Questions for Christians (Or any religious anons)

Questions for Christians (Or any religious anons)

>Why do we pray?

>God please find me a gf...

So God already knows everything and knows you and knows whether or not you need a gf right now. And also knows that you will be praying this at this exact time.

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  1. 2 years ago

    >So God already knows everything
    false, the old testament god doesn't know everything.
    he routinely has to check stuff for himself or send his goons to report back to him.
    sure, yahweh knows plenty of things, he was able to manipulate reality well enough to create life on earth, but he isn't omniscient.
    he is probably on the same level as we will be 1000 years from now thanks to scientific progress. hell, he might be out there lurking until we finally join him

    • 2 years ago

      >gives kind of good answer at first that is even scriptural
      >then equates it to mortal men and believes he will achieve the same status in the future, and disrespects God
      Woe to those who speak the truth and lies as one. Light and darkness is only darkness. You should have known that from mixing paints when you were eating glue in preschool.
      Another demon to be bloodily murdered by God’s wrath. We are passed redemption for your widespread lies, heretic.

      • 2 years ago

        god is a powerful but limited being, deal with it christcuck

        • 2 years ago

          You shall bow down and kneel to Jesus Christ and be banished to the lake of fire.

        • 2 years ago

          I find it bizarre that you don't understand how God can choose not to make puppets of us and can instead choose to give us free will. That does not mean he is incapable of making puppets of us.

          • 2 years ago

            answer this, christcuck:
            do you agree that the universe has laws that govern it?
            do you agree that God put those laws in place?
            do you agree that everything we do is because of those laws God put in place?

            now, I will provide you your only two possible answers:
            1) we follow the rules of the universe, therefore everything that we do was already predetermined the moment God created reality and since he knows everything he has already saved/condemned every one of us
            2) we don't follow the rules of the universe and our free will is a force that is outside the laws of the universe, meaning free will is divine and supernatural. but if free will is divine it can only mean that it's part of God. and if it's part of God then it means God is in complete control at all times and is directly responsible for our behaviors.

            I'll let you choose

          • 2 years ago

            If you were trying to suggest that we don't have free will because the laws of physics dictate that water must flow downhill, I feel very comfortable that I've stated my position well enough.

            God allows us to choose evil. The confines of triangles having to have three sides do not negate this.

          • 2 years ago

            you aren't answering because you've been called out.
            if free will is divine it means it is a part of God.
            if it is a part of God it's intrinsically good and holy.
            this means every action we take guided by free will is good and holy.
            therefore sin doesn't exist.

          • 2 years ago

            This is a good point

            If the having of free will is God's will, then whatever results from that free will is also God's will.

          • 2 years ago

            That is talking about those who follow Jesus to go and do miracles.

            Hilarious stuff. It's like saying if I build a random number generator, then what is generated is my will. Just nonsensical cope. Completely trying to side step the point, which is that God allows us to choose evil. Cope more.

          • 2 years ago

            >It's like saying if I build a random number generator, then what is generated is my will.
            first of all we cannot build a true random number generator.
            secondly, your example is utterly moronic (typical from a christcuck) because indeed us stupid humans would not be able to predict the behavior of a random number generator if we were suddenly given one.
            but god is omniscient! no true number generators exist for him! he would know precisely every single digit that machine would generate from the moment it was created until eternity. and if those digits represented sinful actions such as murder, rape, etc. it would mean God would be entirely responsible and aware of those things happening right from the beginning.

            anything to add, dummy?

          • 2 years ago

            >first of all we cannot build a true random number generator.
            Well if I was God then I could, right? And that's the context of the example. He can grant it free will and not be in control of that will. He could assume control he wants to, but he does not because he obeys his own laws and rules.

          • 2 years ago

            >he obeys his own laws and rules.
            yeah, you just proved that God is the only on with free will since he's the only one who can follow his own laws.
            lol you proved my point without even realizing

          • 2 years ago

            What are you even talking about? You have a habit of saying things that you think sound right but that don't actually mean anything. Do you do this regularly?

          • 2 years ago

            free will is being able to set and follow your own laws.
            if god is the only one who can do it then it means he's the only one with free will.
            or are you telling me that somehow us humans can set the laws of the universe as we see fit?

          • 2 years ago

            You can set your own laws and ignore God's.

          • 2 years ago

            >You can set your own laws and ignore God's.
            everything I do is regulated by the laws of the universe that God put in place. so everything I do is in accordance to his laws (i.e. his will).

            so I will ask again: are you then implying that free will extends beyond the laws of the universe that God put in place?

          • 2 years ago

            I am not omnipotent and all-knowing though.

