The more I read about the history of England and Rome the more I feel like Christianity stole my gods from my people and destroyed our way of life alo...

The more I read about the history of England and Rome the more I feel like Christianity stole my gods from my people and destroyed our way of life along with most of Europe.

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  1. 2 years ago

    The Anglo Saxons where Christians
    I don't get why you are butthurt about it.
    It didn't even change their way of life at all, unless you think obtuse religious ceremony is the only thing that life is.

    • 2 years ago

      They were converted to Christianity

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          That means his own people destroyed their way of life. They’re to blame and not Christianity.

          • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            >That means his own people destroyed their way of life.
            How exactly does becoming Christian destroy their way of life?

          • 2 years ago

            It didn’t. I feel like Anglo-Saxon lifestyle ended more with the Norman conquest of England then with the end of Anglo-Saxon paganism. Anglo-Saxon Christians were still producing stuff like Beowulf in the 10th century and retelling Anglo-Saxon lore.

          • 2 years ago

            The Anglo-Saxons were actually embarrassed that the Norse believed that their ancestor Wotan was being worshipped by the Norse.

          • 2 years ago

            Anglo-Saxons later just thought Wotan was a great chieftain ancestor instead of an actual God

            > Æthelweard (descended from the 9th-century King Æthelred I, the elder brother of the King Alfred the Great) laments Woden’s divine status within the Norse Pantheon. In his chronicle, Æthelweard complains that ignorant Scandinavian pagans have mistakenly deified Woden. He bemoans how these Scandinavian pagans honor Wodenas a god rather than the ancestral chieftain that Æthelweard, like so many Anglo-Saxons, understood him to be.

          • 2 years ago

            This is called euhemerism and church historians loved to claim that pagan gods were just cool dudes whose legends got way out of hand.


            >He bemoans how these Scandinavian pagans honor Wodenas a god rather than the ancestral chieftain that Æthelweard, like so many Anglo-Saxons, understood him to be.

            is literally just him trying to gaslight the readers into believing the church's take on the story rather than the populace's take on it which we can only assume was diametrically opposed to the church's before their conversion.

          • 2 years ago

            There were kings and kingdoms that relapsed back to the true faith and fought against Christianity. They were overpowered by force. Christianity only won because 1st it lied and said Jesus was a young Germanic warrior and his disciples were warlike thegns and his cross was a living tree spirit with the power to kill the Romans if it wanted. None of this is remotely true nor does it represent what the Christian religion is really like - but after presenting it this way with the added benefit of ties to richer Southern kingdoms, the Christian kingdoms then used military force to over power their pagan neighbours.

            Christianity won through lies which it says it is against, and through violence which it says it is against. It is therefore illegitimate. But truth must return and the gods are worshipped here again. yhwh's time is over.

          • 2 years ago

            >There were kings and kingdoms that relapsed back to the true faith and fought against Christianity.
            Do you have any examples?
            Also, external forced conversions by military force were rare. This only really happened to the Saxons and in the Baltics during the crusades. Typically, it was the elites of the country who converted of their own free will and then were encouraged by the church to ban pagan practices.

          • 2 years ago

            No it was not rare. Crusades were rare but in Britain and Orkney there were internal wars and killings based on religious conflict between Christian and Pagan.
            On Orkney Olaf kidnapped the children of pagans and threatened to murder them unless the people converted. This disgusting act has never been atoned for by the Christians.

            As for England - there are many examples.

            “Not long after Earpwald’s acceptance of Christianity, he was killed by a pagan named Ricbert, and for three years the province relapsed into heathendom.” (Bede)

            Bede also says that Christian King Sabert of the East Saxons left his three pagan sons to inherit his kingdom. They ended up banning Bishop Mellitus and his followers from Essex.

            Sometimes pagan people would kill their own king for betraying the true gods. This happened to Sigbert, king of the East Saxons, whose people did it ‘because he was too apt to spare his enemies and forgive the wrongs they had done him.’

            We can also see in Pope Boniface’s letter to Queen Ethelberga, that he encourages her to undermine and manipulate her pagan husband, defiling the institutions of both marriage and monarchy in an affront to natural law and hierarchy.

            I could go on and on...

          • 2 years ago

            Worst of all is the death of Penda of Mercia, brutally betrayed by his christian vassals and killed on his way home. Had he survived, Christianity would have totally lapsed and a Pagan Mercia would have united England instead of Wessex. I don’t know if we would have resisted the constant missionary onslaught and inevitable crusades, but I think an England guarded by the sea would have fared much better than their continental Saxon cousins slaughtered by Charlemagne.

          • 2 years ago

            Lmao. You have nothing in common with any of the people you're talking about. You wouldn't be able to understand each other in any capacity if you met. They'd probably beat the shit out of you because you look like some soicuck homosexual.

          • 2 years ago

            >Lmao. You have nothing in common with any of the people you're talking about. You wouldn't be able to understand each other in any capacity if you met. They'd probably beat the shit out of you because you look like some soicuck homosexual.
            Lmao sure. Whatever you say, Kastoun.

