those in power have colluded and conspired in order to keep and expand that power, disregarding the rights and needs of the populace at every turn they could get away with it
      >good thing they stopped doing so as soon as I was born
      You are an idiot.

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        explain how systemd, one random github project out of millions, is colluding to have power over you

        • 2 years ago

          Are you a Red Hat employee, or just unaware of systemd's history?

          • 2 years ago

            endless schizoid screeching about redhat is not an explanation

          • 2 years ago

            You mean IBM. You know they helped Hitler to kill the israelites?

          • 2 years ago

            i love ibm

          • 2 years ago

            explain how systemd apparently went back in time to the 1940s and caused the holocaust

          • 2 years ago

            I'll just explain that its large size and ever expanding scope make it perfect for hiding backdoors. And even if there aren't deliberate backdoors, historically it's one of the buggiest and least secure pieces of software available.

            >One of the many critical, remotely exploitable vulnerabilities it's already suffered from
            Show one. Just one.

            >You're trying too hard you dumb glowBlack person. This is what lets people know there IS a backdoor
            If there is a backdoor, then show it.

            >The thing's shitty, has a history of backdoors and critical security issues
            Show a single one of these backdoors and critical security issues. Just post one, that's all you have to do.

            Keep struggling glowbot.

          • 2 years ago

            you didn't explain anything
            your post said it's perfect for hiding backdoors and didn't give a reason, and then in the next sentence you said it might not have any backdoors

          • 2 years ago

            I already explained all of it, it's so big and so much code gets added all the time that, even if it doesn't have backdoors, it's safe to assume it does.

            Once it's frozen and subjected to an open, multi-party formal verification process perhaps I will use it. Not until.

          • 2 years ago

            it's so big compared to what
            why it it safe to assume that
            you're not explaining anything you're just saying random things
            you know it's open source and anyone can freeze it and subject it to a multi-party formal verification process, including you

          • 2 years ago

            >I'll just explain that its large size and ever expanding scope make it perfect for hiding backdoors
            Show one of these hidden backdoors. Just one. Tell us what you see that no one else can.

            > And even if there aren't deliberate backdoors, historically it's one of the buggiest and least secure pieces of software available.

            >Keep struggling glowbot.
            I will keep struggling until you show the backdoor. I can't find any, where is it? Show one.

          • 2 years ago

            You want one of the many old backdoors that have been discovered over the years? For me that's enough to condemn it into the future.

            The history of systemd is basically just bug after bug. With such a poor track record, it's on systemd people to prove it isn't pozzed. And IBM only exists to serve the US government at this point, so there's another reason to assume it's pozzed.

            Formal review and verification after a code freeze. And a spec which is agreed upon by an international standards body so other implementations can be developed, or sorry I won't run it and I will shit talk it far and wide.

            Far and wide.

          • 2 years ago

            >You want one of the many old backdoors that have been discovered over the years?
            Yes. Post one. Just one.

            >The history of systemd is basically just bug after bug.
            Show one of these bugs. Also show one open source project that has no bugs.

            >With such a poor track record, it's on systemd people to prove it isn't pozzed.
            They did. Now it's on you to prove them wrong.

            >And IBM only exists to serve the US government at this point, so there's another reason to assume it's pozzed.
            Why would the US government backdoor software they use on their own computers?

            >Formal review and verification after a code freeze.
            Name one operating system that does this.

            >And a spec which is agreed upon by an international standards body so other implementations can be developed
            Name one operating system that does this.

          • 2 years ago

            Black folk with Autism are the worst

          • 2 years ago

            then why are there 12 million of them today

          • 2 years ago

            well, they did an ultra shit job at that

          • 2 years ago

            The latter, then?

          • 2 years ago

            no you never explained the history of systemd

        • 2 years ago

          >one random github project out of millions
          >that just so happens to take over one of the few operating systems that wasn't backdoored from the start
          >the same operating system used in pretty much every server
          Nothing to see here folks! Take meds, touch grass, have sex. Systemd is safe and effective!

          • 2 years ago

            explain how linux wasn't backdoored from the start
            explain how systemd is "taking over" when it's still literally optional

          • 2 years ago

            >explain how linux wasn't backdoored from the start
            Wasn't made by glowies at MS and Apple, for starters
            >explain how systemd is "taking over" when it's still literally optional
            You're right, they're not taking over, it's just the majority of distros that use it including the biggest ones. It's just "one random github project out of millions" as you said.
            Disingenuous frick.

