where to buy books

where do you guys buy your books because i always end up out an arm and a leg after buying 10 ish books and im starting to feel im doing something wrong here

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

  1. 12 months ago

    Edward mckays

    • 12 months ago

      I too shop at McKay's Used Books, CDs, Movies and More! If I see you in the literature aisle, I'll call you a Black person.

      • 12 months ago

        Keep an eye out for me bro

    • 12 months ago

      They feed your head

  2. 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      It’s dead now. Fbi got to it

      • 12 months ago

        lmao even

        jokes aside, if anyone's interested you can use Anna's Archive

  3. 12 months ago

    used book bookstores (duh?)

  4. 12 months ago

    >he buys his books


    • 12 months ago

      printing out pdfs is fine but real books are nice

      • 12 months ago

        oh that isnt what I meant you girly little homosexual

        • 12 months ago

          in nature i would kill you

          • 12 months ago

            You are wrong

      • 12 months ago

        >he doesn't download PDFs, reformat them into print styling, and then bind them himself

  5. 12 months ago

    only buy brand new if you want to support a living author
    buying new books from dead authors only supports translators and publishers

    • 12 months ago

      also just get books from the library if you can

      • 12 months ago

        >go to library
        >smelly homeless people at every computer, table, desk, chair etc

        • 12 months ago

          then dont go to the computers dummy, the homeless are only in the lounge areas.
          if some piss ridden schmucks is all it takes for you to not get some books, you are ngmi.
          also most libraries let you borrow (and rip) ebooks/audiobooks.

          • 12 months ago

            At my library if there is a chair there is a homeless person in it.

          • 12 months ago

            why the frick are you going to the chairs? get book, check out, go home, bang wife, read without piss raping your nostrils, return book when done, repeat

          • 12 months ago

            Usually, Half Price Books. Otherwise, it's used and online. On the rare occasion I buy a book new, there's an independent bookstore about 25 minutes away that I don't mind the drive to (or I pay $5 shipping if I don't have another reason to head over that way).
            We actually have a lot of nice used bookstores in the area. Perks of being a bigger city without being a big city.

            Are they on the shelves? Grab your books and take them home, dingus.

            then dont go to the computers dummy, the homeless are only in the lounge areas.
            if some piss ridden schmucks is all it takes for you to not get some books, you are ngmi.
            also most libraries let you borrow (and rip) ebooks/audiobooks.

            >public spaces are decaying and you're not allowed to notice it
            i'm tired boss

          • 12 months ago

            you can notice it, just man up instead of letting icky sticky smells dictate where you can and cannot go.
            go home them yourself if you care so much 😉

          • 12 months ago

            >go home them yourself
            i'll give them a new home... 6 feet under

          • 12 months ago

            I'd rather leave bags of fentanyl laced with rat poison and powdered glass around them, it's a more permanent solution

          • 12 months ago

            >I'd rather leave bags of fentanyl laced with rat poison and powdered glass around them
            knock yourself out, coward

          • 12 months ago

            >I riffled through someones bag and took their laced drugs and died, so YOU are the coward.

          • 12 months ago

            That's not what I said.

          • 12 months ago

            Don't care.

          • 12 months ago

            Not only did you say it, you look like this

            No! Nooooo!!!!

          • 12 months ago

            Not only did you say it, you look like this

          • 12 months ago

            The chairs are between the aisles moron. You’re forced to come face to face with the stinky beasts.

          • 12 months ago

            Stop browsing the manga and porn mag section then

          • 12 months ago

            Bro the homeless are in every nook and cranny of the library. It might as well be their home base.

          • 12 months ago

            you can notice it, just man up instead of letting icky sticky smells dictate where you can and cannot go.
            go home them yourself if you care so much 😉

          • 12 months ago

            >At my library if there is a chair there is a homeless person in it.
            sand? in my vegana?

          • 12 months ago

            >the homeless are only in the lounge areas.
            Good incentive to post this gem from a recent OP

          • 12 months ago

            I like the part of homelessness where society created them by being endless dicks, and they encourage the negative behavior further by simply increasing the dickness.