          • 2 years ago

            There were kings and kingdoms that relapsed back to the true faith and fought against Christianity. They were overpowered by force. Christianity only won because 1st it lied and said Jesus was a young Germanic warrior and his disciples were warlike thegns and his cross was a living tree spirit with the power to kill the Romans if it wanted. None of this is remotely true nor does it represent what the Christian religion is really like - but after presenting it this way with the added benefit of ties to richer Southern kingdoms, the Christian kingdoms then used military force to over power their pagan neighbours.

            Christianity won through lies which it says it is against, and through violence which it says it is against. It is therefore illegitimate. But truth must return and the gods are worshipped here again. yhwh's time is over.

            You just contradicted yourself. You just said Christians preached that Jesus was a young Germanic warrior but then you later admit that Sigbert was killed for being peaceful, so obviously Sigbert wasn’t told that Jesus was some kind of warrior like you claim, you liar.

            Also you forget to mention why Sæberht of Essex’s son banned the bishops. Bede makes clear it was because the bishop refuse to give them sacramental bread because he saw them as pagan.

            > Bede tells that Sæberht converted to Christianity in 604[5][9] and was baptised by Mellitus, while his sons remained pagan.[10] Sæberht's pagan sons drove Mellitus from London.[13] According to Bede's explanation, this happened because Mellitus refused the brothers' request for a taste of the sacramental bread.[12]

            Also there’s no evidence Earpwald was killed for his religion as Ricberht only reigned for three years and his Christian brothers (Sigeberht and Ecgric) still succeeded him.

            > According to Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People, Ricberht murdered Eorpwald of East Anglia in about 627, shortly after Eorpwald succeeded his father Rædwald as king and had then been baptised as a Christian. Following Eorpwald's death, Ricberht may have become king, a possibility that is not mentioned by Bede or any contemporary commentator. East Anglia then reverted to paganism for three years, before Sigeberht and Ecgric succeeded jointly as kings of East Anglia and ended the kingdom's brief period of apostasy.

            The apostasy that you talk about only ever happened once and where often caused by a recently converted Christian kings dying and being followed by a non-converted pagan king like in Northumbria with Edwin. They were often of extremely short duration.

          • 2 years ago

            There were kings and kingdoms that relapsed back to the true faith and fought against Christianity. They were overpowered by force. Christianity only won because 1st it lied and said Jesus was a young Germanic warrior and his disciples were warlike thegns and his cross was a living tree spirit with the power to kill the Romans if it wanted. None of this is remotely true nor does it represent what the Christian religion is really like - but after presenting it this way with the added benefit of ties to richer Southern kingdoms, the Christian kingdoms then used military force to over power their pagan neighbours.

            Christianity won through lies which it says it is against, and through violence which it says it is against. It is therefore illegitimate. But truth must return and the gods are worshipped here again. yhwh's time is over.

            Also apostasy usually went like this:

            Edwin, the king of Northumbria, converted to Christianity. He was later killed in a battle by Penda. As a result, Northumbria apostatized and became pagan again after his defeat. Two brothers (Oswald and Oswiu), who were the nephews of Edwin and raised in a monastery, reclaimed the throne of Northumbria and defeated an outsider who had taken over Northumbria. Oswald was later killed by Penda. However, the defeat this time did not lead Northumbria to apostatise this time around mostly because the person who took power was Oswiu, who was literally raised in a monastery and probably taught that a defeat is no excuse to abandon one’s religion and that it should be seen as a test of faith instead. Anyway, Oswiu later defeated and killed Penda. Penda’s son then converted to Christianity. From then on, Northumbria and Mercia remained Christian (with no relapse to paganism being recorded).

            It’s also interesting to note that although it was Oswiu that finally cemented Christianity in Britain, he was never venerated as a Saint because of his violent deeds. Osiwu had a fellow devout Christian king named Oswin who refused to fight back killed and it was strangely him that was venerated as a Saint instead of Osiwu.

            So much for Christianity and Jesus being preached as a warrior religion. It was quite the opposite.

          • 2 years ago

            saying two true events that happened but are contradictory because Christians are self contradictory does not mean I contradicted myself. Both the things I said are true events.

            Bede was anti-pagan so he is only reliable to an extent but the brothers are alleged to have wanted to take communion, not because they wanted to partake of the body of Christ, but they thought it was magic that would make them strong.

          • 2 years ago

            Yes, you were contradicting yourself. No one was told Jesus was a young Germanic warrior. That’s bullshit and you should stop repeating it. You think people built monasteries and became defenceless monks cause they were told Jesus was actually a warrior?

