Pontic Greek bvll lazaridis jus BTFO "turks" once and for all


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  1. 2 years ago

    I don't get it, are modern Turks only ~9% Central Asian Turkic-speaker or ~9-22%? How come ancient Central Asians are ~41-100% Turkic speaker?

    • 2 years ago

      Modern turke are 9% east eurasian
      Using ancient turkic samples ranging from 41 to 100% east eurasian
      They are estimated 9/41 to 9/100 turkic

      • 2 years ago

        Oh OK it wasn't in the screenshot, thanks.

      • 2 years ago

        Modern turks are 9 % turkic
        Not 9 % east eurasian moron

        Turkics were hapas so they were only half east eurasian

        Modern turks must be only like 2 % east eurasian

        • 2 years ago

          in this case it's talking about literal 100% asians, so 9% means east eurasians

          • 2 years ago

            >100% asians
            But turkics were never 100 % asian
            They were hapas in the beginning and quapas in seljuk/abbasid times
            Their ethnogenesis is literally being indo european rapebabies
            Hell even mongols are 3 or 5 % West eurasian

          • 2 years ago

            Mongols are actually like 25% Caucasoid and similar to Native Americans

          • 2 years ago

            No 25 % is way too high but they do have like 3 or 5 %
            This is you can some mongols have light eyes/hair but thats extremely rare

            25 % is people like kazakhs

          • 2 years ago

            Way too high

          • 2 years ago

            >But turkics were never 100 % asian
            there are turkics that are very overwhelmingly asian, they are completely all over the place

  2. 2 years ago

    How is this "btfo"? This proves that they are the original natives and not the kurds/arabs/greeks, but they also carry central asian influx albeit minimal.

    Also, Lazaridis is a butthurt biased homosexual.

    • 2 years ago

      It means they are being racist against themselves when they are racist against the remaining unmixed people. It is basically "you are not mixed like us, I hate you"

  3. 2 years ago

    How does this BTFO Turks?

    9% to 22% is very significant. They aren't the same people they were before the Turkish invasion, unlike Hungarians who have no Magyar DNA at all.

    • 2 years ago

      They are 80% the same, that’s more than modern day Greeks being same as ancient Greeks, dumb post.

      • 2 years ago

        on that logic, no one in europe is the same as they were 3000 years ago or in some cases 800 years ago (pic) german samples.

    • 2 years ago

      >Hungarians who have no Magyar DNA at all.
      proofs? people don't just randomly adopt a language as foreign as that

      • 2 years ago

        they were white even before the Pannonian Invasion

  4. 2 years ago

    Isn't this common knowledge that Turks are just Anatolians who speak an Oghuz Turkic language

  5. 2 years ago

    15% Mongoloid for most Turks, and is most accurately modelled as 50% Turkmen and 50% Cappadocian Greek. The major thing is that Turkics never had a defined genetic cluster and have always been all over the place.

    • 2 years ago

      50% Is Turk cope, It’s at max 30% if being generous.

      • 2 years ago

        No region reaches that high except some small regions like Mugla, that’s extreme cherrypicking,

        No, it really do be like that

        • 2 years ago

          >Picking the least Turkic sample with EEF admixture
          This is like saying Americans are native American by picking a mutt sample, giga cope. Ancient Turkic samples have no EEF and are modeled at 30% max. Modern Turkmens are Iranic rapebabies and for that reason overlap, you can literally model any euro with part EA admixture as Turkmen. tl;dr: you're mentally ill and likely the same schizo poster that shits up DNA threads.

          • 2 years ago

            I didn't pick anything, I just let it select the samples that create the closest approximation, and yes Turkmen have Iranic admixture, but no one disputes them being Turkic, only Anatolians for political reasons

          • 2 years ago

            >Using modern samples
            >Using literal closest approximation with no sample limit and allowing Tajik mutt mix with Yamnaya into the table
            you're a dumb moron and have no idea what you're talking about, you can make models where they are as low as 20% Turkic with ancient samples which are the accurate ones, not with mutt samples of today.

          • 2 years ago

            The fact of the matter is that modern Anatolian Turks are equivalent to half-Turkmen half-Greek, anything else is cope and whining

            Didn't we have already two Ottoman samples from central Turkey from ~500 years ago? IIRC one of them clustered with modern Kazakhs on PCA and the other with modern Turkmens.

            Yes, they clearly had profound genetic impact

          • 2 years ago

            >The fact of the matter is that modern Anatolian Turks are equivalent to half-Turkmen half-Greek, anything else is cope and whining
            You're mentally ill, Imagine being this butthurt instead of accepting fact and coming up with meme cherrypicked theories when ALL ancient samples point to ancient Turkics having barely any EEF compared to modern day Turkmen and the EEF came from Anatolians who were 60% EEF roughly, not Turkics or mutted Turkmen of today.

            Last post before more Turk schizos come and seethe.

          • 2 years ago

            Modern Anatolian Turks are modelled as half-Turkmen, half-Greek. Will you live with it or will you continue to shit yourself?

          • 2 years ago

            I just gave you an Ancient model above

            >Using modern samples
            >Using literal closest approximation with no sample limit and allowing Tajik mutt mix with Yamnaya into the table
            you're a dumb moron and have no idea what you're talking about, you can make models where they are as low as 20% Turkic with ancient samples which are the accurate ones, not with mutt samples of today.

            You're the one shitting yourself and using MODERN Turkmen who are irrelevant to Anatolian admixture, they carry literally AASI which Anatolian Turks don't, using modern Turkmen to model Anatolian Turks instead of ancients already says enough about your moronic seething.

          • 2 years ago

            The calculator itself picked Turkmen because they are the closest approximation, take it up with Davidski. Seljuks literally came from the area of current Turkmenistan and Ottomans cluster with Turkmens so this is obviously legit. Turks are not native to Anatolia, cope and seethe.

