Where does the retard alt-right meme that communism is somehow "anti-white" come from?

Where does the moron alt-right meme that communism is somehow "anti-white" come from?

Most Communist Eastern Bloc countries were 100% white. Eastern Germany, for example, was 100% ethnic German, whereas West German capitalists lobbied for massive Turkish and other non-white immigration to decrease the cost of labor and divide the working class.

This is the kind of stuff that Communist Warsaw Pact countries propogated:

Traditional culture, beautiful European women performing traditional European dance.


Philosophers singing about the meaning of life.

This is the kind of stuff that Western capitalism propagates:

Brainless sexual titillation.

Praising drug dealing and violence.

Yes, Warsaw Pact Socialism engaged in censorship. They censored degenerate bullshit like 99% of capitalist "culture". It's harmful to the nation. Maybe it's what people's basest instincts want, but that's immaterial. The job of the State and the Communist Vanguard of intellectuals and sophisticated thinkers is to elevate humanity above their base, primal instincts into a higher, more sophisticated state of being.

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  1. 2 years ago

    The altright is a mostly American movement and moronic anti-communism (there are of course non-moronic reasons to be anti-communist) is also an American thing.

    Americans associate Marxism with social liberalism on account of a few israeli university radicals when in fact western European communism was socially conservative before Europe was Americanised. French communist journals used to rail against abortion and homosexuality. There's an anecdote about a french communist getting out of prison after 20 years and perusing a new left journal and remarking with horror that 'it's all about homosexuals!'.

  2. 2 years ago

    Is the OP artwork deriding both sides?

    • 2 years ago

      >West is shown as being objectively awesome
      >East is miserable monotony
      How on Earth did you take this for being against both sides

      • 2 years ago

        Mostly the over-sexualization, also the mickey mouse and coca-cola.

        • 2 years ago

          That’s based
          >Mickey mouse
          Also based

          All in all, the one thing liberals have over everyone else is that their societies are just plain more fun. I can’t imagine games or art or music or sex/porn being better in a communist or fascist nation. Liberalism wins that game hands down.

      • 2 years ago

        It looks like satire

    • 2 years ago

      Yes, the author is some crazy Nazi.

  3. 2 years ago

    East Germany had gay bars and actively promoted acceptance of homosexuality, even encouraging the gay community to have a dialogue with religious institutions.
    But to answer your question, the line that communism inherently seeks to destroy traditional institutions like the family is essentially the apocalyptic line of the nazi party and reactionary movements in general that posits that any attempt to agitate the class order of a society is an attempt to destroy that society and everything it holds dear. This line has existed everywhere from Indonesia to Brazil wherever socialists become popular whether they're militant movements or electoral ones.

    • 2 years ago

      >the line that communism inherently seeks to destroy traditional institutions like the family is essentially the apocalyptic line of the nazi party and reactionary movements in general that posits that any attempt to agitate the class order of a society
      Yeah, that's why the Bolsheviks demolished all those churches and Spanish socialists dug up the corpses of nuns to desecrate, it was, uhhhh, just Nazi agitprop (and *if* it happened, well, they had it coming)

    • 2 years ago

      >that communism inherently seeks to destroy traditional institutions like the family is essentially the apocalyptic line of the nazi party
      You cannot have any intermediary institutions like the family without private properly. There is no incentive for family formation without it. Communism is a condition where private property doesn’t exist, and communism has never existed.
      So you are either extremely confused, or a liar.

    • 2 years ago

      >the line that communism inherently seeks to destroy traditional institutions like the family
      Marx literally says this, word for word. He derides the concept of family as being bourgeoisie. Engels goes a step further and reduces the family to being purely an economic product, a consequence of economic necessity. If people hate communists because communists want to destroy the family, you have to admit they fear something which communists proudly proclaim as their end goal.

      • 2 years ago

        A lot of idiots somehow picked up the bizarre notion of “based” communism from somewhere, probably /misc/.

        • 2 years ago

          It’s the most successful psyop that Bunkerchan has ever pulled.

        • 2 years ago

          It's a stage most people grow out of it. I assume OP is fairly new to politics and just fleshing out his beliefs.

