What could have been

What could have been

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    higher res

  2. 2 years ago

    british occupation of japan is pretty interesting

  3. 2 years ago

    Why would Soviets occupy Japan when they didn't do shit.

    • 2 years ago

      they invaded manchuria and ended the war
      learn history brainlet

      • 2 years ago

        You can’t win the war unless you invade the mainland.

        • 2 years ago

          yeah but nobody invaded the mainland and they still surrendered without operation downfall so what's your point

          and the allies invaded all of south asia, so?

          >invaded all of south asia
          us/uk didn't even take back singapore or vietnam until japan surrendered, all they took was a bunch of stupid islands in the pacific. in theory the soviets and chinese did more than the americans or british ever did

          • 2 years ago

            >in theory the soviets and chinese did more than the americans or british ever did
            You know this is moronic, hence your qualification "in theory"

          • 2 years ago

            it's absolutely not, the axis would have won ww2 if japan wasn't moronic and directed the kwantung army against the soviets instead of an impoverished opium mafia state

          • 2 years ago

            >an impoverished opium mafia state
            They needed the resources of the Dutch in Asia

          • 2 years ago

            the whole reason why japan was embargoed is because they autistically invaded china and vietnam. they could have mooched off of us resources for a few years, keep united states out of the war for as long as possible, participate in barbarossa and keep pressure on the soviet far east while germany takes the caucasus resources, and THEN they could have done whatever the frick they wanted in southeast asia and china. germany couldn't have asked for worse allies in the war

            Only because we threatened to annihilate their whole civilization in nuclear fire.

            America blockading and threatening to starve millions of Japanese before an impending invasion while also showcasing their ability to annihilate cities with a single bomb had more to do with their surrender then the Soviets overrunning Manchuria. Without a Pacific navy worth a shit, the Soviets had no meaningful way of threatening the home islands.

            it's an all of the above. only reason soviets did shit and didn't press for all of north japan is because they only cared about sakhalin, kuril islands, lost pride from 1905, and manchuria, but then they gave all of manchuria to the communist chinese, oops

          • 2 years ago

            >but then they gave all of manchuria to the communist chinese, oops
            Better than having millions of chinese "people" in your country

          • 2 years ago

            they could have just sent them to work vacation camps in siberia. russian strategy in asia was moronic, gave the americans alaska pretty much for free in 19th century and then gave an existential geopolitical enemy manchuria in exchange for the recognition of mongolia

          • 2 years ago

            >Participate in Barbarossa
            Anyone postulating the Japanese government's involvement in Mongolia/Siberia as a coordinated movement with the Nazis is incredibly under-read and moronic.
            The Japanese leadership had no strategic interests in Mongolia/Siberia, and were smoke and mirrors in the anti-comintern. They controlled Manchukuo which would have provided them all the resources they would have needed in near and far term future (aside oil) that they could have exploited in Eastern Russia/Mongolia and the Japanese were not able to fully industrialize its' potential to begin with. This is evidenced by Jpn cabinet telling them to simply safeguard the border and do nothing else. It was Kwantung Army leadership that unilaterally made the decision to strike north, and their failure saw extreme reprimand from higher. The government was too busy trying to unfrick the ongoing shitshow in China, where the Kwantung Army was also dogfricking, and more importantly, making designs to tap oil in the East Indies, which was hyper critical to keep their industry and military going.

            Operationally, the Kwantung Army would never have been able to fight two fronts. Already tied down in China, their second rate border units would not have been able to best the Russians, even if somehow coordinated with Germany's invasion. Soviets would have either slapped their shit again, or simply conducted a protracted withdrawal into Siberia along railways, destroying critical infrastructure on the way, leaving the Kwantung to exploit empty wilderness, and likely harassed by Mongolians.

            Tactically, while man to man, the Jpn soldier was a better fighter, their units where less resourced in nearly every manner compared to the Soviets if measured by Khalkin Gol. Even if the Soviets redeployed half their forces West for some dumb reason, Russians would still outnumber and conduct delaying battles that would stagnate Japanese rate of advance and buy time for themselves.

          • 2 years ago

            i'm going to post in this thread again just because you're such a cute misinformed homosexual anon
            i never implied anywhere that border clashes or khalkhin gol were coordinated, don't know why it's relevant to what you are saying. the axis failed because there WAS no collaboration between germany or japan, and the japanese were testing the waters with their shit army that they never bothered to modernize because they decided it wasn't important
            >The Japanese leadership had no strategic interests in Mongolia/Siberia
            half truth, american education
            japanese political leadership was divided between those who wanted to take territory in siberia and those who wanted to focus on southeast asia. the government didn't have resources to build a good army and navy so it became a political issue, you can guess which side supported which. the more radical army generals who wanted to take siberia (kodoha) were all purged in february of 1936, and after the military consolidated control over the civilian government, they naively decided to try and win a limited war in china and do their dumb shit in southeast asia. the axis was guaranteed to lose the war when this happened, you said they striked north but that was the beta moderate generals who were left after the purge, and after the government decided that the army was expendable. a more sensible japanese leadership would have invested their limited resources into the army instead of their navy, since the IJN could never match US quality/production and a more experienced/overhauled IJA could LATER challenge china and maybe even india. better equipped japanese soldiers could have taken over all of primorye (at the very least) and tied up lots of soviet soldiers in the east, which could have been decisive for german victory, especially if the japanese started the war a little bit before barbarossa
            >im too fricking lazy to read all of this tldr
            germany lost because of japan and italy. couldn't have asked for more shit allies