          • 2 years ago

            I'm not a Turk, and you're mentally ill, where did I state they are native? Actually name one native population today to anatolia, Kurds? Greeks themselves aren't native to mainland Greece by that logic you inbred idiot. You don't even know the calculator you're using, here's a breakdown of modern day Turkish DNA and ancient Byzantine sample.

            Ancient Turkics had very little EEF, all Turkic samples point towards max 30% admixture even with the most Turkic Turk, even if we use Kipchaks who were HAPA mutts it doesn't reach 35%, and their historical recording isn't with Anatolia.

            Literal subhuman intelligence who knows nothing of what he's talking of.

          • 2 years ago

            I call Anatolia the Brazil of the old world
            >all Turkic samples point towards max 30% admixture even with the most Turkic Turk
            Admixture of what? The point is that Turkic DNA literally cannot even be defined, as soon as Turks appear in the historical record they are Latino-tier ubermutts who range from Nordic as frick to Mongol throat singers. All I'm proving is that Turks are not Greeks or god forbid native Anatolians, they are a completely separate ethnicity with substantial connection to the other Turkics.

            You're the one who doesn't understand the calculator as the timing of the samples is a distraction here, you can see that the distances on your chart are immensely higher than of the Single runs, meaning they are less accurate.

          • 2 years ago

            Context matters in what samples you use you dumb mutt, once again you move the goalpost like a inbred moron. You can model any Euro with a combination of moronic samples as long as they are Yamnaya+EEF, once again you know nothing of what you're talking of.

            >Turkic DNA cannot be defined
            It is defined, It's EA + Yamnaya in 80% of all cases, the Turkmen of today are Iranic mutts and carry heavy amounts of Yamnaya, Ganj_Dareh_N, much less Siberian and also AASI, it makes sense why you can model modern Turks with 50% of them as long as you have a EEF source, however it logically makes no sense as Turkmens carry admixture of things Turks do not such as AASI and their admixture is VERY different and you need to use moronic mutt combinations in order to model them together with Turk+Anatolian.

            >muh distances
            they are within' the range of 3, you're literally mentally moronic.

            >Latino-tier ubermutts
            They are Anatolian-Turkic pretty much all across until you reach Eastern Turkey, once again mentally moronic post.

            >All I'm proving is that Turks are not Greeks or god forbid native Anatolians
            Greeks aren't native anatolians either, they virtually have nothing to do with them and they are barely 30% mycenean if talking about Ancient Greeks, holy shit the amount of cope.

          • 2 years ago

            >It is defined, It's EA + Yamnaya in 80% of all cases
            What the kind of nonsense is this? Are you gonna walk up to a Kazakh and tell him he is like 60% Turkic? This is not how the world works.
            >however it logically makes no sense as Turkmens carry admixture of things Turks do not such as AASI and their admixture is VERY different and you need to use moronic mutt combinations in order to model them together with Turk+Anatolian
            The calculator itself picks it because it creates the shortest distance, the half-Greek half-Turkment result is literally closer to the Turkish average than individual Turks are to each other, you complete and utter moron.
            >They are Anatolian-Turkic pretty much all across until you reach Eastern Turkey, once again mentally moronic post.
            Eastern Turks are Turkified Armenians, what I say applies only to Anatolia proper.
            >Greeks aren't native anatolians either, they virtually have nothing to do with them and they are barely 30% mycenean
            Who knows what the frick native Anatolian even means but Turks have discontinuity to Byzantine Anatolians, they are a unique genetic profile entirely unlike anything in ancient samples.

          • 2 years ago

            >muh mutts
            Shut the frick up with these fricking buzzwords you fricking moron

          • 2 years ago

            There is hardly a more appropriate context to use this word in than population genetics.

            >These are the mentally ill morons who can't even understand a basic calculator teaching you about genetics
            never change IQfy
            Also, Turks are mostly native anatolian, one literally just has to see one to see they're barely Turkic.

            Find literally 1 flaw with what I did
            And no, using phenotype for this is the most moronic approach by far. It's the same thing as with Finns.

            What I generally wonder more is if there was any slavic, thracian or balkan influx considering they have heightened Yamnaya compared to original Anatolians, it can't be purely Turkics unless they were outright scandinavian-asian mutts.

            Turkics have a solid amount of Yamnaya due to Scythian admixture, the Ottoman samples mog modern Turks in Yamnaya still.

          • 2 years ago

            >Turkics have a solid amount of Yamnaya due to Scythian admixture, the Ottoman samples mog modern Turks in Yamnaya still.
            It really doesn't because Turks can't be modeled with the Ottoman samples on such a level, they reach 40% at highest, which isn't enough to highten the yamnaya levels to modern day Turks. The Ottoman samples are also mutt-tier, they carry Anatolian influence.

          • 2 years ago

            >Find literally 1 flaw with what I did
            anon...check the distances

          • 2 years ago

            You got any better model that will give significantly different numbers? It's necessary for something as broad as this.

          • 2 years ago

            Those numbers are ridiculous and non-sense, It's the same as the somali argument you made before.

            Also the Ottoman sample argument doesn't hold up as they are part anatolian rape-babies, they have 20% EEF, that's more then half of modern day Turks and way more than Ancient Turkics. The Yamnaya levels also don't hold up, they are 30% while Balikesir Turks are 23% , there has to have been PIE/IE admixture coming in from somewhere else.

          • 2 years ago

            >Those numbers are ridiculous and non-sense
            Do you have any contrary evidence? Why can't Mongols be quarter West Eurasian? Uyghurs are right there.

            >Also the Ottoman sample argument doesn't hold up
            I didn't say it was the sole source of Yamnaya in Turks, just that the poster seemed to be unaware that Turkics do have substantial Yamnaya themselves. Turks have plenty of random admixture from everywhere because the Ottoman Empire was New World-tier.

          • 2 years ago

            >Do you have any contrary evidence? Why can't Mongols be quarter West Eurasian? Uyghurs are right there.
            Because the distances are extreme that the model is non-sense.

