public school prayer

can we say based?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Pharisee self-righteous ritual imposed by false Christians.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


  2. 2 years ago

    Public school should not exist

  3. 2 years ago

    I don[t know who those people are in the pic, but public school prayer was good, yes. It stabilizes the nation and you wouldn’t have had school shootings.
    All my parents and grandparents and their relatives all grew up with public school prayer, and walked to school, lived in itty bitty houses in the suburbs, were poor, and weren’t even saved. I’m sure that God welcome in public school helps children know that there is a God and that Jesus is the way to go to heaven and get saved, though it wasn’t the factor that saved my own parents.
    My dad was wild, drunk alcohol, got into fist fights, played football, had lots of wild friends too but didn’t join gangs. His parents kicked him out of the house when he was young and had to find friends to live with, were divorced and never home.
    He got saved when the girl he wanted to marry, my mom, was saved and wouldn’t marry him without him being saved also. He kinda wasn’t going to but then he saw the exorcist movie and he said it scared him so badly that he really got saved around the same time frame. My mom got saved a similar way not wanting to go to hell and being told about a lake of fire hell , a literal place where people are thrown into by God and they can never come out. Her mother persecuted her for getting saved in a different church because they never went to theirs, and she wanted her to do her baptism over again and move to Catholic Church. She refused which was the right decision and then her parents all moved to a Methodist Protestant church because I guess Bible believing churches ain’t good enough idk what their deal is. But relevant to how they got saved and baptised.

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >writes all this shit
      >doesn't know who Johnny Carson was

      • 2 years ago

        Local actual witness testimony history is greater than national or whoever that is. Also more people know back to the future or music, which you didn[t even supply a YouTube video or a sound clip. You got raped in your own thread. Eat your onions sõyboy.

        • 2 years ago

          Have fun, friend

      • 2 years ago
  4. 2 years ago

    This is what America used to be about...

    • 2 years ago

      Performative sanctimony?

      • 2 years ago

        Social bonding

  5. 2 years ago

    I don't believe politicians who say that public school prayer would stop mass shootings. It sounds so disingenuous and lazy that I don't think even the politicians believe it.

    • 2 years ago

      Nice argument, did you come up with this on your own?

      Pharisee self-righteous ritual imposed by false Christians.


      Performative sanctimony?

      Toothpaste circles do keep out demons biblically, since the presence of God and the Holy Spirit does keep the antichrist from killing you. This in fact means school shootings are public school prayer related, being taken out, along with the Ten Commandments and allowing gay rights and hate speech laws, and pride month stuff in.

  6. 2 years ago

    >According to her son, William, Madalyn was a socialist who showed sympathies towards the Soviet Union. William claimed that when he was still a child, Madalyn began hosting Socialist Labor Party meetings and asked him to attend so he could, as quoted from Madalyn, "learn the 'truth' about capitalism."[11] William also claimed that Madalyn twice sought to defect to the Soviet Union, applying first in 1959 through the Soviet Embassy in Washington, D.C., and again at the Soviet Embassy in Paris, traveling there for the express purpose in 1960; on both occasions, the Soviets denied her entry.[12][13][14] On their return from Paris, Murray and sons went to live with her mother, father, and brother, Irv, at their house in the Loch Raven, Baltimore neighborhood.[15] Soon after, Madalyn accompanied William to their neighborhood school, Woodbourne Junior High, to re-enroll William for freshman classes. Madalyn was unhappy to see students, after the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, engaging in prayer. She instructed William to keep a log of all religious exercises and references to religion for the next two weeks, saying, "Well, if they'll keep us from going to Russia where there is some freedom, we'll just have to change America."[16] After the two weeks, and after her request that William be allowed to leave class during prayer times was denied by school authorities, she pulled him out of school[17] and proceeded to file a lawsuit against the Baltimore Public School System, naming William as plaintiff. She said that its practices of mandatory prayer and required reading of the Bible were unconstitutional. The US Supreme Court upheld her position by a ruling in 1963.

    lmao. mentally ill c**t.

  7. 2 years ago

    Opposition to it was more cringe than it was but it was lesser form of cringe already. It is only based in the sense that suggesting it makes the cringe seethe.

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