          • 2 years ago

            Possibly. I think right-wing politics have also been experiencing a crisis recently particularly as an "edgy" or boutique thing and some /misc/ guys have become attracted to communism without knowing much about it.

            I think there are some things about it that can seem "conservative" in a sense in a very American framework... in Marxism-Leninism that is. There's a sense of almost duty and discipline. Or honor. There's a language about that and an ethos of courage which I can honestly see appealing to the same kind of people who are attracted to Greek statues of conquerers holding swords and shit like that. It's a path to power, in other words. The Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact also had a heavily militarized version of socialism. The problem is that (a) this was an economic failure and (b) was a product of World War II and probably produced out of necessity anyways; which is an interlinked concept that I think socialists today need to grapple with. But that kind of culture produced in the USSR wouldn't really translate to any of the countries today with ML governments other than North Korea. But that's a result of circumstances too and it's not like anyone is rushing to move to North Korea.

            On the left there's a divide though since there's a left-liberal New Left that's broadly "libertarian socialist" or anarchist but actually quite liberal and impotent since they're not comfortable with organization. I do think you have a growing (although still small and marginal) Marxist-Leninist thing and you have ex-/misc/ guys getting into it, and some change their politics, while others try to transfer a IQfy politics to it, which is like nerd fandom culture about how communism was great until it was RUINED by women or whatever just like how their vidya games were ruined, and it doesn't work and that's also highlighted by those left-liberals I just talked about about why "tankies" are "red fash" and that's why you should support bombing the Russians (I guess).

          • 2 years ago

            Also when I say there's a crisis in right-wing politics, i I'm trying to be as objective as I can from where I'm standing. I'm not on the right, but I'm not trying to sell the left to anyone here or hustle anyone into it, because I think it's very weak, and there are a ton of divisions and useless nonsense in it. But the right seems like it really doesn't know where to go. Trump has his die-hards but find me an intelligent reactionary who thinks that he really represents a decisive alternative. And that's apparent now, hence the crisis.

  4. 2 years ago

    Nobody cares about what second world shitholes were doing in the 70s. We care about contemporary commies reading settlers, supporting grooming gangs, idolizing south africa farm killings, saying white people have to die

    Lecturing for Coca cola telling white people to be less white and give up their physical safety, promoting anti white violence by saying that you can't be racist against whites etc etc

  5. 2 years ago

    >Where does the moron alt-right meme that communism is somehow "anti-white" come from?
    It’s just a reactionary response to the very obvious anti white rhetoric of the modern new left movement.
    Inb4 I get responses pretending to have no idea what I’m talking about

  6. 2 years ago

    >traditional culture
    Destroying all private property, money and formal institutions is “traditional culture”.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      That's not what Marx sought to do.
      Read the Communist Manifesto again.

  7. 2 years ago


  8. 2 years ago

    in any government who proposes its main goal to elevare a people above its base instincts, are just gatekeeping the objects of desire.
    often hoarding them.

    also slavs arent white

  9. 2 years ago

    it comes from the modern iterations of Maoist third-worldism that have taken over the so-called "woke" green-haired freaks

    basically it posits that white people are incapable of being part of the working class and need to be eradicated

    and THAT is why they correctly identify current year ""communists"" (lets face it they aren't really and wouldn't cut it on the yard but use the buzzwords and are foreign backed fifth columns designed to weaken the moral and military readiness of the west) as anti-white

    because they obviously are

  10. 2 years ago

    The alt-right ain't what it used to be. It started off as a paleo-libertarian and paleo-conservative movement. Now it's composed of dregs who larp as nazis or religious fundamentalists. Many of them are outright commies and socialists.

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        WTF I'm a progessive now?

  11. 2 years ago

    it's funny but most of the original labor strikers and proto-unions, you know all those people who laid the foundations for the labor laws we enjoy so much today, were fanatically racist

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, but that's one reason why a lot of those movements failed particularly in the United States. The bosses found it fairly easy to co-opt class struggles with benefits for some along sectional lines. This is why the argument that there was some "pure" and uncorrupted class politics, like an indivisible remainder, that was coopted by "idpol" and woke stuff is incorrect as what's now called "class essentialist" politics was co-opted first, and the New Left in the 60s which focused on new social movements were in fact responding to this loss of revolutionary potential in "the working class." Obviously this led to a crisis in Marxism in rich countries but the economy has gone so screwy in the past 10-20 years and inequality has taken on such grotesque proportions that people are considering whether Marx might be vindicated in the end.