            > Sigeberht of East Anglia (also known as Saint Sigebert), (Old English: Sigebryht) was a saint and a king of East Anglia, the Anglo-Saxon kingdom which today includes the English counties of Norfolk and Suffolk. He was the first English king to receive a Christian baptism and education before his succession and the first to abdicate in order to enter the monastic life. At an unknown date, which may have been in the early 640s,[30] East Anglia was attacked by a Mercian army and Ecgric was obliged to defend it with a much smaller force, though one that was not negligible. The East Angles appealed to Sigeberht to leave his monastery and lead them in battle, hoping that his presence and the memory of his former military exploits would encourage the army and make them less likely to flee. Sigeberht refused, saying that he had renounced his worldly kingdom and now lived only for the heavenly kingdom. However, he was dragged from the monastery to the battlefield where, unwilling to bear arms, he went into battle carrying only a staff. The Mercians were victorious and Sigeberht, Ecgric and many of the East Angles were slain and their army was routed. In this way Sigeberht became a Christian martyr.[31]

            Now why would a convert like Sigeberht of East Anglia think that being a monk and not fighting back was a good thing unless they were told that Jesus’ teachings were peaceful?

            And yeah you’re only source for your Anglo-Saxon LARP comes from anti-pagans. Nice way to admit it.

          • 2 years ago

            holy based anon, gods be with you as my love is

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah, in the 6th century.
        The height of Anglo-Saxon culture was centuries after that, when people like the Venerable Bede started writing shit down. Pagan Anglo-Saxon culture is simply lost to us, no use romanticizing it.

        • 2 years ago

          There were still pagans around in bede's time

  2. 2 years ago

    Catholicism preserved Latin for Italy and preserved old Italian costumes and clothing

    • 2 years ago

      That's true. I suppose the lower echelons of the christian church contributed to keeping English alive during the Norman conquest too (although that probably would have survived anyway) but seeing how Christianity is so at odds and spiteful towards the beliefs and ways of life we had before it was taken on board by the upper class has put me quite at odds with the church and my baptism. Even words like 'Pagan' were basically just use by Christians to denounce rural folk who were still sticking to their way of life and 'behind the times' sort of like how woke culture is towards rural folk nowadays.

      • 2 years ago

        The more I read about the history of England and Rome the more I feel like Christianity stole my gods from my people and destroyed our way of life along with most of Europe.

        Christianity was the bolshevism of the ancient world
        >anti-civilizational, obsessed with the imminent eschaton in which the impure will be destroyed in righteous judgment (the Day of the Lord in Christianity, the revolution in Bolshevism)
        >exalts poverty, meekness, and non-violence over wealth, boldness, and success
        >recruits from the lowest and least capable strata of society (marginalized intellectuals, disconnected workers, and the poorest peasants in the case of bolshevism, slaves, wretched poor, and women in the case of Christianity)
        >anti family (see the bolshevik attempts to destroy marriage, and Paul's belief that celibacy is ideal)
        >anti tradition (the bolsheviks desecrating and denouncing all of Russia's history, christians declaring that all of Roman tradition and civic life was satanic)
        >obsessed with martyrdom and victimhood >constantly denouncing evil oppressors, but once in power, turning around and treating their enemies ten times as viciously as they were ever treated
        >created by israelites
        The similarities are staggering.

        Julian the apostate did the right thing when he tried to organize the greco-roman religion and combine ot with some of the better aspect of christianity, creating some kind of proto-national socialism/proto-fascism instead of proto-bolshevik socialism

        • 2 years ago

          What are you on about, loser? While it was Nazis and communists who had to take real power through the common slave masses by way of revolution or democracy, Christianity took power through a militarily successful emperor. Did you just conveniently forget that? Do you think Christianity would have triumphed without Constantine?

          Also it was pagans that were anti-family since they loved aborting all their children just as they do today

          > Rodney Stark shows how early Christians favourable fertility and mortality rates as compared to Hellenistic pagans helped to fuel a 40% growth rate in the Christian population of the Roman Empire over several centuries. This gave rise to 40 converts in 30AD to 6 million by the year 300AD.

          > Christian populations grew faster because of the prohibition of birth control, abortion and infanticide. Since infanticide tended to affect female newborn more frequently, early Christians had a more even sex ratio and therefore a higher percentage of childbearing women than pagans

          Everything you said is bullshit and just a projection.

          • 2 years ago

            Christianity grew because it was TRUTH.

  3. 2 years ago

    Christianity replaced white gods with israelite gods. I don't believe in gods but if you going to make them up and worship them at least make them white.

  4. 2 years ago

    Christianity didn’t do that. It didn’t do anything by itself. Your own people did that and should hate your own people for being weak and stupid enough to fall for Christianity.

    • 2 years ago

      That means his own people destroyed their way of life. They’re to blame and not Christianity.


      • 2 years ago

        Admit your pagan ancestors were nothing but treacherous israelite stooges who gave up their lifestyle and religion just as modern christcucks do. What’s the difference? Why praise one stooge over another? They’re the same. Pagancucks turned out no more resistant to israelitery than christcucks.

        • 2 years ago

          Our ancestors were forced to become christians so that they wouldn't be burned alive. The very moment christians got into power they showed their true colors. But then they themselves got subverted by "Enlightenment" Freemason Satanists. What goes around comes around.