            They are mostly native anatolian with some Turkic thrown into the mix, if Lazaridis report is accurate then they have even less Turkic admixture than recent G25 models. The Yamnaya admixture is the only outlier, as they have too much for it to simply come from Turkics, it's likely partly Balkan or Thracian related.

          • 2 years ago

            >Because the distances are extreme that the model is non-sense.
            But why does it give accurate numbers for Amerindians? That's the commonly accepted split, I included them to show that the model is not unreliable. Running it like this you get essentially accurate percentages for all other ethnicities. Other than the distance number, which is necessarily high for something as fundamental as West vs East Eurasian, what evidence do you have for admixture in Mongolds?
            >They are mostly native anatolian with some Turkic thrown into the mix
            Actually, they seem to carry a substantial amount of Iranian ancestry as well, which they probably picked up before entering Anatolia.

          • 2 years ago

            >But why does it give accurate numbers for Amerindians? That's the commonly accepted split, I included them to show that the model is not unreliable. Running it like this you get essentially accurate percentages for all other ethnicities. Other than the distance number, which is necessarily high for something as fundamental as West vs East Eurasian, what evidence do you have for admixture in Mongolds?
            It is not accurate as the distances are too large, you're using two modern samples that have complete different admixture make-ups, those two combinations are impossible.
            >Actually, they seem to carry a substantial amount of Iranian ancestry as well, which they probably picked up before entering Anatolia.
            No, they have less or equal Iranian admixture compared to Ancient Anatolians, western Turks definitely have less Iranian admixture than ancient anatolians did.

          • 2 years ago

            >It is not accurate as the distances are too large, you're using two modern samples that have complete different admixture make-ups, those two combinations are impossible.
            So how else would you do it? Using modern samples is not the problem you are making it out to be. You're complaining aimlessly.

          • 2 years ago

            It’s consistent with G25 if Eastern Anatolia is added into the equation

            The same result can be replicated using G25 but if you remove Pontians and Eastern Anatolians (which is historically not Anatolia, west of Euphrates is) the number is pulled to 30%. Then what does this make the pontic “”””bulls”””” in question? Literal cucks who got buckbroken so bad they switched languages without any hesitation whatsoever. A slave race, if you will.

          • 2 years ago

            KAZ_Turk carries AASI which modern Turks do not have, it also has lower east-asian admixture than other Turkic samples so it's a bit of a cherrypick, I'll trust the study in this case until some new study comes out or something.

            >It is not accurate as the distances are too large, you're using two modern samples that have complete different admixture make-ups, those two combinations are impossible.
            So how else would you do it? Using modern samples is not the problem you are making it out to be. You're complaining aimlessly.

            Modern samples are mutt-mixes, a modern day Greek is not the same as Ancient Greek, you can't model him as pure mycenean, same logic applies here, Mongolian is 17% Yamnaya, rest is pure east-asian, Irish carries EEF, Mongolians have no EEF, that combination is thus impossible.

          • 2 years ago

            Do you believe the samples have some metaphysical temporal dimension? It's just coordinates, ancient and modern samples can be nearly identical and give identical results. These components you refer to also have no particular significance, all that is being estimated is West vs East Eurasian, and you cannot prove at all that this is an invalid way of doing so.

          • 2 years ago

            you've been unironically shitting out moronic arguments since the beginning of this thread, they carry no EEF, every European carries a lot of EEF, using those two combinations is thus uber moronic, also you're using Ancient chinese and not Siberian which fricks up your model once again.

            >KAZ_Turk carries AASI
            No they don’t.

            They do, they also unlike other Turkic samples carry EEF, this is a cherrypick and you know it. The results of the report comes before G25.

          • 2 years ago

            My arguments are literally 100% correct and are simply not accepted because they go against the preconceived political beliefs established in these circles.
            It does not matter which samples I use because the fact of the matter is that the numbers are roughly correct and no matter how far we narrow the distances the percentages won't significantly change.

          • 2 years ago

            your distances are still way off compared to mine, because you're using inaccurate EA samples for Mongolians. Honestly, you're mentally ill, just admit you fricked up and move on.

            That’s because you didn’t account for the BMAC admixture (e.g Gonur) which itself is already admixed with AASI. Compare mine to yours. Gonur is clearly eating up the Shahri Sokhta sample, as it should be.

            Modern day Turks don't have AASI and BMAC admixture is debatable, modern day turks have less Ganj_Dareh than ancient anatolians did, majority of all Turkic samples were Yamnaya+EA admixtured, not EEF or BMAC. The North Caucasus relation also exists which is not AASI related either, I'm not repeating myself again, read the report and quit posting cherrypicked models.

          • 2 years ago

            You're incapable of creating a different model because the percentages are correct, even if you irrationally disagree with the way I modelled it. There is no need to use excessively local or ancient samples, the distance number might change but the percentages won't.

          • 2 years ago

            That’s because you didn’t account for the BMAC admixture (e.g Gonur) which itself is already admixed with AASI. Compare mine to yours. Gonur is clearly eating up the Shahri Sokhta sample, as it should be.

          • 2 years ago

            You’ve outed yourself as a moron. Virtually every Turkic groups has BMAC admixture due to mixing with Eastern Iranians. It’s not up to debate. If Medieval Turks had 1~5 percent AASI then it’s not even significant enough to persist 3 generations after the first admixture event. Never mind that AASI wasn’t some separate ancestry that arrived to Mongolia and that it was rather part of the BMAC (Gonur) package.

