>Warhammer sclhop

>There are 60 books you need to read in order to understand the story.
>Freaking 60!
Who literally has the time to read all these 500 pages books?

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  1. 5 months ago

    Not all of them are necessary. Also, as much as I love 40k slop, these books make GRR Martin look like Nabokov. You can read any given Horus Heresy book in like 3 hours.

    • 5 months ago

      Then what are the necessary ones?

      • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Martin is shit. He makes Dan Abbott look like Dickens.

    • 5 months ago

      >There are 60 books you need to read in order to understand the story.
      No. After reading like 60 books you still won't understand the story. That's because there is no story - there's just a full sweatshop of authors writing marketing material for plastic toys.

      >Also, as much as I love 40k slop, these books make GRR Martin look like Nabokov. You can read any given Horus Heresy book in like 3 hours.
      This tbh.

  2. 5 months ago

    I read a bit of one while browsing at a book store once, fairly easy to read and if I was actually into such stuff I suspect I could read through 500 pages of it in two or three nights without much issue or time commitment. Most people should be able to get up around 100 pages an hour with these and even brainlets getting over 50 pages and hour, they are not difficult or taxing in anyway.

  3. 5 months ago

    You really don't the entire story is concisely explained in the sourcebooks like any RPG setting. Most of those books are standalone stories set in the middle of the Horus Heresy. The "omg warhammer is da deepest sci-fi ever" shit is just fanboy hype. And 90% of the "lore" is just stuff they ripped off. Also it should only take you a few days to read a 500 page book if it isn't challenging.

    • 5 months ago

      What did the Horus Heresy rip off?

      • 5 months ago

        notably elric and nemesis the warlock.

        • 5 months ago

          nta but I'm pretty sure Horus Heresy is just Lucifer/Satan fall and the war in heaven from the bible, I mean the Emperor is even called God and the primarchs and space marines are called angels several times

          • 5 months ago

            That's just one of the many mythological motifs the series adopted. There are many specific elements in Warhammer that are lazily plagiarized from other sci-fi.

      • 5 months ago

        Not necessarily specific to the Horus Heresy, but 40k has drawn obvious inspiration (aka ripped off) tons of stuff. Alien, Dune, Terminator, Judge Dredd, Star Ship Troopers, LOTR, etc.

        Basically, this

        That's just one of the many mythological motifs the series adopted. There are many specific elements in Warhammer that are lazily plagiarized from other sci-fi.

      • 5 months ago

        They ripped off dune a lot.

  4. 5 months ago

    Nobody, not even the hardcore 40k fanboys, reads all that crap.
    Especially since hardcore 40k fanboys have outright disowned GW and the newer editions of 40k.

    Most of the horus heresy is complete garbage so you're not missing much.

    • 5 months ago

      Then how are hardcore 40k fans keeping up on the lore without buying them?

      • 5 months ago

        Wikipedia articles and loretube videos.

        • 5 months ago

          as someone who has read ~70 wh books I am telling you there are basically no good channels about the lore

          • 5 months ago

            What do you mean anon?

          • 5 months ago

            Apart from if the emperor had a text to speech device of course.

          • 5 months ago

            tts was very fun but a lot of people learned meme-lore from it and have circulated it to the point where some take it for canon

            What do you mean anon?

            I mean that when you read the actual books you see how the loretubers have misinterpreted (willfully or not) things to the point where you wonder whether you've read the same books and on top of that they use some White Dwarf article from the 90s as a source for "lore" which back then was just poorly thought out cool-sounding random things slapped together as flavor for table-top
            my advice is to ignore the quality of the writing (though there are some well written ones) and read the books - especially the Siege of Terra - as a contemporary mythos

  5. 5 months ago

    Are the HH books any good? The ciaphas cain books are fun, I like gaunts ghosts and the eisenhorn series but the HH stuff never sounded that interesting to me. Figured it was just 5000 pages of
    >Honorable brother and master duelist Dantioch Bloodmaster of the 5th squad, 12th company of the 14th legion, toss me a magazine!
    >Wait, daddy emperor was mean to me? Time to sell my soul to the dark gods now
    IDK am I wrong?

    • 5 months ago

      It's definitely a lot better than that. I like them way more than Gaunt's Ghosts, anyway. They're of varying quality, depending on which author and so on.

  6. 5 months ago

    there's a snippet from a 40k book about a guardsman who, faced with a daemon (or daemon prince) just affixed bayonet and charged
    whoever's talking about him says something along the lines of 'if you asked him if he was afraid he'd say no, he always lied like that'
    could somebody post the exact paragraph or tell me what book it's from or who the characters involved are? thank you

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