Starting a SmartHome

I'm building a house and i would like to be smart home. Besides security system, heater, lights, curtains and internet, what suggestions does IQfy have to automate?

Additionally how is the best way to determine to have wifi in all the house without having multiple routers/repeaters?

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  1. 3 months ago

    If you don't mind self-hosting your own smart home platform, check this software out.

    • 3 months ago

      I can't believe software like this looks like a fricking corpo website these days. Pathetic

      • 3 months ago

        It's a web interface. What should it look like?

      • 3 months ago

        "Corpo website?" What do you mean by looking like a "corpo website?"

        • 3 months ago

          it doesnt look like site you typically find on
          which is opposite of corpo look

      • 3 months ago

        Should it look like geoshitties or something?

        • 3 months ago

          It shouldn't look like a website at all. It should look like SOFTWARE. Do you even know what software is?

          • 3 months ago

            But it is a website you dumb gorilla Black person, not a "software"
            It is an docker image you install on a raspberry or something and access with a browser
            How do you call such a thing?

  2. 3 months ago

    The idea was to self-host everything.
    I was also thinking of having a 'Server' room in the basement where the Router and Switch for the entire home where there would be multiple ethernet ports along the electric lines.

    Additionally, do you have any suggestions besides the ones I've previously mentioned?

    • 3 months ago

      >in the basement
      enjoy your rusted electronics all dying due to moisture, you fricking moron
      smart devices for people who are dumb, like you

      • 3 months ago

        Not every basement is like your mother's dungeon you're living in right now. You can finish a basement.

      • 3 months ago

        I have my servers in te basement, moisture is not a problem. The cooling air intakes are connected to a vent and fltered, so I get dry fresh air, and that hot air from the severs is wented out into the room, carrying any moisture out. I have done that for nearly 0 years with exactly zero problems.
        Are you sure you are 18?

    • 3 months ago

      I'm not sure if any smart home product is truly stand alone and self-hostable. Solutions like

      If you don't mind self-hosting your own smart home platform, check this software out.

      suggests only really offers a common interface rather than truly self hosting IOT devices, and most smart devices straight up don't work if you block their phone home addresses and activate them with their bespoke apps.

      • 3 months ago

        >self hosting IOT devices
        But you need those devices to interoperate, so you need a coordinator platform such as home assistant
        >most smart devices straight up don't work if you block their phone home addresses
        Then don't buy those. I only buy stuff that can work under firewall and/or build them myself. Using esp8266 and aliexpress sensors is like playing with lego

        • 3 months ago

          Building the stuff is a large rabbit hole, is it not?
          How safe are electrical components from aliExpress? Chinese stuff always concern me for house fire just waiting to happen

      • 3 months ago
        Fuzzy Logic Dishwasher

        Don't buy wi-fi anything ever. my house doesn't even have wi-fi. hardwire ethernet for the computers and z-wave/zigbee for the smart stuff.

    • 3 months ago

      I meant as visible routers/Repeaters that will most likely occupy a plug. For instance, the Electric plug itself would be a wifi repeater. (I know that there are repetears with a plug incorporated).

      At my current home, besides some google lamps i have Tapo Plugs to monitor the eletricity costs and Tapo cameras to monitor the dog (tapo is from TP-Link).

      I would like to avoid google/Amazon/Xiaomi stuff, but the Smart Lamps I've found so far all have that "you need to use our app shit >:(

      I already have a Raspberry Pi with nextcloud, Pi-Hole, JellyFin and personal website hosting. So replicating that won't be hard.

      I'll try Home-Assistant as the demo seems promissing, however it seems I still need to find compatible equipment right?

      Do not buy IOTs devices that phone home or that require proprietary apps and closed standards. If you do you will eventually find yourself with a bricked device when eventually the manufacturing company goes under, or when they double down on you and switch their products to be subscription based.
      Selfhosting is the only viable solution if you want those smart devices to still work in 10 years from now.

      What is the style of soulless architecture called?



      Wrong, brutalism is much more rough, it isn't as clean, modernism also has basically no rounded corners while brutalism features plentiful of them.

  3. 3 months ago

    >wifi without multiple routers/repeaters
    Have a small house or just get repeaters? Like how else would it work dummy

    Seconding home assistant. Frick getting Amazon or google or apple into your home. Keep in mind this is a rabbit hole though and you have to be conscientious about devices you link to it though. If you get a eufy camera system and link it to home assistant the base will still send everything to eufy servers even if you don’t use the app so their “ai person recognition” can work. Obviously nest/ring/etc shit stuff is similar since it’s owned by google/amazon. That roomba you buy will map your house and send the map straight to bezos. It’s a minefield of figuring out what devices can work offline and it’s a pain because half the people who use this shit are morons that think because they added it with homekit that means it’s not using the internet because they’re not using the app that came with thing. So you search online and read “oh yeah it definitely works offline” then buy it and try it on an isolated vlan and it’s no good because that person was a drooling moron

  4. 3 months ago

    I meant as visible routers/Repeaters that will most likely occupy a plug. For instance, the Electric plug itself would be a wifi repeater. (I know that there are repetears with a plug incorporated).

    At my current home, besides some google lamps i have Tapo Plugs to monitor the eletricity costs and Tapo cameras to monitor the dog (tapo is from TP-Link).

    I would like to avoid google/Amazon/Xiaomi stuff, but the Smart Lamps I've found so far all have that "you need to use our app shit >:(

    I already have a Raspberry Pi with nextcloud, Pi-Hole, JellyFin and personal website hosting. So replicating that won't be hard.

    I'll try Home-Assistant as the demo seems promissing, however it seems I still need to find compatible equipment right?

