Sci I want to ask you a question because you guys are the smartest here. How to become really good at something?

Sci I want to ask you a question because you guys are the smartest here.
How to become really good at something?
My IQ is around 110-120.
I want to learn to trade and become good at it, how would you plan your day to be most efficient at learning?

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  1. 2 years ago

    You’re stuck as a wage slave sorry.

    • 2 years ago

      I live in 2rd world country even If I make 50$ a day I am golden, also where I live there is 0% crypto tax. so if I get good or even decent at it I will be doing good

      • 2 years ago

        Lol you really are trapped if you’re actually interested in crypto

        • 2 years ago

          I'm more interested in trading overall, but I'm in net profit from crypto.
          Also, I have saving habits and know some stuff about finances because of it.
          When I started in crypto in 2021 NOV I got lucky made 4000$ with 300$ lost it after that but started learning and know so much more about finances than before

          • 2 years ago

            There is no ‘profit’ from crypto. You will never hold anything tangible from crypto unless you trade it for cash.

          • 2 years ago

            I understand what you are saying but I have realized profits

  2. 2 years ago

    schizo thread in 3, 2, 1

  3. 2 years ago

    Also what food/supplements / what time would u exercise

    • 2 years ago

      Intranasal Deferoxamine
      Intranasal Erythropoietin
      Intranasal Insulin

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks, I don't understand what u have told me but I will read the thread.
        Also where I live ADHD/ADD meds are illegal even if you have condition.

        Study the actions of those whom are good at -thing-. Read publications about -thing-. Practice -thing- even if you think you're good at -thing-, keep improving. Analyze what you did wrong and adapt. Find your weaknessess and overcome.

        Thanks, I'm doing that already but I'm looking for more of routine what can I do everyday to improve my brain and get max out of study sessions

        • 2 years ago

          buy it from bgpharma. It will most likely get through and I think the guy even gives refunds in case they confiscate it

          • 2 years ago

            Yes but I might even not have the condition so the risk of drugs and + the risk of getting caught might overweight the benefits

          • 2 years ago

            endolysosomal deacidification is a normal process of aging that more or less is what differentiates a plastic child's brain from an 80-year-old's. Chronic diseases increase it but that's one of the many uses for it

          • 2 years ago

            Oh, I was talking about ADHD/ADD meds.
            I couldn't understand stuff about endolysosomal deacidification.
            So there is a way to kinda stop it with ur listed drugs?

          • 2 years ago

            It's been demonstrated in mice that are placed on low iron diets have improvements in metabolic health and slowed cognitive decline but I believe its inconsequential to the inflammatory effects of LPS, Saturated fats, oxidized cholesterol, Covid, other viruses, alcohol, hard drugs, microplastics all promoting defects in cerebral insulin sensitivity promoting transcriptional drift from glutamatergic disinhibition leading to the promotion of endozapine release from neurons increasing gabaergic tone and promoting cognitive decline from hepatic encephalopathy leading to endolysosomal deacidification. Insulin resistance leads to the defects in the channeling of iron into protein synthesis and leads to epo resistance, all severely impairing cognition.
            Intranasal deferoxamine basically ameliorates the brain-damaging effects of every-day-life, you could say

          • 2 years ago

            but it's also a hypoxia mimetic through HIF-1a overexpression, thus inducing autophagy, and its VEGF enhancing properties may give it a nootropic effect on its own right. It may also promote euphoria, but that's all as a consequence of other health functions rather than specific inhibition of Serotonin-HT receptors or the dopamine d1d5-product, for instance. Iron accumulation within our braincells promotes cerebral insulin resistance which leads to defects in autophagy and failure of our mitochondria in cognitive decline. Removing the iron that's within the lysosome of our brain cells improves their mitochondrial function and this supports our metabolic functions through improvements in insulin sensitivity reducing hypothalamic inflammation as a consequence of reduced insulin transport to the brain in metabolic disorder. Improving insulin transport and sensitivity within the brain increases neurogenesis, atp generation, protein synthesis and synaptic trafficking of neurotransmitter receptors to the cell surface. Insulin activates Nachar7 receptors on cholinergic gaba interneurons(somatostatin) and this increases synchronicity between the frontal lobe and hippocampus in gabaergic inhibition. Somatostatin interneurons reduce the activity of parvalbumin interneurons disinhibiting pyramidal neurons that are dopamine sensitive to promote reward.

          • 2 years ago

            On the topic of brain insulin function, it really does seem that glucose and insulin levels play a deeper role in cognitive function than one would expect.

            I noticed recently that rhodiola rosea had the exact same regulatory, stabilizing effect on my amphetamine medication that the neuroprotective agmatine had which is odd considering they're quite pharmacologically different and rhodiola is even a light MAO which could cause problems for amphetamine. I researched into it and it appears they both elevate beta endorphin excretion which has a regulatory effect on glucose levels.