  5. 2 years ago

    Still crying and upset about what happened 1700 years ago? And people tell me israelites never let anything go.

    Rightoids can truly only live in the past where they imagine things happen like it should because they know their history for the past 1700 years is nothing but continuous defeat.

  6. 2 years ago

    Funny that an Angloid should say that. Maybe you haven’t read your people’s history well enough or you’ve been listening to distorted history made by survive the jive. England’s conversion to Christianity was so untroubled that there’s not even one Christian martyr recorded during the conversion process because that’s how little resistance or hostility Christians faced when proselytising among the English populace. Even King Penda (the last major pagan king) permitted Christians to proselytise in his kingdom and generally had no problem with it.

    > “King Penda himself did not forbid the preaching of the Faith to any even of his own Mercians who wished to listen; but he hated and despised any whom he knew to be insincere in their practice of Christianity once they had accepted it, and said that any who despised the commandments of the God in whom they professed to believe were themselves despicable wretches. This Christian mission was begun two years before Penda’s death.”

    • 2 years ago

      >because that’s how little resistance or hostility Christians faced when proselytising among the English populace
      Have you actually read any of the sources yourself? Pretty much all of the kingdoms relapsed in Paganism *at least* once. There are recordings of pagan worship in rural parts of England into the 1500's if not longer.

      • 2 years ago

        >Pretty much all of the kingdoms relapsed in Paganism *at least* once
        sauce? that is patently false. previous pagan beliefs did survive for a long time, even to this day, but they were and are practiced by people who considered themselves Christians. Christianity didn't wipe out pagan cult practices so much as it co-opted them in many cases.

        • 2 years ago

          Christianity is a very syncretic religion. What it can assimilate, it secularizes, many europeans still do maypoles and shit like that.Medival people would celebrate a holyday that was originally for a pagan god do all the rituals and then go to church and listen to the priests mass.
          What do you think day of the dead is? Syncretism, pure syncretism. Very syncretic.

  7. 2 years ago


    Excellent post anon, very helpful to me.

  8. 2 years ago

    And that was a good thing

  9. 2 years ago


    anon, don't use ultra-compressed jpgs remake the meme or use another if needed

  10. 2 years ago

    Christianity didn't. Your ancestors did. btw, Christianity is just as much your "ancestral" religion as worshipping Odin or whatever the frick else.

  11. 2 years ago

    Those "Gods" were all selfish buttholes who did not love their people and cared more about their own interests than anything, and the "traditional" way of life most pagan Europeans had was of constant blood feuds over pointless shit and slaving away for an upper class that hates them. Also a corrupt priesthood that everyone hated.

    With Christianity you get a loving god who is human-centric that wants the best for you (even if you're too foolish to know what's good for you), a cleat set of rules governing the behavior of the clergy, a culture of forgiveness, and rules keeping the nobles from abusing their subjects too hard. Not difficult to see why people switched over.

  12. 2 years ago

    I don’t care what happened in history, I’m gonna worship the gods that feel right to me. Simple as

  13. 2 years ago

    >My people
    "My people" lol, you probably can't even read Old English texts dude.
    I swear the same dweebs who harp on about "muh ANCESTORS!" are guys who never call their grandparents or spend time with their parents.
    Instead of jerking off long dead skeletons you never met, how about interacting with your actual living contemporary ancestors for once.

    • 2 years ago

      I literally just got back from my nans fgt, go have your argument with imaginary figures elsewhere.

      I don’t care what happened in history, I’m gonna worship the gods that feel right to me. Simple as

      This art work is really nice

      • 2 years ago

        And did you bore your Nan to death by telling her about a bunch of pagan LARP written by 19th century Romanticists?
        Just suck it up mate, English culture as we recognize it now has nothing in common with the 5th century Anglo-Saxons and Jutes. We can't read their language, we have no concrete evidence on their real beliefs, and their society and way of living had more in common with some African chiefs in the jungle nowadays than they do with England of the last 900 years.
        To "feel a connection to Anglo-Saxons" is to pretend you're something fake. I feel more connected to the Frenchmen across the Channel who often have to deal with the same daily woes and obstacles as me.

        • 2 years ago

          >Heathenry: some LARP a couple hundred autistic people play pretend with online
          >Christianity: the most popular religion on the world
          Can you possibly cope any harder?

          >When you LARP as an Anglo-Saxon but are also Christian
          You've never met someone like me before. But seriously most people are insufferable fricking homosexuals or dumb so who cares what most people do? Don't share your autistic interests with them, pearls before swine and all that.

          • 2 years ago

            I mean by this time anglo saxons in england have been christian for at least a millennia (atheist for 60years or so too). So you can really pick and choose what you want to larp as at this point.

          • 2 years ago

            You can even pick and choose the autistic brand of syncretized greco-judean schizo ramblings you want to follow.

          • 2 years ago

            If you don't decide to worship Wotan.

          • 2 years ago

            Why would I worship a dead deity that Christ conquered and zero people actually believe in?

          • 2 years ago

            why would i worship a israelite god who lost to iron chariots?