          • 2 years ago

            explain why you think literally any other person can't write a backdoor and only ms and apple could do that
            explain why you think anyone outside IQfy cares about the majority of distros

          • 2 years ago


            Why, so you can nitpick it and waste our times with pilpul and "ackshually this evidence is not in the official list of approved evidences"?
            No thanks, I'd rather just avoid your pozz and watch you seethe when your damage control fails.

          • 2 years ago

            literally saying you can't explain it because you're afraid someone will argue with you

          • 2 years ago

            Sophistry is not an argument.
            Either way, I concede: you're right, Systemd is safe and effective and the government would never lie to you or put backdoors in software.

          • 2 years ago

            The government already has Intel ME and AMD PSP. They don't need systemd to spy on you. If you are using an x86 or ARM device, you're not safe. It's that simple.

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah governments would never expand their spying capabilities beyond what they already have.
            No more (you)s from me to (you) agent DeShawn.

          • 2 years ago

            i concede, you're right, governments would never expand their spying capabilities, if they infected systemd they would clearly stop there and would never infect any other component of linux or bsd

          • 2 years ago

            We're not talking about "any other component of linux or bsd", we're talking about Systemd specifically. And you're trying to deflect from that. Just like half the posters ITT. Really makes you think...

            also this glowBlack person [...] can't stop seething

            It's pretty obvious when you realize their "arguments" are just name calling and pilpul to get you to waste your time. Once you notice, you cannot un-notice.

          • 2 years ago

            >It's pretty obvious when you realize their "arguments" are just name calling and pilpul to get you to waste your time.
            You're actually noticing yourself. This could all be over if you show one piece of proof. Just one. The thread would have ended hours ago.

          • 2 years ago

            I don't have proof, I'm just a schizo. Trust the experts, not me.
            Still not using it btw.

          • 2 years ago

            Nobody is trying to get you to use it. The only thing you need to use is your meds.

          • 2 years ago

            Method number 19 of the twenty-five rules of disinformation, "ignore proof presented, demand impossible proof"

            >meds this
            >schizo that
            I believe thats method number 5, "Sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule"

            This thread couldnt glow any brighter if it tried

          • 2 years ago

            explain what specifically is significant about systemd, in before no explanation is ever given and then you hilariously accuse me of deflection again

          • 2 years ago

            They already know about your hentai collection my man.

          • 2 years ago

            >systemd schizo completes full descent into memeing
            mentally ill conspiracy theorists on IQfy would also never lie to you or put backdoors in software or write some stupid broken shit, that's why i only use operating systems written by them

          • 2 years ago

            Why you care so much if a schizo don't want to use your glowing software?
            (PS: I'm just not using it, it's all HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHA!!!)

          • 2 years ago

            i don't, i want you to take your meds so you stop hearing the lennart voices inside your head, see the literal first post in the thread

          • 2 years ago

            also this glowBlack person

            >systemd schizo completes full descent into memeing
            mentally ill conspiracy theorists on IQfy would also never lie to you or put backdoors in software or write some stupid broken shit, that's why i only use operating systems written by them

            can't stop seething

          • 2 years ago

            also it's 137 posts and you still didn't explain where the backdoor is

    • 2 years ago

      Time for meds

      Hello, meds department?


    • 2 years ago

      Time for meds

      Daily reminder no schizo has been able to demostrate there's a NSA backdoor in systemd beyond reasonable doubt.

      Is the Google DNS still hardcoded or did they remove it?

  2. 2 years ago

    the CIA relies on the the NSA to process the massive amount of data they collect through electronic means both foreign and domestic before giving it to appropriate analysts within the CIA

    so really the NSA but supposing you are backdoor'd already systemd has nothing to do with it!

  3. 2 years ago


  4. 2 years ago

    Time for meds

    • 2 years ago

      sure thing glowie, let me take my meds and completely forget about ~~*you*~~

  5. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      But wait a minute.
      Only bugs can be fixed. Or not fixed for that matter
      So if a "wontfix" tag is used, doesn't that imply it actually IS a bug?

