Was he cool? he seemed kinda cool.

Was he cool? he seemed kinda cool.

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  1. 2 years ago

    He was a loser.

    • 2 years ago

      I just checked a history

      Thankfully the good guys always win

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks Norm

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago
  2. 2 years ago

    It's amazing how, despite being a war hero and also being the the Secretary of War prior to the American Civil War, Davis completely underperformed as a Commander-in-chief compared to Lincoln who was completely green when it came to military matters.

    • 2 years ago

      didn't have the vision to hit quick and hard at the start of the war before the federal government knew what hit them. there was a chance to get a settlement if there was an immediate rush to dc after the first bull's run.

      probably didn't exude manly virtue to stomp on your enemy's neck when he's weak, though

    • 2 years ago

      A lot of it comes down to personality. Lincoln was good at dealing with people, but Davis was quick-tempered, reluctant to delegate power, and could be irrationally spiteful to some people (Joseph Johnston) and irrationally loyal to others (Braxton Bragg).

      • 2 years ago

        In that way, he was very quintessentially Southern, and Lincoln equally embodied the North with a more unscrupulous and pragmatic approach. The South clung to traditional ways more faithfully, I.E. the ways that allow a civilization to flourish, but they had no answer to the stronger evil of the North in the short-term. More's the pity.

      • 2 years ago

        filtered, Davis hated Bragg.
        Read his correspondences, he doesnt see anyone better than Bragg fit to lead the Army, he did not like Bragg, he needed Bragg.
        >b-but hindsight
        is hindsight.
        He could have picked Beauregard, Cleburne, or Forrest to be head of the Western forces and theyd have at least done better than Bragg tactically.

        Who cares about legality? A foreign power opening shop on your border is a huge strategic threat. Not to mention the Miss. River is an economic heartland, affecting, gone at a stroke. War comes then, inevitably, and darkies are a side note.

        >might makes right mentality
        L O L
        I hope I am the guard at the camp you get sent to when BRIC shits on you lmfao.

    • 2 years ago

      If it came down to Lincoln the Union would have been demolished in the early war when the confederacy was a real threat.
      Thankfully generals Scott and McClellan were around to make sure the Union would win, but in doing so they earned the hatred of Lincoln since he couldn't understand military matters beyond "big battle kills more people therefore good".

  3. 2 years ago

    Saying that South Carolina has the legal jurisdiction to decide whether or not South Carolina can join or leave the USA makes as much sense as saying that South Carolina has the jurisdiction to decide if Ohio or Connecticut can join or leave the USA. They don't.
    If this dildo was arguing from a purely philosophical position that people in a given area should be able to vote on whether or not to belong to a greater nation-state, then he would have been OK with various counties of Alabama or Virginia breaking off to form their own states, too. He wasn't.
    If he was arguing from some goofy philosophical position that being a state is the magic that makes you able to decide of slavery is legal or illegal, he wouldn't have presided over a government that demanded every state under it maintain the institution of slavery.
    Conclusion: sleazebag traitor with no leg to stand on.

    • 2 years ago

      IQfy really is burdened by a core of zealots who are obsessed with denying the legality of Southern secession.
      >inb4 DIXIEgay!!!!
      You really do not need to be a SOUTH GOOD!! person to critique Lincoln and recognise his lack of a legal ground

      • 2 years ago

        Who cares about legality? A foreign power opening shop on your border is a huge strategic threat. Not to mention the Miss. River is an economic heartland, affecting, gone at a stroke. War comes then, inevitably, and darkies are a side note.

        • 2 years ago

          Saying that South Carolina has the legal jurisdiction to decide whether or not South Carolina can join or leave the USA makes as much sense as saying that South Carolina has the jurisdiction to decide if Ohio or Connecticut can join or leave the USA. They don't.
          If this dildo was arguing from a purely philosophical position that people in a given area should be able to vote on whether or not to belong to a greater nation-state, then he would have been OK with various counties of Alabama or Virginia breaking off to form their own states, too. He wasn't.
          If he was arguing from some goofy philosophical position that being a state is the magic that makes you able to decide of slavery is legal or illegal, he wouldn't have presided over a government that demanded every state under it maintain the institution of slavery.
          Conclusion: sleazebag traitor with no leg to stand on.

