Were the Christians the SJWs of the Roman empire?

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  1. 3 years ago

    That scene looks too dignified, I bet they screamed and shit themselves like the cowards they are because deep down they knew there was no heaven.

    • 3 years ago

      you wish

    • 3 years ago

      Who hurt you?

  2. 3 years ago

    this didn't fricking happen frick off

    • 3 years ago

      Found the Christian sjw gay.

      • 3 years ago

        Christians want stuff like that to be real so they can play it up that they're martyrs as if being a fricking weakling cuck fricktard who gets mauled by a lion is anything to be proud of.

        Modesty is not good for a needy man- Homer

        • 3 years ago

          Pagans wouldn’t understand since they don’t believe strongly enough in their gods to die for them.

          • 3 years ago

            >Pagans don't believe

          • 3 years ago

            >Pagans don't believe

            Pagans do not believe. The religions of antiquity are best described as cults of ceremonial offerings. Through such an offering, the human enters a certain kind of contract with the deity. You make an offfering for fair winds on a voyage, a good harvest, fertility and so on.

            What many people nowadays do not understand is, that Christianity is actually unique in it's faith based relationship between God and the faithful Christian.

          • 3 years ago

            paganism is mercenary love to a God/Gods. (although i heard they started to take more personal approaches later on)
            but some Christians also fall for this trap and treat God as a pagan God, a God you have to please to certain sacrifices and actions in order to him to grant you heaven while others (i think i see orthodox and some catholics talk more about this) treat God as pure love, you will not apease him by giving charity just because you want heaven, what matters is if you do it because you care for your brother, in other words God's relationship is more about the love you feel for him and your fellow brother rather than the rewards the you going to get.
            but i seen that israelites also treat God as "i give you sacrifice you give me forgivness, thing i want, etc" or they do all those rituals and dress in certain ways or don't eat certain stuff in order to please him.

          • 3 years ago

            that is because righteousness and therefore justification is possible for israelites if they properly follow their law.
            i presume that for pagans god wasn't an invasive external force that probes your brain for innermost secrets and motives you can't even admit to yourself, so there was no need for the mental torture, forcing yourself to love, doubting whether that love is the christian sort or the self-righteousness of a just pharisee.
            frick that. if i wanted to make myself a neurotic self-sacrifice machine in the hands of some ideologue i'd become a communist.

          • 3 years ago

            >if i wanted to make myself a neurotic self-sacrifice machine in the hands of some ideologue i'd become a communist

            Or a nazi who were known to be pagan ideologues.

          • 3 years ago

            there is indeed some sort of mental torture involved or at least an OCD like obsession with being good otherwise you go to hell and i am saying this as a Christian, i would be liying if i didn't spend a whole nights debating with myself if certain feelings i have for women are right or sinful or if certain activities i do are good or i am sinning with them.
            i must admit that there's definitely evil in me and i am not 100% good at all as to wheter God looks upon me with favor or don't i cannot tell for sure, i like to believe he does love me and understand me better than anyone and he wouldn't let me fall for evil or reject me just because i got distracted in mass or i had certain feelings or i did certain action while i was young and didn't understood the severity of those things

          • 3 years ago

            Pagans typically hate Christianity because it teaches self-restraint and discipline. Christianity regards men who are slaves to their passions as unmanly. LARPagans find such teachings extremely hard to follow in the modern world. Therefore, they follow neopaganism instead which has no rules, so that they can freely indulge in their lowest, basest and most degenerate instincts.

          • 3 years ago

            >Christianity because it teaches self-restraint and discipline.
            >LARPagans find such teachings extremely hard to follow in the modern world.
            this is more of a common struggle for all mankind, i would be liying if i say i wasn't tempted from time to time to indulge in degeneracy but i know its not good for me, an hour of pleasure for a life of regreat sort to speak

          • 3 years ago

            i hope you're right, but more than that i hope you can transcend that anxiety one day, since it will only frustrate you.

            Pagans typically hate Christianity because it teaches self-restraint and discipline. Christianity regards men who are slaves to their passions as unmanly. LARPagans find such teachings extremely hard to follow in the modern world. Therefore, they follow neopaganism instead which has no rules, so that they can freely indulge in their lowest, basest and most degenerate instincts.

            christianity doesn't teach self-restraint, it teaches adherence, without which man will fall into degeneracy. that is the opposite of self-restraint, at least conceptually.
            the above poster has inclined me not to argue with you people on this. wohlwollen muss sein.