  6. 2 years ago

    Cool. NSA agents can watch Better Call Saul with good quality.

  7. 2 years ago

    ummmm sweaty, actually its systemd-nsa, a vital part of systemd

  8. 2 years ago

    Elon Musk feels confident posting about chemtrails on twitter so I guess it goes to show the intelligence agencies are not to be feared.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Chemtrails is a psyop.
      Leaked/Declassified CIA documents are a psyops too.

      • 2 years ago

        Portugal's weather ministry just announced chemtrails are actually real though.

        • 2 years ago

          >Portugal's weather ministry just announced chemtrails are actually real though.
          Yeah they're real but not what you think they are.
          Like UFOS

  9. 2 years ago

    Hello, meds department?

    • 2 years ago

      how can you even type this when your hands are full of red hat wieners?

      • 2 years ago

        Because they aren't.

  10. 2 years ago

    nice mister Potter, I will write an application, maybe the CIA will see it and I will get a nice job there 🙂
    thank you sir

  11. 2 years ago

    *sends your dns queries to google
    (and it's not a bug it's a feature mind you)

    • 2 years ago

      It uses DNS fallback if
      1. if you router has limited internet connectivity AND
      2. if you haven't set a DNS fallback in your router.

      • 2 years ago

        Anything more than never is too much

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, so why didn't you configure your router if you are that much concerned? Weird.

          • 2 years ago

            I did something even better: ditch systemd

          • 2 years ago

            Ditched systemd and left your router unconfigured? What a weird choice.

    • 2 years ago

      kek. these devs are intentionally fricking up peoples privacy. OpenBSD even used googles NTP servers. when this was pointed out they changed to cloudflare, which isn't much better.

  12. 2 years ago

    le heartbleed faec

  13. 2 years ago

    Daily reminder no schizo has been able to demostrate there's a NSA backdoor in systemd beyond reasonable doubt.

    • 2 years ago

      go away cia

    • 2 years ago

      pings google

      • 2 years ago

        your meds.

      • 2 years ago

        Your post pinged google already.

    • 2 years ago

      I don't think Systemd has intentional backdoors but how do you think backdoors work? Systemd has literally hundreds of security flaws, any of which could have been intentionally placed there.

      • 2 years ago

        >source: my arse
        Go to play with your sysvinit distro and leave the grown men work.

    • 2 years ago

      It's very telling that they can't even figure out a system that's completely open source. Yet they're supposed to be some sort of authority on closed source.
      It's pathetic - it's like a bunch of kids that can't even ride gokarts without running into a tree style themselves experts on cars.

  14. 2 years ago

    That proves that you know nothing. You should have been yelled at for submitting that by The Master

  15. 2 years ago

    >meds this
    >schizo that
    I believe thats method number 5, "Sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule"

    • 2 years ago

      Take your meds and go back to cripplesite.

      • 2 years ago

        cripplesite's tech board was honestly 10x better than this shithole when it was active, but now it's gone so what now? :^)

      • 2 years ago

        I can't you destroyed it. It's unironically crippled beyond repair.
        >make your own
        I don't want to end up falseflagged like the dozens other imageboards that tried to get established back then.

    • 2 years ago

      you can actually tell how many glowies are here with threads like this one

      • 2 years ago

        It's fricking unreal. 50% LEA, 49% advertisers.

      • 2 years ago

        No goy, all those people spamming "take meds" whenever a glowie op gets exposed are real and organic!

        • 2 years ago

          OP's correct, systemd is just a massive intelligence collection platform.

          Show the line of code where it collects the intelligence. One single line, that's all you have to do.

          • 2 years ago

            How about this - we can just look at the list of critical security holes already discovered, the ones marked *wontfix* and extrapolate from there, OK?

            It's too big to audit anyway, by the time you got finished it'd have 350,000 more lines of code. The most reasonable thing to do is assume it's pozzed. Constant globohomosexual damage control like you're doing right now is all the proof anybody needs.

            Remember when you did this with Intel ME and it just made everybody much more paranoid about it? You're so frickin' dumb.

          • 2 years ago

            >we can just look at the list of critical security holes already discovered, the ones marked *wontfix*
            Show one.

