TIL Steve Jobs was also a good programmer

>built a frequency counter when he was 12
>said in some documentary that everybody should know how to code because it teaches you how to think
>explained OOP in Rolling Stone interview with him
>Eric Schmidt recalled Jobs arguing with him and other programmer over technical issue involving Objective C and that they actually lost argument with him

Why are people saying he was just some marketing guy with no technical knowledge? Apparently he was a competent programmer, he just focused on things he was even better at.

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  1. 3 years ago

    apple envy

  2. 3 years ago

    guy couldn't wire a plug and he marketed his own death.

    OP is a gay

    • 3 years ago

      Because angry, jealous guys with no communication skills like see how much more successfull are people with some technical knowledge and people skills like Jobs, Musk etc. So they cope with "b-but at least I'm smarter than him". You're not.

      • 3 years ago

        he's dead, im not.

        guess who's actually winning? do you need a hint?

    • 3 years ago

      Does seem like your lack of people skills makes you jealous. And you in turn hate what you cannot be.

  3. 3 years ago

    >code teaches you how to think

    • 3 years ago

      i agree with it but i think there are levels to it.
      code teaches you you need to be careful about the operations and their sequence, the precision with which you define what to do, and thinking about what to not allow or what to do in the case of something going wrong.
      the more you specialize and the more constraints you have, the more extreme it gets

  4. 3 years ago

    he knew enough so that people wouldnt be able to bs him. he had technical knowledge, but he wasn't an engineer

    • 3 years ago

      >he knew enough so that people wouldnt be able to bs him
      That's an essential ability in life tbh, know enough in many domains to lead actual specialists and not let them lead you

    • 3 years ago

      how do you know?

  5. 3 years ago

    >Thought he could cure his cancer with a fruit diet

    Yes he was just a marketing guy.

    • 3 years ago

      He started out being a competent programmer and not totally a marketing guy, then slowly became corrupted with muh aesthetics and hippie bullshit, most likely due to a combination of success and exposure to the air in California.

      • 3 years ago

        >most likely due to a combination of success and exposure to the air in California.


    • 3 years ago

      Doctors can do more harm than good at times. The doctor probably wanted to put him on some crazy chemo or some shit that had like 1% of working and making him feel miserable and unable to work during the treatment.

      • 3 years ago

        >The doctor probably wanted to put him on some crazy chemo or some shit that had like 1% of working and making him feel miserable and unable to work during the treatment.

        You've got it backwards dude, Jobs had the rarest kind of pancreatic cancer which is actually basically fully curable and has 5 year survival rates of like 98% with treatment. This kind of cancer makes up 1% of all pancreatic cancers and is exceedingly rare. Also, obviously, if you wait too long, you can't get cured anymore. Also, if it's discovered too late, it can't be treatable. So he had basically like what only 0.2% to 0.4% of all people who get told 'you have pancreatic cancer' have, an option for a total cure.

        moron went full Andy Kaufman taking vitamins and eating vegan crap and died. By the time he changed his mind about evil western medicine it was too late.

        Steve jobs was a fricking moron, and nobody can convince me otherwise.

  6. 3 years ago

    >was too stupid to get chemotherapy and died with gay cancer

  7. 3 years ago

    I was reflecting on this today. I’m a contract employee, working for CEO to mash some little companies together.
    I’m building out a bunch of analytics on Power BI. It’ll save the company I’m at significant amount of effort and should improve sales. I enjoy this work and am good at it.
    I also do project management, where I basically keep team going and push back on the VPs when they try to expand scope. I don’t enjoy this work as much but I’m good at it.
    Guess which work I can charge more for? I’ve never been able to sell an analytics gig, I do that on side. I could probably sell it at 1/3 what I charge to run pmo.
    I do what ppl value most. Assume Steve did same.

  8. 3 years ago

    > just some marketing guy with no technical knowledge
    he was just a marketing guy, and his technical knowledge was limited to what he was told by engineers and programmers about their own products.
    >>Eric Schmidt recalled Jobs arguing with him and other programmer over technical issue involving Objective C and that they actually lost argument with him
    wow. that must be jobs was an expert or some shit? fascinating and delusional.
    >Apparently he was a competent programmer
    no proof of this exists.

  9. 3 years ago

    its just poorgays seething and coping

  10. 3 years ago

    Why is there a picture of Mohammed al Jandali, a Syrian Arab man.

  11. 3 years ago

    literally none of what you said is impressive. The average college moron can explain what OOP is. It's true that he isn't just a mere ideas guy, but his most impressive skills are UX and business. That's not a bad thing, just the truth. In terms of actual product, Wozniak was solely responsible for Apple's first wave of success.

