Spiritual Laziness

How do I get motivated to go to church? I've come to the conclusion that Orthodoxy is the truth but I can't get motivated to go to church. Maybe that side of me is protestant because I rather just read scripture once in a blue moon

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  1. 2 years ago

    This is your average christcuck church bro.

    There's no God, no afterlife and Jesus didn't exist. It's all a bunch of lies my friend.

  2. 2 years ago

    Attendance at religious services

    Religious tradition At least once a week Once or twice a month/a few times a year Seldom/never Don't know

    Evangelical Protestant 58% 30% 12% 1%
    Mainline Protestant 33% 43% 24% 1%
    Orthodox Christian 31% 54% 15% < 1%


    • 2 years ago

      Every single church with guitars is stupid soulless garbage

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        This. That's actually one of the things that got me to go to Orthodoxy (in America).

        • 2 years ago

          this. Or rather praying for someone else is what made me wanna begome

          • 2 years ago

            >praying for someone else
            That's a thing in all Christian branches though?

          • 2 years ago

            nah I got exposed to Orthodoxy through it, long story

        • 2 years ago

          Man I don't know what to tell you, I've never even been to a church with guitars. Admittedly I'm in Europe but that seems like a pretty insane reason to join a specific Church regardless of your musical preferences.

  3. 2 years ago

    >I've come to the conclusion that Orthodoxy is the truth but I can't get motivated to go to church.
    Than your conclusion is insincere and you don’t believe in it. If you actually believed going to church and receiving the body of Christ and confessing your sins(practically the only thing you have to do as an orthodox for heaven) than going to church would come as easy and normal as flossing your teeth.

    • 2 years ago

      In fact he can't even partake of the other sacraments until he's received a proper baptism (if he's formerly a protestant that could be a concern) and chrismation in any cases.
      Since he's still at the "eh, maybe I'll drop by to listen in on a sermon... naaah I don't feel like it today" stage I rather doubt he's got that out of the way, in fact I rather doubt he realized the importance of the sacraments at all.

      • 2 years ago

        I feel like he just looked into religion and realized within a Christian framework the orthodox one is the best, but he just doesn’t believe enough into eternal afterlife and all that for him to go and practice

        • 2 years ago

          I'm very skeptically minded
          Plz pray for me

          • 2 years ago

            You have to *exercise your will*, anon. It's as simple as that.

            You have to *will* yourself to go to church. Grace will step in at some point in the process - indeed, grace is already present - to further help you. But you must act. If you act, if you force yourself, you will eventually develop a habit, and things will become much easier.

            Do you have a job? Do you have to get up to go to work in the morning? If you are familiar with that experience, then the process of going to church regularly and routinely is similar. Once you get in the habit, it becomes reasonably easy, but even then, there are occasions that come up when you're feeling tired or indifferent, and would prefer to skip it. Again, in such circumstances you must will yourself to act. You must *cooperate* with God's grace.

            Educate yourself about the Eucharist -- about its profound effects. That may help to motivate you.

            Pray in at least small increments every day -- then when Sunday rolls around, you will mentally prepared yourself, to some extent, to exercise your will in the act of going to Church.

            EDUCATE yourself about your faith. Read theology. Listen to this guy. He has a series of videos, he's very good and inspiring:

            >"God created us without us, but He will not save us without us."

            This is a famous quote by St. Augustine.

            What does it mean? When God created us, He did so not because we asked Him to -- He created us without us.

            Now that you have grown up and become an adult, you have your own preferences and most especially you have the freedom to choose. The freedom to choose is a gift God gives us – it is called the gift of ‘Free Will’.

            God will not force salvation on you, but only propose it to us by revealing how good and necessary it is for our own good. It is up to us to freely accept the offer. And that includes attending the Divine Liturgy on Sunday if one is a member of the Orthodox Church.

  4. 2 years ago

    unrelated: I see the hand of God working in my life then I’m seized by terrible doubts and am so confused, is this normal?

    • 2 years ago

      Depends on what kind of life you have and person you are, you might have self consciousness problems and be afraid to take up a solid opinion

  5. 2 years ago

    >I've come to the conclusion that Orthodoxy is the truth

    "The head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, has not said a word against Russian aggression. . . . His Church’s systematic propaganda campaign about Ukraine has been utilised in Putin’s justification for war.”—EUobserver, March 7, 2022.

    "Patriarch Kirill . . . has sent his strongest signal yet justifying his country’s invasion of Ukraine—describing the conflict as part of a struggle against sin.”—AP News, March 8, 2022.

    "Ukrainian Orthodox Church leader, Metropolitan Epiphanius I of Kyiv, on Monday blessed his people to ‘fight against the Russian invaders’ . . . [He] also stated that killing Russian soldiers isn’t a sin.”—Jerusalem Post, March 16, 2022.

    "We [the Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations (UCCRO)] support the Armed Forces of Ukraine and all our defenders, we bless them in their defense of Ukraine from the aggressor, and offer our prayers for them.”—UCCRO Statement, February 24, 2022. (The UCCRO, or Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations, includes 15 churches representing Orthodox, Greek and Roman Catholic, Protestant, and Evangelical denominations as well as israelites and Muslims.)

    • 2 years ago

      Just in case anyone is unaware, the Russian church fell out of communion with the rest of Eastern Orthodoxy over the Ukraine issue back in 2018 already, so the Ukrainian branch of the ROC demanding that their patriarch Kirill be deposed in 2022 is quite remarkable.

      • 2 years ago

        All orthodox sects are false

    • 2 years ago

      ROC is red pilled again

  6. 2 years ago

    > I've come to the conclusion that Orthodoxy is the truth
    >hasn’t gone to an Orthodox Church

  7. 2 years ago

    You sound like a bum.
    Stop being a bum and go to church homosexual.

  8. 2 years ago

    bruh you have free will like homie just make yourself want to go lmao

    • 2 years ago

      Or ask God for help if you're struggling that much with depression or addiction or whatever is killing your motivation.

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