          • 2 years ago

            >muh ousted as moron
            >using Hajji CHG drifted proxy with CHG, with a Ganj_Dareh and BMAC as EEF-Ganj_N again
            No one is gonna believe your bullshit mehmet, if anyone would wanna know they'd read the report, but your bullshit schizo theory is easy to oust considering 80% of all Turkic samples aren't BMAC related and modern day Turks carry less Ganj_Dareh than former Anatolians did. I can give you Ancient-Anatolian + Karakhanid or something similar with minor Thracian shift for Western Turks and Armenian shift for Eastern Turks that works just as well if not better

          • 2 years ago

            Subhuman idiot trying to maneuver his way out with non sequiturs. Hajji Firuz Copper Age is ancestral to most West Asians, it’s irrelevant as to whether it’s eating up CHG or not because we’re looking for the BMAC admixture, not Neolithic Zagrosian. Distances are all perfect, not one above 0.015 — and that’s saying something.
            >80% of all Turkic samples aren’t BMAC
            Now pick up any academic paper and see if that holds up, you low IQ ape. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0092867420313210

          • 2 years ago

            Last reply as your inbred brain does not seem to comprehend that modern day Turks cannot descend from EEF Turkics as its mathematically impossible, they have less Ganj_Dareh and CHG as well, the hightened values are Siberian+Yamnaya with no AASI, are you gonna argue ancient Turkics were related to Ancient Anatolians next? It does not matter if some Turkic samples were BMAC or not, the recent paper OP linked says enough about the Turkic admixture of current day Turks, you can seethe your way out of this and not believe it by picking EEF Turkic mutt samples but no one is gonna believe you.

            Last reply.

          • 2 years ago

            There is no such thing as EEF Turkic, you groid dullard. You’re arguing that KAZ_Turk carries AASI (which it doesn’t, it carries BMAC) and that somehow inflates the number even though G25 is supervised and can account for similar ancestries when you add components that would have otherwise arrived using separate routes. So no, no one is arguing for Turks being descended from “EEF Turkics” because there’s no such thing and that your subhuman Black person brain came out with it to obfuscate your brainworms. What I proved is that, Lazaridis’ numbers can be proved with G25 using medieval Turkic samples that carry less than 50% East Eurasian ancestry (on average 22-23% as in the Lazaridis study). However if you remove East Anatolians and Pontians then the number itself is pulled towards approximately 30%.

          • 2 years ago

            >What I proved is that, Lazaridis’ numbers can be proved with G25 using medieval Turkic samples that carry less than 50% East Eurasian ancestry (on average 22-23% as in the Lazaridis study). However if you remove East Anatolians and Pontians then the number itself is pulled towards approximately 30%.
            I'm not him, but even if you remove Pontians/Eastern-Turks and only factor in for western turks it's still at max 30% by the Laziridis study, even if we go by the least ancient Turkic samples from 41-50% East Eurasian, which is a cherrypick scenario. It is nowhere near 50% that some of you people like to claim.

          • 2 years ago

            I have never argued for 50% you illiterate shit. Read the thread.

          • 2 years ago

            >KAZ_Turk carries AASI
            No they don’t.

          • 2 years ago

            ancient turkmen were all over the place, god knows what the study picked

            turks are something like 30% central asian if something more akin to an uzbek-turkmen is used, the rest being capapdocian greek (similar to dodecanense with a shift towards caucasus) and caucasus populations

          • 2 years ago

            And the regions he picked (southwest and south) are the most turkic admixed in anatolia
            Onviously the average is much lower and using a “temporally plausible” source i.e medieval sample you get lazaridis numbers
            CopeMAXXed mehmets will keep being try hards in defending their larp instead of accepting it

          • 2 years ago

            The pattern is still there in the rest of Anatolia, it just goes for other Turkic ethnicities there. South gives the simplest split.

          • 2 years ago

            You can model the Portuguese, for example, as a mixture of Somalis and Swedes, the model will be shit and not reflect historical accounts but you can do it. This is hyperbole but you know I mean.

          • 2 years ago

            The distance will be immensely higher, and the calculator would never do that on its own because far closer matches exist.

          • 2 years ago

            >Anatolian Turks are equivalent to half-people who larp as Turkmen but in reality are 1/3 turkmen and 2/3 iranian, and half-Greek
            You're 3/6 greek 2/6 iranian and 1/6 turkoman

          • 2 years ago

            >one disputes them being Turkic
            Their genes do, since they're less than 50% turkic. They just keep calling themselves like that as a larp

          • 2 years ago

            >arguing with copeMAXXed mehmet

        • 2 years ago

          Didn't we have already two Ottoman samples from central Turkey from ~500 years ago? IIRC one of them clustered with modern Kazakhs on PCA and the other with modern Turkmens.

    • 2 years ago

      No region reaches that high except some small regions like Mugla, that’s extreme cherrypicking,

    • 2 years ago

      Too high
      Its like 2 % mongoloid and 15 % turkmen/turkic

    • 2 years ago

      You will never be a real Turk. Never ever.

      • 2 years ago

        Anyone can be a Turk. But no one wants to be.
        Turks are the result of whatever man coomed into proto-Turk womens

        • 2 years ago

          IE men then

  6. 2 years ago

    Many such cases

  7. 2 years ago

    ancient turks are absolutely all over the place, it can vary a lot depends on who you pick

    in fact by this pic you can see he picked people with 100% asian genetics (central asian here probably means fully asian like in many lazaridis studies, he means some of those central asians that are basically completely asian like Kalmyks ) and he picked people with 100% asian genetic profile
    but looking at modern turkish samples i strongly doubt that's what the seljuks were like when they invaded turkey, something with 30-40% asian genetics is more likely

    • 2 years ago

      Seljuks weren't Iranic mutts as they carry less Ganj_Dareh than Byzantines did. Turks are Turkic-Anatolian where the Turkics were Yamnaya-EA mutts, most ancient samples are Yamnaya-EA Turkic mutts.