            It really seems that these two substances which have the strongest regulatory effect on amphetamine for me out of all that I've tried are exerting their effects through some sort of glucose mechanism, especially considering both weirdly tend to make me much more hungry.

            All this is kind of off-topic, but pharmacology is my favorite subject and never discussed here too often.

          • 2 years ago

            but it's also a hypoxia mimetic through HIF-1a overexpression, thus inducing autophagy, and its VEGF enhancing properties may give it a nootropic effect on its own right. It may also promote euphoria, but that's all as a consequence of other health functions rather than specific inhibition of Serotonin-HT receptors or the dopamine d1d5-product, for instance. Iron accumulation within our braincells promotes cerebral insulin resistance which leads to defects in autophagy and failure of our mitochondria in cognitive decline. Removing the iron that's within the lysosome of our brain cells improves their mitochondrial function and this supports our metabolic functions through improvements in insulin sensitivity reducing hypothalamic inflammation as a consequence of reduced insulin transport to the brain in metabolic disorder. Improving insulin transport and sensitivity within the brain increases neurogenesis, atp generation, protein synthesis and synaptic trafficking of neurotransmitter receptors to the cell surface. Insulin activates Nachar7 receptors on cholinergic gaba interneurons(somatostatin) and this increases synchronicity between the frontal lobe and hippocampus in gabaergic inhibition. Somatostatin interneurons reduce the activity of parvalbumin interneurons disinhibiting pyramidal neurons that are dopamine sensitive to promote reward.

            > Iron Deposition Leads to Hyperphosphorylation of Tau and Disruption of Insulin Signaling
            > Insulin enhances striatal dopamine release by activating cholinergic interneurons and thereby signals reward
            Nature Communications volume 6, Article number: 8543 (2015)
            > Reduced brain somatostatin in mood disorders: a common pathophysiological substrate and drug target?
            > Astrocyte hepcidin is a key factor in LPS-induced neuronal apoptosis
            Cell Death & Disease volume 8, page e2676 (2017)
            > Iron chelation down-regulates dopamine transporter expression by decreasing mRNA stability and increasing endocytosis in N2a cells
            > Depleting Hypothalamic Somatostatinergic Neurons Recapitulates Diabetic Phenotypes in Brain, Bone Marrow, Adipose, and Retina

          • 2 years ago

            however, one important factor you need to keep in mind is the fact that its chelation product, ferrioxamine B, may accelerate fungal growth in the brain by abolishing the fungistatic effect of serum on Rhizopus and increases the in vitro growth of fungi. As such, one should take antifungals intranasally too, like Rapamycin.
            Fungal growth presents with symptoms of headaches, non-stop nosebleeds, astigmatism, and partial paralysis in the worst case.

  4. 2 years ago

    Study the actions of those whom are good at -thing-. Read publications about -thing-. Practice -thing- even if you think you're good at -thing-, keep improving. Analyze what you did wrong and adapt. Find your weaknessess and overcome.

    • 2 years ago

      That's what I do for anything I want to be good at, just try to copy the people that are already good at said thing; when I don't produce the same result as such people I just reevaluate and try again doing something different until I find what works for me and become proficient.

      It becomes just a statistical thing at that point, as long as you remain thinking critically and come up with an alternative approach to try whenever you fail, you'll eventually end up with a working solution simply by chance.

    • 2 years ago

      >Study the actions of those whom are good at -thing-. Read publications about -thing-. Practice -thing- even if you think you're good at -thing-, keep improving. Analyze what you did wrong and adapt. Find your weaknessess and overcome.
      That's actually the definiton of true humility, finding the good in others and the flaws in order to know what to improve.

      With true humility you seek perfection by self-reflection, reflecting by comparing yourself with others, always seeking a reason why others are better than you in some way.

      • 2 years ago

        >and the flaws in order to know what to improve.
        the flaws in yourself I mean

  5. 2 years ago

    >because you guys are the smartest here
    We have the third highest rate of schizos per capita after /x/ and /misc/. Try IQfy or IQfy.

  6. 2 years ago

    Unironically read the sequences

    • 2 years ago

      >Unironically read the sequences
      Can you give me an example of what you mean?

      • 2 years ago

        You have to pass some tests on your own
        When in doubt, google

  7. 2 years ago

    Don't listen to anons trying to get you to take chemicals with barely any research behind their effectiveness. It's literally moronic.

    If you believe you have an attention disorder go to a real doctor and get a prescription. If you have depression or anxiety see a doctor. Cognitive behavioral therapy can be done by yourself or with a therapist (it doesn't really matter in terms of effectiveness). Read "Feeling Great" is a good start.

    Eat healthy, have good sleep hygiene, drink enough water for your piss to be slightly yellow, take a multivitamin, take 5 grams of creatine a day (unless you have known kidney issues), aim for 30-60 minutes of exercise a day but anything is better than nothing, aim to meditate for 20 minutes twice a day (soon after waking up and right before bed are good times) but anything is better than nothing.