          • 12 months ago

            >not giving you free things that every normal person has to slave away to provide is "being endless dicks"

          • 12 months ago

            Scarcity mentality is stockholm syndrome and it enables perfectly good people to live their whole lives with such negativity that from birth they were seemingly destined to be homeless and once this is achieved the threat of scarcity is fully realized.

            A marginal percentage of the human race does not hold up to this mental terrorism, and they become addicts, astranged from their families, and end up on the street. You may think a person is a psychotic dick and so they should just frick off and die, but this threat is precisely what caused them to become that way.

            When it comes to negative stimuli, most people can strive to be constructive to prevent it from happening again, other people react negatively to negative stimuli. All you will do is make that person worse by refusing to be unconditonally compassionate. They are under the effects of severe torture.

          • 12 months ago

            >unconditonally compassionate
            There is no compassion in nature. There is no reason to make excuses for - and to support - mentally ill freaks, degenerates, and any other bargain bin so-called human that can't hack it on his own

          • 12 months ago

            >muh unnatural
            there's no computers, toilets, grocery stores, doctors, or AC in nature either, don't see you jettisoning any of those anytime soon

          • 12 months ago

            >you take advantage of the benefits of scientific advancements, this means that you must give money to drug-addicted vagrants and mentally ill people

          • 12 months ago

            >I don't give money to homeless people because compassion is unnatural
            >what about all these other things you do that are unnatural, you should stop doing them too
            >incoherent screeching
            don't know what I expected from someone who buys the moronic "nature is le good" meme

          • 12 months ago

            He got btfo’d

          • 12 months ago

            Bruh I don’t think pumping money is the solution but you aren’t even following logically from your asserted premises. The whole point is you’re championing nature but still deviate from nature when it’s convenient for you. You know what whatever you’re arguing disingenuously anyway. Just be glad you aren’t homeless anon. Still I don’t think communism/socialism works but have some fricking compassion, lest you effectively forfeit any worthiness of receiving compassion yourself

          • 12 months ago

            go live in nature instead of shitting up the internet, homosexual

          • 12 months ago

            I do live in nature, trannie

          • 12 months ago

            uh huh. whatever feeds your innawoods delusion, ESL tard.

          • 12 months ago

            Vous dites toujours "ESL" comme si ce sera une insulte d'apprendre en premiere une vraie langue mdr

          • 12 months ago

            >real language
            oui oui baguette

          • 12 months ago

            He got btfo’d

            sneed anglophones

            >I don't give money to homeless people because compassion is unnatural
            >what about all these other things you do that are unnatural, you should stop doing them too
            >incoherent screeching
            don't know what I expected from someone who buys the moronic "nature is le good" meme

            first of all, you said "unconditionally compassionate", not "compassionate". Caring for those close to you is natural, caring for some dumb homosexual who became an alcoholic or a junkie of his own volition is not.

            >I am so far removed from that sort of worthless existence
            you are so much closer to the homeless than you are to wealth, and yet you hate the homeless and not the wealthy. false consciousness is a powerful drug

            How exactly did you gather that I like rich oligarchs? Because I don't like them either. In the meantime, oligarchs aren't shitting on the sidewalks, , harassing random people, and leaving heroin needles where children pay

          • 12 months ago

            >natural is just what I like and don't like doing
            still haven't addressed my specific point, which is Why give a shit what's natural or not?

          • 12 months ago

            also, I'm not

            Scarcity mentality is stockholm syndrome and it enables perfectly good people to live their whole lives with such negativity that from birth they were seemingly destined to be homeless and once this is achieved the threat of scarcity is fully realized.

            A marginal percentage of the human race does not hold up to this mental terrorism, and they become addicts, astranged from their families, and end up on the street. You may think a person is a psychotic dick and so they should just frick off and die, but this threat is precisely what caused them to become that way.

            When it comes to negative stimuli, most people can strive to be constructive to prevent it from happening again, other people react negatively to negative stimuli. All you will do is make that person worse by refusing to be unconditonally compassionate. They are under the effects of severe torture.