          • 3 years ago

            >i hope you can transcend that anxiety one day, since it will only frustrate you.
            thank you, i am doing better i came to the conclusion that i need to bite the bullet to some degree since i won't be able to apease all the different interpretations of God there are, gotta stick to mine and hope i am right and keep digging to find more information

          • 3 years ago

            This. The way Christians talked about God is extremely different to how pagans talked about their Gods. Pagans didn’t feel a very personal relationship with their Gods the way Christians did. For Christians it seems God is almost your best friend who you would die for and who is always with you.

            I mean you just won’t find a pagan talking as fervently about their Gods the way, for instance, Cromwell talks about God (pic related). I think it’s why it leads one to kind of sometimes believe that pagans didn’t strongly believe in their Gods and neopagans believe in them even far less today.

          • 3 years ago

            >all Christians are fervent believers
            >no way druids and shamans believed in their gods
            >no Hindus are actually religious
            What the frick is this? Try reading basic biopsych and historical research into religion

          • 3 years ago

            Brainlet post

          • 3 years ago

            >Pagans do not believe.
            Pagans called christians atheists

          • 3 years ago

            that anon used a poor wording but you get the point, pagans had a different type of beliefs based on favors and sacrifices to deities in order to give them good luck in battle, harvests,etc, Gods were not personal entities they were they own thing and mostly apathetic towards the common peasants problems and plights they usually represent nature since nature as well is indiferent towards the suffering of humans, the Christian God is very personal he cares about you, he loves you, he wants your salvation and Christians appear to be more friendly towards the misfits of society rather than expel them they welcomed everyone to join them or helped everyone regardless of their creeds,

          • 3 years ago

            >Pagans called christians atheists

            The same Pagans that believed in the philosophical definition of God. A God, who is defined by his absolute independence and disassociation from everything in the world. A being living only for himself, unconcerned with the woes of the mortals.
            The faith a Christian showed was alien to Romans. Their uncompromising stance when it came to not present offerings to a deified emperor was what led people to call them atheists.

            The basis of this insult does not stem from the contemporary distinction between religious belief and scientific evidence that some people like to make.

          • 3 years ago

            That's a long ass post over you not understanding what a belief is

    • 3 years ago

      god I wish it did

      • 3 years ago

        Your wish was rejected by God. He says he detests LARPagans and atheists, who are basically one and the same

    • 3 years ago

      Exactly, "De paucitate martyrum"

  3. 3 years ago

    More so than you may think.

    • 3 years ago

      based alt-hype poster

  4. 3 years ago

    A religion of peace always wins in the end. The more false pacifism the more likely a religion is to succeed. True pacifism and true struggle kills the mystery of any deity.

  5. 3 years ago

    I guess cause they had gladiatorial games banned for being too violent and cruel. They were also the first people to speak out against the institution of slavery in ancient times (gregory of nyssa being the most notable). They were also well known for their charity and took care of other Christians just like how israelites also helped to take care of other poor israelites. Julian the apostate even tried to make paganism a charitable religion like Christianity and Judaism. He always saw paganism’s lack of charity as one of its failures.

  6. 3 years ago

    They're still the SJW's of today.

  7. 3 years ago

    Christianity was still an ethnic religion and had yet to to open to whites at that time. It was only after Christians welcomed Roman degenerates that it became left-leaning..

    • 3 years ago

      That just doesn't make any fricking sense for it to spread like that

  8. 3 years ago

    >Christians tell me what I should or shouldn't do
    >SJWs tell me what I should or shouldn't do
    >DAE Christians = SJWs?????

    • 3 years ago

      address me directly, virgin. i won't be too harsh on you.

      >if i wanted to make myself a neurotic self-sacrifice machine in the hands of some ideologue i'd become a communist

      Or a nazi who were known to be pagan ideologues.

      i suppose you're right, but i've yet to meet a nazi who thinks this way. generally speaking they are as self-interested as their belief system.
      the main appeal of nazi doctrine is the possibility of setting yourself up as a 'master,' getting a government office - rising above the law - on the strength of your low membership number and never having to do any real work, while totally ignoring the needs of anyone else because you've created an artisanal state of existence solely to make this mass enslavement an ethical non issue.
      tl;dr nazism is fairly different to communism, the semi-pagan influence via himmler and rosenberg only exacerbates this.

  9. 3 years ago

    This thread basically proved OPs point. Fricking Facebook tier moralhomosexualry.

