Wayland may not be the best thing in the world right now, but it'll improve.

Wayland may not be the best thing in the world right now, but it'll improve. Soon, virtually all the issues and problems you complain about will be fixed.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Xorg may not be the best thing in the world right now, but it'll improve. Soon, virtually all the issues and problems you complain about will be fixed. Just you wait, another 35 years.

  2. 2 years ago

    Wayland was started when X11 was only 14 years old and being called "ancient deprecated garbage", now Wayland is 14 years old, explain to me how it's not a complete fricking failure?
    X11 is still around despite being twice as old now.

    • 2 years ago

      X11 was started when X11 was only 0 years old and being called "ancient deprecated garbage", now X11 is 35 years old, explain to me how it's not a complete fricking failure?

      • 2 years ago

        How old was X10 when X11 was started?

    • 2 years ago

      Your timeline is off. Real rollout of Wayland didn't start until 2016-2017.

      Also, the several year period before that was all iterating on the protocol and Weston. Taking years to work on multiple drafts is actually a good thing. If they didn't do this, the Wayland protocol would be even worse than it is now. Count your blessings anon.

      Also, the major difficulty is shipping a new display server and protocol means you have to solve the chicken-and-egg problem. Toolkits and apps want to start porting but they can't until a server and WM is available to test. Servers and WMs don't want to start porting until the apps are available. The only way to get a complete test going is to port both of them at the same time, this takes a lot more work than just writing a new toolkit or something.

      • 2 years ago

        That's just a cope. The wayland API was stablized in 2012.

        • 2 years ago

          Doesn't refute what I said. After 2012 the work mostly went into iterating on Weston.

          • 2 years ago

            It's just excuses. The very first release of xfree86 was father along than any wayland compositor currently is.

          • 2 years ago

            Then why aren't you using the very first release of xfree86?

          • 2 years ago

            Because the latest xorg release is even better.

          • 2 years ago

            Now that's an excuse. According to what you just said the earliest release of xfree86 made in 1992 is very usable today. That's what you're heavily implying. Delete Xorg, go run a desktop on xfree86 1.0 now. Go ship a modern linux distro using xfree86. Try it, tell me how far you get.

          • 2 years ago

            Don't care. The first xfree86 works for more users at the time than any wayland compositor currently does. All I hear are constant excuses from wayland tards about why their software is still shit.

          • 2 years ago

            >The first xfree86 works for more users at the time than any wayland compositor currently does
            How did these goalposts get all the way over here?
            >All I hear are constant excuses from wayland tards about why their software is still shit.
            Pot, meet kettle. You had 35 years to fix your shit.

          • 2 years ago

            works on my machine
            doesn't work on my machine

          • 2 years ago

            works on my machine
            doesn't work on my machine

          • 2 years ago

            same. i actually gave it a real shot on my laptop the other day and everything from my touchpad to my dpi scaling was fricked beyond belief with no apparent means of fixing any of it.
            meanwhile on my desktop, it's flickering glitchy madness.
            i actually tried. i like new things.
            it's not ready.

          • 2 years ago

            Sounds like you did something wrong, you should do what this guy is doing

            Wayland doesn't stutter on my 240hz monitor, and Wayland doesn't krash when I connect my 4k LG TV

          • 2 years ago

            >step 1: install wayland
            >step 2: nothing works
            >step 3: try to change settings to make things work
            >step 4: haha jk there are no settings you do not get tap-to-click on a touchpad and fonts are blurry when display scaling is at 200%+ and that's just how it is

  3. 2 years ago

    there are currently 41 active wayland threads

    • 2 years ago

      I'm the only one effortposting in these threads, so I have to assume they made them just to talk to me.

    • 2 years ago

      Yes, and?
      We can make it 42 threads.
      Or even 43.
      Sky's the limit, Anon.

  4. 2 years ago

    They both work on my machine.
    This is all pointless sperging.

  5. 2 years ago

    You people are so goddamn immature.

  6. 2 years ago

    Wayland doesn't stutter on my 240hz monitor, and Wayland doesn't krash when I connect my 4k LG TV

  7. 2 years ago

    It's free software so I really doubt it. Have you seen GNOME?

    >FIX IT YOURSELF homosexual

    • 2 years ago

      the c**ty wayland devs are exactly like this too. i think gnome and wayland people are cut from the same cloth.
      >let's build a new display server standard! it'll take over the aging X server system and it can be super popular!
      >no nvidia owners, laptop owners, non-GNOME DE users, non-standard input device users, high-dpi screen users, or any users that file bug reports are allowed to use our software
      >please, community users, jump down the throat of any of these people and attack them for being moronic buttholes, thanks! -the devs

    • 2 years ago

      the c**ty wayland devs are exactly like this too. i think gnome and wayland people are cut from the same cloth.
      >let's build a new display server standard! it'll take over the aging X server system and it can be super popular!
      >no nvidia owners, laptop owners, non-GNOME DE users, non-standard input device users, high-dpi screen users, or any users that file bug reports are allowed to use our software
      >please, community users, jump down the throat of any of these people and attack them for being moronic buttholes, thanks! -the devs

      Write your own desktop and display server then. Do it without denying any patches. I dare you. In order to not be a hypocrite, you have to accept any patch that anyone sends you no matter how shitty. You have to accept it even if it breaks everything else.