            . multiple people are disagreeing with you

          • 12 months ago

            Because being in tune with nature makes your soul more in tune with higher powers

            We have ample scientific and theological evidence to suggest that unconditional love is not only possible but quite beneficial. It is necessary for the human race if we wish to continue the species. Stop trying to hold us back just because you're swimming in negativity.

            there is no human race, there are several human races

            hey homosexual i asked for bookstore recs and i get that you love Black folk so much but can you please stop coaling up my replies

            old bookstores, online book selling platforms

            Bruh I don’t think pumping money is the solution but you aren’t even following logically from your asserted premises. The whole point is you’re championing nature but still deviate from nature when it’s convenient for you. You know what whatever you’re arguing disingenuously anyway. Just be glad you aren’t homeless anon. Still I don’t think communism/socialism works but have some fricking compassion, lest you effectively forfeit any worthiness of receiving compassion yourself

            I've never been shown an ounce of compassion when I needed it.
            And no, I'm not arguing in bad faith, I can live perfectly fine without toilets, the internet, and whatever else that guy said. All of these amenities he talked about, however, imply me paying to have access to them for myself. If the hobo wants them he can clean his act up, with all the resources there are today there is no reason to be homeless unless you want to drink and shoot dope all day

          • 12 months ago

            >I'm not arguing in bad faith
            You are.
            >I can live perfectly fine without toilets, the internet, and whatever else that guy said.
            Then if living unnaturally is so bad, why aren't you living without those things? Like

            Bruh I don’t think pumping money is the solution but you aren’t even following logically from your asserted premises. The whole point is you’re championing nature but still deviate from nature when it’s convenient for you. You know what whatever you’re arguing disingenuously anyway. Just be glad you aren’t homeless anon. Still I don’t think communism/socialism works but have some fricking compassion, lest you effectively forfeit any worthiness of receiving compassion yourself

            said, you're just making exceptions for whatever you like doing. Also where do you have to pay to access a toilet lmao
            >I've never been shown an ounce of compassion when I needed it
            why neglect your fellow man just because bad things happened to you? it doesn't follow. you're essentially punishing someone for no reason

          • 12 months ago


          • 12 months ago

            je t'aime, anon

          • 12 months ago

            Je t'aime aussi, anon ou nonette <3

          • 12 months ago

            We have ample scientific and theological evidence to suggest that unconditional love is not only possible but quite beneficial. It is necessary for the human race if we wish to continue the species. Stop trying to hold us back just because you're swimming in negativity.

          • 12 months ago

            hey homosexual i asked for bookstore recs and i get that you love Black folk so much but can you please stop coaling up my replies

          • 12 months ago


            Because being in tune with nature makes your soul more in tune with higher powers
            there is no human race, there are several human races
            old bookstores, online book selling platforms
            I've never been shown an ounce of compassion when I needed it.
            And no, I'm not arguing in bad faith, I can live perfectly fine without toilets, the internet, and whatever else that guy said. All of these amenities he talked about, however, imply me paying to have access to them for myself. If the hobo wants them he can clean his act up, with all the resources there are today there is no reason to be homeless unless you want to drink and shoot dope all day

            Of course. You should not limit conditionality to one type of human. Extend this to it's limits(there are none).

          • 12 months ago

            >You should not limit conditionality to one type of human. Extend this to its limits(there are none).

            You should not limit alcohol consumption to one type of social gathering. Extend this to its limits(there are none).

