The Teutonic Order

They were the jesus loving autists who made Prussia into what we all know and love
So Anons, lets talk about them

>How much of prussia was colonized and how much were germanized batlics&slavs and how much were germans,how much a difference is there between Livonia and Prussia?
>Why did they ultimately get beaten?
>How did the arrival of the mongols to the south and east affect their crusades?
>Which chad grand master saw the kinghts put demon horns&cool shit on their helmets and armour?
>Their general castle fetish
>Were there any notable dynasties in the order? I myself could only recognise that there was a von thuringen
>Were they really an extension of Holy Roman Empire to the east or is this pure polish cope?

Also,post books about the northern crusades

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  1. 2 years ago

    >>How did the arrival of the mongols to the south and east affect their crusades?
    It's basically made their future expansion impossible, because Poland, Lithuinia and Russia became Golden Horde's vassals.

    • 2 years ago

      They got beaten because they were pissing off everyone around them. Eventually their middle class rebelled and figured out that being subjugated by poles is preferable alternative to being ruled by bunch of corrupt dudes larping as knights.

      >Poland, Lithuania
      were never vassals of any mongol state
      didn't exist, bunch of russian principalities were subjugated, that's it

      • 2 years ago

        >were never vassals of any mongol state
        >still paid regular tribute and had to visit khan's capital for yarlyk

  2. 2 years ago

    >How much of prussia was colonized and how much were germanized batlics&slavs and how much were germans,how much a difference is there between Livonia and Prussia?
    Well I don't know about the national averages, but I can give one interesting case study: the famous philosopher Immanuel Kant was most likely of Baltic (specifically Curonian) descent on his father's side, but his family assimilated so long ago that Kant identified as a Prussian German. Make of that what you will.
    >Why did they ultimately get beaten?
    Basically, they were a bunch of immature and overemotional teenage boys. They relied too much on purely aesthetic displays of strength and machismo rather than actual strategy or logistics, and they got butthurt whenever they inevitably lost a battle due to this.
    >How did the arrival of the mongols to the south and east affect their crusades?
    Not sure tbh, I'm more familiar with their role in Polish and Czech history than Russian history. Maybe another anon can answer.
    >Which chad grand master saw the kinghts put demon horns&cool shit on their helmets and armour?
    Not sure about this either, but I suspect this may be at least partly a pop-culture exaggeration inspired by their portrayal in Sergei Eisenstein's film "Alexander Nevksy"
    >Their general castle fetish
    See above re: impractical displays of machismo and strength
    >Were there any notable dynasties in the order? I myself could only recognise that there was a von thuringen
    There were a few; another notable one is the Freytag-Loringhoven family
    >Were they really an extension of Holy Roman Empire to the east or is this pure polish cope?
    This is even more of a cope than the HRE being an extension of the Roman Empire. It was basically an over-weaponized frat boy club that was sent to Christianize some "noble savages" in the Baltic, and then did so in exactly the way you'd expect a frat boy club to do it

  3. 2 years ago

    They really do not matter any more because the russians deported all germans east of the GDR-poland border.

    • 2 years ago

      As a Catholic order they obviously haven't mattered in Prussia since the Protestant Reformation really. Their modern HQ is in Austria after all.

      • 2 years ago

        Weren't they excommunicated by the pope for killing christians?

  4. 2 years ago

    Little interesting bit of info:
    Before getting their iconic lands in Pruthenia, they were headquartered in Burzenland Transylvania by the courtesy of one of the kings of Hungary. Eventually they were drive out because they were levying taxes on lands that didn't belong to them and were harassing villagers, instead if helping people on their way to the Holy land as was their job.
    There's a timeline where "Prussia"(wouldn't be the name obv) is formed in Transylvania

    • 2 years ago

      >Eventually they were drive out because they were levying taxes on lands that didn't belong to them and were harassing villagers
      So they always were a bunch of sunhumans? I thought they only become heretics after settling in Prussia but I guess the eternal germ can't be reformed.

      • 2 years ago

        They wanted to establish a separate state in Transylvania, like how they did later up north. It went so far that they managed to convince the Pope at the time to sanction them large chunks of Transylvania, with which they wanted to force Hungary to give up these territories or go to war. The Hungarian King of the time, King Andrew II, had enough and ousted them with his army.

  5. 2 years ago

    They had a retirement home for knights in Vienna that you can still visit today

  6. 2 years ago

    chad grand master saw the kinghts put demon horns&cool shit on their helmets and armour?
    Those aren't horns, they're supposed to be a Halo, ironically. Theyre portrayed as horns later on in Slavic (Polish, Russian, etc.) romantic paintings and nationalist film for obvious reasons.

  7. 2 years ago

    i read that there was a brothel near their main castle that operated on broad daylight so they were pretty degenerate

    • 2 years ago

      How else are you gonna entertain the visiting nobles from Germany and the Scandis in the downtime between campaigns

  8. 2 years ago

    Probaly the most cucked and pathetic of all the knightly orders.

  9. 2 years ago

    >t. lithuanian

    >How much of prussia was colonized and how much were germanized batlics&slavs and how much were germans,how much a difference is there between Livonia and Prussia?
    Pretty much all of Prussia was germanized except the Curonians, lithuanians colonized around a century later. Livonia was mostly still baltic.
    >Why did they ultimately get beaten? Viking era weapons and discipline/tactics. Teutons had the support of christian europe, the prussians betrayed by their former allies.
    >How did the arrival of the mongols to the south and east affect their crusades? The Europeans were actually mostly friendly when they arrived. Then the poles and russians began fighting them, along with hungary.
    >Which chad grand master saw the kinghts put demon horns&cool shit on their helmets and armour? Idk
    >Their general castle fetish
    The equivalent of military bases/fortresses back then. Much easier for logistics.
    >Were there any notable dynasties in the order? I myself could only recognise that there was a von thuringen
    Von hindenburg was descended from teutons. As were most baltic germans.
    >Were they really an extension of Holy Roman Empire to the east or is this pure polish cope? Yes

    • 2 years ago

      > Viking era weapons and discipline/tactics. Teutons had the support of christian europe, the prussians betrayed by their former allies.

      This was about the balts. I mistook the question

  10. 2 years ago

    You have to understand something. The pagan Baltic tribes were not united and would often side with Teutonic Knights and fight with them against other Balts. In fact, some Baltic tribes hated other Baltic tribes far more than they hated the Teutonic Knights.

    > What made them more formidable was their ability to enlist the support of indigenous peoples, and for this intimidation was not sufficient. Nor was persuasion by the word: Henry of Livonia makes it clear that there were never more than a few who were prepared to renounce the old gods and fight for the new without other inducements…The adherence [also] came about because of material inducements, such as the aid the crusaders were prepared to give to Livs and Letts in raiding the Estonians – a chance to settle old scores and get rich.

    > For instance, German knights from Riga had allied with the pagan Semigallians, living south of Riga, whom they gave the Lithuanian and Estonian prisoners to guard. The Semigallians soon killed most of the Estonian prisoners with the sword, because “they were old enemies” (Henry of Livonia, 1227). The Christians did not reproach the Semigallians for this killing, however, because there were still plenty of prisoners and of booty to be divided among the warriors.

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