          • 2 years ago

            israelites are people who hate Christ, i.e. (You). Your dumb insult makes no sense here.

          • 2 years ago

            >i hate israelites
            >that's why i worship a israelite!!
            >no, those weren't real israelites, the real israelites are israelites who don't israelite my religious israelite!!

          • 2 years ago

            >performs exorcisms via twitter

          • 2 years ago

            Uhh, take your meds israelite. I know your race is predisposed to schizophrenia but this is absurd.

          • 2 years ago

            I saw the thread you lost it in

          • 2 years ago

            He loses in every thread.

          • 2 years ago

            >i hate israelites
            >that's why i worship a israelite!!
            Stopped reading there.
            Reddit Delenda Est.

        • 2 years ago

          >To "feel a connection to Anglo-Saxons" is to pretend you're something fake.
          Why should he not feel a connection to a people whom he's related to, whom he shares physical features with, and whom influenced the culture of his nation to a significant degree?

          • 2 years ago

            > whom influenced the culture of his nation to a significant degree

            They didn’t cause it was erased by Normans. The few influences you see like Beowulf were actually forgotten and revived in the 19th century.

          • 2 years ago

            No it wasn't. The people themselves were unchanged, it was only a change in management and the new management became more like the natives over time.

    • 2 years ago

      >I swear the same dweebs who harp on about "muh ANCESTORS!" are guys who never call their grandparents or spend time with their parents.
      They're dead, insane, or hundreds of miles away.

  14. 2 years ago

    The Roman-British are your true ancestors. The Anglo-Saxon invaders are the foreigners who stole everything from you.

    • 2 years ago

      Why do people jerk off the Romano British so much here? They didn’t do anything. They lived under roman control and when the romans left suffered Scoti and Pictish raids until they asked the Saxons to help them, and then got conquered by saxons. They may have won one (1) single battle that isn’t well-attested. They are such an unimportant group but people here act like they had the greatest achievements in the world. And I bet there will be no real arguments against this but you’ll post some osprey art to show how cool their “aesthetic” was

      • 2 years ago

        >people here act like they had the greatest achievements in the world
        Who does that? Sounds like you're making this up.

        • 2 years ago

          Any time they’re brought up people go “VGH….WHVT CVVLD HVVV BVVN” or “I wish the filthy s*xons never took over muh pure romano british land”

          • 2 years ago

            >Any time they’re brought up people go “VGH….WHVT CVVLD HVVV BVVN”
            How is that 'acting like they had the greatest achievements in the world' as was said before?
            It's just people imagining interesting possible scenario that could have taken place if things in history had gone a little different. I've seen people on IQfy do that with plenty other people and societies, don't see anything wrong with it so long as they don't spam their larpy fantasies constantly

      • 2 years ago

        It's just funny reading the OP kvetching about Christianity when the gods of the British weren't the gods of the Romans which weren't the gods of the Anglo-Saxons.

    • 2 years ago

      >The Roman-British are your true ancestors. The Anglo-Saxon invaders are the foreigners who stole everything from you.
      The Anglo-Saxon were descended from the Roman-British. Their earlier Angle and Saxon ancestors were the invaders. Anglo-Saxons weren't invaders; they were native to England, because England is where their ethnogenesis happened.

  15. 2 years ago

    As has been already said, modern paganism is a very modern phenomenon that is not traditional at all, it's a late 1800s fad.
    My grandfather and grandmother in Sweden were buried next to Viking era Runestones. Despite that you know what his and her funeral looked like? A fricking Lutheran priest with a Bible and Christian rites. As it turns out, our real "Traditional" culture is not the polished and neat fantasies of a Social Darwinists who jerk off to blond bodybuilders.
    The only authentic pagans around are Hindus in India, Shinto priests in Japan, Amazonian shamans, etc. Pagans in modern Germanic countries are just doing it out of frustration with modern issues like capitalism, multiculturalism, or have Daddy issues regarding the church.

  16. 2 years ago

    >Coifi was one of the people King Edwin of Northumbria sought for advice on whether to convert to Christianity as preached by Paulinus, chaplain to his Christian queen Ethelburga. It is worth noting that Coifi was a member of the council, the witan, consulted by the king. Coifi declared that the pagan religion he had followed had no advantage, and that he had followed it in ignorance.
    >Coifi mounted a stallion and rode from the king's council (which according to local tradition was held at the royal summer encampment at Londsborough), to the pagan temple at Goodmanham, where he cast a spear into the altar before setting the building on fire, as the people watched.

  17. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >Heathenry: a growing number of converts and people born in its teachings.
      >Christianity: Empty, dilapidated churches across Europe sold off to developers to make chic condos.
      In the end, the cross lost.

      • 2 years ago

        >Heathenry: some LARP a couple hundred autistic people play pretend with online
        >Christianity: the most popular religion on the world
        Can you possibly cope any harder?

        • 2 years ago

          Yes, precisely. It’s chock full of pic related while Christianity is on life support in Europe, and England.

