Phonecian tomb in the Azores

How far did the Phonecians/Carthos truly venture? We know they most likely circumnavigated Africa and definitely colonized the Azores which is 1500 km from Iberia in the middle of the atlantic, this opens a huge amount of amazing possibilities and we know for a fact they visited Ancient Britain to trade for tin, how far did they really go?

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  1. 2 years ago

    This makes me happy that we have still history to discover

    • 2 years ago

      don't assume that it will be "discovered". institutional history consists entirely of gatekeeping homosexuals like

      >first paragraph talks about Atlantis
      /x/ is that way.

      • 2 years ago

        yes, "gatekeeping". generally, in academia if you make a claim about a massive land mass in the ocean rising up at a specific time because of a large celestial body, you need to have evidence to back it up.

        • 2 years ago

          Hello sir India supports Israel. We are broothers

  2. 2 years ago

    I think their is a strong
    chance the Phonecians visited India or even farther, but the Phonecians lived so long ago the evidence would be very scant at best

  3. 2 years ago

    India is right next to the near east so the Phonecians could just sail down the Persian gulf from Egypt which is near Phonecia and then they are in India

    • 2 years ago

      >India is right next to the near east so the Phonecians could just sail down the Persian gulf from Egypt which is near Phonecia and then they are in India

      no Suez canal, getting their boats into the Red Sea was a non-trivial undertaking. obvoiusly they could build their ships launch from Egyptian ports but then that would be Egyptian-sponsored Phoenicians.

      • 2 years ago

        Pharaoh Neko initiated the construction of a channel that connected the Nile to the Red Sea and Darius later finished it

  4. 2 years ago

    There's evidence they've reached brazil as well.

    • 2 years ago

      sorry for the moronic link

      • 2 years ago

        >first paragraph talks about Atlantis
        /x/ is that way.

        • 2 years ago

          The trojan wars were also considered myth, until it wasn't.
          Ignore that shit and scroll down, or don't, i don't actually care...

          • 2 years ago

            Evidence of one war that happened in roughly the place an oral poem claimed it happened, doesn't prove that the Iliad itself happened the way Homer wrote it down. It also doesn't prove that a literary device used to describe one Athenian's ideal government in a fictional narrative was an actual place.

  5. 2 years ago

    Imagine we found like a Phonecian ship full of traded goods in like the outerbanks or some shit, that would be pretty amazing

  6. 2 years ago

    That’s not a Phoenician tomb

  7. 2 years ago

    >Phonecian tomb in the Azores

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


      1. There is a man made cave.
      2. It has slots carved into the walls, seemingly to hold urns, so it might be a tomb.
      3. It has a calendar carved into it, which is distinctly Phoenician.
      4. When the Portuguese found the islands, they already had southern European animals living there, so someone must've been there earlier.
      5. If you are catching the currents returning from Britain, where the Phoenicians are supposed to have traded for tin, you will end up on those islands.

      • 2 years ago

        >There is a man made cave.
        There isn't
        > It has a calendar carved into it, which is distinctly Phoenician.
        it doesn't
        >It has slots carved into the walls, seemingly to hold urns, so it might be a tomb.
        But not actual urns, funny that!

        >they already had southern European animals living there
        It didn't
        >where the Phoenicians are supposed to have traded for tin, you will end up on those islands.
        They could've just crossed the channel like everyone else did.

        • 2 years ago

          Yes. Yes. Yes.
          What are you even doing here? Just rejecting observable reality?
          There are man made caves, there is carving, there are signs of fire inside, there are European animals before the Portuguese, who couldn't have gotten there otherwise, the currents do make it easier to reach from the north than from Portugal. The question was if it was Norse that found it, or Phoenicians. The calendar leads us to Phoenicians.

          • 2 years ago

            Post sources or frick off
            Different Anon btw

          • 2 years ago

            >there is carving
            provide one example
            >there are signs of fire inside
            Dated to after the Portuguese colonization.
            >there are European animals before the Portuguese
            No sources.
            >The calendar leads us to Phoenicians.
            No source or even pictures of this supposed "calendar".

            I know you two morons have an internet connection, and you know that you aren't paying me for private lessons, so what are we doing here? Look shit up yourself if you care, and stop posting shit if you don't care.

          • 2 years ago

            Post the DOI of the article you fricking idiot

          • 2 years ago

            There's nothing Phoenician there, not one letter, looks like a carving anyone could've made including my great great grandpa

          • 2 years ago

            >Diagram of sunset projected light-shafts in cave 2, for several dates along the year. The projection moves clockwise from the Winter solstice to the Summer solstice and then anti-clockwise back to the Winter solstice. During spring and summer the projection is on the back wall.

          • 2 years ago

            Anyone would've made it, not a single Phoenician letter or carving.