            >and extrapolate from there
            I extrapolate from your post that you need to take your meds.

            >It's too big to audit anyway, by the time you got finished it'd have 350,000 more lines of code.
            Then gather up 350,000 Void and Artix users to help you audit it.

            >The most reasonable thing to do is assume it's pozzed.
            The most reasonable thing to do is assume you need to take your meds.

            >Constant globohomosexual damage control like you're doing right now is all the proof anybody needs.
            Show one single line of code. Just one.

            >Remember when you did this with Intel ME and it just made everybody much more paranoid about it?
            My unmedicated friend, you were always going to become much more paranoid about something.

          • 2 years ago

            >Show one.
            What one of the many many that they claim to have fixed? Or the exploits I'm going to sell?

            You're overdoing it glowBlack person. This is the exact behavior which alerted people to the fact that Intel ME is a government backdoor. You're trying too hard, too invested in damage control.

          • 2 years ago

            >What one of the many many that they claim to have fixed? Or the exploits I'm going to sell?
            Just pick one. Roll a dice to choose if you have to.

            >You're overdoing it glowBlack person. This is the exact behavior which alerted people to the fact that Intel ME is a government backdoor.
            Asking for people to prove there was a backdoor proved there was a backdoor? You don't say. Now how about you prove this backdoor in systemd?

            >You're trying too hard, too invested in damage control.
            Anon, it's only you damage controlling. I WANT you to post the backdoor and you refuse to do it. What are you hiding? I will be extremely happy if the backdoor gets posted in this thread.

          • 2 years ago

            >Just pick one.
            One of the many critical, remotely exploitable vulnerabilities it's already suffered from?

            You're trying too hard you dumb glowBlack person. This is what lets people know there IS a backdoor - when some gay government agents come out of the woodwork, day or night, to "debooonk."

            The thing's shitty, has a history of backdoors and critical security issues, it's simply not worthy of being trusted or used.

          • 2 years ago

            >One of the many critical, remotely exploitable vulnerabilities it's already suffered from
            Show one. Just one.

            >You're trying too hard you dumb glowBlack person. This is what lets people know there IS a backdoor
            If there is a backdoor, then show it.

            >The thing's shitty, has a history of backdoors and critical security issues
            Show a single one of these backdoors and critical security issues. Just post one, that's all you have to do.

          • 2 years ago

            >This is what lets people know there IS a backdoor - when some gay government agents come out of the woodwork, day or night, to "debooonk."

            personally I'm just some dumb anon but Jesus your arguments are not compelling, all you have said here is FRICK YOU GLOWIE and ITS LEAKY AS A SIEVE FRICK YOU

            truth is, if you discovered some big back door that hasn't been discovered yet by the hordes of autists with all levels of schizotypal presentation, you'd get as famous as you would ever want to be, instantly. you would be an elite hacker, and probably be able to waltz into a 300k job, you would get the esteem of your colleagues. but you can't do it, you can't prove it.

            further proof of this dynamic is that exploits ARE routinely found, in old and new software. they become news stories.

          • 2 years ago


            What a bunch if circlejerky wankers.

          • 2 years ago

            Too big to comb through, best to just assume it's totally riddled with backdoors. It's on the maker of the software to convince me that it's suitable, not the other way around. All I have to do is point at the long, long list of previous critical vulnerabilities to vindicate my own thesis.

            If you want people to believe this historically buggy, enormous pile of shitware is safe, you have to prove it.

          • 2 years ago

            >too big to comb through
            Well when your development force is too lazy and incompetent to add thumbnails to the file picker and spends most of their time removing features from the "default" desktop so there's less code to maintain (every 5 lines deleted counts!) and ricing their neovim dotfiles you'd think that but far larger projects get audited every single day

          • 2 years ago

            IBM's the one in charge of Red Hat which owns GNOME and has failed to put thumbnails in the file picker. So that's another demerit from systemd.

            Also please tell me of the open source projects larger than System D - do any exist? And of that set, which are audited every day?

          • 2 years ago

            IBM's the one in charge of Red Hat which owns GNOME and has failed to put thumbnails in the file picker. So that's another demerit from systemd.

            Also please tell me of the open source projects larger than System D - do any exist? And of that set, which are audited every day?

