Today is the Marquis de Sade's birthday. Say something nice about him

Today is the Marquis de Sade's birthday. Say something nice about him

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  1. 2 years ago

    Uh he was a fellow Gemini like me?

  2. 2 years ago

    I find him repulsive. Disgusting man.

  3. 2 years ago

    Morality is cooming. Without cooming, there is no morality. An action is called good or moral if the consequences are cooming to the one making the judgment. If it were not possible for me to coom, then all of my actions would make no difference to me. You could not convince me that any action is good or bad, because the cooming would all be the same to me. It does not matter if other people do not coom if I coom as a result. I may even have the understanding that others do not coom, but this does not mean that I necessarily will prefer to not coom. Now suppose that I could not coom, but only under certain conditions, such that no one could cause me not to coom in any way. Then the golden rule still would not make sense, and I would have no reason to care about the cooming of others, even if I know what it means not to coom, and I know that my actions may cause others not to coom. I could kill or rape anyone, and nothing bad would happen to me, nor would it ever cross my mind that I did something bad.
    But as you add more and more cooming, such as the cooming in life, and sex, and the resulting coom thereof, then I begin to apprehend that preventing others from cooming potentially harms myself. So we see the full logic of the golden rule: I know that others do not coom, and if they are like me, they will try to coom, even by harming the one who causes non-cooming. So if I cause non-cooming then I risk not cooming, and I would prefer to coom, so that I prefer not to prevent cooming. Obviously if I sense that I could benefit myself by preventing others from cooming, then I would choose to do so.
    And we must remember that from an evolutionary perspective, what I really value is my genetic coom, which is shared to some extent by my family, and those around me, and all humans, and even the animals, so that even if my life may be lost, I will still value the coom of others, as I live through them.

  4. 2 years ago

    Happy birthday de Sade, thanks for all the fun books!

  5. 2 years ago

    Quills is a fantastic movie.
    Imagine Hollywood making a movie like that today. Lol

  6. 2 years ago

    Ô divin Marquis ! Je vous salue !
    Encore ! encore ! La littérature !
    L’écriture : l’ecriture… À vous : j’avoue !

  7. 2 years ago

    He had more fun than all of us combined

  8. 2 years ago

    Do you agree with Sade's criticisms of the freedom of religion?
    Let us not lose sight of the fact this puerile religion was among our tyrants' best weapons: one of its key dogmas was to render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's. However, we have dethroned Caesar, we are no longer disposed to render him anything. Frenchmen, it would be in vain were you to suppose that your oath-taking clergy today is in any essential manner different from yesterday's non-juring clergy: there are inherent vices beyond all possibility of correction. Before ten years are out— utilizing the Christian religion, its superstitions, its prejudices— your priests, their pledges notwithstanding and though despoiled of their riches, are sure to reassert their empire over the souls they shall have undermined and captured; they shall restore the monarchy, because the power of kings has always reinforced that of the church; and your republican edifice, its foundations eaten away, shall collapse.
    O you who have axes ready to hand, deal the final blow to the tree of superstition; be not content to prune its branches: uproot entirely a plant whose effects are so contagious. Well understand that your system of liberty and equality too rudely affronts the ministers of Christ's altars for there ever to be one of them who will either adopt it in good faith or give over seeking to topple it, if he is able to recover any dominion over consciences. What priest, comparing the condition to which he has been reduced with the one he formerly enjoyed, will not do his utmost to win back both the confidence and the authority he has lost? And how many feeble and pusillanimous creatures will not speedily become again the thralls of this cunning shavepate! Why is it imagined that the nuisances which existed before cannot be revived to plague us anew? In the Christian church's infancy, were priests less ambitious than they are today? You observe how far they advanced; to what do you suppose they owed their success if not to the means religion furnished them? Well, if you do not absolutely prohibit this religion, those who preach it, having yet the same means, will soon achieve the same ends.

  9. 2 years ago

    Why did you put all the nitty gritty at the back of the book in 120 of Sodom instead of just weaving it into the story seamlessly like a normal human being would have you fricking FREAK!? FRICK YOU! 120 of Sodom was a COMPLETE WASTE OF FRICKING TIME AND EFFORT ON MY PART TO READ!!