          >Saying that South Carolina has the legal jurisdiction to decide whether or not South Carolina can join or leave the USA makes as much sense as saying that South Carolina has the jurisdiction to decide if Ohio or Connecticut can join or leave the USA. They don't.

          absolute moron take. you might as well say that the union had no right in independence with that logic

          • 2 years ago

            The American Revolution happened because the government they were overthrowing was not by the people, of the people, or for the people, and also stood against the self-evident truth that we have rights and freedoms bestowed by the creator.
            The Confederacy can't claim the first part and was on the wrong side of the second part.

          • 2 years ago

            rights and freedom were not referring to humanity as a whole but to the distinction between Norman Elite of Political Caste of England and the common Briton/Saxon agrarians of The New World.
            Civil Rights was a power grab by the dregs of society, I am sorry that you have maladaptive behaviors.
            Racism isnt even wrong and you can not fault the South for doing what literally every culture has done throughout history, that is putting a subjugated people to productive labor.

          • 2 years ago

            The Founding Fathers also went into it knowing and openly admitting that it was a rebellion, unlike the Confederates who tried to shield their actions with a fig leaf of constitutional vagueness.

          • 2 years ago

            >unlike the Confederates who tried to shield their actions with a fig leaf of constitutional vagueness.
            There was really no vagueness. They stated openly that their actions were fully legal and this was almost certainly the case. Forceful coercion of a state was voted down idk how many times in the convention despite madisons advocacy of it.

        • 2 years ago

          See, this is more honest. It's much better than the MUH UNION ACTED LEGITIMATELY IN A LEGAL SENSE! IT WAS HONOUR THAT COMPELLED THEM! copism.

          • 2 years ago

            You can get Schmittpilled and use the Third Reich's favorite jurist to justify Lincoln (temporarily) scrapping the Constitution because protecting the state comes first and the sovereign has essentially unlimited power to move outside the law to protect the state in a situation where the "political" arises, which is defined by conflict, not context (and in this case, involving an armed insurrection by slave owners).

          • 2 years ago

            Sure, if you like. The problem is with those pro-Lincoln/Unionists who argue everything was Constitutional. They do want to concede a single thing and scream Dixiegay is challenged. You're fine because you're admitting it wasn't Constitutional. It's a far cry from something insane like Gordon Wood claiming Lincoln was a Jeffersonian who was behaving in defense of Jeffersonianism

          • 2 years ago

            >like Gordon Wood claiming Lincoln was a Jeffersonian who was behaving in defense of Jeffersonianism
            To be fair, ol’ Gordon’s career is entirely post-Depression and he no doubt was raised in the historiographical trend that had turned its back on Hamilton to once again suck off Jefferson. Even FDR praised Jefferson more highly than Hamilton as he brought to fruition Hamilton’s wettest dream
            Historians in the US have long had this weird back-and-forth mindset with these two

          • 2 years ago

            >to justify Lincoln (temporarily) scrapping the Constitution
            problem is the civil war permanently scrapped it. We never returned to the original compact between the states, and we've increasingly become the (comfortable) servants of a state that turned this country into a gigantic clown bazar representing everything the union soldiers would have despised

        • 2 years ago


          >Saying that South Carolina has the legal jurisdiction to decide whether or not South Carolina can join or leave the USA makes as much sense as saying that South Carolina has the jurisdiction to decide if Ohio or Connecticut can join or leave the USA. They don't.

          absolute moron take. you might as well say that the union had no right in independence with that logic

          Explain why then homosexual
          spoiler alert - he can’t and won’t

        • 2 years ago

          >Who cares about legality?
          Well exactly, I respect you Yankees who are honest and upfront about this compared to the ones who mutter about their courts justifying it

          • 2 years ago

            True, it does make ex-confederates look really bad when you point out that they settled on “no legal secession” after the war in order to avoid paying war debts instead of sticking to their principles and following through with their promises no matter how much it cost them personally.