          Would you look at that, another mass church sell off to realtors because christians can’t stop raping little boys.
          >Rocked by abuse claims, archdiocese plans to cut St. John's parishes from 9 to 3
          >Roman Catholic churches in the St. John's area this weekend learned their places of worship have been sold as part of the archdiocese's sell-off of properties, and that they may have to close their doors by September.

          >Catholics were also informed that the plan is to reduce the number of parishes in the capital city from nine to three in the coming months.

          >The move is part of one of the most dramatic shakeups in the 238-year history of the Archdiocese of St. John's, which has been focused on settling massive sexual abuse claims related to the Mount Cashel Orphanage.

          >"On Friday afternoon, we were told by the archbishop that St. Pius church and [the former] St. Pius school has been sold," Father John Sullivan, a Jesuit priest who ministers at the church on Smithville Crescent, told those attending a Sunday that was broadcast on the parish's Facebook page.

          • 2 years ago

            Trust the plan, bros. The second coming will happen as soon as we’re done coming in all the choir boys. Don’t question it. Just look the other way while we rotate this pedo for the next.

          • 2 years ago

            >2 more weeks until Christianity dies bros, trust the plan!!

          • 2 years ago

            Fascinating, an entire wall of pathetic cope.

          • 2 years ago

            Uhhh. Okay. None of this nonsense changes the factual statement I made. But go on and seethe, little tard.

          • 2 years ago

            >uuuuhhh…! uhhh…! uhhhh…!

          • 2 years ago

            >uuuuuuhh….! UHH UHHH!!!

          • 2 years ago

            >uuuuuuhh….! UHH UHHH!!!

            Looks like the orangutan tard is trying to communicate.

          • 2 years ago

            Only way to get anything across to you sand monkeys is through hoots and hollering, or simple pictures.
            Speaking of copes, have another. Courtesy of your own news services.

            >2 more weeks until Christianity dies bros, trust the plan!!

            It’s already dead. Who care what Africans in Malawi believe or do?

        • 2 years ago

          So when christianity’s numbers fall and Islam takes over, that means Islam is the correct religion?

      • 2 years ago

        The average person doesn't even know what "heathenry" is.

        • 2 years ago

          >The average person doesn't even know what "heathenry" is.
          Idiot, the average man is already living it.

          >What makes you think that our society is currently falling into paganism, more than into nihilism, as many elements in our societies suggest?
          Nihilism means that we seek to break or bypass the very structures of anthropology; it is what sociologists Marcel Mauss and Claude Lévi-Strauss called “base,” which is made up of three essential polarities: life and death, man and woman, and filiation. This is why, for example, incest is prohibited in all human societies. We can identify such a base thanks to its permanence over time (which is called natural law; that can be identified because all people follow it — it is an anthropological permanence). To be nihilistic is to want to challenge this base. Marriage between two persons of the same sex is typically nihilistic. Nothing of this sort existed in human history (except one case: Nero’s buffoon marriage with his catamite).
          The situation is quite different for other so-called societal measures such as abortion, euthanasia or assisted suicide. In contrast to same-sex “marriage,” infanticide, euthanasia and suicide can be found in all human societies except Judeo-Christian societies (which is well documented, for example, in the famous Epistle to Diognetus). When we implement such measures, it is only a return to paganism, which precedes us, and which spontaneously and naturally returns when Christianity fades away.
          t. actual christian scholar and not faux tradcath like yourself admitting it’s over.

          • 2 years ago

            >In your speech entitled “After Christendom,” you noted that Christianity was no longer the master nor the inspirer of our Western societies. In your opinion, this state of affairs is the expression of the so-called post-Christendom. In this respect, you speak about a reversal of the situation that occurred in the fourth century, when pagan myths were transformed into Christian truths: Today, Christian truths are gradually being transformed into myths. How is this transformation articulated?

            Humans need to make their lives meaningful, to question their roots and future, to know why they are here. All societies meet this need through stories which are neither true nor false and that we call myths. Regardless of whether they are true or false, they are meaningful. We don’t know if Achilles really existed, but it doesn’t matter: he gives meaning to human courage and to its struggle against adversity.
            But with ancient Greeks and Judeo-Christians came the notion of truth: Christ is no longer a myth but a true story. Christians, when they settled down and took power (during the fourth century) did not make a clean sweep of pagan myths; this wasn’t possible because they were too deeply rooted in the hearts and minds. Therefore, the Christians took up these myths and made them truths. For example, the story of the virgin-mother existed as a myth and became a truth: For a believer, the Virgin Mary really did exist.
            Today, we are witnessing the opposite movement: For our contemporaries, Christ becomes a mythical character, who is neither true nor false, giving meaning to life (compare Tolstoy’s book on the life of Christ). It is this ebb and flow that interested me. It means that we are definitely on the way back to a pagan mode.

          • 2 years ago

            The whole paganism is the fastest growing religion in europe shtick is just overblown percentages. Paganism growing 400% can mean a religion with 1 moron adding 4 more morons, impressive on paper, irrelevant on real events.

