Was Andrew Jackson the worst president USA had?

They blame him for ruining the economy and being racist towards cherokee. But I don’t trust mainstream media any more (sometimes they are right but most of the times they are wrong) so how much of it is true and how much of it is false?

Redpill me

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  1. 2 years ago

    not even in the top 5 worst presidents

    • 2 years ago

      Which are:

      *James Buchanan
      *Woodrow Wilson
      *Barack Obama
      *Joe Biden

      • 2 years ago

        why is mr. hussein in your top 5

        • 2 years ago

          >why is mr. hussein in your top 5
          Obama was supposed to be the people's president. One that could break away from the neo-liberal machine that had gripped America for decades, and bring change to a system that was beginning to show it's age.
          Instead he merely enforced the status quo, and further dug America into the hole it finds itself today.

          • 2 years ago

            Weak points.

            > Ummm he went against what he said so he's bad and I didn't expect that.

            Go leave/ dummy

          • 2 years ago

            You need to be 18 to post here

          • 2 years ago

            >unironically defending Obama
            Get a clue moron

      • 2 years ago

        Biden hasn’t even done anything yet

        • 2 years ago

          That's the point, he can't do anything. He's severely weakened a presidency that has been growing increasingly powerless for decades now. At this point the office may end up becoming purely symbolic.

        • 2 years ago

          tried to pass that OSHA bullshit that had a solid chance of compromising millions of jobs, during the holidays no less

          • 2 years ago

            the social services sector got fricked over thanks to his ass, though.

        • 2 years ago

          Trump neither but he's unironically satan for the media.

          • 2 years ago

            Trying to overturn an election because you're mad that you lost instantly puts you in the bottom-tier of presidents, and that's not even getting into the absolute clusterfrick that was his covid response (which was 100% what cost him the election)

            Anyway the worst president is Buchanan and its not a debate.

          • 2 years ago

            >Trying to overturn an election because you're mad that you lost instantly puts you in the bottom-tier of presidents
            He didn't meaningfully do this though beyond asking for recounts, supporting lawsuits and asking for an audit. If he seriously wanted to overturn the election, he would have declared martial law and started arresting people/declaring a new election.
            >and that's not even getting into the absolute clusterfrick that was his covid response (which was 100% what cost him the election)
            Biden's COVID response was literally no different and more people died in the same time span under him than under Trump.

          • 2 years ago

            >he didn't meaningfully do this though beyond asking for recounts, supporting lawsuits and asking for an audit
            He tried to pressure Pence to declare him the winner, and tried to pressure other officials in states like Georgia to "find more" votes for him. He's constantly gone on and on about how the election was stolen from him and how he was the real winner despite literally zero proof, which his base has eaten up and which has eroded confidence in the voting process. And his rally on January 6th incited his followers to attempt a coup at the Capitol building.
            >Biden's COVID response was literally no different
            Biden wasn''t telling people that it was a hoax, or that they should inject bleach.
            >and more people died in the same time span under him than Trump

        • 2 years ago

          I understand it isn't history but
          >Ends the energy independence established during the trump era through banning fracking and drilling in federal land while the global supply chain is heavily weakened resulting in record fuel prices
          >Introduces a COVID vaccine mandate in the military which causes the whole institution to become horribly understaffed after a large amount of personell are dishonorably discharged
          >Russia takes advantages of America's weakened position and invades Ukraine
          >Disastrous end to the Afghanistan war
          >Just recently announced that his method to solve the student loan crisis is a one-time payment of 20k to a few graduates who make less than 100k a year which equates to nothing more than a carrot on a stick to keep morons voting democrat for the midterms
          >Lowest approval ratings in history
          I mean come on anon, you can't defend this guy

          • 2 years ago

            >banning fracking and drilling in federal land
            This is a good thing, "energy independence' shouldn' come at the cost of fricking over the entire planet in a few decades
            >Introduces a COVID vaccine mandate
            Military personnel are already required to get a bevy of vaccinations, it's just the Covid vaccine that Republicans have politicized.
            >Russia takes advantage of America's weakened position
            That Trump weakened himself by constantly cozying up to Putin and publicly sowing distrust in the electoral system
            >Disastrous end to the Afghanistan war
            The bandaid had to be ripped off eventually, if Afghanistan can't defend itself after 20 years of American support then it's on its own.