          • 2 years ago

            >there is carving
            provide one example
            >there are signs of fire inside
            Dated to after the Portuguese colonization.
            >there are European animals before the Portuguese
            No sources.
            >The calendar leads us to Phoenicians.
            No source or even pictures of this supposed "calendar".

          • 2 years ago

            there are Scandinavian rats, not Portuguese ones, in the Azores, so Vikings clearly got there first. I hadn't heard anything about Phoenicians making it there though.

        • 2 years ago

          is a man made cave.
          > There isn't

          • 2 years ago

            That's an artificial cave and looks nothing like Phoenician tombs or even Punic ones whcih usually were square and had traces of paint, plus they always had a lot of pottery and artifacts that this one COMPLETELY lacks, I wonder why!

          • 2 years ago

            Its square on the inside, moron, and it has the solar calendar. There were even carthagenian coins found on the island, that have since rationalized to have been.... portoguese coins which by accident were stamped in a town in Portugal that used to be called the same as a town in Carthagenia and also just happened to use the same silver that was used by Carthage a thousand years before lol

          • 2 years ago

            >There were even carthagenian coins found on the island, that have since rationalized to have been.... portoguese coins which by accident were stamped in a town in Portugal that used to be called the same as a town in Carthagenia and also just happened to use the same silver that was used by Carthage a thousand years before lol
            Lol so NO evidence again, not one single ancient artifact found in modern excavations

          • 2 years ago

            >be portoman
            >arrive at an island
            >rob it
            >300 years later, claim nobody was there before you
            >"after all, modern excavations found nothing (because we stole it all lol)

          • 2 years ago

            Lol yeah they robbed useless plain pottery all over the islands, c'mon dude , shut up and admit defeat

          • 2 years ago

            >admit defeat
            We aren't fighting, there's no victory or defeat. I am posting field study and giving reasons as to why the Phoenician hypothesis exists. You are going from "no man made caves" to "no calendar" to "no video recording of a phonetian man making the carvings", and basically trying to annoy me enough to close the tab, so you can celebrate by posting smug wojaks.
            Why is the board so shit? Is it &Humanities fault?

          • 2 years ago

            No you haven't posted one single piece of evidence of any ancient presence on the island.

          • 2 years ago

            Don't worry anon, not everybody is moronic. Keep posting, love your work.

        • 2 years ago

          schizo rejecting hard evidence KEK
          >n-n-n-nooo you're the sch-sch-schizo

          • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            You're the moron who denies evidence because it contradicts your preconceptions of history. You have a calcified brain. You're finished, mentally speaking. It's over.

          • 2 years ago

            So far you've posted zero evidence, as you don't even know what evidence even means.
            Surely you will take this thread as proof that "academy is bought", "there's gatekeeping",, "people should be open minded" and similar grades of moronation because again, you don't even know what proof means or what the frick you're talking about.

          • 2 years ago

            You're a moronic nobody

            Don't worry anon, not everybody is moronic. Keep posting, love your work.

            Samegay or just another moron, don't worry, you can make how many shitty blogposts you want, no academician will ever take your nonsense seriously

          • 2 years ago

            You mean the same academia that insisted there was no Trojan War until it was proven beyond a doubt? You mean the same academia that's trying to convince you that Rome was black, Hannibal was black, etc.? You're a groveling slave, not a critically-thinking human being.

          • 2 years ago

            >You mean the same academia that insisted there was no Trojan War until it was proven beyond a doubt?
            It was never proven, we just know that Troy existed that was destroyed several times over because of different reasons, and its existence wasn't even denied by most scholars

            You're the moron who denies evidence because it contradicts your preconceptions of history. You have a calcified brain. You're finished, mentally speaking. It's over.

            What evidence? a modern carving is not evidence of anything, don't worry, nobody will take you seriously

          • 2 years ago

            >those phonetian coins? a portoguese sailor brought them from portugal, they just by chance are stamped from silver sourced from tunis
            >that phoenician solar calendar? a portuguese sailor carved it in the 18th century, despite different navigation being used back then
            >that blackened cave that the portoguese called fire cave? well they lighted fires there, and called it fire cave after they blackened it themselves
            >no evidence that the battle for stalingrad ever took place, btw

          • 2 years ago

            >that phoenician solar calendar?
            Based on what is it Phoenician and not made 100 years ago? none.
            phonetian coins?
            That were not found during regular excavations and of which zero photos exist
            >well they lighted fires there, and called it fire cave after they blackened it themselves
            No c14 on that supposed "ancient" fires, lol

          • 2 years ago

            >there was no Trojan War until it was proven beyond a doubt?
            Post 1 (one) guy working in the field who said that.

  8. 2 years ago

    It seems likely that Azores were inhabited at some point in history before the Portugese arrived. Everything points to Phoenicians or another Mediterranean culture. The findings are pretty new and research is still ongoing.

    Dunno why anons get so worked up about this.

    • 2 years ago

      Because we've been asking for such evidence and OP is dancing, dodging and b***hing, instead of just showing the data.

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