    • 3 months ago

      > smart stuff requires our app
      Just buy dumb appliances and build your own toggles or whatever. Buy some shit like Particle Photons or whatever and send events to have them toggle a relay off and on or something. You can even side channel with a TCP library and not use Particles cloud.

  5. 3 months ago

    Smart home is meme, the novelty will wear off. The only thing I use is the Hue lights now.

  6. 3 months ago

    Why not use smart plugs to monitor the consumption of your home?

    • 3 months ago

      Monitor it at the meter with home assistant

  7. 3 months ago

    Home Assistant. I have it setup in my house using Z Wave. Works great. Thermostat, Light Switches, Power outlets, security cameras, alarm, coffee maker etc. it's all custom configured with home assistant. You are a stupid homosexual if you use anything else.

  8. 3 months ago

    i'm sure it'll be a lot of fun bud. go for it. what could go wrong?

  9. 3 months ago

    oh yeah even things like my smoke & C02 alarm is zwave and connected to home assistant. If I'm 500 miles away my computer will pop up an alarm on my cell phone and it will tell me that my house is burning down. also using edge TPU inferencing with a google coral accelerator connected to my Dahua IP cams for AI detection. It will tell me if a person, dog, car, etc is near my house. I even created profiles to give brown skinned humans a higher notification priority. The possibilities are endless.

  10. 3 months ago

    smartBreakfast from chitty chitty bang bang

    • 3 months ago

  11. 3 months ago

    To be a smart smarthome, you need to design it in a way that you can easily upgrade it.

    • 3 months ago

      OP states his building it, thus i’d assume he is in a building state where his designing the home.

  12. 3 months ago

    I thought picrel was made in Minecraft for a second..

  13. 3 months ago

    >I'm building a house
    you mean squatting:

  14. 3 months ago

    What is the style of soulless architecture called?

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        Do not buy IOTs devices that phone home or that require proprietary apps and closed standards. If you do you will eventually find yourself with a bricked device when eventually the manufacturing company goes under, or when they double down on you and switch their products to be subscription based.
        Selfhosting is the only viable solution if you want those smart devices to still work in 10 years from now.


        Wrong, brutalism is much more rough, it isn't as clean, modernism also has basically no rounded corners while brutalism features plentiful of them.

        both answers are wrong. It's Contemporary

        • 3 months ago

          It's contemporary in the sense that it's architecture built today, many of the design choices there resemble more the 100 year old modernist ideals, contemporary architecture is too much of an umbrella term.

  15. 3 months ago

    I once went to the smart home subreddit to get ideas like OP, sorted by top rated of all time, and all the posts were stories by men who were clearly hated by their wives, sick of their obsession with "smart" gadgets that were constantly breaking or fricking something up, and then the men were incapable of fixing it

    • 3 months ago

      >and all the posts were stories by men who were clearly hated by their wives
      That's like 90% of all married couples and 100% of couples where the man posts on Reddit.

  16. 3 months ago

    That's the kind of house I usually build in Sims but damn it looks so soulles irl

  17. 3 months ago

    >smart home
    >doesnt cook for you
    >doesnt clean for you
    >doesnt do your laundry
    >mfw the smart home isnt smart and all it does is turn on the lights with my phone

    • 3 months ago

      it's more accurate to call them "telemetry homes" right now

  18. 3 months ago

    Why are modern homes so ugly?
    It's always concrete monstrosity's covered in massive glass windows everywhere like in the OP.
    They look they would be cold in winter and stuffy in the summer while also offering zero privacy, who the frick likes these designs?

  19. 3 months ago

    does your smarthome have a butt sex machine

  20. 3 months ago

    >wifi in all the house
    There will come a point where you'll have an app that will easily, and without much cost to the phone/phablet, crack any 256 nonsense WPA2/4/99s password without a quantum numcooter. I'm just saying for future proofing it, since the SMART in "Shart Hovel" would include some kind of intelligent forethought.
    You already have those wireless keyfob crackers for auto-vehicular-carbiles. i dunno mang, 'tis my penny and a helf.

  21. 3 months ago

    Put ethernet in ports in every major room and wireless on every floor.
    Have a dedicated space in the basement for your rack to drive it

  22. 3 months ago

    Machine Learning based system to automatically hire a different escort every time based on you past preferences.

  23. 3 months ago

    That thing thay automatically moves your clothes from the washer to the dryer

    • 3 months ago

      a woman?

      • 3 months ago

        >a woman?
        Anon you can't just say that it's 2024

  24. 3 months ago

    Automate any pet doors, but don't automate any regular doors or locks except as a redundant measure.
    You can also automate delivery of clothes to the washer and dryer by adding a laundry chute but that's not exactly anything "smart", it's just something i'd do.

  25. 3 months ago

    sensors for critical infrastructure (basement moisture sensors)
    power monitoring (not for muh environmentalism, but to keep an eye on your power bill). use tasmota with sonoff plugs for per-device. eventually i wanna do breaker-level monitoring but it's expensive
    you can do neat projects with ws2812 lights using wled
    >best way to determine to have wifi in all the house without having multiple routers/repeaters
    multiple APs

  26. 3 months ago

    Passive houses and houses that have a net gain of energy are cooler

    • 3 months ago

      Ok, Johannes

  27. 3 months ago

    Automated door
    Automated window open/close (if outside temp is hotter than inside, close window, if outside temp is cooler than inside, open window, set minimum temp so that windows dont open when its under 66f)
    Fast NAS storage system so that all device can access your storage with little latency from anywhere in the world. Ideally with large SSDs, but if you're poorer and want more storage, 4-5X 18TB HDDs.

  28. 3 months ago

    Please pay 10 btc in order to.unlock your front door.
    The heater is disabled and the airco is set to -30 C, you will freeze to death in a matter of hours.

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