      >It is defined, It's EA + Yamnaya in 80% of all cases
      What the kind of nonsense is this? Are you gonna walk up to a Kazakh and tell him he is like 60% Turkic? This is not how the world works.
      >however it logically makes no sense as Turkmens carry admixture of things Turks do not such as AASI and their admixture is VERY different and you need to use moronic mutt combinations in order to model them together with Turk+Anatolian
      The calculator itself picks it because it creates the shortest distance, the half-Greek half-Turkment result is literally closer to the Turkish average than individual Turks are to each other, you complete and utter moron.
      >They are Anatolian-Turkic pretty much all across until you reach Eastern Turkey, once again mentally moronic post.
      Eastern Turks are Turkified Armenians, what I say applies only to Anatolia proper.
      >Greeks aren't native anatolians either, they virtually have nothing to do with them and they are barely 30% mycenean
      Who knows what the frick native Anatolian even means but Turks have discontinuity to Byzantine Anatolians, they are a unique genetic profile entirely unlike anything in ancient samples.

      you literally didn't answer a single question and moved the goalpost like a butthurt moron once again, filtered.

      • 2 years ago

        Keep seething and shitting yourself over Turks, they will never be Hittites.

        • 2 years ago

          >still seething
          Where did I mention natives? Also name one population close to hittites, Pontic Greeks? kek, the absolute state.

          • 2 years ago

            None, the LARP rights are void. No one gets it.

          • 2 years ago

            You're really ousting yourself as a moron, do you admit then that Ancient Greeks have nothing to do with Greeks or Italians with Romans then since they aren't 100% admixture wise the same as them?

          • 2 years ago

            They have minor differences but overall they are still fairly legit, except the weird 50% Slavic Greeks which really do make me think.

          • 2 years ago

            >minor differences
            Ultra giga cope, Greeks carry heavy Slav-mix, they're not even 30% Ancient Greek, meanwhile Turks can be modeled as 70% Ancient Anatolian + 30% Turkic, really impressive logic there.

            None can be modeled as 80%+ Roman, you're mentally ill.

          • 2 years ago

            I literally call out the Slavic admixture in Greeks you fricking moron
            >None can be modeled as 80%+ Roman, you're mentally ill.
            The Roman average sample is fricking moronic and includes countless Levantines, most of the individuals are identical to modern Central and South Italians

            No 25 % is way too high but they do have like 3 or 5 %
            This is you can some mongols have light eyes/hair but thats extremely rare

            25 % is people like kazakhs

            Kazakhs are actually like 50%

          • 2 years ago

            >Kazakhs are actually like 50%
            no, they are something like 25% while mongols are 5% at best

          • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            >These are the mentally ill morons who can't even understand a basic calculator teaching you about genetics
            never change IQfy
            Also, Turks are mostly native anatolian, one literally just has to see one to see they're barely Turkic.

          • 2 years ago

            >obsessed whining about MUH IDENTICAL IF WE CHERRYPICK X
            have a nice day

          • 2 years ago

            >30 % turkic
            Bro even literal turks say that its impossible to find 30 % turkic peoples in turkey
            Its 15 % at best and only in some regions

          • 2 years ago

            I meant Turkic as in Ancient Turkic admixtures, It's at max 30% Ancient Turkic, there are average samples for Karluks, Karakhanids, Kipchaks etc and they are Yamnaya-EA mutts for the most part. If being generous and cherrypick samples you can reach 35-40% Turkic with the most Turkic Turk, otherwise It's on average 75% Ancient Anatolian 25% Ancient Turkic i'd say.

          • 2 years ago

            >It's on average 75% Ancient Anatolian 25% Ancient Turkic i'd say.
            yes, more or less, with peaks of 30% in west turkey and lows of 10% in the east

          • 2 years ago

            East is actually 0% and I'm the guy who's been arguing the 50% Turkmen angle, those are purely linguistically Turkified

            >obsessed whining about MUH IDENTICAL IF WE CHERRYPICK X
            have a nice day

            >yes Italians are 50% Germanic
            Is this what you believe? That's what comes out if you use that average.

          • 2 years ago

            >East is 0%
            Inbred moron, only Trabzon Turks are Turkified. You've been coping since the beginning of this thread, did a Turk frick your daughter or something?
            >again muh 50% turkmen

            >It's on average 75% Ancient Anatolian 25% Ancient Turkic i'd say.
            yes, more or less, with peaks of 30% in west turkey and lows of 10% in the east

            It generally also depends on who we count as Turk, if all Turk samples are accounted for I'd say average 20-25% with the Karluk/Kipchak average samples are a good estimate.

          • 2 years ago

            Now you're arguing Turks are more Turkic, what kind of schizo are you? Sure, East is mildly more.


            How else would you model it? The numbers for Amerindians are widely accepted.

          • 2 years ago

            >again using automated vahaduo bullshittery with modern samples
            >Amerindian modeling
            you're legit a schizo, morons like you should be banned from using these tools.

          • 2 years ago

            Thanks for admitting that your take is moronic, I was presenting agreeing evidence.

          • 2 years ago

            Its not 100 % but minor difference
            Meanwhile turks are 15 % turkic at best in some rare regions
            This mean like 90 % of the country is zero % turkic

          • 2 years ago

            Nope, Turkic% cannot be objectively quantified

      • 2 years ago

        >Seljuks weren't Iranic mutts as they carry less Ganj_Dareh than Byzantines did. Turks are Turkic-Anatolian where the Turkics were Yamnaya-EA mutts, most ancient samples are Yamnaya-EA Turkic mutts.
        the ottoman samples carry iran_n, as well as many turkic samples
        and yes the turks that went to turkey were probably something like 40% asian, this study is using people that are up to 100% "central asian", that most likely means asian

        • 2 years ago

          Modern day Turks are less Iran_N than the Ancient Anatolians, Byzantines or Hittites were, it dropped heavily in Western Turkey and thus points to Iran_N not being carried by Turkics that much.

  8. 2 years ago

    No suprise here, they carry on average around 8% pure east-asian, depending on what ancient Turkic sample one uses it can reach up to 30% Turkic heritage if you pick the most Turkic Turk. However, those are the most cherrypicked scenarios, it's likely much lower, they're still no matter how much they wish to be Turkic...anatolian.