            >I'm not arguing in bad faith
            You are.
            >I can live perfectly fine without toilets, the internet, and whatever else that guy said.
            Then if living unnaturally is so bad, why aren't you living without those things? Like [...] said, you're just making exceptions for whatever you like doing. Also where do you have to pay to access a toilet lmao
            >I've never been shown an ounce of compassion when I needed it
            why neglect your fellow man just because bad things happened to you? it doesn't follow. you're essentially punishing someone for no reason

            >Why I am not living without those things? Because I got them for myself and I'm not a fan of auto-flagellation
            >why neglect your fellow man just because bad things happened to you? it doesn't follow. you're essentially punishing someone for no reason
            Listen redditBlack person I am not punishing anyone. I am just ignoring them, as long as they don't personally attack me. I am not my brother's keeper

          • 12 months ago

            if someone cries out for help, and you're able to help them, you don't help them, you're punishing them for the crime of being unfortunate. what a sad lonely way to live in the world.
            >Why I am not living without those things? Because I got them for myself and I'm not a fan of auto-flagellation
            so you admit that your entire system is self-contradictory and not actually based on any coherent ideas just whatever you feel is right. you seem wise and reasonable

          • 12 months ago

            not him, but you are projecting your own pessimism and making problems for yourself to find.
            You can give someone the benifit of the doubt, but still have your priorities straight that can be crossed. Thats not sad, thats just being frank.
            Its sad you see things in this narrow and honestly pretensious way.

          • 12 months ago

            >but you are projecting your own pessimism and making problems for yourself to find
            I just hope that if I'm ever homeless, my fellow man reaches down and helps me. Man's inhumanity to man has never sat right with me. I've never gotten used to it and I've never been able to swallow it.

          • 12 months ago

            > I just hope that if I'm ever homeless, my fellow man reaches down and helps me
            yah, if you give me a reason to. kind smile and good will and all. I give to those who I think are worth it, not as a matter of just “being”. What you are describing isnt inhumanity, its simply not having a proactive reason to.

            >these aren't the same thing
            >they actually are
            >so you don't by definition treat them the same way
            What? Make that make sense for me, anon. We're talking about the conditions of extending empathy/aid to someone else. I don't see how making it about alcohol furthers anything.

            What? not all situations are the same so you dont treat them in the same way, think its kinda self explanitory. you dont chug down a whole bottle of wisky at work a wild party and your sons birth party. Same principle, you dont treat every person in the same way regardless of context.

          • 12 months ago

            you're not understanding me. I don't see the connection between treating people the same way and chugging down a bottle of whiskey at work, other than to you they're things you "shouldn't do." that seems like a pretty weak connection between the two. they don't seem to have much else in common at all, they're nonequivalent. it's like saying that a fire truck and an apple are the same thing because they're both red

          • 12 months ago

            is this an autism thing? its just an analogy for the basic principle of contextuality. You dont usually treat everyone in the same way regardless of context and you dont usually drink the same way regardless of context either. its a function of various factors rather than of broad singular categoricals. You can use the example of firetrucks and apples for all that it matters. despite them both being in the category of red, you dont usually eat firetrucks and use apples to fight fires. Or within apples themselves where you prefer one for baking and one for eating straight.
            things might have similarities, but them being distinguishable implies a level of discernment as well.
            I hope this is technical enough of an explanation for you.

          • 12 months ago

            the comparison makes no fricking sense because the two concepts are nonequivalent so any equivalency between the two is useless you fricking tard that’s what he’s saying. I don’t even care about what you’re talking about but I can’t believe you don’t get this

          • 12 months ago

            >punishing them
            No, I would be punishing them if they cry out and I go spin-kick them in the head.
            Choosing to not get involved is not a punishment for them

            >You should not limit conditionality to one type of human. Extend this to its limits(there are none).
            >You should not limit alcohol consumption to one type of social gathering. Extend this to its limits(there are none).
            These aren't the same thing at all.

            >n-no not like that


            Bonjour frerot

          • 12 months ago

            >You should not limit conditionality to one type of human. Extend this to its limits(there are none).
            >You should not limit alcohol consumption to one type of social gathering. Extend this to its limits(there are none).
            These aren't the same thing at all.

          • 12 months ago

            It actually is. if x and y are distinct things within a catagory, you should not, and in fact, dont by definition, treat them in the same way.

          • 12 months ago

            >these aren't the same thing
            >they actually are
            >so you don't by definition treat them the same way
            What? Make that make sense for me, anon. We're talking about the conditions of extending empathy/aid to someone else. I don't see how making it about alcohol furthers anything.