            Why do you think the developers of an init system are the same developers working on the file picker just because they work for the same company? Jesus christ this fricking board sometimes, I'm losing brain cells just reading this shit.

          • 2 years ago

            >Too big to comb through
            Which of your software have you combed through? Name one piece of software that's not too big.

            >best to just assume it's totally riddled with backdoors
            If it's riddled they should be easy for you to find. Post one.

            >It's on the maker of the software to convince me that it's suitable, not the other way around
            Wrong, it is the other way around. If you found a backdoor that nobody else did, it's on you to convince the maker of the software that it's real.

            >All I have to do is point at the long, long list of previous critical vulnerabilities
            Alright, post a single one from this list. Just one.

            >If you want people to believe this historically buggy, enormous pile of shitware is safe, you have to prove it.
            What proof will you accept?

          • 2 years ago

            >It's on the maker of the software to convince me that it's suitable, not the other way around.
            That's called advertising dumbass. And it has frick all to do with the quality of the software itself.

            The whole point of (FL)OSS is having the ability to see and modify the source code. Yet, nobody in this thread that's claimed that systemd is full of backdoors has posted a single line of code.

            And there isn't a single piece of software without bugs in it, so "look at all the bugs they've fixed in the past" is not a good argument at all.

          • 2 years ago

            Why, so you can nitpick it and waste our times with pilpul and "ackshually this evidence is not in the official list of approved evidences"?
            No thanks, I'd rather just avoid your pozz and watch you seethe when your damage control fails.

          • 2 years ago

            >Why, so you can nitpick it and waste our times with pilpul and "ackshually this evidence is not in the official list of approved evidences"?
            If this is a real backdoor then you can easily defeat nitpicking by proving it's real.

            >No thanks, I'd rather just avoid your pozz and watch you seethe when your damage control fails.
            I have nothing to damage control. I would post backdoors if I had proof of them. I don't. You're the one who claims to have proof, you won't post it, ergo you're the one damage controlling.

    • 2 years ago

      Man, it's failure to take your meds all the way down with you "people", isn't it?

  16. 2 years ago

    it's fine, systemd is perfect and if you have any issue or disagreement with it then you're obviously a schizo

  17. 2 years ago

    Has there been ever a single valid technical point made against systemd instead of >>>/x/ schizoppsting?

  18. 2 years ago

    no meme arrow therefore you are lennart pottering and you say and do that

  19. 2 years ago

    OP's correct, systemd is just a massive intelligence collection platform.

  20. 2 years ago

    No worries brah. I wasn't doing anything illegal anyways.

    • 2 years ago

      Only submissive betas don't break laws in current year

  21. 2 years ago

    >linux kernel: bloated mess
    >bash: bloated mess
    >zsh: bloated mess
    >GRUB2: bloated mess
    >GNU coreutils: bloated mess
    >vim: bloated mess
    >emacs: bloated mess
    >gcc: bloated mess
    >gdb: bloated mess
    >gtk: bloated mess
    >GNOME: bloated mess
    >qt: bloated mess
    >KDE: bloated mess
    >Xorg: bloated mess
    >Pulseaudio: bloated mess
    >linux users: this is perfectly fine

    >systemd: bloated mess

    • 2 years ago

      Not very smart are they?

      Reminder that your web browser is more bloated than systemd and executes random remote code every single day.

      • 2 years ago

        My web browser is contained by pledge and unveil, and isn't PID 1.

        it's so big compared to what
        why it it safe to assume that
        you're not explaining anything you're just saying random things
        you know it's open source and anyone can freeze it and subject it to a multi-party formal verification process, including you

        System D has more code than the entire OpenBSD kernel plus userland plus compiler suite plus X. System D is bloated.

        • 2 years ago

          >System D has more code than the entire OpenBSD kernel plus userland plus compiler suite plus X
          massively and unbelievably false, and easily verified as false by anyone with access to github

    • 2 years ago

      the frick are you talking about? people complain about kernel bloat, kde, gnome, coreutils, shells all the time

      • 2 years ago

        And yet you use it, despite less bloated alternatives existing everywhere. And you have never audited any of it.

        • 2 years ago

          who said i do? your mom?

