Wait...Christianity is actually true...Fuck.

Wait...Christianity is actually true...Frick.

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  1. 2 years ago

    It is. Early christianity is 100% true. Sadly we have no records from that time, the bible itself dates to 365CE
    "Christianity" as we know it now was created by the Devil. He erased records of early christianity and wrote his own misleading and often blasphemous religion. He invented jesus too, based on zoroastrianism and a historical israeli preacher

    jesus ben ananias was a historical figure
    Josephus, in his work "The Wars of the israelites," tells us of a preacher named Jesus ben Ananias whose life had a remarkable amount similarities to the biblical character's:
    >Both are named Jesus
    >Both come to Jerusalem during a major religious festival.
    >Both entered the temple area to rant against the temple.
    >During which both quote the same chapter of Jeremiah.
    >Both then preach daily in the temple.
    >Both declared ‘woe’ unto Judea or the israelites.
    >Both predict the temple will be destroyed.
    >Both are for this reason arrested by the israelites.
    >Both are accused of speaking against the temple.
    >Neither makes any defense of himself against the charges
    >Both are beaten by the israelites
    >Then both are taken to the Roman governor.
    >Both are interrogated by the Roman governor.
    >During which both are asked to identify themselves.
    >And yet again neither says anything in his defense.
    >Both are then beaten by the Romans.
    >In both cases the Roman governor decides he should release him.
    >….but doesn’t (Mark)….but does (JW)
    >Both are finally killed by the Romans (in Mark, by execution; in the JW, by artillery).
    >Both utter a lament for themselves immediately before they die.
    >Both die with a loud cry.
    Gospel writers borrow this other Jesus's story to create their own fictional jesus in the bible. Mithras too

    We'll never know what early christianity really was about. Quite sad

    • 2 years ago


      >Christianity is a israelite cult
      >You are worshipping a 30 y/o israeli hugless kissless virgin
      >You will never not be a heathen pagan deserving of hellfire
      >Jesus was the rape baby of a Roman soldier, whose father had to cuck himself lest his wife be stoned to death
      >No currently existing Christian denomination adheres to the teachings of Jesus and the early church
      >Only 144,000 saints will be risen on the last day, all of which are most likely dead already
      >You will never truly believe in Christianity, you will be forced to religiolarp for the rest of your days
      >You will never have a divine encounter, you will be forced to be an obsessed schizo for the rest of your days


      Nice try rabbi, but I aint reading all that.



      Kys spammer


      • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      definitely time to take meds. NOW.

    • 2 years ago

      Judaic homosexual
      Spoken like a true pharisee

      • 2 years ago

        >Judaic homosexual
        So just like Jesus then?

        this one?

        John 3:26
        And they came to John and said to him, "Rabbi, He who was with you beyond the Jordan, to whom you have testified, behold, He is baptizing and all are coming to Him."

        John 1:38
        And Jesus turned and saw them following, and said to them, "What do you seek?" They said to Him, "Rabbi, where are You staying?"

        John 4:31
        Meanwhile the disciples were urging Him, saying, "Rabbi, eat."

        John 6:25
        When they found Him on the other side of the sea, they said to Him, "Rabbi, when did You get here?"

        John 9:2
        And His disciples asked Him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he would be born blind?"

        John 11:8
        The disciples said to Him, "Rabbi, the israelites were just now seeking to stone You, and are You going there again?"

        Mark 9:5
        Peter said to Jesus, "Rabbi, it is good for us to be here; let us make three tabernacles, one for You, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah."

        Mark 11:21
        Being reminded, Peter said to Him, "Rabbi, look, the fig tree which You cursed has withered."

        John 1:49
        Nathanael answered Him, "Rabbi, You are the Son of God; You are the King of Israel."

        John 3:2
        this man came to Jesus by night and said to Him, "Rabbi, we know that You have come from God as a teacher; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him."

        Matthew 26:25
        And Judas, who was betraying Him, said, "Surely it is not I, Rabbi?" Jesus said to him, "You have said it yourself."

        Matthew 26:49
        Immediately Judas went to Jesus and said, "Hail, Rabbi!" and kissed Him.

        Mark 14:45
        After coming, Judas immediately went to Him, saying, "Rabbi!" and kissed Him.

        Mark 10:51
        And answering him, Jesus said, "What do you want Me to do for you?" And the blind man said to Him, "Rabboni, I want to regain my sight!"

        John 20:16
        Jesus said to her, "Mary!" She turned and said to Him in Hebrew, "Rabboni!"

        you don't even read your bible, larper

        Yahweh is a israeli god, you dumb frick. You believe in a israeli religion made for israelites, by israelites. In israeli war-smithing god and his israeli son, born from a israeli woman.

        Anything else is pure fricking cope.