    • 2 years ago

      Its 3 % pure east asian and 9 % turkic and thats only in some places

      >But turkics were never 100 % asian
      there are turkics that are very overwhelmingly asian, they are completely all over the place

      Those are heavily mongol'd like kazakhs
      The original turkics were hapas/quapas

  9. 2 years ago

    We Turks are proud Anatolo-Arabs.

  10. 2 years ago

    What I generally wonder more is if there was any slavic, thracian or balkan influx considering they have heightened Yamnaya compared to original Anatolians, it can't be purely Turkics unless they were outright scandinavian-asian mutts.

    • 2 years ago

      Turkics are IE rapebabies
      Anatolians turks have slavic, celtic and probably even germanic DNA due to varangians and foedaratis (vandals were resettled into anatolia after their defeat to the romans for exemple)

  11. 2 years ago

    The same result can be replicated using G25 but if you remove Pontians and Eastern Anatolians (which is historically not Anatolia, west of Euphrates is) the number is pulled to 30%. Then what does this make the pontic “”””bulls”””” in question? Literal cucks who got buckbroken so bad they switched languages without any hesitation whatsoever. A slave race, if you will.

  12. 2 years ago

    So when did Anatolian Greeks start considering themselves Turkish?

    • 2 years ago

      No such thing as anatolian greeks besides pontic and aegean ones
      Anatolians.... are anatolians

  13. 2 years ago

    First you need to define what a Turk from Central Asia is. Turkic peoples from Central Asia are themselves of diverse heritage.

    • 2 years ago

      Oghuz so like a turkmen

  14. 2 years ago

    >PIE from the near east
    >Illyrians were almost identical to ancient and modern Greeks
    >0% steppe Mycenaean elites
    No wonder everyone is seething about this, even monkeydonians came crawling out of the woodwork

  15. 2 years ago

    This confirms another study by turkish geneticists
    They found around 10-15%

    • 2 years ago

      >Turkish geneticists
      No, they have cherrypicked Turkic samples and Anatolian ones. Lazaridis paper states east-asian admixture of Ancient Turkics varied from 41% to 100% while modern day Turks on average have 9%. If we were to pick the most Turkic Turk who only exist in few numbers near the Mugla region at 15% and then use the least east-asian admixed ancient Turkic, he is still only 36% Ancient Turkic, the rest anatolian, and this is the most cherrypicked scenario you can go for from this paper report.

      It's likely Ancient Turkics were 60% east-asian, modern day Turks having 9% average leads to 9/60 -> only 15% Turkic DNA carried over, insignificant to the native anatolian one.

      • 2 years ago

        Ancient turkics in the beginning were 50 % east eurasian by the time they arrived in anatolia they were like only 20 % and modern turks are like 3 % east eurasian

        East eurasian DNA ≠ Turkic

      • 2 years ago

        But that's what the turkish geneticists found too, more or less. ~15% central asian component

        • 2 years ago

          No, they were arguing that by modeling with some mutt samples like DA89 Turks were descended 50% from Ancient Turkics, atleast that's what Turkish DNA Project report gave out.

          • 2 years ago

            Turkish dna project is a blogger. I'm talking about the study posted here

            Today I will remind them
            25% of turks are Greeks and the other 75% is Armenians
            Turkic dna is so negligible in them that it doesn't even affect their positions

            Which is from turkish geneticists

          • 2 years ago

            I haven't red that study but 15% is plausible and makes sense rather than silly 50% numbers some Turanists keep shilling all the time.

          • 2 years ago

            They have to justify the language and imagery somehow, otherwise they feel like cucked conquered people

          • 2 years ago

            >otherwise they feel like cucked conquered people
            that's what they are

  16. 2 years ago

    Today I will remind them
    25% of turks are Greeks and the other 75% is Armenians
    Turkic dna is so negligible in them that it doesn't even affect their positions

    • 2 years ago

      You got it wrong, they are majority Anatolians, the one shifted towards Iranians are the Armenian ones while the ones shifted towards Greeks Thracians/Bulgarians mixed with Anatolians.

      Modern day Greeks carry slavic DNA and aren't related to anatolians.

      Ancient turkics in the beginning were 50 % east eurasian by the time they arrived in anatolia they were like only 20 % and modern turks are like 3 % east eurasian

      East eurasian DNA ≠ Turkic

      He stated "pure" east-asian in his text, but the fact still remains that the "Turkic" inprint in modern day Turks is minimal.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah this is what i said
        Anatolians turks arent turkic (90 % of the country have 0 % turkic DNA) but old turkics were in majority West eurasian (like 80 %)

    • 2 years ago

      Turkish dna project is a blogger. I'm talking about the study posted here [...]
      Which is from turkish geneticists

      that study kinda proves that they have a pretty big central asian component, a lot of people post it without knowing the study

      that green and that brown are respectively east asian and CNA(north central asian, that peaks in very heavily asiatic populations used in that study like altaians, mongolians and so on)
      and you can see that brown+green is something like 10% in turks, that means that if you use something like an uzbek they would have 25% central asian admixture, with a turkmen they would have something like 30%

      • 2 years ago

        Turkmen/Uzbeks are themselves mutts, the Laziridis study referred to Ancient Turkics of which it never goes beyond 22% in the most cherrypicked scenario. You can argue their admixture changed in other ways than just east-asian, but it only changed in terms of Yamnaya/PIE, the rest of their admixture decreased or stayed the same which is why they are able to be modeled as 70% native anatolian if not more.

