This is how a mosque is supposed to look like, unlike those oval and domed nakhba mosques in the Middle East.

This is how a mosque is supposed to look like, unlike those oval and domed nakhba mosques in the Middle East.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Make way for a parking lot

    • 2 years ago

      Cope lol, your faithless churches don’t hold a fricking candle to moorish mosques

  2. 2 years ago

    is a Muslim allowed to paint a picture if it’s not in a religious setting? Can a Muslim kid draw Spider-Man if he wants to or he’s not allowed?

    • 2 years ago

      No, rather we find beauty in nature’s symmetry

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah moorish mosques are the best looking ones
      They look better than other mosques, its refreshing to see
      The only thing i dont like is the sandy color
      Just imagine moorish mosques built with white marble or even better Black stones

      You not allowed to draw living things like humans or animals

      The rest is allowed like nature and trees and non living things

      • 2 years ago

        It’s not made of marble I believe but El Abidine mosque in Carthage is white

        • 2 years ago

          Its creme i think

          This style is appropriate for North Africa. However, cultural idolatry (shirk) has led many to conflate arbitrarily random cultural facets with Islam itself.

          This is what Algeria recently made their largest mosque, the largest on the continent (see picrel). Complete architectural and cultural abomination.

          However, in West Asia, domes are native. In fact it was a Nabatean (Northern Arab) that popularized domes in Roman architecture and thereby in subsequent Byzantine and Persian architecture.

          Mosques in South and Central Asia in turn get theirs from the Persian architecture. However, they have no place in Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. Anyone using it there (unless it was built by foreigners) is committing a form of idolatry. Additionally, even in South Asia and the Western World, if someone just sticks a random dome on a mosque where it makes no architectural sense aesthetically, then they are committing a form of idolatry.

          It's a weird trend nowadays where you'll see Moorish-style arches and walls combined with Near Eastern-style domes, when actual Moorish architecture generally doesn't even have domes.

          They shouldnt have put a dome
          The mosque would have look better in a full moorish style

          • 2 years ago

            Here is a mix between moorish and Greco Roman forms, I believe it’s in tunisia

          • 2 years ago

            briefly mistook this for a cathedral.

      • 2 years ago

        >You not allowed to draw living things like humans or animals
        Persians painted people all time.
        >b-but muh Shias aren't real Muslims
        They were doing it before Ismail converted them.

        • 2 years ago

          What muslims do ≠ muslim law
          Islam is perfect, muslims arent
          They can commit sins like every other humans

          • 2 years ago

            Fair enough then. Don't guess I have a rebuttal.

      • 2 years ago

        >nature and trees and non living things

        • 2 years ago

          yes the reasoning is truly absurd I agree

          • 2 years ago

            >nature and trees and non living things

            He said "living things like humans and animals". Basically beings with full sentience.

            I know all about the aniconism in the religion and its history. I just mean, no one can draw an innocent picture? a kid can’t draw batman? you can’t doodle a smiley face?

            A child could draw things accidentally on their, but generally Sunni mosques themselves are supposed to not having art depicting sentient beings.

          • 2 years ago

            accidentally? so a child cannot draw super mario? if a muslim is in a public school in the west, are they not allowed crayons? I am not mocking, I am genuinely trying to understand.

            are they allowed to play video games? can they watch cartoons? where are the lines drawn?

          • 2 years ago

            In the hadith, toys are allowed, so presumably children's drawings would be allowed

          • 2 years ago

            Kids aren't supposed to draw on the walls of mosques. As for whether they can do artwork on their own paper inside a mosque, that would be up to the mosque's admin or caretaker to decide. So it varies.

          • 2 years ago

            >Basically beings with full sentience.
            So they can draw Black folk?

          • 2 years ago

            Watch yo mouth whiteboi

        • 2 years ago

          >humans and animals are the sames as trees

          You know what i mean

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah moorish mosques are the best looking ones
      They look better than other mosques, its refreshing to see
      The only thing i dont like is the sandy color
      Just imagine moorish mosques built with white marble or even better Black stones

      You not allowed to draw living things like humans or animals

      The rest is allowed like nature and trees and non living things

      In terms of Sunni Islam, a mosque's walls could go without depicting any living beings whatsoever, which is why geometric patterns have been popular. Or it could have depictions of vines and flowers, or just plants in general (see Damascus Mosque which shows trees, houses, etc)

    • 2 years ago

      >is a Muslim allowed to paint a picture if it’s not in a religious setting?
      Depends on who you ask. If you ask traditional muslims, no. If you ask the author of the Quran, yes.

