Researchers at ORNL successfully demonstrate 270-kW wireless power transfer to electric vehicle

Meanwhile, in IQfy:
>Electric cars BAD b-because... They just are, ok?

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 6 days ago

    Do you think electric cars are good because you like the drivetrain, or do you think they're good because you want to save the environment or something?

    • 6 days ago

      They are much less complicated, have less moving parts and are a lot more efficient. The only reason why ICE cars are better at this time is because of a 100 years headstart that ice cars had.

      • 5 days ago

        Battery powered EVs have been around since the late 1800s moron.

  2. 6 days ago

    that you will own nothing text template...

    • 6 days ago

      you could build your own ev charger
      good luck extracting and refining your own oil
      if anything, ywon is more applicable to ICE vehicles

  3. 6 days ago

    What if you're a cat or some other animal chilling out under the car while it's being charged through your body?

    • 6 days ago

      electric cars are good for torque and there's some neat ones coming from the major manufacturers, it's just teslas and startups that are moronic bullshit for cryptoBlack folk

      free lunch

    • 6 days ago


  4. 6 days ago

    oh boy I cant wait to pay more for electricity than gas at these new wireless stations

    • 6 days ago

      >what is solar PV and charging your own car for free
      I thought you guys liked independence, rural living, distributed networks and shit?

      • 6 days ago

        Not everyone is a NEET

      • 6 days ago

        The online right has been taken over by pajeet narcissists that are almost exactly as obnoxiously moronic as boomers are. They don't care about truth, only carrying water for the brahmin (CEOs).

    • 6 days ago

      i cant wait to not be able to charge because crackheads break open the chargers and steal the copper

  5. 6 days ago

    Big news. I don't think Black folk will be able to dig out those giant underground coils. Guess they'll stick to stealing regular charging cables.

    • 6 days ago

      We don't use that word here

      • 6 days ago

        Copper spirals. Whatever.

  6. 6 days ago

    i sure do love re-discovering technology we were already doing 100+ years ago

  7. 6 days ago

    Surely this has an extremely low amperage thus is extremely slow. Surely they aren't telling you to put tesla cannons in your floor and shoot them at your car.

    • 6 days ago

      it's probably just a really big version of those "wireless" phone chargers that use magnetic induction (and barely work)

      • 6 days ago

        They work perfectly fine for charging in that it lasted longer than my USB C port.
        Honestly surprised there isn't a big push from phone manufactures to get rid of wireless charging to encourage people to buy new phones .

        • 6 days ago

          phones are fashion, not instruments
          They don't need to break your phone to get you to buy a new one, you're enough of a sheep, or butter fingered, enough to need a new one on your own.
          What they need is to look cooler than everyone else. magical charging fits the bill

        • 6 days ago

          They don't need to, normies already "need" a new phone every year lest they get bullied to death for not having the new Samsung S853651387 so they can play movie tie-in gacha/idler games on it

    • 6 days ago

      from the article:
      >ORNL’s system can achieve a 50% increase in state of charge within 10 minutes with more than 95% efficiency.
      >“This achievement gets us one step further to the reality of a future where an electric vehicle can pull into a charging station and recharge in the same time it would take to walk into a store and grab a snack,” said ORNL’s Burak Ozpineci, corporate fellow and distinguished researcher who leads vehicle and mobility systems research. “The driver doesn’t have to do anything but park. We’re even exploring ways that this technology could be used to charge a vehicle in motion on the roadway.”
      >a future where an electric vehicle can pull into a charging station and recharge in the same time it would take to walk into a store and grab a snack

      also from the article:
      >ORNL’s research team leveraged Volkswagen’s expertise in vehicle integration to test the new wireless charging concept on an electric vehicle with the goal of developing the highest-power density wireless charging system through a new design that focuses on rotating electromagnetic fields. These fields increase efficiency by reducing voltage and eliminating electric current ripples and field cancellations between the coil phase windings.
      >increase efficiency by reducing voltage

      • 6 days ago


      • 6 days ago

        >The driver doesn’t have to do anything but park
        Yeah, that's not true. If nothing else you've still got to pay for it. And no I'm not really okay with the fact that they rarely ever let you just insert a credit card and there's almost always some dumb phone app you have to use which can't be installed on the car, unless it's a tesla, using a tesla charger.
        It's not like I don't get it in principle, instead of power coming in through a few fat wires and having to be distributed carefully to every individual cell, you can just charge a bunch of battery modules directly all at the same time distributing power over the huge area on the underside of the car.

        >no one cares about technology advancing at rapid pace in the technology board
        I guess so. this board is absolute crap.