    • 2 years ago

      systemd is the only bloated mess on that list

      • 2 years ago

        Anon, all of that shit is bloated and could easily contain exploits. If you use any of it while b***hing about systemd, you're a hypocrite. Systemd is scaled up as an init system as badly as vim is scaled up as a text editor. You do not need that much code to write text, not counting the 200+ line config file needed to make vim usable.

        My web browser is contained by pledge and unveil, and isn't PID 1.

        System D has more code than the entire OpenBSD kernel plus userland plus compiler suite plus X. System D is bloated.

        >my bloat is contained by bloat
        >no way could this security software have its own bugs
        >especially not in a common use case like containing a web browser, which everyone would be looking for an exploit in
        the only correct solution is to not run bloat

        • 2 years ago

          vim: 1,200,540 lines
          acme: "Acme is about 8,000 lines of code in Alef, a concurrent object-oriented language syntactically similar to C "

          Imagine needing 150 times more code to be worse at the same job lmao

          • 2 years ago

            imagine not being able to understand what optional features and enhancements are, and why anyone would ever want them, and why it would be easier to put them all in the same source code tree when a lot of people are contributing

          • 2 years ago

            Literally systemd logic.

          • 2 years ago

            yes systemd devs do the thing that makes it easier to use and develop, imagine that

          • 2 years ago

            Spot on #1, missed the mark by a mile #2.

          • 2 years ago

            no, you're extremely wrong and you need to stop posting

          • 2 years ago

            >source: my butthole
            First systemd is too large so it's difficult to work on, now large codebases full of every feature everyone has ever asked for are easier to develop for!


          • 2 years ago

            i never said either of those things moron
            if that's what you got from that post then take your meds

          • 2 years ago

            Everything done to that editor has only made it worse. Vi is meant to be a lightweight, dead-simple editor of last resort that simply exists on 99% of unix systems. That's the only reason you would ever want to learn that trash. Because it's been there for ages. Extending it and trying to make it into a daily driver is a terrible waste of time and now most vim users are hopelessly confused whenever they use actual vi.
            On top of being terrible time wasters who spend full days configuring a bunch of vimscript plugins and keybinds so they can cut and paste code blocks slightly faster. I wonder if these people program or if they just go in after real programmers and make sure their code meets the style guidelines.

          • 2 years ago

            >Extending it and trying to make it into a daily driver is a terrible waste of time
            >proceeds to give examples of actual useful features that are missing from vi that let you do things faster

          • 2 years ago

            >Piles hacks on top of vi
            >it's still vi just more bloated
            >all the features are dirty hacks that barely work
            >most of the focus is on speeding up uncommon tasks in arcane ways
            Vim users are known for playing vim golf, where they do the vimmiest things possible to justify using vim, when someone with gedit just opened a search and replace dialog and used it twice and used a terminal window for version control and compilation.

          • 2 years ago

            >>most of the focus is on speeding up uncommon tasks in arcane ways
            holy frick you mean people sometimes have to do uncommon tasks and they want those to be fast too??? no goddamn way i can't believe it, how could that possibly be

          • 2 years ago

            In the time you spent configuring your editor and learning the new configuration, someone with a different program was already finished and only took ten extra seconds to do it. The task will recur in....3 weeks!

            Honestly vim would be much better if they accepted that the editor is bloated and followed the emacs way: including a ton of common vimscript and lua extensions in the official distribution and shipping it with a common sense configuration that enables most of them. But I guess vim users enjoy playing "build your own editor".

          • 2 years ago

            it takes ten seconds to install an editor plugin, try again

            Your bloated text editor's extensions use those other programs anyways. Do you really think there's a vimscript git client? I fricking hope there isn't. You add 30,000 lines of code to your 1.2 million line fricked up version of vi but you already have an interactive shell where you can run "git" instead of typing <leader>ggPM<ret> (a command you set up after spending 3 hours in the documentation)

            >editor bloat slave thinks his bloated editor isn't just interacting with the other programs in place of the shell
            autists always do this because not having the same keybinds everywhere induces frustration and hand-flapping, forehead smacking rage fits.

