Whats his legacy? How will the ASOIAF universe be remembered if he dies before finishing it?

What’s his legacy?

How will the ASOIAF universe be remembered if he dies before finishing it?

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  1. 5 months ago

    As an unsatisfying, incomplete MESS.

    • 5 months ago

      George is a MESS. George is a WASTE. I don’t often agree with Tolkien and I don’t often agree with Le Guin, but I get along with everybody. But I say this every night, every day, every afternoon and it’s so true: George is a MESS.

  2. 5 months ago

    It would be a big win for the Tolkien audiene, and it'd be funny in general

  3. 5 months ago

    Hey, you reading this. Yes, (You). Can you imagine it? Go ahead, dare to imagine--Winds of Winter, that fat stack of text, physically in your hands. A dream of spring, right? Well, let's not go that far. But actually imagine yourself, in your favorite spot, holding the book. Play along, man. Just imagine it. Wouldn't that be a thrill to just open up and dig into? All the resolutions to where the last one ended. New characters. New lore. Oh God, imagine all the new things we'll learn from sudden tangents from this and that. Can't you imagine it anymore?

    • 5 months ago

      My favorite spot was a park very few people frequented near the train rails with a fountain and just a couple trees, there was no grass but I enjoyed taking off my shoes and feeling the cold wet soil.
      I read all five books there plus the tales of dunk and egg, that park no longer exists, they tore it down to build an apartment building since there is a bigger park with children and dogs nearby

      • 5 months ago

        >All the unaccomplished works of Nature's hand
        >Abortive, monstrous, or unkindly mixed
        >Dissolved on Earth, flee thither, and in vain
        >till final dissolution, wander here

        Hey, you reading this. Yes, (You). Can you imagine it? Go ahead, dare to imagine--Winds of Winter, that fat stack of text, physically in your hands. A dream of spring, right? Well, let's not go that far. But actually imagine yourself, in your favorite spot, holding the book. Play along, man. Just imagine it. Wouldn't that be a thrill to just open up and dig into? All the resolutions to where the last one ended. New characters. New lore. Oh God, imagine all the new things we'll learn from sudden tangents from this and that. Can't you imagine it anymore?

        my favorite spot was some old tree on the roadside out in the desert. I drive out there sometimes but theres so many homeless crackheads its not as chill to sit and read while smoking a cigarette as it used to be. many years ago, when I first read game of thrones.

    • 5 months ago

      >Wouldn't that be a thrill to just open up and dig into?
      I mean, sorta-kinda? It's just another entertaining funny little book, like the previous ones. I don't expect to enjoy them much more (or much less) than the previous ones. It would be nice to have them, but I won't be upset if it's never finished.

      >New characters. New lore.
      It's not like the old ones are bad.

      The real issue here is that GRRM just not finishing the series became a more entertaining meme/discourse than the books themselves.

  4. 5 months ago

    He's the type of author that creates something with potential then destroys it with his own sloth, forcing the readers that do care to write fanfiction which does a better job at finishing the story.

  5. 5 months ago

    As soon as he dies someone will pick up his manuscripts and publish whatever he left, as happens with every author who doesn't finish his work in life.
    Precedent shows almost always this fails, with few exceptions like Christopher Tolkien being fully respectful of his father's work and meticulously piecing his notes together into The Silmarillion.

    • 5 months ago

      Now if only he had a son.

      • 5 months ago

        lmao what is this from? what would this man publish such a thing

        • 5 months ago

          Footage from my drone, he will finish winds of winter whether he likes it or not.

          • 5 months ago

            You're the anon that put a copy of Stephen King's Misery on GRRM's porch aren't you

          • 5 months ago

            no thats me

          • 5 months ago

            he looks like he lives around me. mayhaps i could....motivate him

      • 5 months ago

        Why do weird boomers love Florida and the Southwest so much? Is it really that important to them to never be cold?

        • 5 months ago

          I'm getting old, and this year I found myself cursing my aging body in the face of navigating the difficulties of winter. Your internal thermostat goes down; it's harder to get and stay warm. You're constantly worried about hurting yourself, since it takes much longer to recover.
          You'll see. Aging is a b***h.

          • 5 months ago

            Maybe, but what will keep me young and struggling against it anyway. My ideal “retirement” (will never retire) is tending some gentleman farm here where it snows. Some life of kind of boating and living in air conditioning seems a lot more like pod life than I’m interested in.