          • 2 years ago

            The Soviets had already whipped the Japs in 1937, and that was with the shitty pre-1941 Red Army. The IJA knew it had no chance against the Soviets, there's a reason why Japan signed that non aggression pact

          • 2 years ago

            But why? The Kwangtung army surely should have been better than the shitty far east remnants.

          • 2 years ago

            Japanese land forces were still pretty behind their European counterparts. German observers had already noted this themselves, Japan was essentially still in 1918 compared to the other powers.
            Keep in mind that Japanese GDP at this time was still smaller than Italy's. Their real strength was their Navy, which genuinely was elite and very modern, but otherwise the IJA was hopeless against anyone who was semi competent.
            Even when you look at battles they fought against the USA, you can see the Americans almost always slaughtered them. The only battles were the USA actually lost more men than the Japanese were in the early 1941-1942 defeats, and at Iwo Jima. Otherwise, the Jarheads tended to pulverize them.

          • 2 years ago

            Then how did they steamroll China?

          • 2 years ago

            China at that time was a total clusterfrick of communist, warlord, nationalist and all other peasant bandits in a blood-soaked battle royale against each other

          • 2 years ago

            Only because we threatened to annihilate their whole civilization in nuclear fire.

          • 2 years ago

            >in theory the soviets and chinese did more than the americans or british ever did
            "In theory" you're an absolute moron. The USA straight up KILLED more Japs than all the other Allies did, not to mention it was the USA that blockaded Japan, bombed their cities to ash, and also had to keep supplying China with everything at the same time.
            Dying a lot does not equal winning, the Kuomintang's whole long term strategy was literally to survive while the USA raped Japan from the other side.

      • 2 years ago

        and the allies invaded all of south asia, so?

      • 2 years ago

        America blockading and threatening to starve millions of Japanese before an impending invasion while also showcasing their ability to annihilate cities with a single bomb had more to do with their surrender then the Soviets overrunning Manchuria. Without a Pacific navy worth a shit, the Soviets had no meaningful way of threatening the home islands.

      • 2 years ago

        It's posts like this and the
        >hurr durr Soviets had more deaths so they won WW2
        posts that make me think maybe there really are tons of Russian shills on IQfy.

      • 2 years ago

        No it contributed to their surrender

    • 2 years ago

      >Soviet invasion of Manchuria
      >widely considered the most impressive military operation of all time, full stop
      >routing a trained and experienced army of over a million men and fully taking over a territory over twice as large as Texas
      >in ELEVEN DAYS
      >they didn't do shit
      Right, they didn't do shit.

      • 2 years ago

        considered the most impressive military operation of all time, full stop
        never heard of this before. i hope the source isn't marxists.org or chen weihua

        • 2 years ago

          >widely considered the most impressive military operation of all time, full stop

          Considering the figures given are correct, I'm confused as to why you're doubting the claim ; or do you not understand the scale of it all ? Nothing even remotely comparable has ever been seen in the history of the world, before or after. It's also the REAL reason why Japan decided to surrender, btw, as Japanese archives plainly show, while the atomic bombings merely gave them pause for a few minutes, and even the perspective of a full US invasion literally was plan A for them.

          • 2 years ago

            >atomic bombings merely gave them pause for a few minutes
            For the first time in human history, entire cities are destroyed in seconds. A smallish, mostly urban island nation is merely given pause for a few minutes.

            You are so full of shit it's coming out of your ears.

          • 2 years ago

            Japan wasn't completely ignorant when it comes to nuclear physics. They quickly concluded that the bombs were atomic bombs, and subsequently (and correctly) deduced that the US would not be able to build them fast enough to make much of a difference, due to a lack of fissile material.

          • 2 years ago

            Source: bro trust me

          • 2 years ago

            Not only did the US had mutible nukes still aviable. But "just losing millions of people including the goverment and the imperal family, and the rest of industry" is not a smal price any goverment would like to do.

          • 2 years ago

            all of japan's major cities and industrial centers had been firebombed to the ground except kyoto. atomic bombs weren't much different to them lol

          • 2 years ago

            He's kinda right
            Not because "le epic Soviets actually did everything and communism will win!" homosexualry. It's just that the Japanese High Command themselves really were suicidal, moronic, and absolutely deranged and psychotic enough to consider sacrificing their entire population in nuclear fire to be "worth it".
            They surrendered when the Soviets joined because they only cared about their stupid fricking Emperor and they didn't want the Russians installing a communist government. The USA would have had to kill every single Jap man, woman, and child in order to end that fricking war if it wasn't for the Red Scare knocking sense into Hirohito.