      • 2 years ago

        nah, i'll just use X instead

        • 2 years ago

          Not a valid display server. X has denied patches.

          • 2 years ago

            kek i don't give a shit about patch acceptance
            i just want software that works
            have fun with whatever seething ideological rant you think you're on

          • 2 years ago

            >i just want software that works
            Then you really don't want X.
            >have fun with whatever seething ideological rant you think you're on
            What rant? You seem to know more about it than me.

            Another case of someone completely rebuilding something that already kinda worked, failing to completely replacing the original thing, siphoning off developers and users, permanently bifurcating the space into two incompatible, competing efforts.
            I'm waiting to see what Microsoft ships when they finally crap out a Linux desktop system. That will probably be the standard. Hopefully.

            >failing to completely replacing the original thing
            It never meant to completely replace it. That's why XWayland exists.
            >siphoning off developers and users
            This never happened. The developers and users are the same people.
            >permanently bifurcating the space into two incompatible, competing efforts.
            This never happened. XWayland exists to preserve backwards compatibility. Wayland also doesn't compete with X. They're developed by the same people.
            >I'm waiting to see what Microsoft ships when they finally crap out a Linux desktop system.
            You don't have to wait for Microsoft. The current commercial standard for a Linux desktop is called a Chromebook. It users with its own display server and doesn't use X or Wayland or any GNU shit whatsoever, and as a result has way more users than any other Linux desktop.

          • 2 years ago

            >Then you really don't want X.
            well, let's see, i've been running a functional X system for over 10 years. meanwhile, every time i try to give wayland a shot - which i really do try, i like moving on to the shiny new stuff - it's a total trainwreck with at least a handful of critical features not in a working state - and usually community support with the issues amounts to "try harder stupid homosexual, don't bother us."
            for example, the official position from wayland communities seems to be "you don't need tap-to-click on a touchpad, live without it"
            later loser.

          • 2 years ago

            >i've been running a functional X system for over 10 years.
            And I've been running a functional Wayland system for the same.
            >it's a total trainwreck with at least a handful of critical features not in a working state
            X has been in that state for everyone else, for the last 35 years.
            >and usually community support with the issues amounts to "try harder stupid homosexual, don't bother us."
            X has had that same level of community support, for the last 35 years.
            >for example, the official position from wayland communities seems to be "you don't need tap-to-click on a touchpad, live without it"
            The official position of X communities for years is "we don't care if you get keylogged, nobody needs their passwords to be kept secure"
            >later loser.

            A Chromebook is not a real desktop or workstation. Nice try though.
            I'm not even going to reply to that other stuff, it's complete nonsense.

            Wrong. A Chromebook is a real desktop whether you like or not. It functions exactly as it's supposed to. Real people are using millions of them to do real work right now. And before you call me a shill, I don't own one, I don't use one, but those are the facts.
            >I'm not even going to reply to that other stuff, it's complete nonsense.

            Don't you ever get tired of this?

            Tired of what? Posting factual, relevant comments? No I don't because I'm not a shitposter.

            >The current commercial standard for a Linux desktop is called a Chromebook
            entire thread and all wayland """fans""" just outed as bait
            opinion of entire thread may now be safely discarded

            Not bait. You want to go buy a "Linux desktop" in a store as a normal product for normal people, you buy a Chromebook. That's reality, your shit is irrelevant, deal with it.


            Why are you posting pictures of your girlfriend? Keep that to yourself.

          • 2 years ago

            You have not been running a functional wayland system for 10 years lol.

          • 2 years ago

            Weston has been more or less functional for 10 years. It didn't have every feature for that whole time and the apps weren't ported but that's beside the point.

          • 2 years ago

            >i ran a demo playtoy for 10 years

          • 2 years ago

            X was a demo playtoy for 35 years. All of Linux is a demo playtoy. To normal people the only functional desktop is Windows, wine is a cope project that still fails to run many important programs.

          • 2 years ago

            ok mr. chromebook

          • 2 years ago

            Have you ever tried a chromebook? They work fine for what they're designed to do. They're a very efficient way to deploy web apps.

            For someone like you who only uses her computer to shitpost on IQfy and check facebook, they would work great, actually.

          • 2 years ago

            ok google shill

          • 2 years ago

            Stating facts isn't shilling, sorry.

          • 2 years ago

            >t. born to shill

          • 2 years ago

            >t. born to cope

          • 2 years ago

            Yes, I'm coping with my working display server not named wayland quite well.

          • 2 years ago

            Nice, another MacOS user.

          • 2 years ago

            A Chromebook is not a real desktop or workstation. Nice try though.
            I'm not even going to reply to that other stuff, it's complete nonsense.

          • 2 years ago

            Don't you ever get tired of this?

          • 2 years ago

            >The current commercial standard for a Linux desktop is called a Chromebook
            entire thread and all wayland """fans""" just outed as bait
            opinion of entire thread may now be safely discarded

          • 2 years ago


  8. 2 years ago

    Another case of someone completely rebuilding something that already kinda worked, failing to completely replacing the original thing, siphoning off developers and users, permanently bifurcating the space into two incompatible, competing efforts.
    I'm waiting to see what Microsoft ships when they finally crap out a Linux desktop system. That will probably be the standard. Hopefully.

    • 2 years ago

      would unironically run open source built-for-linux dwm+explorer

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