          • 12 months ago

            >unconditional love
            You live in a space that could easily house several homeless Black folk. Why are you not showing them unconditional love right now and inviting them to share your house, your food and your internet access?

          • 12 months ago

            ah, a compassionate conservative. give me best dubya

          • 12 months ago

            >my labor is stolen at gunpoint to feed a parasitic class of non-workers
            >class of non-workers increases in number
            >even more of my labor is stolen at gunpoint
            >cycle repeats until the state fails and the laborers kill the parasite class
            so this is the famed bourgeoisie compassion

          • 12 months ago

            Unvital reasoning. this sort of mentality creates the people who externalize things and will generally have miserable existences.

            We have ample scientific and theological evidence to suggest that unconditional love is not only possible but quite beneficial. It is necessary for the human race if we wish to continue the species. Stop trying to hold us back just because you're swimming in negativity.

            Its actually not. Give love to those things you authentically find worth in rather than as a simple fact of their mere existence. Otherwise you are being fake and gay and removed from what love actually entails. The actual honest appreciation of something in its pros and cons instead of multiple levels of abstracts diluting whatever nugget of true love that spawned the line of thought.

          • 12 months ago

            I used to work at a library and the sheer amount of sex pervs that visited that b***h was insane.

          • 12 months ago

            That guy is this pepe.

          • 12 months ago

            Words of wisdom

          • 12 months ago

            >then dont go to the computers dummy, the homeless are only in the lounge areas.
            lmao this moron doesn't know how smell works
            Also, crackheads wander around
            >if some piss ridden schmucks is all it takes for you to not get some books, you are ngmi.
            They don't, I just order mine and keep forever cause I'm not a poorgay

          • 12 months ago

            >cause I'm not a poorgay
            you're far closer to a homeless guy in terms of wealth than you are to a rich man. why do americans think of themselves as temporarily embarrassed millionaires?

          • 12 months ago

            I'm not an amerimutt.
            >you're far closer to a homeless guy in terms of wealth than you are to a rich man.
            This is such a tired cliche
            Yes, my net worth isn't in the millions or billions. I don't make that much money off of arcane procedures, derivatives and so on.
            But I have everything I need, and then some. In absolute terms, yes my net worth is closer to a heroin-addicted vagrant than to that of Evelyn de Rothschild.
            But it doesn't matter, since I am so far removed from that sort of worthless existence that lifestyles cannot be compared regardless

          • 12 months ago

            >I am so far removed from that sort of worthless existence
            you are so much closer to the homeless than you are to wealth, and yet you hate the homeless and not the wealthy. false consciousness is a powerful drug

        • 12 months ago

          >walking back from library
          >Black person starts walking towards you
          >"hey! HEY!"
          >drop my book
          >come back for it hours later with my pocketknife
          >it's gone

          • 12 months ago

            >Black person looks in my direction
            >make eye contact
            >Black person walks over to me
            >yell STOP NOW
            >shoot Black person in the head

          • 12 months ago

            many such cases

          • 12 months ago

            >cops show up
            >you're exonerated for self defense
            >bystanders start clapping
            >Black person's cute octaroon daughter saw it all happen, she comes up and slips you her number

          • 12 months ago

            >Black person looks in my direction
            >make eye contact
            >Black person walks over to me
            >yell STOP NOW
            >shoot Black person in the head

            I went to the library this morning, and there was a black guy circling this big empty help desk in the middle of a room separating the adult fiction and non-fiction
            >making laps around the desk
            >I can kind of hear him talking to himself
            >hits the assistance bell each time he passes it, sometimes once, sometimes multiple times
            >the only thing I could make out was him saying "This is - this is the... this... this is the last... this is the last - the last black Jeopardy!" before he rings the bell like 10 times
            >later, pass by the area again and he's talking to a librarian about some kids "cursing," and that, "they should go home if they're going to do that."
            He seemed nice.

          • 12 months ago

            >"This is - this is the... this... this is the last... this is the last - the last black Jeopardy!"
            lmao what

          • 12 months ago

            >"This is - this is the... this... this is the last... this is the last - the last black Jeopardy!"

