The real redpill is egyptian are just a bunch of cuck group of ppl that easily ruled by outsider

The real redpill is egyptian are just a bunch of cuck group of ppl that easily ruled by outsider

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  1. 2 years ago

    >state that existed for 3000+ years got conquered several times
    wow crazy

    • 2 years ago

      They did not rule themselves between the time they were conquered by the Achaemenids until they gained independence from Britain, that's more than 2000 years

      • 2 years ago

        This applies to literally everyone who is much younger too. You just opened a can of worms
        Sumerians since amorite takeover
        Akkadians since assyrias fall
        Greece since roman conquest
        Persia since arab conquest
        Canaanites since bronze age

        • 2 years ago

          Persia soon went back to Iranic and then Turkic rule under Muslim dynasties. Arabs ruled it for roughly 300 years between the 630s and 930s.

          • 2 years ago

            Does iranic = persian?

          • 2 years ago

            >Does iranic = persian?
            It included all types of Iranic dynasties. Cyrus himself was half Median (who founded the Persian Empire), and the Parthians were a separate ethnicity altogether.

            Pars/Fars/Persia proper is a region in southern Iran, where Cyrus and his father were Kings of Pars/Persia. Cyrus' mother was the daughter of the Medes Emperor, whom Cyrus ended up conquering to become Emperor himself. Often times its Iranic people that speak Persian that make them Persian, the north in actually isn't originally Persian.

            To answer your question, Tajik Persian dynasties did rule Iran. They can be considered both as Persian or as Tajik. Although many will contend that Tajik is synonymous with Persian.

          • 2 years ago

            He was paternally persian, maternal is irrelevant as rulers across time married women from other groups

          • 2 years ago

            >He was paternally persian, maternal is irrelevant as rulers across time married women from other groups
            That depends on the rules and norms of the ethnicity itself. Rabbinic israelites follow matrilineal descent.
            Cyrus' government incorporated both Median and Persian nobility. As a subject of Media, the Persians were by extension Median to most outsiders until enough time had passed where it was other the ethnic groups now being referred to as Persian.

          • 2 years ago

            Does iranic = persian?

            >Does iranic = persian?
            It included all types of Iranic dynasties. Cyrus himself was half Median (who founded the Persian Empire), and the Parthians were a separate ethnicity altogether.

            Pars/Fars/Persia proper is a region in southern Iran, where Cyrus and his father were Kings of Pars/Persia. Cyrus' mother was the daughter of the Medes Emperor, whom Cyrus ended up conquering to become Emperor himself. Often times its Iranic people that speak Persian that make them Persian, the north in actually isn't originally Persian.

            To answer your question, Tajik Persian dynasties did rule Iran. They can be considered both as Persian or as Tajik. Although many will contend that Tajik is synonymous with Persian.

            >Turkic rule
            They never ruled as Turkics.

            Also learn to spell Iranian, you illiterate homosexual. Imagine being a 50 IQ subhuman getting brainwashed by Wikipedia.

        • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        >they gained independence from Britain
        >implying modern egyptians aren't just arab invaders

        • 2 years ago

          >yeah bro a few thousand beduins replaced millions of native egyptians without a single genocide or displacement event

          • 2 years ago

            MENA moment

          • 2 years ago

            >low iq deformed kyphotic chinlet responding to the lowest effort baits

            >He was paternally persian, maternal is irrelevant as rulers across time married women from other groups
            That depends on the rules and norms of the ethnicity itself. Rabbinic israelites follow matrilineal descent.
            Cyrus' government incorporated both Median and Persian nobility. As a subject of Media, the Persians were by extension Median to most outsiders until enough time had passed where it was other the ethnic groups now being referred to as Persian.

            Generally it's paternal that matters no one cares about maternal

      • 2 years ago

        meanwhile britain has been ruled by foreigners since roman times

  2. 2 years ago

    Its not that we are ruled by outisders by force its more that for the majority of history we didnt care
    For most of history the number one value an egyptian had was his religion, why should he care that a persian rules him so long as he submits to the gods? Why should he care that his caliph or sultan is an arab or a turk so long as he is prince of believers and a good muslim? Native pharaohs were not any less brutal or authoritarian than the foreign ones (with few exceptions)
    Its only recently like a hundred years ago with the nationalist movement that we started to care about that

    • 2 years ago

      >Why should he care that his caliph or sultan is an arab or a turk so long as he is prince of believers and a good muslim?