          • 5 months ago

            >Your internal thermostat goes down; it's harder to get and stay warm.
            This has nothing to do with getting old and everything to do with the cumulative effects of a bad diet and lack of exercise destroying your metabolism. The older you get, the less your body is able to cope with being damaged three meals a day.

    • 5 months ago

      kafka and pessoa both have fantastic unfinished works that were published after their deaths

  6. 5 months ago

    Every blog post he makes is about someone else close to him dying, but that's what life is like when you're old...

    It's really sad, honestly. He found fame too late in life, and wanted to do so much with his success that he lost himself in finishing his magnum opus.

    Kinda crazy to think Preston Jacobs' fanfiction project might actually be the only Winds of Winter we get.

    • 5 months ago

      I don't thinkbits a coincidence progress on the books stalled when the show became a hit.

      We all know he's just basking in that HBO money, happy he doesn't have to work a day in his life anymore.

  7. 5 months ago

    This fat frick's legacy is dying before completing his magnum opus.

    And at this point, I think it's better that he doesn't complete it. He's turned into stark raving mad leftist that still has Trump derangement syndrome even after it's been 4 years of having Biden as the president. He doesn't have IT anymore. He's lazy and he's liable to have been influenced by real world events to change up his story, probably do some stupid shit like making Cersei a good queen because he never got to experience Hilary Clinton as president.

    • 5 months ago

      on top of the politics I'm really scared that he'd turn JonCon's Greyscale into a covid-inspired pandemic plotline

      • 4 months ago

        The real tragedy was supposed to be that Aegon gets greyscale from him.
        Now that's a twist of the knife

        • 4 months ago

          that's too cruel, even for the fat frick

          • 4 months ago

            It's going to happen though. There is no other point for him to have it other than Jon Connington spreading it to everyone he's around and wiping out 100s if not 1000s of people in Westeros. The entirety of King's Landing may end up getting it when he takes over the city in Winds and Dany nukes the city like Arthas did Stratholme

          • 4 months ago

            That would be hilarious because it would be the most prominent gay character in the story spreading a disease everywhere when he could just have his hand amputated to stop it.

            GRRM would never do that because of his political beliefs. It's the reason why he can't finish the Meereen plot.
            >Dany's rule of Meereen is an allegory for the Iraq War.
            >If Meereen is better off for Dany's occupation, then it says the USA was right to invade Iraq, which GRRM does not agree with.
            >If Meereen is worse off for Dany's occupation, then he is saying that it's better to leave slave trading empires to their own devices, which makes him look like an apologist for slavery.
            >GRRM is basically forced to make a huge political statement he disagrees with in his magnum opus that everybody will remember him by
            >So he's meandering on actually finishing the book

            The real reason for giving JonCon greyscale is to make the Golden Company act brash and recklessly. Aegon is young and brash and JonCon is the older voice of reason. Then JonCon has a timer put on his life via the greyscale. It's only a matter of time until the greyscale stops his heart and he wants to put his homosexual oneitis's son on the throne before that happens.

  8. 5 months ago

    We're 100% not getting A Dream of Spring by GRRM. There's no possible, conceivable way for him to write that book and I don't think he has any intention of doing it either. Best case is he leaves some various notes for an author to possibly write after he dies.
    We'll be lucky if George finishes the remaining 300-500 pages of Winds of Winter.

    • 5 months ago

      >We're 100% not getting A Dream of Spring by GRRM. There's no possible, conceivable way for him to write that book
      There 100% is he just has to sit down and fricking write instead of working on his moronic side projects to flesh out the world while leaving his core work unfinished. I don’t understand how he can not realize that his legacy lives and dies based on the ASOIAF series, Dunk and Egg does not make an impact at all.

      • 5 months ago

        He's 75 years old, with who knows how many good years left. Maybe 3-5, maybe 7-10. It would take George probably 20 years to write A Dream of Spring with the way he writes. Winds of Winter will be his final book in the ASOIAF series.

        • 5 months ago

          > It would take George probably 20 years to write A Dream of Spring with the way he writes. Winds of Winter will be his final book in the ASOIAF series.
          While my personal bet is Winds comes out and Dream does not, there is a case to be made for Winds being infinitely harder to write. All his “gardening” has led to a tangled weave of shit he hasn’t begun to close the threads on. It’s Winds that has to do this for most major plot points. Dream is mopping up.
          Therefore, the writer’s block that stunlocked him so long (assuming it wasn’t just sloth and fatfrick sitting on his ass watching tv) is solved once he gets this book out simply because all the big decisions are made.