    Also, floss, use mouthwash, then brush. You can buy a waterpik if you prefer that to flossing. Germs infect through holes in our outer layer and the mouth is the biggest hole we have.

    • 2 years ago


      Seriously the best thing you can do is just literally live a regular healthy lifestyle.
      Start small on all of these things and then expand on them if you aren't doing these already.

      Specifically for studying making a routine is probably the second best thing. I found the Pomodoro technique especially valuable as someone who gets distracted.

      There are other things you can do such as making a separate space for learning etc... But unless you're not already doing those other 2 things it's kinda pointless.

  8. 2 years ago

    Figure out the game and how to beat your average record

  9. 2 years ago

    >you guys are the smartest here.

    • 2 years ago

      what board is the smartest?

      • 2 years ago

        >>>/b/ and


        , closely followed by




      • 2 years ago

        ever since this site went mainstream it's probably one of the least-visited boards just because of demographics

        the pretension centrals known as IQfy, IQfy, and IQfy sure as frick aren't

        • 2 years ago

          IQfy ?
          my favorite board after IQfy and /po/ 😀

      • 2 years ago

        Honestly IQfy and /misc/, but it's a very negative kurtosis. You will find both absolute morons and actual geniuses hanging out there.

        • 2 years ago

          those geniuses are most likely just feds trying to shill you some idea
          you're not exactly benefiting from their presence

      • 2 years ago

        if its pure logic or number crunching, its sci or biz, g too, if its capacity in terms of manipulating social networks, verbal aptitude, then id go lit or his, pol will horde individuals as well, i mean its pretty obvious birds of a flock, but theres no rule kek smartest anons could very well frequent b the most for all we know, lot of strange sleeper cells on this site

      • 2 years ago

        board aren't monoliths, but smart individuals might frequent:
        lit, sci, biz, his, g, and mlp
        idk why ponies and furries seem to attract analytic types
        pol is schizo, so they talk a lot about tacit correlations but if you actually look into what they say they're just unhinged.

  10. 2 years ago

    Learning to trade means that you need to learn a deep understanding of what mooves markets. This is quick but more of a gamble.

    Learning to invest means that you need to understand what makes assets valuable and how this value will grow over time. This takes time, but is more of a skill you can develope. And any skill you have can help you in your investments

  11. 2 years ago

    >How to become really good at something?

    >would you plan your day to be most efficient at learning?
    What do you mean "plan your day"? Think about whatever stupid shit you want to learn every single second of your life if you want to become anything you stupid motherfricker

  12. 2 years ago

    Two options, either you go the artisan route and become highly skilled in your trade, meaning your hourly wage will be >200$ simply how good you are, or start a business with a few employers.
    Either case starts with you being someone's grunt for 5 years.

  13. 2 years ago

    > my IQ is around 110-120.
    I'm sorry anon. I really wish there was a reliable way to improve cognitive function.
    Many people in your range are looking for a good nootropics wienertail like piracetam/modafinil/NAC/etc. but I found all of these to be underwhelming. Adderall works when you need it but it is not a long-term solution (tolerance builds up rapidly and it fricks with your heart).
    One thing I would experiment with is microdoses of psilocybin or LSD. It might be pseudoscience, but in your situation there is little risk in trying things out and seeing what sticks.

  14. 2 years ago

    >I'm not stupid
    >Starts talking about IQ
    I'm sorry op, you are stuck where you are

  15. 2 years ago

    Market efficiency makes "trading" practically impossible, short of insider trading or government corruption. Big brains invest in index funds and ride the whole market upward.

    Also, invest in physical assets if a good opportunity arises (e.g. real estate). Inflation hurts the poor because they're holding fiat currency, and its value goes down. Assets of the wealthy just get a bigger number assigned to them, and there's zero impact.

    • 2 years ago

      >Big brains invest in index funds
      >financing globohomo
      I seriously hope you haven't put a single cent in S&P500

  16. 2 years ago

    be forced to do it by a large group of people around you with resources and help as needed, so nepotism is your friend

  17. 2 years ago

    Unironically, just do it.

  18. 2 years ago

    >I want to learn to trade and become good at it, how would you plan your day to be most efficient at learning?

    >Go to work
    >Do trade
    >Repeat for 4 years

  19. 2 years ago

    you don't have to be smart to be a good trader
    tweak some basic strategies, back test them, paper trade, and then trade with real money
    backtesting is extremely important because it gives you confidence in your strategy, but make sure to be mindful of alpha decay as it is a real thing that people don't actualize after they been trading the same strategy for a while and wonder why it doesn't work anymore
    make sure you have your risk management down otherwise you're going to get wiped quickly
    you're not going to get rich overnight, but be persistent and expect to lose a lot with a couple of your accounts being wiped out
    eventually you'll get better and trading may become very lucrative for you

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