            Wouldn't really call it pagan, its something else, something new and it certainly isn't a return to traditional religions. What the guy is describing is what he thinks is a return to a "pagan mindset"

          • 2 years ago

            But seen its a pro christian work I'd see why you'd call it pagan I guess.

      • 2 years ago

        >In the end, the cross lost.
        So all the Pagans convert to Christianity.
        Christians install a European golden across the entire world.
        Atheoids take over, ruin everything (somehow this is Christianitys fault).
        Christianity still remains the worlds largest religion.
        LARPagans see a revival around the 1890s which is mostly people guessing at what the actual pagans believe.
        In 2022 it’s still quirky cult followed mostly by stoner hippies and art hoes.
        And you HONESTLY think that neo-paganism will win, Christianity will permanently decline, and a neo-pagan empire lead by art hoes and stoners will be on top?

  18. 2 years ago

    The people converted because Christianity was a better religion. Simple as. Now you moronic LARPers romanticize the paganism your ancestors threw away. Very silly.

  19. 2 years ago

    What "way of life"? Fricking around in the woods? As opposed to conquering the planet? You are high.

  20. 2 years ago

    England is a place where native christians were invaded by christians who were invaded by christians, with short episodes of heathen kingdoms who attempted to destroy christian way of life

  21. 2 years ago

    Everything I have on ethnic religions

    MEGA Library Link:

    Why reject the abrahamic poison and return to your ancestral roots:

    What are the Gods? Answers from the ancients:

    >B-But we only know bits and pieces of these ancient religions! They can not be practiced anymore!
    israeli/Christian pilpul, read the infograph:

    IE ethnic religions virtues:

    Guide to household rituals:

    Guide to animal sacrifice rituals:

    Platonic Cosmology:

    Suggested reads for beginners:
    Sallust - On The Gods and The World
    Collin Cleary - Summoning The Gods

    Misc reads:
    The Christians and the Romans saw them:
    A companion to Greek Religion:

    Youtube channels:

    Fortress of Lugh

    Survive The Jive

    The Histocrat

    • 2 years ago

      Keep posting it KING

      • 2 years ago

        Nothing is going to stop us

        • 2 years ago

          >I've been a Christian for the past year or so
          sounds like he found a LARP he liked better

        • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        He needs to stop with the cringey anime pictures though. We don't need that homosexualry contaminating our movement.

        • 2 years ago

          It's inherently homosexualry.

    • 2 years ago

      While I'm absolutely unexperienced on this subject, I find it very interesting. I have a simple but fair question, though;
      >Platonic Cosmology:
      how did Plato come up with all these ideas on his cosmology? I mean, how did the guy discover that, in the first place? These realms, Noetic Gods and other stuff are, oddly, very detailed.

  22. 2 years ago

    Call it LARP all you want. Pagans are going places. This was Pagan Futures in London last weekend

    • 2 years ago

      What AA meeting is this? Autists Anonymous?

    • 2 years ago

      What is this image supposed to imply?

  23. 2 years ago


    >Yes, and the fact this is pretty much the only place where paganism can gain traction
    Twitter, GAB and Discord are valid platforms too provided you stay away from liberal places. Sadly in this atheistic dystopia of a clown world normies will never convert to any religion, let alone one which needs to get back into the mainstream.

  24. 2 years ago


  25. 2 years ago

    Nothing was stolen from you, you have practically nothing in common with Romans or ancient Germanic tribes, they were non-Western. The Occident is only 1,200 years old and its native religion is Christianity.

  26. 2 years ago

    The more I read about the history of England and Rome the more I feel like Pagans were just operating of nuggets of divine truth, and denial of the ultimate truth, Christianity, has destroyed our way of life along with most of Europe.

  27. 2 years ago

    i find it funny how all the pagans i find are either autistic right-wing freaks or autistic left-wing freaks
    t. agnostic

    • 2 years ago

      All of the theology obsessed freaks here are former atheists. It’s just going from one fringe obsession to another to show their contrarianism.

    • 2 years ago

      Its identitarianism, what can you expect. If it was about religion, they would all be Hindus, since it is basically European paganism but better explained and with a better structure, but hinduism is linked to brown people so..,

      • 2 years ago

        This is the most moronic thing I read here. Do you think European pagans consider all paganism as exactly the same so they should convert to Hinduism? They are practicing ancestor worship and Hindus aren't their ancestors

  28. 2 years ago

    Based and truthpilled. Destroy monotheist homosexualry.

  29. 2 years ago


    No you should just stop repeating the whole Jesus was “portrayed as a Germanic warrior” to convert people bullshit. Everything suggests otherwise. Even the Heliand is proof against your claim rather than in support of it

    > Scholars disagree over whether the overall tone of the Heliand lends to the text being an example of a Germanized Christianity or a Christianized Germany. Some historians believe that the German traditions of fighting and enmity are so well pronounced as well as an underlying message of how it is better to be meek than mighty that the text lends more to a Germanized Christianity. Other scholars argue that the message of meekness is so blatant that it renders the text as a stronger representation of a Christianized Germany.[6] This discussion is important because it reveals what culture was more pervasive to the other.