          • 5 months ago

            I want to believe this anon, but what you're saying now is what people said back in about A Dance with Dragons. We all thought that Dany in Mereen was giving him problems and now that Dance is out we'd get Winds of Winter in 3-5 years and then A Dream of Spring soon after.

          • 5 months ago

            This is true, however, looking back at Dance it’s punting on most of the big moves, if we use the show as a rough idea of the direction he intended. It sets up as many questions that it answers. He’s also running out of space to end it, the pieces must enter the endgame, the battles must get outcomes, plot must get resolutions in a quick pace by the next book.
            I think the reactions to the show ending fried him. He’d given his basic outline and people hated it. I think he’s been stuck trying to come up with some better idea for it, or at least stuck trying to write it in a way a similar payoff wouldn’t look like shit, like it did in the show.

            Maybe he thought it was brilliant to get feedback on how it should end from the show before committing. Maybe he just ran out of ideas. But I think the negative reception really got to him. Let’s assume for a moment that he hasn’t just been slacking, that he’s been writing these last years. Then he’s done enormous revisions to everything he’s written.

            I think regardless of him being just lazy or blocked, the trouble with the show ending is the main cause.

          • 5 months ago

            A theory I saw is that the ending of the HBO series was originally his canon ending, and since people hated it he now doesn't know what to do

          • 5 months ago

            thats obviously what happened but its probably also a bit more complicated than that. I think george gave them a rough outline of the ending hoping they could fill in the gaps well enough and that way he could write something slightly different. instead they were in a rush to get to star wars so they botched it completely. jon snow is very obviously a targ bastard, thats hinted from like the very first chapter in GOT after the prologue. ghost isnt just white with red eyes, hes chased away from the other wolf pups. just like the targaryens were chased away by the other royal houses. theres alot of hinting of things that happened in the later seasons so george obviously had them set up, but wasnt expecting DND to make it as moronic as they did. so now hes fumbling his thumbs deciding what to do. should he keep jon snow as the targ bastard? not much of a surprise now, but everything leads up to it. should he make it another character? would ruin almost the whole point of the very series name; a song of ice and fire, which obviously hints to jon and dany being the last targaryens. hes stuck forever now between the road of 'try to fix the ending that was already released and spoiled' or 'make a new ending that throws all the previous setup into a dumpster'. really he should probably do the latter but thats probably eating at him, the thought of having to throw away years and years of work and start again, so hes hesitant.

      • 5 months ago

        >I don’t understand how he can not realize that his legacy lives and dies based on the ASOIAF series
        I do think it is possible that if TWOW releases, is basically ASOS 2.0, ties up the majority of the plotlines in a satisfying way, and basically just leaves the others plot for ADOS which never gets finished, that his legacy COULD remain in tact. It is a stretch though even when looking at a theoretical TWOW in the best possible light.

        He said in an interview recently that he spends the overwhelming majority of his working time on TWOW, which either means he is lying, has incredibly severe writers block, or is just too old at this point to churn out pages. All of those are bad, but if it is one of the latter two, then perhaps he himself is grappling with the fact that he no longer has the ability.

      • 5 months ago

        Because he doesnt care. Also he has no discipline when it comes to writing, so he makes plot points and hooks as he goes along which is nice and easy until you have to wrap everythings up, which is now basically impossible to do in a satisfying way.

        Moreover he’s basically retelling a story already told trough the tv serie and the book will always be second to it no matter what, which must be depressing. Result: he’s lying about progress and probably has nothing solid written

    • 5 months ago

      He is writing Dream at the same time as Winds. That is why it's taking so long. Trust the plan!

    • 5 months ago

      >We're 100% not getting A Dream of Spring by GRRM. There's no possible, conceivable way for him to write that book
      There 100% is he just has to sit down and fricking write instead of working on his moronic side projects to flesh out the world while leaving his core work unfinished. I don’t understand how he can not realize that his legacy lives and dies based on the ASOIAF series, Dunk and Egg does not make an impact at all.

      If he finishes asioaf he becomes irrelevant, he knows this that's why he gave up on it, he has likely not written a single page of winds of winter in years, he is just riding that wave for the few years he has left

      • 5 months ago

        How so? Tolkien didn't just become irrelevant after The Hobbit was finished and released nor was he irrelevant after Lord of The Rings was finished and released. And he will never be irrelevant, his work and name will be known for generations to come.