        • 2 years ago

          >Turkmen/Uzbeks are themselves mutts, the Laziridis study referred to Ancient Turkics of which it never goes beyond 22% in the most cherrypicked scenario. You can argue their admixture changed in other ways than just east-asian, but it only changed in terms of Yamnaya/PIE, the rest of their admixture decreased or stayed the same which is why they are able to be modeled as 70% native anatolian if not more.
          the lazaridis study says the the average goes from 9% to 22%, not that turks have between 9% and 22%, big difference, if the average is something inbetween that like 15% that could very well mean 30%+ for western turks and 5% for eastern turks, that is in accordance with the samples
          but we have to see what turkic he's using, there are turkic samples that are more asian than modern mongols

          but that is beyond the scope of my comment, what i was saying is that that study you posted does not search for actual central asian admixture, the green is pure east asian and the "brown" is CNA(central north asian) that includes and peaks in mongola, even, yakut and the likes, so it's basically almost pure asian too, so that study is modeling turks with some 10% pure/almost pure asian admixture on average, and that is in line with the samples

          • 2 years ago

            The samples he used were ancient Turkic oriented ones. It is clear it is majority Anatolian, even with the older samples The roman anatolian samples are RMPR(43,44,66,74,71,72,78,128). When the new samples are out one could reach a better conclusion, but to improve accuracy a stronger Yamnaya source is needed, the Turkic input if being generous and using very late mixed Turkic samples is at max 30%, (still above 41% east-asian that was the lowest limit for lazaridis study).
            The results are very clear, the only way one can toy around this is by speculating the EEF drop or Yamnaya increase until some new more clear study.

          • 2 years ago

            add the other turks from the east and trabzon (that he probably includes in his turkish average since he claims it's representative of the entire country) and you more or less get an average between 9% and 22%

          • 2 years ago

            In the model above it's also artifically higher due to the lack of PIE, the calculator is trying to balance out the higher PIE as Roman Anatolians had very little to none PIE admixture while the Turk sample carries around 30%. Modern day western anatolian Turks are around ~20%, if one were to add some yamnaya extra source, the Turkic would end up quite a bit lower, possibly max 20%.

            All-in-all it's speculation until a deep-dive study is done with historical events accounted for e.g Balkan/Crimean tatar migrations, but the most Turkic Turk is unlikely to reach above 30% Ancient Turkic, even if using a Turkic sample dropping as low as 41% east-asian if we go by laziridis study.

  17. 2 years ago

    So now we have Byzantine, medieval Turkic and Ottoman samples, how do the ancestry models of modern Turks look like using them as sources?

    • 2 years ago

      29% kebab 50% armenian 11% dog

      • 2 years ago

        oh and 10% arab

    • 2 years ago

      Byzantine-Medieval Turkic: 75/25 normalized
      Byzantine-Ottoman Turkic sample: 65/35

      Give or take a few +/-, It's a given fact that the Ottoman sample already carries anatolian admixture.

      Byzantine samples is basically the same as modern day Turks, you only drop EEF from 55% to 40% ish, Yamnaya from 5% to 20% ish and East-asian from 0% to 9% ish and you got modern day Turk.

      • 2 years ago

        In which area though. There's a cline

        Today I will remind them
        25% of turks are Greeks and the other 75% is Armenians
        Turkic dna is so negligible in them that it doesn't even affect their positions

        Probably west = more EEF, east = more Iran

        • 2 years ago

          If you mean Byzantine samples, the differences are minor, they're 50-60% EEF all over the place. If you mean Turks they're about 40% until you hit the East where Ganj_Dareh + CHG starts to rise by quite a lot. However Western Turks have more East asian + Yamnaya influence at the same time compared to the east.

          In short, Western Turks have higher Yamnaya, lower EEF, lower CHG, equal or less Iran and a new admixture (East-asian) going up to 11% at max to the previous rulers. The differences are quite minor except that East-asian has been introduced.

          Eastern Turks are basically mostly the same Chalcolithic Armenians with minor Yamnaya-East asian shift.

      • 2 years ago

        What modern populations do the Byzantine samples cluster closest to?

        Can anyone re-upload the paper somewhere else? I can't get access


        • 2 years ago

          >What modern populations do the Byzantine samples cluster closest to?
          The Anatolian Greeks that do barely exist anymore, Cypriots, Island Greeks and Southern Italians, not Mainland Greeks though.

          • 2 years ago

            Southern Italians is only Basilicata and Apulia, the other Italians don't really cluster that close to them.

        • 2 years ago

          >What modern populations do the Byzantine samples cluster closest to?
          Depends on the area
          Anatolian ERE would be like greek islanders and south in general
          Constantinople/Istanbul ERE looks bulgarian from the leaked Biomuse pca

          • 2 years ago

            >Constantinople/Istanbul ERE looks bulgarian from the leaked Biomuse pca
            Modern day Istanbulites cluster closer to them than Greeks as well, they are Thracians with minor Turkic influence.

            What modern populations do the Byzantine samples cluster closest to?

            Here's a central-west anatolian Byzantine, Turks sorta disappear except Kayseri Turks, but they're not far off, it's their east-asian influence pushing them off a bit. Overall It's Greek Anatolian-Cypriot-Greek Islander dominated and some south italians.

          • 2 years ago

            >Greek Anatolian
            Hellenized Phrygian tbh

          • 2 years ago

            Here's a eastern sample from the 19th century pre population displacement, overall Greek Anatolian-Armenian-Turkish central oriented.

          • 2 years ago

            how are those distances even real? This guy in the middle of anatolia is closer to people from my own region than me

          • 2 years ago

            It's unscaled coordinates.

          • 2 years ago

            The scaled version is here, however it pushes off Italians and Turks because it filters away lower PC components which generally makes actual ancestry lost in transmission.

          • 2 years ago

            Im not a genecist, but even using unscaled coordinated that guy is closer to the mean of my own region (italy) than me, you gotta admit that would be pretty weird. Scaled makes the most sense here

          • 2 years ago

            Scaled filters low PC components, if you care about actual geneflow then scaled is a bad idea to use.

          • 2 years ago

            Scaled version of the Byzantine sample, Turks sorta disappear probably because east-asian influence pushes them out on the PCA.