    Bill Gates is an actual computer science genius in addition to being a gangster tier skilled businessman. When you compared Jobs to Bill it's like comparing a humanitiesgay to a software engineer

    • 3 years ago

      >Bill Gates is an actual computer science genius
      And a psychopath that wants to scorch the sky.

      • 3 years ago

        shhh LULZ is pro-microchip injection oops i mean "vaxx"

      • 3 years ago

        maybe. Still incredibly sharp though, much more so than Musk despite what LULZtards think

        • 3 years ago

          oh cmon, lets be fair
          jobs gave us the iphone, shit, lets say he gave us smartphones in general
          musk gave us real electric cars (as opposed to limited production PR exercises) and rockets that land themselves, dropping the cost/kg to orbit by a factor of 10.
          im sorry, but i think musks accomplishments are much more important

          • 3 years ago

            None of what you described has anything to do with actual intelligence. Business smarts? sure, but it's not the same. We're not talking about accomplishments here.
            >musk gave us real electric cars (as opposed to limited production PR exercises) and rockets that land themselves, dropping the cost/kg to orbit by a factor of 10.
            musk didn't give us that. He built a business that gave us that. "Smart" phones, touch screens, all of that already existed in 2006, Jobs just happened to make the best one, thanks in part to Jonathan Ive's design. Smartphones were going to happen anyway sooner or later. I'm sure Musk is a smart guy considering his work dating back to Paypal, but Bill Gates literally invented an efficient algorithm that wasn't improved upon til just a few years ago https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1016/0012-365X(79)90068-2
            he actually published research. Musk and Jobs never did anything of the sort. Also, yeah everyone stole from Xerox PARC's R&D, but Gates was directly involved with Windows in its early days. In a way, he was Wozniak and Jobs combined.

          • 3 years ago

            forgot to add: Bill was so smart that professors lamented his departure when he dropped out to found Microsoft. Who knows what he would've contributed to the world if he stayed as a computer scientist instead of turning into a business billionaire dipshit

          • 3 years ago

            >Bill Gates literally invented an efficient algorithm that wasn't improved upon til just a few years ago
            impressive, to be sure
            sorry mate, i misread, i thought you were comparing musk to jobs, not gates
            but i still contend that mush had a bigger positive impact, even than gates

            yes, he didn't invent the electric car
            but he made it happen
            without him, who knows how long it would take to get real, usable EVs
            the tech iteself is pretty old, but i didn't see any manufacturers making any until the model S
            actually, the real industry wide push didn't start until the model 3, but whatever
            remember back before the model S? everyone thought EV was a joke, it would not come for decades, hybrid was best, lets try hydrogen, etc
            and before the model 3, everyone was saying that real EVs are too expensive, will never work for regular people, not for decades

            ditto for rockets.
            the merlin engine was nothing new or impressive to start with, just a basic kerolox
            plain jane tech from the 50s
            (nowadays its optimized as phuk, but i digress)
            but noone was trying to get rockets to land themselves.
            the entire aerospace industry was optimizing for how high they can make costs

            bill gates invented an algorithm, great
            really, im not being facetious, thats impressive shit
            but what he *made happen* was microsoft, windows, office
            imo his biggest contribution was the birth of the OS-independent PC
            he negotiated with IBM that his OS could run on ibm pc clones, which then took off and became the PC industry of today
            very big accomplishments, but i think EVs and self landing rockets are more important

  12. 3 years ago

    He understood important aspects of design but used his knowledge for israelitery

  13. 3 years ago

    OOP isnt hard, or complicated.

  14. 3 years ago

    He's a textbook example of a programmerchad who isn't socially incompetent, who, upon entering the tech industry, discovered that his soft skills were actually more valuable than his tech skills.

    There is an endless amount of people who can ONYL write code.
    Steve Jobs seemed to have a talent, that was only discovered after entering the industry, that allowed him to achieve greater productivity levels if he quit coding, and actually focused on the business end.

    It happens more often than you'd think.

    • 3 years ago

      >There is an endless amount of people who can ONLY write code.
      There's actually not. There's an endless amount of people who can shit out code but there is a very very limited supply of good programmers.

      This is what makes someone like Steve Jobs so valuable he is a minority within a minority. 1 in a million.

      • 3 years ago


  15. 3 years ago

    >said in some documentary that everybody should know how to code because it teaches you how to think
    >puts faith in quack doctors

    • 3 years ago

      goes to show how even super intelligent people can be asbolute morons or flat out crazy in some areas (and craziness is generally linked to low IQ...).
      Godel is arguably among the smartest men of the last 2 centuries. His friend died of poisoning, and after his wife got hospitalized and could no longer cook for him, he didn't trust anyone else's food. Of course, the genius couldn't possibly cook his own food, so he starved to death.

  16. 3 years ago

    I thought the criticism was about his hypocrisy, callousness, greed, and overall bad character. His whole company was marketed to people who claimed to oppose all those characteristics.

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