          • 2 years ago

            >That Trump weakened himself by constantly cozying up to Putin and publicly sowing distrust in the electoral system
            If trump was really in bed with the Russians then why did putin not invade during his term? Do you think it's just a little coincidental that Russia began a military build up a month after his presidency and an invasion after one year of it? Putin is afraid of a trump Whitehouse, not a biden one. Because putin knows that biden is old and incompetent but perceives trump as a wildcard especially after his engagement in a "trade war" with China. (The first president to seriously consider such action since post-Nixon) and assassinating foreign General soleimani

          • 2 years ago

            *in iraq.

          • 2 years ago

            Putin has had designs on Ukraine for over a decade, he forcibly annexed Crimea back in 2014.
            >a month after his presidency
            When Trump began sharting and farting everywhere that the election was stolen from him and incited his followers to attempt a coup

          • 2 years ago

            Also Putin was certainly not afraid of Trump given Trump supported him numerous times
            >legitimizing his annexation of Crimea
            >loosening US sanctions on Russia
            >wanted to return compounds used by Russian "diplomats" as spy bases to Russia
            >shared classified info to Russian agents
            >tried to tie US aid to Ukraine to Zelensky finding dirt on Biden (which led to his first impeachment)
            >ignored the fact that Russians had paid Taliban insurgents bounties to kill US troops

            Trump has in general praised strongment across the world, most famously Putin in Russia and Kim Jong Un in North Korea, because he is a wannabe-strongman himself.

          • 2 years ago

            >Nooooooo you're supposed to aimlessly tarnish Bilateral relations for the sake of my idealist "Democracy".
            This is realpolitik kid. And as the saying goes "keep your friends close, but your enemies closer." Trump knows that mindlessly destroying relations for the sake of idealism is stupid. But he also knows when to show aggression when his enemies step out of line. Also called common sense. But at least we now know your voting record during the 2000s you neocon.

          • 2 years ago

            >Trump knows that mindlessly destroying relations for the sake of idealism is stupid
            *drone strikes an Iranian general*
            *constantly tries to weaken NATO*
            >But he also knows when to show aggression when his enemies step out of line
            When did he show aggression to Putin?

          • 2 years ago

            >*drone strikes an Iranian general*.
            Only after they committed terrorist acts against foreign vessels, Bombed Saudi oil facilities, and shot down an American drone, but we will ignore these examples for your delirium.
            >*constantly tries to weaken NATO*.
            By wanting allies to pay their fair share and commitments towards nato instead of leaning on the us for support and bolstering of it? Which inevitably means that the American taxpayers will take the burden of pain because of "allies" indifferent constraints? But TRUMP wants them to commit higher gdp for defense so that's evil and Shieeet.
            >When did he show aggression to Putin?
            When putin stepped out of line. Oh wait? how many times did putin stepped out of line? 0. Unlike Bush, (Georgia, 2008) Obama, (Crimea, 2014) and biden. (Ukraine, 2021) But speaking of 0. Your rebuttals are terrible. Come back with some decent ones.

          • 2 years ago

            homie, you literally voted for the host from the apprentice. It isn't some master plan, it's literally just a talking head from the TV that people voted for as a meme.

          • 2 years ago

            >Putin has had designs on Ukraine for over a decade, he forcibly annexed Crimea back in 2014.
            You still haven't rebuffed me. Just because he has planned this for a awhile still doesn't explain why he didn't Build up/invade when trump was in office.
            >When Trump began sharting and farting everywhere that the election was stolen from him and incited his followers to attempt a coup
            Military Build up:
            >Initial: 3 March 2021 – 30 April 2021
            (1 month, 3 weeks and 6 days)
            >Renewed: 26 October 2021 – 24 February 2022
            (3 months, 4 weeks and 1 day)

            Yes that is indeed well over a month he left office. Looks like you have no arguments. Come back after you have scraped off the rest of your braincells to come up with a decent rebuttal. Until then, I will accept your concession.
            >Verification not required.
            BOOM. DONE.