            >yeah man don't use that 30,000 line plugin, just write the equivalent functions in 30,000 lines of bash yourself lol

          • 2 years ago

            >write it in bash
            You unironically do not have to write anything. The 30,000 lines of plugins is to create an interface between vim and external programs and duplicate existing functions so you don't have to commit autism sacrilege and leave your text editor. Bash already exists and you just need to run git branch -d realistic-knots-patch in a shell. or maybe write an alias or function in a fraction of the time it takes you to set up those plugins in .vimrc or init.el so they can do the same fricking thing?

            If you want to talk about writing a shitload of bash, maybe you want to talk about comparing systemd to openrc/sysvinit, because a systemd unit file is a short .ini which is several times simpler than an init script.

          • 2 years ago

            i can't believe you are this mad about someone using a plugin that allows you to bind keys to commonly used git commands
            >maybe write an alias or function in a fraction of the time it takes you to set up those plugins in .vimrc or init.el so they can do the same fricking thing?
            it takes ten seconds to set up a plugin, your brain is whacked my dude
            you seriously got fricking filtered by emacs and vim, goddamn

          • 2 years ago

            >it takes 10 seconds to set up a plugin
            I have watched vim/emacs cultists work. It's more like 20 minutes as they read through the documentation for their snowflake duplication of existing functions.

            Meanwhile, the rest of us just *GASP* leave the editor and run the shell command.

          • 2 years ago

            >noooo you can't read 20 minutes of documentation that's too long
            >you have to be cool and read 60 minutes of man pages like me

          • 2 years ago

            >uses a bloated text editor thats probably full of vulnerabilities so he doesn't have to run git branch in a terminal
            >has to know how to run git branch anyways to duplicate that functionality in his .vimrc/init.el
            >has never audited his editor+extension collections codebase (no one has, they just assume because it's an editor it's harmless)
            >proceeds to complain about systemd being bloated but to save you time rather than waste time duplicating existing functions so an autist doesn't have to disgrace the holy vimacs by implying there is something it can not/should not do

          • 2 years ago

            >has never audited anything and can't show any proof of these supposed vulnerabilities
            >proceeds to complain about text editors she's never even used and only watched other people using them
            systemd threads are unironically schizo general

          • 2 years ago

            its funny because if you actually learn vi instead of learning your snowflake vim configuration that saves you 5 keystrokes when you refactor ranjeet's for() blocks, you can be as productive as you can be in vim, but you have to commit editor sacrilege and leave your editor to use other programs for things like reading mail and using version control systems.

          • 2 years ago

            >your text editor is bloated bro
            >just install these other 57 command line programs to handle mail and version control and then spend all your time writing bash scripts to string them together, its way easier!
            >what do you mean the total lines of code for all the 57 programs is a lot longer than vim? noooo stop paying attention to that

          • 2 years ago

            Your bloated text editor's extensions use those other programs anyways. Do you really think there's a vimscript git client? I fricking hope there isn't. You add 30,000 lines of code to your 1.2 million line fricked up version of vi but you already have an interactive shell where you can run "git" instead of typing <leader>ggPM<ret> (a command you set up after spending 3 hours in the documentation)

          • 2 years ago

            >editor bloat slave thinks his bloated editor isn't just interacting with the other programs in place of the shell
            autists always do this because not having the same keybinds everywhere induces frustration and hand-flapping, forehead smacking rage fits.

          • 2 years ago

            at some point vim became moronic emacs and began absorbing features it shouldn't. it became a program where everything is possible but all of it is kind of shitty and a waste of time. now you can run a terminal and read email in vim, you can do version control in vim in a convoluted way where just using regular git commands in a second terminal window would be much better, and they deny it by just not including those extensions in the official package like emacs would (to save you time and compatibility related problems). if vim did the sane thing and included known good version of popular extensions to save users time and make the package resemble the typical installation it would be apparent that vim actually has nearly two million lines of code

            it's very much exactly like systemd
            >but it's still just a text editor you don't have to use all this other stuff
            >i swear to god this is lightweight
            >it's not bloated it has features
            i wonder how many undiscovered exploits are in vim? neovim ripped a bunch of random legacy GUI shit out without managing to break too much so probably quite a few.

        • 2 years ago

          >200 line config file
          did you forget to add 30,000 lines of code for the plugins?

    • 2 years ago

      There's a reason we've called them "freetards" for decades.

  22. 2 years ago

    >red hat owns gnome
    Volunteer developers.