    And Goths who were the first convert:

    > Ulfilas translated "all the books of Scripture with the exception of the Books of Kings, which he omitted because they are a mere narrative of military exploits, and the Gothic tribes were especially fond of war, and were in more need of restraints to check their military passions than of spurs to urge them on to deeds of war"

    • 2 years ago

      >Even the Heliand is proof against your claim rather than in support of it
      Not him but anyone can read it and see that at the very least it's to make Jesus more relatable to the people of this culture by changing the imagery and landscape of the gospels. It's very obvious by all accounts that these recently converted tribes had a poor understanding of Christianity overall. Sure some individual, well-educated people might understand but not the rank and file, sometimes not even the kings themselves. Like Rædwald of East Anglia who just added Jesus to the existing pantheon of gods.

      • 2 years ago

        > Like Rædwald of East Anglia who just added Jesus to the existing pantheon of gods.

        For which he was strongly condemned by Bede, writing “ Redwald had in fact long before this received Christian Baptism in Kent, but to no good purpose; for on his return home his wife and certain perverse advisers persuaded him to apostatize from the true Faith. So his last state was worse than the first: for, like the ancient Samaritans, he tried to serve both Christ and the ancient gods, and he had in the same shrine an altar for the holy Sacrifice of Christ side by side with a small altar on which victims were offered to the devils. Aldwulf, king of that province, who lived into our own times, testifies that this shrine was still standing in his day and that he had seen it when a boy. This King Redwald was a man of noble descent but ignoble in his actions.”

        > Not him but anyone can read it and see that at the very least it's to make Jesus more relatable to the people of this culture by changing the imagery and landscape of the gospels.

        lol no Are we now forgetting that Jerusalem throughout the Middle Ages remained the most glorified place, not whatever landscape described in the Heiland? No, they weren’t changing anything. The Saxons being illiterate and primitive no doubt had a hard time understanding stuff and it had to be simplified for them. The Goths were given the bible in their own language so there was no deception there.

        • 2 years ago

          >For which he was strongly condemned by Bede
          I know. That's not the point. It was only to demonstrate that these early converts often didn't understand the religion. Or chose not to follow it correctly. Olaf Trygvasson being another example of some pagan warlord who put on his Christian hat and kept doing what he was doing beforehand.
          >Are we now forgetting that Jerusalem throughout the Middle Ages
          We're not really in the Middle Ages yet here.
          >The Saxons being illiterate and primitive no doubt had a hard time understanding stuff and it had to be simplified for them
          It's not dumbed down, it's not anymore weighty than the gospels themselves except it wouldn't have been read but spoken/sung in the local lord's hall.
          >The Goths were given the bible in their own language so there was no deception there.
          Were they literate? Did they read it for themselves? They had it preached to them I'm sure in their own language but that's not the same thing as rigorous instruction.

          • 2 years ago

            King Redwald probably knew what he was doing was unacceptable, but thought he could still compromise.

            > King Redwald had in fact long before this received Christian Baptism in Kent, but to no good purpose; for on his return home his wife and certain perverse advisers persuaded him to apostatize from the true Faith. So his last state was worse than the first: for, like the ancient Samaritans, he tried to serve both Christ and the ancient gods, and he had in the same shrine an altar for the holy Sacrifice of Christ side by side with a small altar on which victims were offered to the devils. Aldwulf, king of that province, who lived into our own times, testifies that this shrine was still standing in his day and that he had seen it when a boy. This King Redwald was a man of noble descent but ignoble in his actions.

  30. 2 years ago

    Christianity and even Judaism and even the faith of the ancient Assyrians and Sumerians have their origins in our European culture.
    Few know that angels are actually women who were Valkyries in the Middle East.

  31. 2 years ago

    Everything I have on ethnic religions

    MEGA Library Link:

    Why reject the abrahamic poison and return to your ancestral roots:

    What are the Gods? Answers from the ancients:

    >B-But we only know bits and pieces of these ancient religions! They can not be practiced anymore!
    israeli/Christian pilpul, read the infograph:

    IE ethnic religions virtues:

    Guide to household rituals:

    Guide to animal sacrifice rituals:

    Platonic Cosmology:

    Suggested reads for beginners:
    Sallust - On The Gods and The World
    Collin Cleary - Summoning The Gods

    Misc reads:
    The Christians and the Romans saw them:
    A companion to Greek Religion:

    Youtube channels:

    Fortress of Lugh

    Survive The Jive

    The Histocrat

    • 2 years ago

      Stop deleting this you c**ting jannies

  32. 2 years ago

    Jews' imposition of Christianity and Islam to enslave gentiles destroyed civilization in the west and east, causing a millenial dark age.

  33. 2 years ago


    Good post. The power of the Gods will prevail in the end. Their wisdom and supremacy will awaken within those who seek them.

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