      • 2 years ago

        >Judaic homosexual
        So, jesus? His religion was the tanakh religion and he worshiped the god of the tanakh, yahweh
        He had beef with pharisees because in his opinion, pharisees weren't truly faithful to yahweh

      • 2 years ago

        he's right
        cope more. the jig is up

        Call it a >sand Black person religion is false because the bible isn't about middle eastern people solely. It's about all of mankind. The bible mentions multiple races of people, they just aren't called 'White" or "black"

        >originates in sandBlack personland
        >believers are sandBlack folk until it spreads to europe
        >based on older sandBlack person larp book
        sandBlack religion

  2. 2 years ago

    >Christianity is a israelite cult
    >You are worshipping a 30 y/o israeli hugless kissless virgin
    >You will never not be a heathen pagan deserving of hellfire
    >Jesus was the rape baby of a Roman soldier, whose father had to cuck himself lest his wife be stoned to death
    >No currently existing Christian denomination adheres to the teachings of Jesus and the early church
    >Only 144,000 saints will be risen on the last day, all of which are most likely dead already
    >You will never truly believe in Christianity, you will be forced to religiolarp for the rest of your days
    >You will never have a divine encounter, you will be forced to be an obsessed schizo for the rest of your days

    • 2 years ago

      Nice try rabbi, but I aint reading all that.

      • 2 years ago

        Yahweh isnt the god of the israelites originally, you atheists know nothing about the biblical history and thats why you always lose the debates here. The only way you can reclaim your destroyed egos is through calling people "Christisraelites" which is rionic because everything about christiantiy is anti-israeli due to israelites rejecting christianity.

        You're pro-israelite in every way.

        Yahweh is a israeli god, you dumb frick. You believe in a israeli religion made for israelites, by israelites. In israeli war-smithing god and his israeli son, born from a israeli woman.

        Anything else is pure fricking cope.

      • 2 years ago

        this one?

        John 3:26
        And they came to John and said to him, "Rabbi, He who was with you beyond the Jordan, to whom you have testified, behold, He is baptizing and all are coming to Him."

        John 1:38
        And Jesus turned and saw them following, and said to them, "What do you seek?" They said to Him, "Rabbi, where are You staying?"

        John 4:31
        Meanwhile the disciples were urging Him, saying, "Rabbi, eat."

        John 6:25
        When they found Him on the other side of the sea, they said to Him, "Rabbi, when did You get here?"

        John 9:2
        And His disciples asked Him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he would be born blind?"

        John 11:8
        The disciples said to Him, "Rabbi, the israelites were just now seeking to stone You, and are You going there again?"

        Mark 9:5
        Peter said to Jesus, "Rabbi, it is good for us to be here; let us make three tabernacles, one for You, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah."

        Mark 11:21
        Being reminded, Peter said to Him, "Rabbi, look, the fig tree which You cursed has withered."

        John 1:49
        Nathanael answered Him, "Rabbi, You are the Son of God; You are the King of Israel."

        John 3:2
        this man came to Jesus by night and said to Him, "Rabbi, we know that You have come from God as a teacher; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him."

        Matthew 26:25
        And Judas, who was betraying Him, said, "Surely it is not I, Rabbi?" Jesus said to him, "You have said it yourself."

        Matthew 26:49
        Immediately Judas went to Jesus and said, "Hail, Rabbi!" and kissed Him.

        Mark 14:45
        After coming, Judas immediately went to Him, saying, "Rabbi!" and kissed Him.

        Mark 10:51
        And answering him, Jesus said, "What do you want Me to do for you?" And the blind man said to Him, "Rabboni, I want to regain my sight!"

        John 20:16
        Jesus said to her, "Mary!" She turned and said to Him in Hebrew, "Rabboni!"

        you don't even read your bible, larper

  3. 2 years ago
  4. 2 years ago

    Kys spammer

  5. 2 years ago

    >hehe refuse to worship israelite god and his israelite son?
    >you must be a israelite

    • 2 years ago

      Yahweh isnt the god of the israelites originally, you atheists know nothing about the biblical history and thats why you always lose the debates here. The only way you can reclaim your destroyed egos is through calling people "Christisraelites" which is rionic because everything about christiantiy is anti-israeli due to israelites rejecting christianity.

      You're pro-israelite in every way.

      • 2 years ago

        Unless you're a gnostic you are a heretic by the standards of your own church
        Btw old testament Israelites ARE israelites and no amount of cope will change it

      • 2 years ago

        kek, Yahweh might have not had israeli origins but neither do any deities that any ethnic groups claim as "theirs" if you go far enough. Yahweh's characterization in the israeli books was made almost entirely by thousands of years of israelitelarp, though, and at this point might as well be considered israeli.

        You're just coping.

      • 2 years ago

        i know "cope" gets thrown around a lot, but wow anon

        • 2 years ago

          This your mind on israeli braiwnashing and illiteracy. The Wikipedia page literally distinguished the tribe of "judah" (jews) and the israelites.

          • 2 years ago

            convince us to worship your sand Black person god then

          • 2 years ago

            Call it a >sand Black person religion is false because the bible isn't about middle eastern people solely. It's about all of mankind. The bible mentions multiple races of people, they just aren't called 'White" or "black"

          • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            More coping and mental gymnastics from the christcuck lol

            Yahweh is a israeli god, you dumb frick. You believe in a israeli religion made for israelites, by israelites. In israeli war-smithing god and his israeli son, born from a israeli woman.

            Anything else is pure fricking cope.

      • 2 years ago

        Your god is the god of the tanakh, abraham's god, the god israelites worship

  6. 2 years ago

    Yup, Nestorian Church is actually true, sucks for all those billions of "christians" who sinned against the Lord and are now burning in hellfire.

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