            God would know every single number the generator would predict before it even predicts. Man has limitations and so can only create things with limitations (e.g. a number generator with a limited number of decimals). God has no limitations. If he created man with free will, and man does evil, God both knew and willed it to happen. Or do you disagree?

          • 2 years ago

            >God would know every single number the generator would predict before it even predicts
            His knowledge of whatever number is going to come next does not mean that he is controlling the number that comes next. Just as his knowledge of what we will choose to do does that mean he is controlling our wills. Free will is not something that he controls.

          • 2 years ago

            Who are you quoting? Now I know why dirk says his all the time, it looks like there is an anon on the board that likes to combine unrelated threads.

          • 2 years ago

            Who are you quoting? Now I know why dirk says his all the time, it looks like there is an anon on the board that likes to combine unrelated threads.

            Combining these and responding to the RNG poster.
            Freedom in Liberty means sins that are clean are allowed. I can run around naked in my own backyard if there is a tall enough fence and I can roll around in the mud with my dog while the sprinklers are on and get dog poo all over my body in the sun and then go inside and take a shower. It’s clean because we do not fear and have the power of God’s miracles because we believe. It’s but by the grace of Jesus’ blood that we can.
            You are a heretic.

          • 2 years ago

            >oh noes dog poos I am evil and wicked ;(

          • 2 years ago

            I don't know what you're trying to say. You disagree that we have free will? Calvinist?

  2. 2 years ago

    God doesn't necessarily intervene unless we ask him to. He gave us dominion in this world and free will. He wants us to ask for his intervention.

    • 2 years ago

      >unless we ask him to.
      But us asking him to is part of his intervention. This is an infinite loop.

      >He gave us dominion in this world and free will.
      Only if you believe God is not all knowing

      >He wants us to ask for his intervention.
      God does not do power plays. That is a human thing.

      • 2 years ago

        >But us asking him to is part of his intervention. This is an infinite loop.
        Huh? If we take it upon ourself to decide to ask him, that's not his intervention. That's our free will choice.
        >Only if you believe God is not all knowing
        you're not making any sense
        >God does not do power plays. That is a human thing.
        God desired the universe, and it was. You call this a powerplay? You're not making any sense again. God has a will, but allows us free will.

        • 2 years ago

          >God has a will but allows us free will
          Infinite loop.

          You're a midwit and just don't know it yet.

          Can I get a decently intelligent christian in here?

          • 2 years ago

            Again not making any sense. You can't demonstrate what you're saying so just blaming the reader. Sure sign of room temp IQ. Our free will is free will because it's free of another's will. Read that again if you have to.

          • 2 years ago

            >Our free will is free will because it is divorced of any other's will

            Is it divorced from God's will?

            Go re-read what YOU wrote and see who's not making sense.

          • 2 years ago

            >Is it divorced from God's will?
            Yes. That's what free will is. God doesn't control us like a puppeteer.

          • 2 years ago

            So you believe in a God capable of creation and then nothing else? Sort of like making an AI and letting do as it wants?

            Or are you saying God is capable of doing and knowing everything about his creations but chooses not to?

            Im just fascinated by you (unironically)

          • 2 years ago


            God created everything and "knows" everything however when He made what we know as earth (or Eden in this case), it appears to be some sort of sandbox place He made for entertainment but since it was made and designed by God directly, it is perfect.

            Enter man who is made to Gods image (God does not have a physical appearance, though, so it means we were made with a free will and capacity to rule over earth) and unlike the Creator, man needs a companion and gets the woman. together they are placed in this place called earth (or in its state: Eden) where everything is free to follow its natural process without further intervention (man was supposed to act as some sort of "plague control", work on planting seeds of fruit, etc as everything he could need is provided by land). as time went on, womens greed led to matriarcal societies which established themselves in places instead of roaming land, this led to overpopulation and the first time man started ruling over man, using others as workers and placing themselves in Gods position.

            As i said, God knows everything but that doesnt mean He cant let you make your own decisions instead of exerting His will over you. God was here before the universe was created, as He was the one who created it and He will surely be there once it ends (as we know it will end for life as we know it)

          • 2 years ago

            God's decision to give us free will does not mean he is incapable of making puppets of us. He chooses not to. God desires love to exist. In order for love to exist, there must be a choice to do evil. If you could push the button on the back of a woman's neck to make her want to marry you, would it really be love? Of course not. It's the same way with God. He made us because he desires love to exist. And love can only happen when it is by choice.

            Thank you. Perhaps we might disagree but this is an interesting read. I like conversing with intelligent religious people.

          • 2 years ago

            Well that was respectable of you. Back at you!