          • 2 years ago

            >completely ignoring the fact that Putin had been moving on Ukraine since long before Biden took office
            >completely ignoring my point about Trump weakening the US domestically
            >ignoring all the times that Trump has publicly sucked Putin's dick
            I can smell the cheetoh dust on you

          • 2 years ago

            > why he didn't Build up/invade when trump was in office.
            Because Trump was mister “NATO is a useless anachronism and America should back out of it” so of course Putin was not going to stand in the way of him utterly trashing his bitterest rival. It’s the old “never stop your enemy when he’s making a mistake” routine. When Trump lost he realized imploding NATO from within was always a pipe dream and went ahead with his invasion

          • 2 years ago

            And what do you think that such a threat may produce? That the US was going to withdraw support if her allies Don't further commit to defence? This would cause FEAR amongst those state-
            allies as they realize that daddy America would no longer protect them. As such, this fear would produce action on their part to further commit to defense to prevent such a threat. And since trump's reason for withdrawal was his perceived inadequacies and unfaithfulness on the part of his allies, he would continue support for them after their re-commitment. So with the continued support and added benefit of allied reinvestment due to fear of withdrawal. There is a net-Positive in military defense against state-enemies.

            homie, you literally voted for the host from the apprentice. It isn't some master plan, it's literally just a talking head from the TV that people voted for as a meme.

            And yet, he has done better then "Professional" Politicians.

          • 2 years ago

            >"This is a good thing, "energy independence' shouldn't come at the cost of fricking over the entire planet in a few decades."
            >Implying buying gas from dictatorships who already use fracking is somehow better than extracting it yourself and saving on transport costs.
            The worst part is that morons like you are running the West.

          • 2 years ago

            But Republicans are whining about the Biden administration and the EU wanting to slash oil imports from Russia.

          • 2 years ago

            You can't have your cake and eat it. If resources are scarce, either you allow your home production to increase or buy them from somewhere else. Since Biden has already shot his country in the foot, banning imports from the greatest gas exporter is just moronic.

          • 2 years ago

            >This is a good thing, "energy independence' shouldn' come at the cost of fricking over the entire planet in a few decades
            There is a difference between halting oil production and consumption. We are still using the same amount of oil, it's just costing us an arm and a leg now, which disproportionatly fricks over the poor and middle class. Save halting production for when most people own an electric vehicle otherwise you'll just force people to spend more on fuel when that money could go towards saving up to purchase an electric vehicle. This does nothing but hurt people.
            >Military personnel are already required to get a bevy of vaccinations, it's just the Covid vaccine that Republicans have politicized.
            Do you really not see the issue with firing a huge portion of your military over a politicized issue? This kind of shit is how civil wars happen. Plus there is a large difference between this gene therapy vaccine and traditional vaccines and there are plenty of good reasons to be skeptical.
            >That Trump weakened himself by constantly cozying up to Putin and publicly sowing distrust in the electoral system
            And the democrats didn't sow distrust after Trump won with the Russian collusion hoax? And I don't see how making deals with deals with Russia to keep relations between two nations cordial is "weakening America's position"
            >The bandaid had to be ripped off eventually, if Afghanistan can't defend itself after 20 years of American support then it's on its own
            Sounds like cope to me, but I guess we'll never know how it would've went down under trump

          • 2 years ago

            >Do you really not see the issue wiht firing a huge portion of your military over a politicized issue?
            Do you really not see the issue with soldiers refusing to follow orders, as well as soldiers not being vaccinated against a contagious pandemic? And you ignore the question of who it was that politiicized the Covid vaccine in the first place. Military personnell of all branches are already required to take several vaccinations.
            >And the democrats didnt't sow distrust after Trump won with the Russian collusion hoax?
            Crying that it was a hoax doesn't make it a hoax. The Mueller report found multiple instances of collusion.
            >Sounds like cope to me, but I guess we'll never know how it would've went down under trump
            I remember MAGAtards bragging that Trump hadn't started any new wars, but now Biden ending a war is a bad thing.