            The bottom line is that, legality aside, from a realpolitik perspective a politically unified North American continent is one that won’t become a military playground for Eurasiatic despots, that was the spirit and intent for creating a more perfect Union, and secession was from the start a flawed idea that wouldn’t be suitable for an emerging world power

          • 2 years ago

            >True, it does make ex-confederates look really bad when you point out that they settled on “no legal secession” after the war in order to avoid paying war debts instead of sticking to their principles and following through with their promises no matter how much it cost them personally.
            This level of pettiness about events 150 years past is something completely insane to me. How can you think yourself able to give an objective opinion when you’re crying inside about things that happened before your great grandparents were born

          • 2 years ago

            >when you’re crying inside about things that happened before your great grandparents were born
            Holy projection
            why do dixiegays LARP so much?

          • 2 years ago

            You were the one bitterly attacking a defunct regime from 160 years ago. Don’t scream dixiegay and projection just because someone called you out

          • 2 years ago

            cry harder about “muh heckin based confederacyerino”

          • 2 years ago

            you're jumping in for him which is arguably worse lol. u have down syndrome or something?

          • 2 years ago

            >m-m-muh “pettiness”
            Clearly you do. Is this your way of coping, brainlet?

      • 2 years ago

        Good bait anon.

        Take a (You)

  4. 2 years ago

    leadership was a burden he didn't seek.

  5. 2 years ago

    He looks cool

  6. 2 years ago

    >Catholic who exchanged letters and gifts with the Pope

  7. 2 years ago

    High Treason Lee Surrendered.
    ― Jefferson Finis Davis








    I Never Surrendered.
    ― Jefferson Finis Davis

    • 2 years ago

      huh, so the South WILL rise Again, go figure?

      • 2 years ago

        the seething idiots will get mad but Ill say it anyway, the South has never been stronger.
        having more people, production, arms, and long range destructive capability.
        Would be Kino if the South succeeded The USA as the true America, in contending for the mainland US with the Mormon Space Kingdom and Nova Bohemia Mennonitia.

        • 2 years ago
        • 2 years ago

          The south is stronger because Air conditioning has made it a tolerable place for Yankees to migrate too, and they’re taking down confederate statues and paving over traditional southern culture in the process.

          If there is a second civil war in the US it won’t be state vs state it will more likely be a insurgency

          • 2 years ago

            Well not really, Yankees in the South arent having kids, theyre going there to die and spend their industry old money bux on being comfy waited on by Southerners who are just taking them for all their worth.

            There wont be a second civil war, but if there was, Dixie flags would fly over the nation.

            fyi, its Southerners taking down their own statues, they are putting up plaques instead, they are in their own special way combatting the decay of American society.

          • 2 years ago

            Holy delusional

          • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            >There wont be a second civil war, but if there was, Dixie flags would fly over the nation.

            you guys can't handle the Cold and would stop at the Ohio River.

          • 2 years ago

            nah the South has become a cultural powerhouse and cultural take over basically killed Puritan culture, the only thing truly North Anglo About the former Union is an impulse to witch hunting and staring at people.
            Elvis, Rock, Jazz, Country, Rap, and muh freedums, are all Southern in Origin.

            There is something unspeakably comfy about Old North East USA, but its pretty much gone now, eaten by the factories, which are also gone.

    • 2 years ago

      "THE YELLOW ROSE OF TEXAS" my favorite

  8. 2 years ago

    His career before secession was actually pretty interesting, and dare I say cool. Everything after was a bit of a let down for so much potential though

  9. 2 years ago

    had the confederacy been successful davis would've either been the puppet of a military government junta or assassinated outright

  10. 2 years ago
  11. 2 years ago

    >Was he cool? he seemed kinda cool.
    He was Real cool. The Spirit Horse

  12. 2 years ago

    He was objectively a very mediocre president; if presidents in the Confederacy weren't limited to single six-year terms, and if the Confederacy had survived long enough to hold another presidential election, then Davis would likely have been voted out.

  13. 2 years ago

    The fact that he was up against Lincoln kind of ruined everything for him. Lincoln was probably the most personable president america has ever had, and came to understand matters of war very quickly.
    The longer and longer it took for victory to be achieved, the more competent Lincoln grew and the more solidified Union command became

  14. 2 years ago

    He was an antisemite and a brutal dictator who enslaved and gassed his own people and opposed America, a democracy.

  15. 2 years ago

    >Secession is legal because.... it just is okay??

  16. 2 years ago

    Lincoln evil brother

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