          • 2 years ago

            God's decision to give us free will does not mean he is incapable of making puppets of us. He chooses not to. God desires love to exist. In order for love to exist, there must be a choice to do evil. If you could push the button on the back of a woman's neck to make her want to marry you, would it really be love? Of course not. It's the same way with God. He made us because he desires love to exist. And love can only happen when it is by choice.

  3. 2 years ago

    gee whiz it’s almost as if it’s hardwired into humans

  4. 2 years ago

    Because if you do not pray and use words as Jesus did and showed us and become like Jesus , the spirits of darkness can come in. Prayer and words are like light. It shapes creation . Not because we are God but because God loves you as His children but only when it is done in the name of Jesus and his blood. Man is not equal with God’s light. He instead inherits God’s light, so we answer darkness with His light.

  5. 2 years ago

    One of the things the antichrist has done to my home town is exalted La Mission instead of Tampico’s Spanish Inn Mexican food restaurant.
    Now the La Mission owner is la hembra diabla and her waitresses uses her long nails to scratch her customers.

    • 2 years ago

      You know what God (and they) say, give my enemy everything so that it is coals upon their head.

  6. 2 years ago

    Jesus shoots the messenger, shoots the deceived, and shoots the message originator of evil. He just witnesses to them first before he would allow his own youthful sheep to be eaten by ravenous wolves.

    • 2 years ago

      The Bible literally says that he sends us out as sheep to the wolves.

      • 2 years ago

        That is talking about those who follow Jesus to go and do miracles.

  7. 2 years ago

    Polytheist. So maybe my answer won’t satisfy you.
    But the gods wouldn’t know what you’re going to ask for.
    What I think some christians might agree is that the act in itself of asking is what’s important.

  8. 2 years ago

    I haven't seen any sufficiently good answers, so I'll answer.

    We pray because God asks us to pray, and because it is the primary way by which we both reach out to God and acknowledge God's power over all things. Prayer does not move God, rather it moves us to God. God knows all things, but we do not. It is by prayer that we call out to God as our Father, trusting in his love and providence. We imitate Jesus when we pray to Our Father as He prayed to the Father.

    >And because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying out, “Abba, Father!” (Galatians 4:6)

    >Pray in the Spirit at all times, with every kind of prayer and petition. To this end, stay alert with all perseverance in your prayers for all the saints. (Ephesians 6:18)

    >By prayer we acknowledge God's power and goodness, our own neediness and dependence. It is therefore an act of the virtue of religion implying the deepest reverence for God and habituating us to look to Him for everything, not merely because the thing asked be good in itself, or advantageous to us, but chiefly because we wish it as a gift of God, and not otherwise, no matter how good or desirable it may seem to us. Prayer presupposes faith in God and hope in His goodness. By both, God, to whom we pray, moves us to prayer. Our knowledge of God by the light of natural reason also inspires us to look to Him for help, but such prayer lacks supernatural inspiration, and though it may avail to keep us from losing our natural knowledge of God and trust in Him, or, to some extent, from offending Him, it cannot positively dispose us to receive His graces.

    • 2 years ago

      prayer has not much of a purpose, life in earth is not about what God can do for you but rather what YOU can do for Him, how far are you willing to go to follow His will.

      you are very confused regarding your relation with God

      • 2 years ago

        No, I'm not confused. What exactly do you think that you can do for God? What do you have that God doesn't that he needs from you?

    • 2 years ago

      This is a Calvinist who does not believe in free will. Got intervenes with our prayer, that's why he asked us to pray. It's not some ritual that has no purpose other than God commanded it. He commanded it for a reason. He gave us dominion on this earth and will not intervene unless we ask him to in prayer.

      • 2 years ago

        I'm actually anything but a Calvinist. Lol. Lmao. The quote I put there was from the Catholic Encyclopedia btw.

  9. 2 years ago

    >be FPS Doug playing counter-strike 1.6 in 2020
    >his posts on IQfy with 2 monitors are getting attacked while he is busy getting is headshots in his game
    >he takes screenshots of headshots in the game to go defend himself
    >game crashes because windows PC games still has games being made (even now) that crash to desktop because they can’t minimize after being in full screen
    >FPS Doug goes on his legendary tirade of smashing the computer to pieces
    >is still happening in 2020

  10. 2 years ago

    if you value your religion you better stop thinking critically

  11. 2 years ago

    God will give you a girlfriend if He wills it. Pray. God regularly sets people up in their marriages even when they don't pray. God has a plan for your life.

    • 2 years ago

      >God has a plan for your life.
      Why did he plan your life?

      • 2 years ago

        Because He's in control. Sometimes it's out of love.

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