  10. 3 years ago

    Christians and SJWs are connected by one thing. They are afraid of power and thus seek to make weakness a virtue. Just look at this garbage:
    >don’t kill
    Sounds like something that a weakling who is afraid of getting killed himself would say
    >don’t steal
    Sounds like something that a weakling who is incapable of defending his property would say
    >don’t cuck your neighbor
    Sounds like something that a beta who is afraid of getting cucked would say.

    They are weak and powerless so they seek to turn their weakness into "virtues" to pretend that they are not pathetic beings just like SJWs who claim that their cowardice is just "political correctness".

    • 3 years ago
      • 3 years ago


        >no argument
        Not a surprise considering that the commandments are literal lies. They cannot be backed up with arguments.

        • 3 years ago

          >>no argument
          your position is so stupid the best thing to do is highlight how stupid it is

    • 3 years ago
    • 3 years ago

      The might is right mentality didn’t help nazis win at the end. Did it now?

      The nazis should have spread their ideology through other ways rather than resorting to conquest when you think about it.

      • 3 years ago

        >spot someone not being a moralhomosexual
        >"UR A NATHZEE"

      • 3 years ago

        >The might is right mentality didn’t help nazis win at the end. Did it now?
        no, it helped the soviets and allies win. watch the dalit struggle to grasp what i mean.

    • 3 years ago

      They hated him because he spoke the truth

      • 3 years ago

        I don't think the man in the pic agrees with that

    • 3 years ago


    • 3 years ago

      So sjw is ethical good?

  11. 3 years ago

    >Opposed homosexuality
    >Opposed fornication
    >Opposed women's rights
    >Opposed israelites
    >Opposed other religions
    >Christians were the SJW gays of the Roman empire weren't they?

    • 3 years ago

      It’s strange but the last pagan Roman emperor, Julian the apostate, was known to like israelites and Judaism a lot.

      > On 4 February 362, Julian promulgated an edict to guarantee freedom of religion. The edict was seen as an act of favor toward the israelites, in order to upset the Christians.
      > Julian's support of israelites caused israelites to call him "Julian the Hellene".
      > He appears to have personally known many israelites; in the famous letter to the Patriarch Hillel II., he styles the israeli Rabbi "his brother.”
      > Whether Julian merely favoured Judaism because he was fond of all institutions and customs of antiquity, as some critics assert, or because it was the determined foe of the Christianity he abhorred, or because he approved of the religion as a genuine, pure faith, is a question that each writer must conclude for himself. That he was possessed of a sincere liking for Judaism is demonstrated to the full, especially in his works against Christianity.

    • 3 years ago

      This is one of my favorite things of the progressive vs opressor narrative.
      > oposse homosexuality
      Because homosexuality was seen as a way of hierarchy in Rome. It was not just two twinks, it was basically a worship of pedophilia and rape.
      > Opossed fornication
      Because it usually was rape and forcing your partner into your philias.
      > Opossed Women's right
      Christhian Justice Warriors were among the first in say "Yeah, woman have some value by themselves". That their ideological sucessors managed to be even more direct is something apart, but compared to the Romans?
      > Opossed israelites
      Romans literally genocided israelites. Christian Kingdoms were racist AF but at rarely genocidal.
      > Opossed other religions
      Yeah, just like Liberalism doesn't tolerate anti-liberal ideologies.

      • 3 years ago

        >Because homosexuality was seen as a way of hierarchy in Rome. It was not just two twinks, it was basically a worship of pedophilia and rape.
        That played a part in it, but the culture that the Church emerged from came from was also very homophobic.

        >Because it usually was rape and forcing your partner into your philias.

  12. 3 years ago

    Wouldn't see this in China. White subhumans are weak. Hail Xi!

  13. 3 years ago

    Pretty much, which is why Modern SJWs hatred of christianity creates a strange moral hole that leads people to pure degeneracy (of any kind, its a pick your poison thing)

  14. 3 years ago

    >govt is killing sjw
    >govt is not pandering them
    >making them feel special
    >giving them free aid
    >totally colliseum tier yeah

    • 3 years ago

      The government used to oppress these disgusting people, until they subverted that government, just like the christians did in Rome, eventually becoming the government.

  15. 3 years ago


  16. 3 years ago

    You think any SJW is actually willing to throw their lives away for their beliefs?
    No fricking way.

  17. 3 years ago

    they werent sjw when roman empire became christian
    prove me wrong

  18. 3 years ago

    no the populares were

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