  10. 2 years ago

    He was based
    And redpilled

  11. 2 years ago

    Dude repulsed Napoleon so hard he went to jail omegalul. Mad troll.

    • 2 years ago

      And he went out of his way to sent Justine to Napoleon, I can't really imagine the reason. Just to spite him for being a Monarchist?

      • 2 years ago

        > believing De Sade was a monarchist or a Republican

        He was just an opportunist and coomer

        • 2 years ago

          Not only he was a Republican, but he actually held office and supported one of the Jacobine factions. At one point he almost got executed for criticising Robespierre. He wasn't really shy about his political views.

  12. 2 years ago

    respect to a fellow dickyseur

  13. 2 years ago

    Justine was a troubling read for me, given that Justine's commitment to living a moral life ended making her worse off as a person than those who were willing to compromise. But it is worthy of reflection, especially as a Christian.

    Is that why we're all soulless NPCs? Because we can't do better?

  14. 2 years ago

    homosexual degenerate nonce

  15. 2 years ago

    It is my birthday too.

    • 2 years ago

      Happy bday fren

  16. 2 years ago

    Thank you for helping me coom countless times, Sade. I still haven't finished any of your books due to how erotic they are.

  17. 2 years ago

    Honest question, what do I stand to gain from reading 120 Days of Sodom?

  18. 2 years ago

    Evola btfo'd him in the "metaphysics of sex" dedicated a whole 4 pages to him and his way of thinking.

    • 2 years ago

      It's ironic because Evola talks about Rasputin and his cult right after talking about de Sade and you can feel that the level of disdain he feels for Rasputin is nothing compared to what he feels about de Sade.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      ty for the recommendation. found it on libgen and it was a good 20 min read. I've only read Ride the Tiger and bits and pieces from him, but I've always been pleasantly surprised by what he has to say.

  19. 2 years ago

    All I can say is that our school festival adaptation of the 120 days of Sodom back then ruffled some feathers.

  20. 2 years ago

    Hi im am an 15 year old in hi school, i have crush on one of teachers(she 54 old) i have alredy bean arrestid for sexul asault but i dont car, this time, i wil finaly penetrate her. it was end of day school of. every one go home alredy as well as teechers but i tell my crush(she 54 old) to chek bethroom becus somone make stinky in ther, i made self look lik i goed hom alredy, but i didnt! she go to bethroom and i steel key from granator closet after she go insid bethroom to chek stinky, go in and lok door, she turn around end yells at me(she 54 old) "WHAT AR YOU DOING! NOT AGAIN!" i tak key and i threw it under door of bethroom, my crush(she 54 old) is no crying. as i walk ovor to her and sey "turn around" she sleps me, i get engry and i turn here around self. i pull daon her raggady skert end see all whit pubik heir she has i smile in happy, i pulled down pants and have erection big, she still crying, i slep her and telled her to shut. i go for pussy first to make sure i child her, she tries to crewl awey but i greb her erms and pull here close now she real cry, i panetrate her, as son as i do i fell somethin touching dick but i dont know what is it, i pull out for second and i seed tempon fell out it full blood. this make my erection big bigger i no put in huge thrustor in here and she screm, but i no car, i fell blood all over dick, rite befor i sperm she say "please i dont want kid yours" but i seid to her "to bed you get kid now" and i sperm insid her vegnia.

    • 2 years ago

      no she on floor not even move so i decide go for round too but this time in butt! i put dick next to butt and rub on it little, she start move and i pull her hends again she sed "OH GOD NOT THERE!!" but i no listen, i put in there full car throttle and she let out big scream(too bad bethroom is sounding proove) as i frick her very hard she finish screm but she then telled me "i... i... i dont take poop today yet, that is why i went to bethroom" i stop frick for second, and think of what she sey, is she bluff me!? i say yes she bluff but she no admit so i keep frick. after a minute of frick i feel some touch dick, but what is!? is she now bluff!? she say i teld you. and i stert to penic poop is now pushin dick out of her butt but i try to push in anyway but the push is too strong it push my dick out and now she shit all over my dick she no stop poop too but i still hard so i say her "you thank this is stop me!?" i thrustor in there again dis time as she poop and i break thru poop i fell poop bits go inside peins hole(it fell nice) my crush(she 54 old) cent stop shit even as i frick her in butt, now poop is going out even with dick in here and it droop down to balls i say stop this but she no listan and still poop after 5 hours of poop frick she told say "i am done poop now" i say good but she say "but i hed taco for dinner" (she 54 old) now i am penic, poop is one thang but diariah is now worse!?

