redpill me on pynchon. conspiracy theories about him and hidden content in his books

redpill me on pynchon
conspiracy theories about him and hidden content in his books

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  1. 5 months ago

    Someone on this board claimed to live in the same neighborhood as Pynchon and said he was a completely normal liberal who voted Hillary.

    • 5 months ago

      Not very surprising

    • 5 months ago

      That "someone" was actually Pynchon himself spreading misinfo. Don't believe everything you see on the internet

      • 5 months ago

        Probably trying to put a stop to his impending cancelation

    • 5 months ago

      He reads NYT after all.

  2. 5 months ago

    he isn't as funny as he thinks.

  3. 5 months ago

    The conspiracy theories directly about him come mostly from the fact that he worked for Boeing as a technical writer, knew about the MK bullshit fairly early, some vague stuff about making deals. On top of this is the fact that conspiracy theories play a major role in each of his novels. Everything from Paperclip to MKUltra to UFO's, corporate conspiracies, montauk, subterranean shenanigans. The "hidden content" mostly comes from the sheer complexity of the books... well, that and the silly names acting as weak covers for who the characters are supposed to loosely represent (often multiple people are combined to be represented by one character) Anyways, I'll let Pynchon speak for himself (seems like penguin removed this trailer from youtube lmao).

    • 5 months ago

      He was also an electrician on a naval carrier during the Suez Crisis

  4. 5 months ago

    What’s the reading order for this guy? I want to get into his books some time later this year.

    • 5 months ago

      Gravity's Rainbow, that's it

      • 5 months ago

        You should read Lot49 first

    • 5 months ago

      If you want to get the most out of a first reading, start with V. or his short story Entropy, after reading V. go back and read the short stories if you want. proceed chronologically through to the end. Or, you could just read the beginnings of each book and find the one which you like most stylistically, as they are very different.
      There is something to be gained from reading through chronologically though because each novel builds on and recontextualizes aspects from previous novels. that being said, what matters most is reading in a synthetic mode imo, they are constructed to be read intertextually. It's all one work. Gravity's Rainbow is a sequel to V. M&D is in some ways a return to V.

      • 5 months ago

        Cool, I just picked up lot 49 and V with the gift card I got for Christmas. Excited to jump into these after I’m finished with what I’m reading at the moment. Always loved mgs growing up and all the complex conspiracy material, from what I’ve heard these books are sort of similar except most likely even more fleshed out and interesting in scope.

  5. 5 months ago

    Pynchon is a spook baby. His books are written at Langley. Doubt he's even alive.

  6. 5 months ago

    The Crying of Lot 49 and Gravity’s Rainbow have eerily anachronistic stuff about Operation Paperclip (bringing German Nazi officials/rocket scientists/intelligence agents to work in the CIA and NASA in the U.S. following WW2) and Project MK-Ultra type stuff (the U.S. CIA and Canadian intelligence agencies/militaries researching mind control on unwitting subjects and civilians, including most luridly with the dosing of hallucinogens like LSD on such subjects). Like CL49 having the former Nazi Dr. Hilarius testing LSD on neurotic housewives in the U.S. Such projects (Paperclip and MK-Ultra) weren’t widely known/revealed in the news at the time of Pynchon writing or publishing these, and he of course certainly didn’t have the Internet or social media to reveal such “conspiracy theories” to him at the time, so it’s eerily impressive Pynchon was writing things like this at the time. And with Werner Von Braun and Slothrop getting MK-Ultra’d in GR, you don’t even have to ask how these projects I mentioned show up in GR, if you’re at least a little familiar with the novel.

    Later, “conspiratorial” authors/researchers like Walter Bowart and Fritz Springmeier noted the Nazi research into mind control/brainwashing in the camps and their likely ties to later U.S./CIA research into mind control, in books decades after Pynchon’s GR, so it is an eerie synchronicity.

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