        • 5 months ago

          meanwhile they have piles of rrrartins bookset stacked at my local stores, at 50 percent off. why is no one buying the SOIF bookset anymore guys? people still buy the LOTR bookset. that one is never on sale.

        • 5 months ago

          Tolkien was a writer not a tv producer

        • 5 months ago

          Because Tolkien was an intellectual and his work outshined him as a person, Martin is just a fat frick writing slob nobody will remember in 10 years

  9. 5 months ago

    In the same way Berserk is going to be remembered.

    • 5 months ago

      At least Berserk was continuously being published until he died. There’s significant evidence GRRM didn’t work on the book at all until Covid started and then stalled out again.

    • 5 months ago

      Not even close. Berserk will occupy a special place in manga fandom forever simply because manga is a relatively small and niche medium. ASoIaF is going to be forgotten among the ocean of literature out there. One day, HBO VoDs won’t even be accessible and nobody will remember that this was ever even popular.

    • 5 months ago

      Koji Mori at the very least is the best man for the job (Holy Land is great everyone should read Holy Land). Plus the bulk of Berserk's reputation comes from the Golden Age, which tells a good self-contained tragedy. ASOIAF can't really compare, even the stark-lannister conflict which marks the beginning of the series connects with too many sub-plots to be self contained in the same way Golden Age Berserk is.

  10. 5 months ago

    Asoiaf is garbage to.
    What do people see in a hack like him?

    • 4 months ago

      Sunk cost fallacy

  11. 5 months ago


  12. 5 months ago

    Mediocre fantasy series that went unfinished but had its reputation elevated by a popular television adaptation that also got worse as the seasons dragged on.

    He can still salvage his legacy by releasing two incredible books but that’s unlikely.

  13. 5 months ago

    >What’s his legacy?
    Elden Ring.

  14. 5 months ago

    They'll get someone else to finish winds of winter and dream of spring, people will complain but they will secretly be glad the damn thing is done and they can move on with their lives
    How will people remember him? Very few will, there isn't much to him, he tried to be the next Tolkien and failed

  15. 5 months ago

    His legacy is making the most generic shit possible and pumping it full of cheap T&A to get dorks who think they're too good for the genre to give a shit.

    • 5 months ago

      >that map
      What the FRICK was he thinking

      • 5 months ago

        It fits on two pages of a paperback book

      • 5 months ago

        The first three books are quite good for being cynical, postmodern works. There's no denying his technical ability, or his heavy lifting in worldbuilding.
        Feast & Dance should've been a single book, with substantial chopping down & editing (for example, that Dornish nerd who got owned by the dragons should've had his POV dropped entirely). Instead, there's issues with bloat, stalling out, and structural problems -- if you need to do a geographic split and time-stream linkup, that's a clear sign your story is bursting at its seams. In other words, there's one good book between the two of them. What GRRM needs more than anything is an editing team to cut the fat, keep the story progressing, and discipline his fatass into consistent productivity. The lack of this really shows.
        That said, I think we will get Winds of Winter, eventually, but he won't live to complete Dream of Spring. The best we can hope for is outline & notes and another author stepping in to finish, and for the outline & notes to be released and the surrogate author to be talented, unlike what happened to Dune.

        I know what you mean, but there have been attempts to make the Known World less contrived. Pic related, one of the better ones I've seen.

  16. 5 months ago

    >How will the ASOIAF universe be remembered if he dies before finishing it?
    As pulpy pop shit with some good plot twists and some good worldbuilding which cynicism was perfect for our age.

    • 4 months ago

      Pulp novellas were far more inspired. and tastefully edited.

  17. 5 months ago

    Am I the only one who felt like the dragon shit ruined it?
    Up till the fifth book it was considered low fantasy and the chief focus was on the politics and that was fricking nice.

    Then he ruined it with the dragon ball z shit.

    • 5 months ago

      Nah you sound like a moron

      • 5 months ago

        Maybe I sound like a moron cause you're nuzzled up in one of those DragonBallZ eggs you flaming homosexual.

        • 5 months ago

          It's okay that Dany uses her dragon to secure a giant army of killer enuchs in book 3, but book 5 is where it all went wrong for you because of.......? you're a moron.

          • 5 months ago

            Dany can go frick herself in her rotten bawd veganal canal.
            I don't want any fricking dragons in my fricking LOW FANTASY novel series.

