Plato was a pussy

Plato was a pussy

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago


      Why are midwits always either:
      >plato was wrong about everything
      >plato was right about everything

      Yeah this is pretty Reddit.
      >you don’t have to be a real philosopher. You can be le based epic masturbator who says witty stuff and then plays TTRPG on zoom with his overweight friends in his room for 4 hours as an act of rebellion against society!! Remember when he plucked the chicken lol!!! That was so funny and definitely not made up by Diogenes Laertius!

      >le epic Diogenes chicken
      >DAE nietzsche actually wasn't nihilist
      >le Sisyphus
      >trans rights

      Glad we've all finally settled on calling Diogenes reddit


  2. 12 months ago


  3. 12 months ago

    Why are midwits always either:
    >plato was wrong about everything
    >plato was right about everything

  4. 12 months ago

    Yeah this is pretty Reddit.
    >you don’t have to be a real philosopher. You can be le based epic masturbator who says witty stuff and then plays TTRPG on zoom with his overweight friends in his room for 4 hours as an act of rebellion against society!! Remember when he plucked the chicken lol!!! That was so funny and definitely not made up by Diogenes Laertius!

  5. 12 months ago

    >le epic Diogenes chicken
    >DAE nietzsche actually wasn't nihilist
    >le Sisyphus
    >trans rights

    • 12 months ago

      You left out le epic Sartre. This is the classic symptom of midwits who think they are “deep” or into “philosophy” and end up only getting philosophy from popular Youtube channels. Inevitably they are going to go down two paths:

      >Le life is absurd but you make yuor own meaning! The heckin indominatable spirit of humanity in the face of heckin meaninglessness!

      >Le based Christcuck! Forces themselves to listen to Gregorian chanting and namedrops Augustine, Aquinas, and especially le Kierkegaard and thinks le templars are based!

      Both can be identified IRL by their pitch black eyes that placidly betray to you their contentment that they, the 95 IQ man or woman who uses TikTok, has discovered the fundamental truths of the universe and themselves. If you ask them who Socrates is they would moronicly scratch their heads and mutter “uh…ya…”, and if you question them on any of their hard earned Youtube quest beliefs they will turn red and start frothing with bile in rage until they just say the worst line ever known to mankind:


      >inb4 christcucks and pseuds

  6. 12 months ago

    Glad we've all finally settled on calling Diogenes reddit

  7. 12 months ago

    Reddit tier humour for sure, frick off back to r/books you pleb

  8. 12 months ago

    diogenes wasn't real

  9. 12 months ago

    Somehow made the original reddit even more so with multiple layers of childish reference to shit.

  10. 12 months ago


    Cynicism is just edgy stoicism aka reddit: the philosophy

    • 12 months ago

      You're a homosexual. Cynics were ruthless pieces of shite who made fun of everything and who were not afraid of death they were not your troony loving vaxx shilling scared shithless """in the know le decent human beings"""

  11. 12 months ago

    Quick question for you guys. I've seen the reccomended reading lists in the sticky, but goign through them would clearly take at least 2-3 years if you read one book per day. So how about if I just let ChatGPT make a summary on each of them and write down the most important points. Afterwards I can then choose the books that sounded the most eciting and watch youtube videos about them, further summarizing them. And after that I would actually start reading them, unless they are written in an obnoxious way, then I'll just listen to them through audiobooks.

    • 12 months ago

      Assuming this isn‘t bait: no. Just start with the Greeks, without being too afraid to skip around, and accept that you‘re never going to read every single thing of value. It‘s a lifelong task but only worthwhile in any sense if done sincerely and without shortcuts.

      • 12 months ago

        why do you fricking people pretend other people are reddit-facebook-twitter-tors, face facts that you live in a society of people with different opinions and that blotting it out with fake narratives is a sign of autism.

        > start with the Greeks,
        >a lifelong task but only worthwhile in any sense if done sincerely and without shortcuts.
        this is a garbage. What you mean is that in order to reach your special level of mental moronation people have to actually read garbage tomes translated from greek to arabic to french to english in order to exist in the same room with you. Frick, it's easier to beat you up and take your iphone.

