What are some of the most blackpilling events to have happened in history?

What are some of the most blackpilling events to have happened in history?

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  1. 3 years ago
    • 3 years ago

      No commie bullshit, please.

      • 3 years ago

        They literally had their country destroyed and children were resorting to prostitution in the nineties.
        Frick you and your country. You'll meet a worse fate.

        • 3 years ago

          No reason to get emotional. Yugoslavia failed because men don't live forever and he didn't properly train a successor

        • 3 years ago

          World war 1 in general. Basically Europe threw everything away for which flag got to fly over an irrelevant Slav shithole.

          based, women should be prostitutes.

        • 3 years ago

          Grow the frick up teen Titoboo. You shill communist bullshit on here because you have no ideas of your own.

      • 3 years ago

        >Tito and Post-Stalin USSR

      • 3 years ago

        You asked for black-pill.
        The greatest revolution of the 20th century, with progressive hopes of a workers paradise. Slowly developing into a totaliarian nightmare which slowly descended into kelptocratic self destruction so hard it gave every culture from eastern Germany to Kyrgyzstan near sucidal depression is a hell of a blackpill bro.

        The First Chechen War

        >weakened, demoralized Russian conscripts getting absolutely dabbed on by well motivated Chechen guerillas
        >hazing, rape, and even forced prostitution routine among Russian forces
        >officer corps is so corrupt that they're selling the rebels ammunition the entire time, while also disappearing thousands of suspected rebels and indiscriminately raping and massacring the civilian population
        >Chechen resistance quickly turns from nationalist movement to Islamist movement, becomes hotbed of international terrorism
        >direct cause of the collapse of Russia's democratic experiment under Yeltsin
        >Chechnya also ruined, becomes failed state which is occupied after another war a few years later
        >violence continues for another decade until about 2009

        Also this.

        Pretty much half the monarchs in history are also grim brutal asshats who just made socity worse.
        The other half were mostly just asshats.
        Great man history papers over their worst attributes. So just peel back any national hero from world history and you'll find something terrifying.

        Oh... also everything to do with WW1.
        You know it was bad from pop culture.
        But when you start drilling you start finding an unending pit of dispair.

        • 3 years ago

          >Great man history papers over their worst attributes. So just peel back any national hero from world history and you'll find something terrifying.

          gotta crack a few eggs to make an omelet. republics have their own set of issues as we are very quickly learning.

          • 3 years ago

            Great Man History doesn't just cover monarchs. But other national leaders. Every person has their shadow, great man history tries to present soaring nationalist narratives which are presented in stark and colorful terms to the reader.
            I'd say it's a brutal blackpill when you start peeling back that disney-style paint, and find the truth of history underneath.
            Either you wrestle with and learn from their moral complexity, and see them as normal men. Or you wind up doubling down on the heroic sanitized version, seeing a former hero as a monster and hypocrite, or embrace the monster and destroy yourself.
            Either of the last 3 options I'd argue is taking a blackpill.

          • 3 years ago

            You sound like a very average person coming up with all sorts of copes and rationalizing for the stark and brutal realization that you aren't special (probably after a childhood of being routinely assured that you were special). The real blackpill here anon is that tearing down others isn't going to raise you up.

          • 3 years ago

            >The real blackpill here anon is that tearing down others isn't going to raise you up.
            He said while insulting me instead of refuting my point.

          • 3 years ago

            your point is dumb. you are saying there are no "great people in history" that were not otherwise monstrous. which of course leaves tons of vagueness with regards to what makes a great person or what constitutes monstrous behavior. in this way you can basically hedge this total ambiguity in your worldview as a way to prove yourself correct in any circumstance.

            it is a nearly perfect example of starting with a conclusion and then working backwards from that, as opposed to drawing an informed conclusion.

          • 3 years ago

            I was asked for one of the worst historical blackpills.
            I explained that discovering the darker more complicated side to the figures in Great Man History presented by the Orthodox School which is what you're usually taught in primary or grade school, is a hell of a blackpill.

            Here you are, jumping in with "NUH UH LIBERAL!" "YOU'RE STUPID!" and "YOUR POINT IS DUMB"
            Your response, like this is some eldritch truth that needs to be torched before it spreads wrongthink to the masses is basically confirming this is a very powerful blackpill.

          • 3 years ago

            you didn't comprehend the post you are responding to. sad, it might've done you some good.

          • 3 years ago

            Well the poster seemed to be insinuating that I'm saying that there are no great men who are not otherwise monstrous, then tries to accuse me of mortal relativism.
            Both of which aren't just irrelevant to my point, but go part of the way to reinforcing it.

            I literally pointed to his accusation as one of the three possible results of taking this black pill.
            As well as his screaming about doubling down proving it's polar opposite black pill where you go into violent denial of the point.
            He in turn started on with screaming about cope, and basicly accusing me of snowflakery, and in general being a triggered little fricknugget.