    • 2 years ago

      Also, I'd add that labor laws are actually quite weak in the United States. It varies depending on the state, of course, but there are swathes of the U.S. where they basically don't exist, or only exist on paper. The very few rights workers do have in the U.S. protected by federal labor law are enforced through institutions that are starved of resources. This is why workplace organizing is so important since it's the only power that workers can really count on.

  12. 2 years ago

    Because they objectively were (and are). The Soviet Union was responsible for introducing concepts of "racism" and white guilt narratives into Western discourse. Encouraging this bullshit in Western universities and was one of their main vehicles of infiltration and subversion.

    You're aware there's alternatives beyond capitalism and communism, right? It doesn't have to be a choice between the two. Reject both.

    • 2 years ago

      >The Soviet Union was responsible for introducing concepts of "racism" and white guilt narratives into Western discourse. Encouraging this bullshit in Western universities and was one of their main vehicles of infiltration and subversion.

      If you have any evidence to support this, I promise I will livestream my suicide on this forum

      • 2 years ago

        based bullshit caller outer

      • 2 years ago

        Not that guy but it doesn't seem all that outlandish.
        There were many israeli academics peddling subversive bullshit in America and I suppose some of them must've been on the USSR's payroll.
        Some of the libtard ones were acting out of their group interest and thus had an incentive to weaken the white supremacy in the US but the commie-leaning ones probably had some backing.

  13. 2 years ago

    I just know that the American and Australian labor movements were very racist. And I find that funny. Mostly because racist socialism seems to be an almost unthinkable position nowadays.

  14. 2 years ago

    >Most Communist Eastern Bloc countries were 100% white. Eastern Germany, for example, was 100% ethnic German, whereas West German capitalists lobbied for massive Turkish and other non-white immigration to decrease the cost of labor and divide the working class.
    This is a lie. Youtube propaganda videos aren't proof of anything. Frick off you Nazbol.

  15. 2 years ago

    It's a reference to the fascist myth that International israelitery were behind Communism.

    • 2 years ago

      maoist third-worldism is expressly anti-white

      • 2 years ago

        there are also like three maoist third worldists in the entire world

        • 2 years ago

          in America most black communist revolutionary groups were Maoist, for decades

          imo because it lets them hate on whitey more effectively, from a purely ideological perspective

          • 2 years ago

            >in America most black communist revolutionary groups were Maoist, for decades
            those Maoist groups existed for about two decades before dissolving or folding into the Democratic Party.

          • 2 years ago

            not clicking that shit

            you have to take a screenshot

          • 2 years ago

            >in America most black communist revolutionary groups were Maoist, for decades
            Yes, but only marginal psychos like the NBPP were actually taking the Settlers-type race war line. The original BPP and it's ideological successors, such as the NABPP explicitly take a proletarian internationalist line and advocate for solidarity with white workers.

      • 2 years ago

        Third Worldists are absurdly based. I remember seeing a thread on IQfy where some communists were writing essays trying to convince an anon that communism is not anti-White, and some chad barged in, post a link to Sakai’s “Settlers”, a bunch of Maoist Pepes, and links to predictions of whites becoming minorities in Europe. Communists with masks off are always more fun than communists with the mask on.

  16. 2 years ago

    Old propaganda adapted for a new modern audience.

  17. 2 years ago

    alt right? filtered

  18. 2 years ago

    I'm no twitter search whiz, but if you filter the profile to "Marxist-Lenninist" and then search for "white" in the comments I'm sure you'll find some.

  19. 2 years ago

    Right, whatever you do, don't look up which american icon Honecker invited, what his foreign policy was centered around

  20. 2 years ago


    Based janny do it again

  21. 2 years ago

    East Germany had liberal abortion laws while abortion was almost entirely illegal in West Germany. Only after unification did abortion become legal throughout all of Germany. Neither western liberalism nor communism are "based" socially conservative ideologies.

    • 2 years ago

      Abortion was outlawed by the Soviets, at least in the Russian SFSR, during Stalin's time.

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