        Look, it's hard to get excited about something that'll require another round of gradual rollout as only new cars past a certain point will even be able to use it and it'll be a while before the pads or whatever they end up doing get dropped/buried in enough places that I don't have to plan longer trips around it. It's also like, okay, so if I buy into it once it's available is that going to be enough, are standards going to stabilize like I thought when only like this year did all new electric cars get access to Tesla superchargers, or is there going to be something else that's going to show up that's going to be definitely better but I'll still have to get a new car to access it? Maybe if I autistically followed daily electric car news I'd have an idea but I don't really keep up on that as cars just get less exciting and more expensive every year so I only bother with that when I need a new car, not to mention electric car news is super elitist and spiteful since it turned political the moment politicians decided to ban non-electric cars.

        • 6 days ago

          Did you even try reading the article? This shit is experimental. Also, from comments I've read elsewhere, it's not really that easy. Coils have to be aligned with very high precision...

          The point of this thread was to show that shit is advancing fast. If charging 50% of your battery in 10 minutes is possible now, I bet it will be normal in a decade.

          >And no I'm not really okay with the fact that they rarely ever let you just insert a credit card and there's almost always some dumb phone app you have to use which can't be installed on the car, unless it's a tesla, using a tesla charger.
          That literally has nothing to do with cars being electric.

          Also, most probably, ANYONE WILL BE ABLE TO SELL ENERGY to drivers.
          Even better, you can have EVs that have 400km of range and can be charged at home. BYD cars exist, you know...
          I'm sorry that you are american and have Tesla as your main manufacturer so you can only but the shittiest, most overpriced options out there.

          • 6 days ago

            >I bet it will be normal in a decade.
            Then give another decade for the infrastructure to actually be built out so people can make use of the tech.

          • 6 days ago

            Anon, batteries exist, wired charger exist, solar farms exist. AFAIU, the technological complexity here is in the chargers. And the issue of not being enough chargers is most probably related to there being too few cars to be worth the effort.
            But again, some cars can be charged at fricking home, with special cables that the manufacturers sell.

          • 6 days ago

            >That literally has nothing to do with cars being electric.
            It's part of the culture of the infrastructure providers.
            I can pay for gas without a phone app.

          • 6 days ago

            >refuses to elaborate on the relationship between phone apps and charging
            >refuses to admit there are working alternatives
            sad shill

          • 6 days ago

            >refuses to elaborate on the relationship between phone apps and charging
            You pull up to a charging station in public and you have to use an app to pay for it and charge your car what part don't you understand?
            >refuses to admit there are working alternatives
            Charging your car at home is not an alternative for trips

          • 6 days ago

            >You pull up to a charging station in public and you have to use an app to pay for it and charge your car what part don't you understand?
            the part that you are REQUIRED to do that. literally no one is forcing you...

            >Charging your car at home is not an alternative for trips
            I guess bringing a fricking cable and connecting it to some wall socket while staying at some hotel at night is too much effort?

          • 6 days ago

            >I guess bringing a fricking cable and connecting it to some wall socket while staying at some hotel at night is too much effort?
            many hotels i've been in over the last few years forbid people using their power to recharge your memeshit car. some have recharging stations, many don't.

            >refuses to elaborate on the relationship between phone apps and charging
            You pull up to a charging station in public and you have to use an app to pay for it and charge your car what part don't you understand?
            >refuses to admit there are working alternatives
            Charging your car at home is not an alternative for trips

            >Charging your car at home is not an alternative for trips
            i live in australia and seen countless stories of people travelling from melbourne to sydney and it's taken them twice as long to get there because they have to find charging stations every few hundred kilometers. i saw some boomers a few months ago on youtube travelling from adelaide to perth and they were just stealing electricity from impoverished communities' sporting fields and local council parks. the video disappeared after people in youtube comments called them thieves, parasites, and reported their thievery to local councils they stole from.

          • 6 days ago

            >literally no one is forcing you...
            carless neet spotted

          • 6 days ago

            With an EV you have to be connected to the grid.

            Gasoline can be bought from random people with cash or traded for anything else of value on my way to apply for asylum in Iran even after the israelites have banned me from using a bank account

      • 6 days ago

        >in the same time it would take to walk into a store and grab a snack
        What kind of fat frick needs to stop for a snack every 300 miles?

  8. 6 days ago

    funny how lazy can IQfytards get...

    • 6 days ago

      no one cares

      • 6 days ago

        >no one cares about technology advancing at rapid pace in the technology board
        I guess so. this board is absolute crap.