  18. 2 years ago

    Can anyone re-upload the paper somewhere else? I can't get access

  19. 2 years ago

    Reading some genotyping from the Lazaridis papers
    It looks like Iron age Croatia, Illyrians, are all like north italians. Low iran/chg
    Medieval croatia is very greek-like and not even north greek both central, south (peloponnese) or south (island)
    What happen, colonization?

    • 2 years ago

      balcanites used to mirror italy north to south before getting SLAVD

      • 2 years ago

        Nah bronze age samples from croatia are like swiss and french. Long distances tho
        During the IA perhaps this changed with interactions with greeks

        >before getting SLAVD
        I think these sample are after the date of the slavic migrations
        Maybe the route was different or the initial migration was small genetically and involved many slavicized balkanites and greeks
        Then perhaps later on actual slavs migrated to croatia/yugoslavia

        • 2 years ago

          >I think these samples
          Not the bronze age ofc. The medieval ones

    • 2 years ago

      the antiquity paper seems to argue that the "imperial roman" ancestry is from Anatolia. It argues that the Roman colonization of Anatolia resulted in major geneflow from Anatolia into the empire. It goes as far to suggest it was a major demographic source for the empire
      So I imagine that may explain it in Croatia.

      The pre-roman Croatian samples are very interesting. No confirmed z2103 in these samples. Cetina L51 so probably related to Beaker and a lot of U152 from the mid bronze age onward (and obviously a lot of J2b in all sites).
      Some of the samples could possibly be Adriatic Veneti but as a whole it looks to be less "paleo-balkan" that we would imagine.

      • 2 years ago

        Oh good point. Not actual greeks, just this urnfield/anatolia mix resulting in greek-like autosomal

      • 2 years ago

        A good number of greek colonies in italy were from ionians, until we have a good picture what classical greeks and magna graecians were like, this is all speculation

  20. 2 years ago

    So the Turks somehow convinced the ethnic greeks of anatolia to just give up greek and learn a foreign language from a bunch of illiterate horse frickers from Central Asia? How the frick did they pull this off

    How did this not result in a Manchuria situation where the invading Manchurians got assimilated by the chinese?

    • 2 years ago

      Turks had a strong army, and ERE was decadent. Also they didn't really have an identity to begin with, like imperial romans

    • 2 years ago

      >How did this not result in a Manchuria situation where the invading Manchurians got assimilated by the chinese?
      They did, its obvious genetically, It's just that in the chinese scenario the chinks absorb everything and turns it into chinese, while in European history there's the "ruler culture" above all, which is a lot of European identitites and languages are not genetically related.

  21. 2 years ago

    I'm a Turk with J-Z1884 which apparantly comes from ancient anatolians, but my modern day DNA is not really anatolian :s

    • 2 years ago

      your tuncoat ancestors joined the barbarian islamic horde and started fricking muslim pussy left and right

      • 2 years ago

        They probably fricked Balkanoids because I my results are closer to them than MENA

        • 2 years ago

          Muslim ≠ mena
          Its a religion, not a race
          There was ton of muslim balkanoids

    • 2 years ago

      Around 40% of it is
      If you focus on the bronze and iron age then around 60-70% of it is

      • 2 years ago

        More like 80%

        • 2 years ago

          Nah, central asian takes a 10-15% and another 5-15% would be from people all over the empire, even iran-rich ones
          The average would be 65-80% but for some yoruks it is lower

          • 2 years ago

            >Nah, central asian takes a 10-15% and another 5-15% would be from people all over the empire, even iran-rich ones
            Agreed, but Iran influence is only in the East, the western regions carry significant Yamnay admixture, likely some part of it is related to slavs/thracians/paleo-balkanoids or the Ottoman collapse and Turks fleeing from Balkan to Turkey, even though they are genetically quite Balkan.

  22. 2 years ago

    what's up with Reich modeling myceneans with very significant levant PPN? I

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah I didn't get that either. Maybe it's something new. We'll know in future papers I guess

  23. 2 years ago

    They are Yamnaya and slightly East-asian shifted Greek Anatolians, Eastern turks are nearly similar to ancient Armenians.

    The steppe larp was always a meme.

    • 2 years ago

      I don´t know why they call those anatolians as greek anatolians, they are literally anatolians, not like the greeks (of mainland historical greece - Thessaly, Peloponnese etc

      • 2 years ago

        Because of Hellenic Anatolia and the byzantines, duh. Even the Turks differentiated between them, the Anatolian Greeks were called Rüm (from Roman), while the actual Mainland Greeks were called Yünan.

      • 2 years ago

        Because Anatolian greeks are literally a mix of native anatolians and greeks

        Because of Hellenic Anatolia and the byzantines, duh. Even the Turks differentiated between them, the Anatolian Greeks were called Rüm (from Roman), while the actual Mainland Greeks were called Yünan.

        Turks started calling Greeks yunan only when they won their independence
        It was only then when Turks called greeks from Europe yunan and greeks from Anatolia rum
        Before that greeks from the European part of the empire were called rumlar

        • 2 years ago

          IIRC weren't the Greeks living in Anatolian referred to as actual Romans in Turkish while Balkaners were referred to as "Rumelians" as in people living in that vilayet?

  24. 2 years ago

    I'm just a passerby on these threads, but I'm honestly curious.
    Do the haploschizos have any kind of technical background? I'm coming from applied math and having a hard time ascertaining whether this is like TAschizos on IQfy finding animals in the stars or something more legit.

    • 2 years ago

      >Do the haploschizos have any kind of technical background
      Depends who you are referring to.
      Most of the people here and on anthrogenica rely on calculators with overlapping components (think the Celt vs Germanic admixture threads). So a lot of it is useless.
      Some of the bloggers have a background like Razib but a lot of them are also amateurs (but at least are more careful than here).

      Uniparental analysis is actually a lot harder to screw up doing than autosomal but that requires people to actually have a grasp of the sample database and phylogeny.

  25. 2 years ago

    why do turks have such a low frustration tolerance and get aggressive quickly ?

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