      • 2 years ago

        >widely considered the most impressive military operation of all time, full stop

      • 2 years ago

        The Kwantung Army was a shadow of its former self by that time, still an impressive feat though

      • 2 years ago

        Considering the figures given are correct, I'm confused as to why you're doubting the claim ; or do you not understand the scale of it all ? Nothing even remotely comparable has ever been seen in the history of the world, before or after. It's also the REAL reason why Japan decided to surrender, btw, as Japanese archives plainly show, while the atomic bombings merely gave them pause for a few minutes, and even the perspective of a full US invasion literally was plan A for them.

        The VAST majority of the Japanese land forces were in China proper, fighting the Chinese. In Manchuria there was barely a token force. It's like saying D-Day was against the strongest possible German force when in reality it was a couple of garrisons.

      • 2 years ago

        >1945 Kwantung Army
        >"Experienced army over a million men"
        More like a mob of 750,000 second rate replacements who were increasingly short on modern equipment and supplies. The Japanese had been transferring the tougher soldiers back to Japan itself for months by that point, while the rest were fighting in China itself.

      • 2 years ago

        considered the most impressive military operation of all time, full stop
        This is not the Westfeldzug...

    • 2 years ago

      The US was expecting a brutal invasion of the Japanese islands with enemy forces often fighting to the last man and insane levels of civilian resistance. They made so many Purple Hearts in anticipation of the horrendous casualties that they only ran out a few years ago. The idea was that the invasion of Japan would involve both the US and USSR, so the USSR would've made landings along the northern parts of Japan and worked their way down. It wouldn't have been a freebie.

  4. 2 years ago

    Imagine how kino an eastern bloc Japan would've been... vgh. Japanese-soviet aesthetics would be unmatched...

  5. 2 years ago

    KMT-occupied Japan would be kino beyond words

  6. 2 years ago

    Japanese version of east Germany would have been absolutely kino

  7. 2 years ago

    >tfw no Japanese SSR

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Oткyдa изoбpaжeниe? Mнe вooбщe пpocтo интepecнo c кaкoгo caйтa ты eгo cкaчaл.

        • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            He зa чтo

  8. 2 years ago

    Wasn't operation downfall considered an extremely costly attack for the Americans? I can't imagine it being any easier for the Soviets so an invasion by them is highly unlikely.

    • 2 years ago

      yeah but just the thought of their regime getting replaced by a puppet communist state is enough to scare the shit out of the Japanese monarchists. They thought brutal revolution would come if Soviets set foot on the island. Surrendering to Americans was the better choice

  9. 2 years ago

    whats the japs view of the soviets and eastern euros as a whole?

    • 2 years ago

      The girl who voice acts Nagatoro is a Sovietaboo who became fluent in Russian, she says her favorite leader is Khrushchev because he did a lot during the Cuban missle crisis. She seems legit autismo.

      She lists all the post war Soviet leaders too, making a Russian woman say she's "kuwashii", meaning very knowledgable. She also sings the Soviet anthem in Russian earlier in the video.

      • 2 years ago

        First Sovietboo I've ever seen who likes Khrushchev kek. Every other one I meet is forever seething at Cornman because they think de-Stalinization was bad.

        • 2 years ago

          I think she's just in to the aesthetics rather than the political system. For all we know that might just be a gimmick her agent made her adopt to distinguish her.
          Japan is something else.

      • 2 years ago

        idk why but this just looks so weird, like normally we only hear about westaboos in japan

        anyway whats her name, i need to know everything about this godsent woman

        • 2 years ago

          Sumire Uesaka.

          And, like a fricking moron, upon searching that in English I realize that video has already been subtitled.

      • 2 years ago

        Sumire Uesaka.

        And, like a fricking moron, upon searching that in English I realize that video has already been subtitled.

        I wonder how she feels now that Russia is literally Nazi-tier in the eyes of the Western world.

        • 2 years ago

          She's probably been boycotted.

  10. 2 years ago

    This is the dumbest fricking picture. How are the Soviets gonna get and then supply the million men they need to occupy and annex any part of Japan? Beg the US for some troop transports? Fricking Canada had a larger navy at the time, lmao. Stalin rightfully understood that Russians were too stupid to figure out how boats work for the last century and the last time they tried to do anything in the pacific they gave the japs the idea that they are equal human beings to Europeans, with predictable results.

  11. 2 years ago

    What would anime look like?

    • 2 years ago

      I imagine in this case Baseduzmultfilm would've had as much influence as Disney on their animation.

  12. 2 years ago

    Soviets never stepped foot on the Japanese mainland. War with Japan was mainly though by the US Stalin was probably more concerned about Germany. Japan even had a NAP with the Soviets to the end of the war.

  13. 2 years ago

    What should have been in my opinion.

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