        • 6 days ago

          at what point does anything in the article refute anything said in this thread
          In fact, no one claimed the technology doesn't work, and most people are just talking about phones
          You just invented a reason to be angry in your head and didn't read the thread you pretentious prick

          • 6 days ago

            >at what point does anything in the article refute anything said in this thread
            what? no one contradicted the article because no one else even read it lmao
            like you said, no one cares...

          • 6 days ago

            because you started a thread shit flinging about something that has nothing to do with the article you fricking monkey
            how about you start a thread like a normal person and just say "hey brooos I thought this was cool, fried chicken in 5 minutes or less amirite"

        • 6 days ago

          Technology is objectively bad

  9. 6 days ago

    i will not buy an EV because it loses 90% of itd value after 7 years

    go frick yourself EV morons

    • 6 days ago

      I'm going to buy an EV because frick the Saudi's and Qatar

  10. 6 days ago

    The people who are pro renewable carte blanche are people with no understanding of the technology or the economics.

    • 6 days ago

      >muh economics
      anon, you can literally get energy for free after buying solar PV panels and a battery lmao

  11. 6 days ago

    just make the hole road out of wireless chargers

  12. 6 days ago

    >270-kW wireless power transfer
    >accidentlaly walk between the wireless beam and the car
    >head instantly vaporized and you collapse to the ground with a charred stump where you head used to be

  13. 6 days ago

    270 kW phone charging when?

  14. 6 days ago

    50% recharge takes 10 minutes. 100% will take 20. meanwhile i can take my car, fill it up with petrol in less that 5 minutes and be on the road again on the 6th minute. shove this memeshit up your ass and buy a fricking AD.
    cars BAD b-because... They just are, ok?
    literally schizophrenia. frick off back to orange reddit.

    • 6 days ago

      It's not linear like that. A common road trip strategy is to charge up to like 80% or so and then move on to the next charger because you save more time that way.

      • 6 days ago

        that's the most fricking moronic thing i've ever read. it's no wonder the take up of memeshit cars is at a glacial pace in most countries on earth.

  15. 6 days ago

    Does this mean I can charge my own car just by parking close enough to you car? Or at least my phone?

  16. 6 days ago

    Unfathomably based
    Beamed rocket propulsion is the thinking mans approach to colonizing the solar system

  17. 6 days ago

    The feds have allocated $50B on "building a charging network" and have build zero (0) chargers.

    • 5 days ago

      >charging network
      Yeah bro, they “charged” us $50B of our tax monies and used it to create bullshit jobs for their friends in their “network”, what did you think they meant?

  18. 6 days ago

    The only thing I recall being excited about was inductive charging at home for EVs, but since that never went anywhere I don't care about EVs much anymore.

    • 6 days ago

      wow its that symple??

  19. 6 days ago

    >One nuclear reactor at full power to charge only 5500 cars simultaneously.

    • 5 days ago

      anon... do you know the difference between power and energy?

      • 5 days ago

        Yes? We're talking about watts (1 joule per second), not watt-hours (3600 joules).
        To provide 270 kW to 5500 cars simultaneously (meaning in English "AT THE SAME TIME") you need about 1500 MW of power, equivalent to the nominal power of a modern PWR reactor.

        Where the frick are you getting at Black person?

        • 5 days ago

          >Where the frick are you getting at Black person?
          >watts (1 joule per second)
          exactly. it's a matter of time. charging "5500 cars simultaneously" is a good thing if you can get the fricking cars charged to 50% in 10 minutes. the number of cars being charged isn't what matters the most, but the rate...
          that'd be like saying "a gas station can only charge 4 cars simultaneously" as if it was a bad thing.

          • 5 days ago

            So this has nothing to do with mixing energy and power, got it.

          • 5 days ago

            >the number of cars being charged isn't what matters the most
            You're taking the problem from the wrong end, moron, this means we'll have to build even more power plants, and if a nuclear reactor can only handle a couple thousand cars at once, in a country of over 330 million people, don't expect green energy to follow.

            As far as I know, gas stations are dedicated to fueling cars, not powerplants.

          • 5 days ago

            >we'll have to build even more power plants
            or solar PV farms. and then energy will be priced based on whether there is enough sunlight.
            I fail to see the issue.

  20. 5 days ago

    The receiver on your car and the emitter on the power source have to be within 65mm (2.5 inches) of each other or it won't work. How many cars have only 65mm of clearance? Either the car will need to somehow lower itself when parked over the power source or the power source will need to rise up towards the bottom of the car.

  21. 5 days ago

    What is the plan for these?
    Install them at stop lights and get a bonus 5% power at random intervals?
    Similarly use them with super capacitors and do more frequent but near instant charges?
    Or just 10-mins at the e-charge station instead of 20 minutes?

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