            I've been on both ends of that blackpilled revelation spectrum, and eventually came out the other end realizing that these great men of history were as human as the rest of us. Merely given great power due to being in the right place, at the right time.
            How they handled their power, their moment in the sun, says a lot about them.
            Few men get the chance, and fewer men rise to the occasion.

            Actually gunna continue this in a bit... I got a good example.

          • 3 years ago

            like I said originally, you started with a conclusion and worked backwards from there. this is not some idea you formulated pouring over history books your whole life, it's something that sounded good (that you probably did not even come up with independently) and you've accepted it as fact. but since its so ambiguous you can just retreat behind anything you want to prove it.

            if I were to bring up Bonaparte you can just say "oh well he was an awful lover, terrible with women" and now the argument has evolved very quickly into arguing the monstrousness of that trait in relation to his accomplishments.

            not everyone is born equally capable, some people are smarter or just naturally more charismatic. if you have spent any amount of time outside of your basement you will have met somebody like this.

          • 3 years ago

            You want to argue that Great Man History is somehow, correct.
            It's greatest flaw is that it makes these sweeping glorious nearly mythical narratives, and forgets the man in favor of the myth.

            You're taught these myths as a kid, because you're a kid, and your history teacher is trying to cram this complicated subject into your tiny baby brain.
            So they often go with the simpler Orthodox schools.

            The real blackpill, is when you begin to discover that these sweeping heroes you were taught about have these darker, sometimes even tragic or monstrous aspects to them.

            Often people either run away and double down on their belief in the myth, or go full on blackpill historian nihilist.
            When in reality all these figures were mostly normal people with all the flaws and stupidity you see in the normies around you today. But they were caught in the right place, at the right time. Sometimes they rose to the occasion, other times they failed.
            Which, at least for me, is why history's so interesting.

          • 3 years ago

            You seem like you are still in school and believe everything your teacher says.
            >"Cancel (great historical figure), he did not support a woman's right to choose"!!!

          • 3 years ago

            My personal best example of this is George Washington.
            He is mythologized as a great general, and the first among the founding fathers.
            He was so much more than that, and so much less at the same time.

            He aspired to nobility like all colonial gentry of the south, and like the rest of the gentry were only able to afford their educations and resources because they had slaves doing the hard work of running their plantations.
            He desired control over his surroundings, and kept great command of himself. Yet in the face of his own helplessness at his daughter's seizures he completely broke down trying to save her.
            He was a twice disgraced officer of the colonial militia who accidently triggered a proto world war. Yet when the revolution came, he stepped forth because he was one of the few men for the job.
            He lead the military wing of a revolution, the first revolution, against the European colonial empires. A flawed and imperfect revolution.
            No matter how hard proper british generals beat him, he learned, regrouped, and kept the revolutionary army alive when most generals would've buckled.
            Finally, when offered power over the new republic, he did something unlike nearly every revolutionary leader in world history.
            He put the sword down, he let other men build a republic that could stand without him.

            He was smart enough to be aware of his own hypocrisies, and the immoral actions he'd had to take during the revolution at times, and trying to make up for instead of making excuses for himself.

            The greatest thing Washington ever did, and what makes him stand out from other revolutionary leaders in world history is giving up power.
            Which, if we were to discuss Napoleon, would be the dark shadow. He never put the sword away, and his lust for glory undid many of his accomplishments.

            Which I'd say makes him a lot more badass, inspiring, than the whitewashed almost cartoonish version we see in nationalist myths.

        • 3 years ago

          >Great man history papers over their worst attributes. So just peel back any national hero from world history and you'll find something terrifying.
          What history papers? Middle school research papers?
          Because the "great man" deboonk movement is the norm now among academics. But it just comes across as overly preachy for no concrete reason. Yeah, no head of state has ever achieved anything without being an absolute c**t of a human being. Only God, or at least an idealist conception of God, can afford to be benevolent and all encompassing (and still plenty of iterations of God show him being a c**t)

        • 3 years ago

          >it gave every culture from eastern Germany to Kyrgyzstan near sucidal depression
          yeah no frick off
          the collapse was a blessing for the Baltic states that were occupied by commie shitstains for the better part of the 20th century

          it was never good
          not in the beginning when we were annexed and sent off to the gulags
          not in the middle when the commies imported violent slavoid workers by the thousands
          not in the end when it all started to crash down at the expense of ordinary people

    • 3 years ago

      Another thing blackpilled is the fact that I had to watch two double ads back to back on those videos. Hypercapitalism is killing us.

      • 3 years ago

        anon get an adblocker. i use ublock origin, i havent watched a hooktube ad that wasn't a paid sponsorship in many years.

  2. 3 years ago

    The two world wars are as bad as humanity can get.