      • 2 years ago

        In terms of Sunni Islam, a mosque's walls could go without depicting any living beings whatsoever, which is why geometric patterns have been popular. Or it could have depictions of vines and flowers, or just plants in general (see Damascus Mosque which shows trees, houses, etc)

        Yeah moorish mosques are the best looking ones
        They look better than other mosques, its refreshing to see
        The only thing i dont like is the sandy color
        Just imagine moorish mosques built with white marble or even better Black stones

        You not allowed to draw living things like humans or animals

        The rest is allowed like nature and trees and non living things

        No, rather we find beauty in nature’s symmetry

        I know all about the aniconism in the religion and its history. I just mean, no one can draw an innocent picture? a kid can’t draw batman? you can’t doodle a smiley face?

  3. 2 years ago

    This style is appropriate for North Africa. However, cultural idolatry (shirk) has led many to conflate arbitrarily random cultural facets with Islam itself.

    This is what Algeria recently made their largest mosque, the largest on the continent (see picrel). Complete architectural and cultural abomination.

    However, in West Asia, domes are native. In fact it was a Nabatean (Northern Arab) that popularized domes in Roman architecture and thereby in subsequent Byzantine and Persian architecture.

    Mosques in South and Central Asia in turn get theirs from the Persian architecture. However, they have no place in Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. Anyone using it there (unless it was built by foreigners) is committing a form of idolatry. Additionally, even in South Asia and the Western World, if someone just sticks a random dome on a mosque where it makes no architectural sense aesthetically, then they are committing a form of idolatry.

    It's a weird trend nowadays where you'll see Moorish-style arches and walls combined with Near Eastern-style domes, when actual Moorish architecture generally doesn't even have domes.

    • 2 years ago

      I agree that mosque is an abomination and a waste of money as well. It should have been done tastefully like Hassan 2 mosque. But yes, you’re right, North African mosques traditionally do no use domes, are more “fortress shaped” and normally have a singular rectangular shaped minaret, sometimes they also have an interior courtyard but that isn’t necessarily unique to them.

      • 2 years ago

        Its creme i think
        They shouldnt have put a dome
        The mosque would have look better in a full moorish style

        >The mosque would have look better in a full moorish style

        I wouldn't even call it a Moorish style, at least from the outside. It looks closer to Assyrian and Babylonian, maybe even some Ancient Egypt.

    • 2 years ago

      Reminds me of one catholic church in england that got raped by modern architects and now looks like a mid stadium.

      • 2 years ago

        Latin American architecture takes from Mediterranean influences including Moorish.

        That tower in OP doesn't house a bell but nowadays a loudspeaker for the "Call to Prayer". Historically it wouldn't have a speaker but someone climbing it's top to vocalize the Adhan orally.

        Here is a mix between moorish and Greco Roman forms, I believe it’s in tunisia

        briefly mistook this for a cathedral.

        The only thing distinctly Greco-Roman would be the columns, especially those indents that run along it. Still, it's culturally very appropriate for Tunisia.

        The use of white in general might make people think of that too, but historically Greek and Roman architecture was always painted colorful, which merely washed off over time. The Taj Mahal and the Ancient Pyramids on the other hand were always white. The pyramids became yellow because sand erosion and rain caused the white marble to wear off.

  4. 2 years ago

    I like this and I also like the domed ones. Got a problem with that?

  5. 2 years ago

    didn't ask
    fake religion

  6. 2 years ago

    Says who?

  7. 2 years ago

    That looks like a decently affluent latin american protestant church but with a bell tower and some orientalist arches.
    This shit sucks.

    • 2 years ago

      This architecture is older than Latin America itself

    • 2 years ago

      Its way older than south america discovery and like

      Latin American architecture takes from Mediterranean influences including Moorish.

      That tower in OP doesn't house a bell but nowadays a loudspeaker for the "Call to Prayer". Historically it wouldn't have a speaker but someone climbing it's top to vocalize the Adhan orally.

      The only thing distinctly Greco-Roman would be the columns, especially those indents that run along it. Still, it's culturally very appropriate for Tunisia.

      The use of white in general might make people think of that too, but historically Greek and Roman architecture was always painted colorful, which merely washed off over time. The Taj Mahal and the Ancient Pyramids on the other hand were always white. The pyramids became yellow because sand erosion and rain caused the white marble to wear off.

      said its probably because moorish architecture influenced the iberians who colonised south america

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