The more you read history, the more you realize that the greatest suffering mankind has ever experienced are inflicted by the state.

The more you read history, the more you realize that the greatest suffering mankind has ever experienced are inflicted by the state. The worst Genocides, massacres, slavery, war are all started by the government's power. And yet whenever the "people" revolt, they never actually dissolve the concept of the state, they simply replace one oppressive institution with another. Humans are pathetic.

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  1. 2 years ago


    For 6000 years man has ruled man through different political systems.

    What's the result of it ? Conflicts, jealousy, wars, pollution, racism, divorce, homosexuality, diseases, death, corruption, crime, etc.

    NO government or empire or kingdom has the ability to eliminate these misfortunes.

    None except the KINGDOM OF GOD

    The Kingdom of God is the only solution to the evils of the earth

    Jehovah will render his judgment soon. He will DESTROY all the governments of this earth and replace it with his heavenly reign forever (Daniel 2:44) to subdue his faithful worshipers in a paradise earth where no death, disease or suffering shall exist

    • 2 years ago

      The world would be so much better with a Christian commune. Humans are flawed but God is not.

      shut the frick up you mamon worshiping libertarian tripple Black person. You who would decry slavery and yet jump for joy at the thought of robber barrons, parasite landlords, debt slavers, and multinational tyrants.

      There are no libertarians in this thread...yet. Scream at them somewhere else.

      • 2 years ago

        Communes used to be widespread all over the world, Christian or not. Eventually those who manage to hoard more property, dominate and manipulate the commune, first through debt, then through establishing pet commune heads.
        That's one of the reasons why soviets purged kulaks.

      • 2 years ago

        I posted on leftypol of a two tier system with the market on one and christian communes on the other. The communes ought to be funded by a business though.

  2. 2 years ago

    shut the frick up you mamon worshiping libertarian tripple Black person. You who would decry slavery and yet jump for joy at the thought of robber barrons, parasite landlords, debt slavers, and multinational tyrants.

    • 2 years ago

      >He's never heard about H.H. Hoppe or right-libertarianism in general
      Robber barons, parasite landlords, debt slavers, and multinational tyrants get physically removed from earth in this paradigm. No mercy.

    • 2 years ago

      Money only has value because society puts one on it. If gold reserves were plentiful there would be no need to make a synthetic judgement a posteriori on its value, eliminating it as an object of society and sharing property in common would eliminate the grip of poverty for everyone except those who hold power in society, becoming just as common as the people without power.

    • 2 years ago

      How do you enforce debt slavery without a state? Just walk away lmao.

  3. 2 years ago

    All of those things could only happen happen when humans have access to WEAPONS. weapons are the issue.

  4. 2 years ago

    >are inflicted by the state
    That operates in the interest of the largest economic agents - feudal and private landlords, industrialists, bankers. State doesn't exist on itself, it is created and maintained by the property owners.

    • 2 years ago

      The governments are property owners themselves. They perpetuate oppression. Politicians are just the different breed of scums. The powerful can never be trusted. Bezos and Stalin both deserve the rope.

      Communes used to be widespread all over the world, Christian or not. Eventually those who manage to hoard more property, dominate and manipulate the commune, first through debt, then through establishing pet commune heads.
      That's one of the reasons why soviets purged kulaks.

      Hah! You may try to make the soviet union into a good thing, commieshit. But the Soviet Union is just another example of the evil of the state. It preaches equality yet as long as the government and politicians exist, there can never be one.

      The only way for humans to be free is for a nuclear holocaust to wipe away the excess of industrialism and let humanity start in a clean slate.

      • 2 years ago

        >The governments are property owners themselves.
        Not every property is used to produce income, and that income is negligible compared to that of large companies. For example, yearly income of Apple is larger than russian government's budget.
        >They perpetuate oppression
        In the interest of statesmen who are either paid agents of the private sector, or own a share themselves.
        And private companies may hire private oppressors. Look at how mafia and (neo-)fascists used to fight unions in Italy, for example
        >ou may try to make the soviet union into a good thing
        It wasn't that good but they had certain good things about it.
        >as long as the government and politicians exist, there can never be one
        As long as private or state property exists, there can be no self-government, but most of the people are unable to comprehend neither the basics of it,nor its it's advantages. Not to mention the risks of self-government of certain industries, especially in free market societies.

        IMO the only solution is benevolent enlightened dictatorship which would be able to reorganize the economy into based on planning and collective ownership over one generation of people. There is no other way.

      • 2 years ago

        >wipe away the excess of industrialism and let humanity start in a clean slate.
        Spectacular idiocy of anprims can be matched only by that of devout American christians and fans of NewAge sects

  5. 2 years ago

    Suffering? None

    Unlike what globalists try to make us think, "Mankind" isn't a unified whole but a bunch of scattered populations of genetically variant members of the human species. They get together when they organize together, to decide which is "us" and which is "them", but they don't have to.

    If a population causes trouble or is of distaste to another, it's their will to submit or eradicate said population if they are able to. Those with more power on the power balance and higher on the hierarchy gets to decide more things and if you have a distaste for them then it's up to you and your pals to drag them down. It's all a natural process.

    There is no evil in slavery, massacre and war. Those are simply manifestations of the natural power dynamics between populations.

    • 2 years ago

      > muh might is right

  6. 2 years ago

    genocides are a net benefit often removing any type that would make this thread, a burden to society under scarcity of a closed system opportunity cost

  7. 2 years ago

    As we are about to watch the government continue to expand, while the majority of voters continue to ignore their responsibility for the government's actions, it seems reasonable to consider taking a stance against the state, to oppose not just specific abuses of power, but the entire institution. In order to make sense of this problem, let's look at a hypothetical group of people who do not want the state. What are their incentives? And if the group of people we are looking at are anarchists, how do we describe the state?

    • 2 years ago

      Stop trying to attack the government
      Try to do what's right for you and those around you

      • 2 years ago

        Government is the problem.

        We should start with destroying it and than the heaven will follow. The state wants us to be sheep, slaves. How do you feel about that? The time to rebel has arrived IF NOT NOW WHEN? The only chance for the rest of the people in this world is that more people join this movement. A movement that will destroy this nation and state, a movement that will begin in our own backyards, one by one, by doing small things and then progressing to larger acts, until one day the people wake up and begin attacking the system from within.

        We must begin with small steps so that others will follow.

        • 2 years ago

          Modern people are not meant to live in warring tribes.
          But we can coexist as clans and unaffiliated to clans as long as it's constructive competition and or cooperation.
          By that I meant my idea of two tier christian communes and market.

  8. 2 years ago

    The more you read history you realize man is shitty and would kill each other even without governments so you have to make your government as big as strong as you can before another makes their government stronger and they genocide you first, you never had a choice in the first place

  9. 2 years ago

    >destroy your government
    >get invaded by neighboring government

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