      • 2 years ago

        my entire legs is cover in poop now my dick looks like nigar dick so i say okay whatever and not pulled out she starts farting(she 54 old) it smells so good i say and then diarah starts flowin like niagra waterfell and it covers entire flower of bethroom even flowing outside of bethroom it is very stink too. diariah is also spittin at my face now because dick stops it flow and pushed it all direction even walls is now diariah it goes on like this for another five hour and then she stop i tell her "why stop!?" and she tell me "i no poop left" and i engry i tell her "well poop more!" but she no poop cuz she no food so i tell her eat her poop but she say no and she engry now but still want frick i tell her i no frick you with no poop but she say yes i do frick her and we fight echotter in bethroom full of poop she tell me "i dont eat own poop but...(she blushes) i would it yours poop" now my dick is hard as rock poop and i tel her of course you could i bend over so she could be next to my butt(i never poop on someone befor) but insted of feel here mouth on butt hole i insted feel.... HAND!?

        • 2 years ago

          she thrust her hole hand in my poop hole!? she say "this is what you got for fricking me 10 hours my entire legs is cover in poop now my dick looks like nigar dick so i say okay whatever and not pulled out she starts farting(she 54 old) it smells so good i say and then diarah starts flowin like niagra waterfell and it covers entire flower of bethroom even flowing outside of bethroom it is very stink too. diariah is also spittin at my face now because dick stops it flow and pushed it all direction even walls is now diariah it goes on like this for another five hour and then she stop i tell her "why stop!?" and she tell me "i no poop left" and i engry i tell her "well poop more!" but she no poop cuz she no food so i tell her eat her poop but she say no and she engry now but still want frick i tell her i no frick you with no poop but she say yes i do frick her and we fight echotter in bethroom full of poop she tell me "i dont eat own poop but...(she blushes) i would it yours poop" now my dick is hard as rock poop and i tel her of course you could i bend over so she could be next to my butt(i never poop on someone befor) but insted of feel here mouth on butt hole i insted feel.... HAND!?you pervart!" she now claws inside of poop hole with finger of nails and i feel blood comeing out but i cent stop i have poop and i start poop(i also have taco for diner) i diariah all ovor her hand and she scream "AHHH YOU SHIT ON ME!!!" and i say yes but she now puts in other hand inside butt of hole and she say "I WILL TEAR YOU IN TWO" and i start feel split between parts of butt hole she start tearing me in 2 and i feel sorry but i also still diariah as i diariah in her eyes i try to escape but she too deep in hole of butt i start cry think of all stuff i did and why i dont desirve this fate all i wanted was to sex with 54 old teacher and she want kill me i see light at end of tunel and i start think it over but then genetor is open door and he think she raping me!!! and he bet her up i say thanks but then he starts frick me in ass but say "your ass is too wide why do this!?" i say she mad it wide and he say "i need something tightor" i say i only have one hole i am not woman he say no and he grabs my dick that is covered in crush 54 old's poop and he puts in finger in urethra then another finger he split urethra open and he say with his 18 inch dick to my poop covered flaccid 3 inch dick "this is your first tim do urethra sex right?"

          • 2 years ago

            i say yes and he say he wont go easy on urethra because else you never used to it he puts entire dick in my dick in one thrust i feel my dick rip in 2 ther blood all over floor now my dick is just 2 skin pieces on his dick i cent feel anythin room is dark but i fell him grab my balls and say "these are too small to frick bot ok" he tear off my balls and start putting balls inside his dick and crush them with urethra i now dead but still breath i hear crush 54 old get up and jump on him she now grab his dick push her entire fist in it he screm and he grab her poop covered butt of hole and they both screm she grabs balls and crush but he grab her throat they bot scream super high and then they both die together. now room is 3 dead people diariah poop and blood cover.
            i regrat rape 🙁

    • 2 years ago

      bravo, bravissimo

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