            The whole Targaryen plot line could have been eliminated and it would have been a better story.

          • 5 months ago

            I think you're reading the wrong series my man, shame it took you 5 books to realize that.

  18. 5 months ago


  19. 5 months ago


  20. 5 months ago

    Obese childless man dies obese and childless. Noted for writing a tv show that was widey noted as killing a franchise.

  21. 5 months ago

    the blonde dragon b***h was hot

    • 5 months ago

      but she was a turbobawd,
      Arya and Sansa were pure

  22. 5 months ago

    He is the most disgusting rape-loving pervert alive, and yet he larps as a liberal feminist.

    • 5 months ago

      why is it that the rape scenes in blood meridian dont disgust me but the ones in SOIF do? is it the way theyre written? blood meridian describes it with a genuine sense of horror and shock, it happens as another child is getting their brains scattered across a wall, while in SOIF it feels more exploitative. 'and her father was forced to watch while she wriggled like a rabbit beneath the Mountain that Rides' just feels like the old pervert is writing it to get off, and not to display the horrors of medieval warfare or whatever.in the 30 years war the rapes didnt start getting really bad until the war had gone on for a couple years, thats usually when troops become tired, frustrated and angry. its also when peasants begin running out of gold and family israeliteels to plunder, so troops take their wages in other ways, usually starting with rape and progressing to torture and mutilation for entertainment. george doesnt write about rape in a realistic way I feel, it feels like doujin manga shit

      • 5 months ago

        It's because ASOIAF is pornographic in nature. It gets all this credit for being gritty & realistic, and in some ways it is, but in other ways it fetishizes the sex, violence, and disturbing material.


        thats obviously what happened but its probably also a bit more complicated than that. I think george gave them a rough outline of the ending hoping they could fill in the gaps well enough and that way he could write something slightly different. instead they were in a rush to get to star wars so they botched it completely. jon snow is very obviously a targ bastard, thats hinted from like the very first chapter in GOT after the prologue. ghost isnt just white with red eyes, hes chased away from the other wolf pups. just like the targaryens were chased away by the other royal houses. theres alot of hinting of things that happened in the later seasons so george obviously had them set up, but wasnt expecting DND to make it as moronic as they did. so now hes fumbling his thumbs deciding what to do. should he keep jon snow as the targ bastard? not much of a surprise now, but everything leads up to it. should he make it another character? would ruin almost the whole point of the very series name; a song of ice and fire, which obviously hints to jon and dany being the last targaryens. hes stuck forever now between the road of 'try to fix the ending that was already released and spoiled' or 'make a new ending that throws all the previous setup into a dumpster'. really he should probably do the latter but thats probably eating at him, the thought of having to throw away years and years of work and start again, so hes hesitant.

        >'try to fix the ending that was already released and spoiled'
        I'd be fine with this. Just ignore the effects of the show, and stick to the threads he's been weaving since the beginning, that's his best chance.

        • 5 months ago

          >It's because ASOIAF is pornographic in nature. It gets all this credit for being gritty & realistic, and in some ways it is, but in other ways it fetishizes the sex, violence, and disturbing material.
          Nobody would've given a frick about ASOIAF if it didn't have all that. It's just generic "War of the Roses" retelling bullshit like most fantasy. It's for folks who think they're too good for actual, real fantasy like Tolkien, who's really the only good fantasy author anyway.

    • 5 months ago

      >disgusting rape-loving pervert
      >liberal feminist
      Nice tautology.

  23. 5 months ago

    >"hmmm i want X thing to happen in the story. But how will i make it happen in a way that makes sense?"
    >"What if i just make it so certain character(s) suddenly become inexplicably stupid enough to allow such thing to happen?"
    He will be remembered as a hack

  24. 5 months ago

    The funniest and saddest thing will be that upon his death there will be relatively little thought of his life and himself as a man, but so much about his failure to finish his series.

  25. 4 months ago


  26. 4 months ago

    Simply the best and most successful high fantasy series since LotR. He even raised the tide for older series like WoT and SoT which got shows off the back of GoT's success.

  27. 4 months ago

    Just started. What should I expect?

    • 4 months ago

      Some repulsive sex scenes that he pretty clearly is getting off to, absurdly detailed descriptions of food, and some great characters and plots

  28. 4 months ago

    What kind of question is this?
    he has more of a legacy than your dad, and no one gives a shit about neither. what kind of shit metric is this? go do something of value.

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