        State a few actionable things you've learned from Plato, such as how to build things or grow things, cure illnesses, etc etc.

        some of us have read 'the Greeks' and we're well aware that there's nothing there - at least in the authors you've "spent your life" on... at least,anyway, if you subscribe to that platonist 'school' (pre-christcuckery) where they pretend no knowledge is attainable.

        • 12 months ago

          >State a few actionable things you've learned from Plato, such as how to build things or grow things, cure illnesses, etc etc.
          Why would I read a philosophy book to learn any of those things? moron

          • 12 months ago

            exactly, if there's nothing there why the frick did you dedicate your life to it? you got played, it's peripheral theology: made-up non-realty based nothing.

          • 12 months ago

            the core of socratic and plato (and the other israelites) is that "we can know nothing," and this claim is refuted by any person of actual learning.

          • 12 months ago

            No it's not you fricking moron. Plato's entire project is blowing out all the relativists that said shit like "man is the measure of all things." Plato says you can know things.

          • 12 months ago

            You'd better correct platos acamedic skeptic school who insisted the contrary for many centuries, or go meet a person who's studied metaphysics. Your special interpretation of Plato is yours.

          • 12 months ago

            Those guys were pyrrhonist morons. Weird how the academy wasn't like that in Plato's own lifetime, and Aristotle clearly seems to think that you can know things.

          • 12 months ago

            /Rhet/, I don't know where you got on this schtick about "academic skepticism" all of sudden, but it's such a partial account of Platonism, and embarrassing aside that you try to hammer Plato on the grounds of dogmatic skeptics two centuries after his death, and go so far to defend anything non-Platonic, that you'll pretend Pyrrhonist skepticism (which refuses to take a stand on any knowledge question) is somehow more acceptable.

            At the least, you'd be more persuasive to others instead of overtly disagreed with / made fun of, if you actually engaged with the material you criticize, instead of "rhetorical" dismissals.

        • 12 months ago

          Reading the Greeks examines why you even would want to take action besides the moronic and unjustifiable “I just do!”. If your reasoning for doing anything is “I just do!” then you have not explained anything and are just restating the fact, and you also are living a pointless life where everything is just what you do for no reason so why even care?

          Your entire first world existence is reliant on those who strove to have deeper understanding like Plato. You are a pathetic pseud.

          • 12 months ago

            >Your entire first world existence is reliant on those who strove to have deeper understanding like Plato.
            This is demonstrably untrue, krusty, the "world" is material, knowledge is derived from the study of things and developed from the genius of shipbuilders, physicians, farmers, soldiers, engineers, etc. it has nothing to do with philosophers, least of all philosopher-religiots who make-pretend that their own sloth is a species of profound intelligence.

            The position of advanced philosophers to begin and end with "we can never know anything at all" is a fricking impediment to 'any' learning.

            > you are living a pointless life where everything is just what you do for no reason
            > “I just do!”
            the joke is that people very much like yourself have gone to university for 8 years to arrive at that position.

          • 12 months ago

            >muh profit
            >muh work ethic
            >muh use value
            What's it like being a soulless protestant?

        • 12 months ago

          > Frick, it's easier to beat you up and take your iphone.

          So do it you seething moron. Or maybe learn to live with the existence of the greatest cultural era in history so you won‘t fall apart like this at their mention ascending some anecdotes from a moronic homeless Black person.

        • 12 months ago

          >State a few actionable things you've learned from Plato, such as how to build things or grow things, cure illnesses, etc etc.
          >some of us have read 'the Greeks' and we're well aware that there's nothing there - at least in the authors you've "spent your life" on... at least,anyway, if you subscribe to that platonist 'school' (pre-christcuckery) where they pretend no knowledge is attainable.
          "Someone who had begun to read geometry with Euclid, when he had learned the first theorem, asked Euclid: "But what shall I get by learning these things?" Euclid called his boy and said: "Give him three cents, since he insists on making a profit out of what he learns.""