          • 2 years ago

            >now Biden ending a war is a bad thing.
            And starting two or three. You're going to Somalia lmao.

          • 2 years ago

            >Do you really not see the issue with soldiers refusing to follow orders
            I do. But I also see that some of our best special forces members were discharged over this. Clearly this issue was great enough to be the hill they were willing to die on. What happened when a huge portion of the french army refused to fight in WWI? Did they just dishonorably discharge everyone on strike? No, they fricking compromised with the men so they could maintain an active fighting force. It's called good leadership.
            >as well as soldiers not being vaccinated against a contagious pandemic?
            Do you see the issue with calling experimental gene therapy a vaccine when it doesn't prevent you from catching the disease? If the vaccinated can still spread the disease to others what good is it, and what difference does it make whether everyone is vaccinated?
            >Crying that it was a hoax doesn't make it a hoax. The Mueller report found multiple instances of collusion.
            Crying that it wasn't doesn't make it fake either anon. It seems we have different truths here, I wonder how long this situation can last in a nation.
            >I remember MAGAtards bragging that Trump hadn't started any new wars, but now Biden ending a war is a bad thing.
            It's not the ending of the war it's how it happened. Biden ignored the many generals telling him that pulling out as he did would be disasterous and he did it anyways. You cannot excuse that behavior.

          • 2 years ago

            > It's not the ending of the war it's how it happened. Biden ignored the many generals telling him that pulling out as he did would be disasterous and he did it anyways. You cannot excuse that behavior.
            All he did was follow through with a commitment that Trump made and frankly I’m glad he did. After killing Bin Laden Afghanistan had devolved into a pointless military adventure and waste of blood and treasure.

          • 2 years ago

            Because the Generals wanted us to fricking stay. Thats why neither Obama not Trump pulled out, the military establishment drags its feet. Biden had to just fricking do it, and fast.

      • 2 years ago

        >*blocks your path*

        Holy filtered

      • 2 years ago

        Why are they all democrats,

  2. 2 years ago

    He was convinced that an international cabal of zionist israelites was trying to covertly take control of the country by installing a private central bank.

    Obviously he needed to take his meds and was a bad president.

    • 2 years ago

      >Obviously he needed to take his meds and was a bad president.
      You mean, obviously he was right and a hero.

  3. 2 years ago

    Objectively not. While the bank wars were a result of him being petty, the National Bank was essentially a corrupt institution with tons of foreign influence being run by his political adversaries. In response to him cancelling the charter, Biddle, its head, tanked the economy. The panic of 1837 didn't start until Van Buren's term who implemented the Independent Treasury to alleviate the crisis and have some form of central bank to manage the economy, which was also supported by Jackson. However, the even pettier Whig congress repealed the Independent Treasury, allowing for the economy to deter further. Their goal was to have Harrison implement a new national bank, but when he died and Tyler refused, they kicked Tyler out of the party and nothing was done to help the economy beyond Tyler's tariff bill. It wasn't until Polk was able to reestablish the Independent Treasury that the economy was truly able to recover, which if not for Whigs, would have been done 8 years prior. As for the Cherokee, this was an amicable deal between the government and Major Ridge, their leader, as all of Jackson's Indian Removal treaties were. The Cherokee sperged out though, assassinated Ridge and refused to vacate the land. Keep in mind, this all happened after Jackson left office, so Van Buren was in charge of removing them and appointed Winfield Scott to lead the operation. It's true that many died from disease and climate, but it was not the deliberate or target genocide modern liberals claim it to be. As for Jackson, he sits squarely inside the top 10 presidents.

  4. 2 years ago

    Being racist is not the worst thing in the world. I can think of 5 things off the top of my head worse than racism.

  5. 2 years ago


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