What is our obligation toward hylics?

Normies, NPC's, mindless consumers, sheeple... there's a thousand different names for them. But I think it's generally understood who we're talking about.

There are people out there, probably the majority, who are incapable of independent thought. Their primary concern is to be "normal" and conform to society. They are the ones who will happily eat bugs or live in pods because some random celebrity advocates for it.

They really are just like sheep, and our elites are purposefully leading them astray. It's not their fault. None of this empty consumerism, hedonism, or sexual deviancy is their fault. They could be living healthy and fulfilling lives.

I have a crushing sense of responsibility to help them. It keeps me from enjoying hobbies or just living for myself. Just like sheep, they're incapable of asking for help or even understanding their condition. I can't take it anymore. What are we supposed to do?

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  1. 4 years ago

    I feel the same way brother, it pains my soul everyday to see them act in such manner.
    It is even worse my own beloved brother walk their path unconcerned even with my continuous loving rebuke of his actions.

    But, it was their choice to live that life.
    They chose the path they walk whether they believe it or not.
    The stubborn goats they are chose to not follow the Shepards, they perfer to graze on the hills & be left behind.
    They find no comfort in tender guidance or recognize the disciplined rod.

    Remember, It is not your duty to save them, It is not your duty to show them the error of their ways.
    Just continue to walk the narrow path with me brother, let us seek true happiness & understanding in ourselves & the natural world around us.
    We will find heaven and peace in ourselves as we go our own way on our individual journeys.

    • 4 years ago

      >it was their choice to live that life.
      But I'm not convinced that they're even capable of making that choice. Their need to conform is being used against them. We are the only ones that can help them live better lives. If we don't, who will? Hollywood? Netflix? Celebrities?

      • 4 years ago

        Based af

  2. 4 years ago

    And why are you not one of these "hylics"?

    Have you not considered that it could be a rational decision to not be great?

    • 4 years ago

      A hylic wouldn't be having this conversation. They wouldn't even be on LULZ to begin with. Coming here, a place perceived of as taboo by most, was choice that demonstrates at least some degree of free will and independent thought.

      >Have you not considered that it could be a rational decision to not be great?
      You can try to justify your inaction however you want, but we are still their only hope for living healthy, fulfilling lives.

      There are two groups of independent thinkers

      There's us - People who are capable of independent thought and want to help those who aren't

      And there's "experts"- People who are capable of independent thought and take advantage of those who aren't

      Consider the case of David Reimer. Read up on what his parents had him subjected to because they were told it was the "right" thing to do by "experts".

      The parents aren't to blame. The "experts" aren't to even to blame because that's just their nature. It's us for letting it happen when we know it's wrong. We understand the whole situation, but we do absolutely nothing to help the helpless. It kills me inside. How can I help them? How can I stop all of this? How can I make them understand?

      • 4 years ago

        i am sorry brother you are not original or out of the pond, there are millions of elitists out there thinking they live the better way and judge everybody else, going to this site doesn't make you a rebel or a thinking person

      • 4 years ago

        You have an overdeveloped ego due to isolation, and your brain is trying to justify your loneliness by assuming you are somehow exceptional when in reality you have no other truly exceptional people in your life to compete against.

  3. 4 years ago

    Become a missionary and show them the truth of salvation

  4. 4 years ago

    holy fedora

  5. 4 years ago

    Just be a good example and advisor for the people around you and change will come to your sorroundings and the people.
    A good and honest man you meet face to face is more influential than a faceless demon on the screen.
    About the independent thought well, you probably wont be able to change that.
    What you should probably do is just concentrate on your own life mostly and try to spread your values to your children. 2*2*2*2*2*2 over generations.

  6. 4 years ago

    >"I have no positive achievements in my own life so i must push others down as inferior to uphold my positive self Image"- the post

    At least you chose a novel approach of taking the everyday act of thinking and claiming it as something amazing that only the few special ones (like you) posess.
    Usually people like you just claim their skin colour as superior and amazing.

    • 4 years ago

      This is a typical hylic response. They cannot conceive that people exist as strata of higher and lower consciousness. In their simple worldview, everyone must be exactly like them.

      • 4 years ago

        you do not show to be higher than any common peasant tbh.

  7. 4 years ago

    We'd like to think we're special because we're enlightened, or supremely clever, able to pierce the veil of society and see it for what it really is, but what has it brought us? have we led better lives because of it? Are we happy, do we make others happy? Have we lived as we would've liked to live? A sheep is content, they'll live fine lives, make human connections, and be mourned when they pass, how many of us can say the same?

  8. 4 years ago

    >What is our obligation toward hylics?
    First, try to assess whether you're simply a less extreme NPC.

  9. 4 years ago

    Hylics are the result of Yaldaboath and the Archons gang rape of Eve in the Garden. Sophia's light was not in Eve at the time. These descendants of Cain have neither soul nor the Spirit of Seth.

  10. 4 years ago

    prove you are not a hylic in one sentence

    • 4 years ago

      Hylics don't know about any of this.

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