    >Open sores
    Please, we all know open sores devs never do any real work.

  23. 2 years ago

    >my program uses gtk and i run the linux kernel. so? other people are surely reading all that code and checking it for bugs.
    >yes systemd is way too bloated i hate it. that's way too much code. what if there were bugs in it? i don't have time to read all that code

  24. 2 years ago

    Systemd critics have the beginning of wisdom, but fail to take it to its proper conclusion: the entire GNU/Linux stack up to the desktop is largely jenkem and amateurish code fit only to be replaced by something that was actually engineered, not shat out.

  25. 2 years ago

    At work (Fortune 500) we were exploited by a worm that used systemd to raise privilege levels.

  26. 2 years ago

    The CIA better not steal my game idea that is super amazing.

  27. 2 years ago

    Good for you, now can someone tell me an init system that has the same or very similar commands as systemD does? Currently on runit and the commands are awful. I can't even shutdown -h <time> anymore.

    • 2 years ago

      this was all solved eras ago, nextstep solved it before sun did, sun did before apple did, system d is a hack designed to replace not just init but a host of unix basics

  28. 2 years ago


  29. 2 years ago

    不名誉なプログラムシステムディー CVE-2012-1174 Delete Any Files コンピューターが破壊された CVE-2015-7510, CVE-2018-15688 Arbitrary State Insertion 状態注入 CVE-2017-9217 Buffer Overflow バッファオーバーフロー CVE-2017-9445 systemd-resolvd Remote Code Execution プログラムをリモートで実行する CVE-2017-15908 Denial of Service サービス拒否 CVE-2017-1000082 0-Day (ゼロデイ) Root Exploit コンピュータを好きなように実行させます CVE-2018-15686 Root Privilege Elevation (10.0 Critical Exploit!!) ルートアカウントの不適切なアクセス CVE-2020-13776 Root Privilege Elevation Again 特権の昇格 CVE-2019-6454 Kernel Panic カーネルパニック CVE-2020-1712 Arbitrary Code Execution 任意のコードの実行 CVE-2021-33910 Stack Exhaustion スタックのスペースが不足しました

  30. 2 years ago

    Oops! systemd's DNS resolver which shadows your real one sometimes takes over and sends your requests to Google! haha not my problem, will not fix

  31. 2 years ago

    >why do people use systemd.
    The beginning
    >package maintainers were tired of editing .sh scripts that had no strong standard
    >Redhat sent recruiters to Germany to scower every underground teaboy bar they could find, until they found the twinkiest and smoothest boi
    >RH asked twink to use init as a vector to make Linux as unnecessarily complicated as SELinux, so that Redhat could sell more service contracts and the NSA could add more backdoors
    >smooth underaged teaboy twink swallowed, then agreed
    >package maintainers got wet over having to edit fewer files, so they forced votes on which init system to choose
    The great vote
    >in one corner was systemd. Its proponents' strongest argument, "it's just an init system, bro"
    >in the other corners were init systems that actually really were just init systems, didn't use binary formats, and weren't helmed by an autsitic harem twink homosexual
    >in the audience were a few users that were worried about the twink teaboy's previous clusterfrick of a project (pulseaudio) and systemd's bloat and tendril-like structure
    >the argument "it's just an init system, bro" won
    >a bunch of distro owners left in disgust
    A stop job is running
    >Over the years the German twink teaboy has ballooned the init system like an inflatable buttplug until it throbs against nearly every aspect of Linux, each time claiming that some obscure edgecase won't work perfectly in his mind if an entire POSIX-style subsystem isn't replaced with his personal sex toy
    >systemd has replaced the system DNS resolver, time daemon, syslog, udev, mount, cron, and now home
    >all criticism is dismissed as trolling or angry script-kiddies butthurt about "muh init system shouldn't be contacting Google's servers"
    >people who complain are told "lol why u mad? it was never just an init system, bro"
    >ctrl-c to stop a job is still marked as "WONTFIX, working as designed"

    • 2 years ago

      based systemd making trannies seethe

    • 2 years ago

      underrated take

  32. 2 years ago

    God I hate this c**t with a passion. If it isn't the fricking UEFI `rm -rf /` motherboard shit, it's this.
    Germans really are the reason we can't have nice things.

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