      You left out Circassian rulers and Albanian rulers....

      Hosni Mubarak never recognized Kosovo, it was finally the Morsi admin that recognized it, a month before being couped. El-Sisi then informally recognizes the Armenian genocide, despite never once speaking on the Circassian Genocide despite Egypt's history being intertwined them; nor spoken about the genocide or mass-killing of Algerians under French colonialism despite it being their own neighbors and ethnic kin.
      Why are Egyptians like this??

      • 2 years ago

        Mamluks were mercenary thugs who took over many countries and there are other ottoman breakaway officers who established dynasties in other countries
        And who cares about genocides ?

    • 2 years ago

      >what are countless revolts under foreign rule
      >what is the only satrapy to gain independence

      You are a deformed subhuman Black person and a chinlet. I doubt you know much about history.

    • 2 years ago

      >what are countless revolts under foreign rule
      >what is the only satrapy to gain independence

      You are a deformed subhuman Black person and a chinlet. I doubt you know much about history.

      Fricking beta subhuman
      I'm going through your posting history and i have never seen such a subhuman in my life

    • 2 years ago

      >majority of history we didnt care

      People still don't care unless people are staving in the streets and dying don't expect most people to revolt in ANY country.

  3. 2 years ago

    they were pretty mixed as well

    • 2 years ago

      All aDNA samples prove otherwise
      Meanwhile nubians:
      >Therefore, we adopted a model competition approach, taking pairs of fitting models and adding the source population in one of the fitting models into the reference population set for the other fitting model and evaluating whether it continued to fit. If the model fails, this provides evidence that the source population moved to the reference population set shares genetic drift with the Kulubnarti individuals not present in the other source population, and thus the source moved to the reference set is in some sense genetically closer34,40. Of the three plausible sources determined with the O9 reference set (Levant_BAIA, Anatolia_EBA, and Egypt_published), all models with Levant_BAIA and Anatolia_EBA as the West Eurasian-related source fail when Egypt_published is included in the reference set (p<6.3E−06), and we obtain a fit only when Egypt_published is used as the West Eurasian-related proxy (p=0.87). With this model, we estimate that 60.4±0.5% ancestry in the Kulubnarti Nubians is ancient Egyptian-related.

      • 2 years ago


        Ah, Northern Nubians. No shit they'd be more Egyptian than their fellow countrymen to the south, it's like how Southern Egyptians have higher amounts of black African ancestry.

        • 2 years ago

          Kulubnarti is geographically upper/southern nubia (kush)

  4. 2 years ago

    He's kinda right but still managed to get it wrong.
    The Black guy in that second row looks distinctly West African, whereas the Black pharaohs who ruled Egypt for a period were Nubian and so looked slightly different. If they were instead Nilotic then it would be an accurate representation.

    • 2 years ago

      nubian n nilotes can look west african, ppl dont realize nubian n nilotes migrate to west africa a lot

      • 2 years ago

        He's kinda right but still managed to get it wrong.
        The Black guy in that second row looks distinctly West African, whereas the Black pharaohs who ruled Egypt for a period were Nubian and so looked slightly different. If they were instead Nilotic then it would be an accurate representation.

        forgot the pic

        • 2 years ago

          nubian n nilotes can look west african, ppl dont realize nubian n nilotes migrate to west africa a lot

          Haplogroup e is from the horn not Nubians Cushitic people lived in Sudan and most of East Africa before Nilotics and Bantus came both Nilotics and Bantus probably came from west Africa the original Haplogroup for African Blacks is a and b

          • 2 years ago

            not all nubian look cushitic, there are no same nubian look. in sudan they intermarry with nilotes a lot.

          • 2 years ago

            >Nilotes came from west Africa

          • 2 years ago

            Double lol when you find out that West Africans themselves are descended from a genetically divergent homosexual sapiens population that fused with people from East Africa thousands of years ago (which is why West Africans do not usually have A or B as a haplogroup).

    • 2 years ago

      >distinctly West African

      What is distinctly "West African?" Full lips and short, broad noses are not distinctly West African if that's what you are thinking.

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