  3. 3 years ago


    >Moeketsi joined the street uprising against Apartheid in April 1985 at age ten, and soon took on a leading role. He became the country's youngest political detainee when he spent his 12th birthday in jail without trial. At the age of 13 he was expelled from school.[2]

    >Moeketsi, together with Kenny Kgase, Pelo Mekgwe and Thabiso Mono, were kidnapped on 29 December 1988 from the Methodist manse in Orlando, Soweto, the home of Methodist minister, Paul Verryn.[1] Moeketsi was wrongly [3] accused of being a police informer. Screams were heard as the 14-year-old Moeketsi was murdered by Jerry Vusumusi Richardson, a member of Winnie Mandela's team of bodyguards. His body was recovered on waste ground near Winnie Mandela's house on 6 January 1989.[1] His throat had been cut. Richardson was later convicted of the murder. He stated that Winnie Mandela had ordered him, with others, to abduct the four youths from Soweto, of whom Moeketsi was the youngest.[4] The four were severely beaten.[2]

  4. 3 years ago


    >Amy Elizabeth Biehl (April 26, 1967 – August 25, 1993) was an American graduate of Stanford University and an anti-Apartheid activist in South Africa who was murdered by Cape Town residents while a black mob shouted anti-white slurs. The four men convicted of her murder were pardoned by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

    >As she drove three friends home to the township of Gugulethu, outside Cape Town, on August 25, 1993, a mob pulled her from the car and stabbed and stoned her to death.[2][3] The attack on the car driven by her was one of many incidents of general lawlessness on the N1 highway that afternoon. Bands of toyi-toying youths threw stones at delivery vehicles and cars driven by white people. One delivery vehicle was toppled over and set alight, and only the arrival of the police prevented more damage. There was evidence that some of the possessions belonging to her and the passengers were stolen.[4]

    >According to Rex van Schalkwyk, in his 1998 book One Miracle Is Not Enough, "Supporters of the three men accused of murdering [her]… burst out laughing in the public gallery of the Supreme Court today when a witness told how the battered woman groaned in pain." (pp. 188–89.) Four people were convicted of killing her.[5]:17–18

    • 3 years ago

      I can't confirm this but an article I just read claims her family was okay with the murderers being let off free lmao.

      • 3 years ago

        This can NOT be fricking real dude

        • 3 years ago

          yep it is dude. Ive managed to redpill a couple women with this story so thats neet atleast

        • 3 years ago

          I just want to imagine the reaction libs would have if somebody like Derek Chauvin were released as part of a truth and reconciliation commission. Then compare it to the reaction these parents were bullied into having.

          • 3 years ago

            leave with you, simpering wretch.

          • 3 years ago

            Utter homosexual spotted

    • 3 years ago


  5. 3 years ago
    • 3 years ago

      Kissenger is still alive though.

      • 3 years ago

        I think that and the ideological flip flap is supposed to give the hint it was a joke

        • 3 years ago

          >ideological flip flap
          Why does everything have to be about politics? It is just a list.

      • 3 years ago

        Not for long

    • 3 years ago

      Barely sentient zoomer moron incel who has spent 100,000,000x more time scrolling inage boards than reading books tier

  6. 3 years ago

    ww1 unironically

  7. 3 years ago

    The First Chechen War

    >weakened, demoralized Russian conscripts getting absolutely dabbed on by well motivated Chechen guerillas
    >hazing, rape, and even forced prostitution routine among Russian forces
    >officer corps is so corrupt that they're selling the rebels ammunition the entire time, while also disappearing thousands of suspected rebels and indiscriminately raping and massacring the civilian population
    >Chechen resistance quickly turns from nationalist movement to Islamist movement, becomes hotbed of international terrorism
    >direct cause of the collapse of Russia's democratic experiment under Yeltsin
    >Chechnya also ruined, becomes failed state which is occupied after another war a few years later
    >violence continues for another decade until about 2009

  8. 3 years ago

    Probably the aftermath of the Gryps conflict.

  9. 3 years ago

    Fall of Rome, staring at any ruins of a once great society is pretty good.

  10. 3 years ago

    french revolution

  11. 3 years ago

    World War I leading to the Bolshevik evolution which resulted in Russia being taken over by foreigners, their true leaders murdered, their culture and religion surpassed, their land divided and given away to the filth they once conquered and 7 decades of starvation and mass murder. But the true blackpill is modern Russians being nostalgic for this regime.

  12. 3 years ago

    Jughurta getting betrayed

  13. 3 years ago

    >library of Alexandria
    >Library of Baghdad
    >Rashidun conquest of Iran and levant
    >Soviet Berlin
    >Native rule in Rhodesia/Zim
    >1970s end of estado Novo
    >Second Boer war
    >Handover of Hong kong
    >Teddy losing 1912

    • 3 years ago

      take yer horse paste chud

  14. 3 years ago

    >napoleon on st helena

  15. 3 years ago


  16. 3 years ago


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