    • 12 months ago

      Do you mean the Adler list? Just read the major books and read the minor ones later if you feel you need to

      • 12 months ago

        Also the how to read a book thing is probably dumb if you already know how to think and compare books

  12. 12 months ago

    The fact that some homeless bum still makes people seethe over 2000 years later is hilarious.

  13. 12 months ago

    >literal public urinator, public jerk offr, and public defecater
    >somehow the epic wholesome chad in this situation

  14. 12 months ago

    Exterminate all autists, and troonyism and pseudery will disappear

  15. 12 months ago


    I'm not a platonist.

    You left out le epic Sartre. This is the classic symptom of midwits who think they are “deep” or into “philosophy” and end up only getting philosophy from popular Youtube channels. Inevitably they are going to go down two paths:

    >Le life is absurd but you make yuor own meaning! The heckin indominatable spirit of humanity in the face of heckin meaninglessness!

    >Le based Christcuck! Forces themselves to listen to Gregorian chanting and namedrops Augustine, Aquinas, and especially le Kierkegaard and thinks le templars are based!

    Both can be identified IRL by their pitch black eyes that placidly betray to you their contentment that they, the 95 IQ man or woman who uses TikTok, has discovered the fundamental truths of the universe and themselves. If you ask them who Socrates is they would moronicly scratch their heads and mutter “uh…ya…”, and if you question them on any of their hard earned Youtube quest beliefs they will turn red and start frothing with bile in rage until they just say the worst line ever known to mankind:


    >inb4 christcucks and pseuds

    >sunken cost fallacy

  16. 12 months ago

    I would choose Pussy over Plato any day of the week

  17. 12 months ago

    diogenes is chad because only his chad anecdotes survive
    plato bared his heart and soul in his writings so hes subject to harsher criticism.

  18. 12 months ago

    What dialogues is he in? I got Platos works and read the first 2 or 3 and he came off as the ultimate pseud

    • 12 months ago

      >What dialogues is he in?
      None. He's in Diogenes Laertus's work on the history of philosophy.
      >I got Platos works and read the first 2 or 3 and he came off as the ultimate pseud
      That's because you're not smart enough.

      • 12 months ago

        >That's because you're not smart enough.
        Spoken like a true pseud
        Plato loved Socrates. Socrates was a sophist, a group who were corrupting Greek youth and turning them against their parents.
        Not exactly who I would describe as role model worthy and thus Plato is diminished in my eyes

        • 12 months ago

          This is some of the dumbest moron gorilla shit I've ever read on this board. I sincerely hope you're trolling.

          • 12 months ago

            >I sincerely hope you're trolling.
            You clearly don't know much about Greek history if you haven't heard of sophists

          • 12 months ago

            Your conclusion from my response is that I don't know who the sophists were?

          • 12 months ago

            So it seems since you find what I said "moronic"
            Don't worry, I know you probably skipped the actual Greek historians, but it's ok. There's plenty of pop history books written by people in the last 20 years. Maybe something with pictures?

    • 12 months ago

      You got filtered, it’s ok, philosophy isnt for everyone. Society needs laborers too.

      • 12 months ago

        That was mean.

      • 12 months ago

        You can be a labourer and a philosopher, Cleanthes for example was a water carrier. Philosophy is not some qualification on a piece of paper but simply the love of wisdom.

  19. 12 months ago

    All of the Greeks are shit. Parasitic academia propped this entire "start with the Greeks" meme. What a waste of money, and life.

  20. 12 months ago

    Diogenes is a man with no surviving works (if he even wrote any) about whom we know a few humorous anecdotes. It makes very little sense to name someone as your favorite philosopher when quite literally zero philosophical works attributed to them survive. It almost certainly reflects the fact that the person in question doesn't read philosophy at all.

  21. 12 months ago

    >picks up a random redditor and strips him of his account
    Behold, an anon!

  22. 12 months ago

    >ate his own poo poo

    Basado y caca pastillado.

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