          • 12 months ago

            >I went to the library this morning
            Get a job

          • 12 months ago

            Took my son to story time. Seethe.

          • 12 months ago

            You sound like the biggest b***h ass homie I swear

        • 12 months ago

          Usually, Half Price Books. Otherwise, it's used and online. On the rare occasion I buy a book new, there's an independent bookstore about 25 minutes away that I don't mind the drive to (or I pay $5 shipping if I don't have another reason to head over that way).
          We actually have a lot of nice used bookstores in the area. Perks of being a bigger city without being a big city.

          Are they on the shelves? Grab your books and take them home, dingus.

    • 12 months ago

      I go to charity shops maybe once a month and just buy everything I find that I'm interested in, I buy most of my books this way and I have a library of about 400 books now
      This is the most rewarding way to buy books IMO although I would guess that on average I'm buying 1-2 books per visit, sometimes I buy 10 books if I'm lucky
      I go to used book stores less often and will only buy something if it's something I really want since the prices are like 5 times as much as they are at charity shops
      I buy new books on Amazon
      Ebay and Abebooks are for books I search up but sometimes I find good deals for books I wasn't looking for

      AbeBooks. Bookstores are too expensive. But most of what I read is from libgen. I go to Barnes and Nobles to relax and drink coffee.

      Used bookstores. Ebay. Thriftbooks. Abebooks.

      Nah, last time I dealt with them I had to email them like a dozen times to get properly refunded on a book that was damaged because the seller shipped it in a plastic bag with zero padding, which is unfortunately all too common these days.

  6. 12 months ago

    I continuously look around use bookstores and buy stuff from the list I have. No used store is going to have everything you ever want so it helps to keep a rotating list you can keep an eye out for.

    Powell's and Thriftbooks if I really want something so I order it online. Frick Amazon.

  7. 12 months ago

    You can walk into a barnes and noble with a tote bag, take what you want and leave, nobody will stop you. I've mentioned this before in other threads. I stole all my b&n classics, nobody's ever in that section

  8. 12 months ago

    Anna's Archive.

  9. 12 months ago

    possibly related thread, my experience


    the money side of these places absolutely confuses me

  10. 12 months ago

    Half Price Bookstore

  11. 12 months ago

    I go to charity shops maybe once a month and just buy everything I find that I'm interested in, I buy most of my books this way and I have a library of about 400 books now
    This is the most rewarding way to buy books IMO although I would guess that on average I'm buying 1-2 books per visit, sometimes I buy 10 books if I'm lucky
    I go to used book stores less often and will only buy something if it's something I really want since the prices are like 5 times as much as they are at charity shops
    I buy new books on Amazon
    Ebay and Abebooks are for books I search up but sometimes I find good deals for books I wasn't looking for

  12. 12 months ago

    >cheap paperbacks for leisurely reading
    Used bookstore.
    >nice hardcovers to perch on the shelf
    Shit I'd be lucky if I could afford ten really high quality books in a single year.

    • 12 months ago

      >nice hardcovers to perch on the shelf
      Salvation Army exists for a reason you dumb yuppie frick.

      • 12 months ago

        We don't have any scam cults operating in my area.

        • 12 months ago

          Fricking your mother in the ass last night felt like a scam tbh

  13. 12 months ago


  14. 12 months ago

    >Google Maps
    >Bookstores in my town
    >Go to the used bookstores
    There you go, OP.

  15. 12 months ago

    AbeBooks. Bookstores are too expensive. But most of what I read is from libgen. I go to Barnes and Nobles to relax and drink coffee.

    • 12 months ago

      I used to use abe years ago but the shipping prices are ridiculous. (I'm in Aus) it's $75 aud to ship a $6 book. The same book, new, on Amazon is $20 with shipping.

  16. 12 months ago

    Used bookstores. Ebay. Thriftbooks. Abebooks.

  17. 12 months ago

    NEVER use FishPond. I'm still waiting for a preorder from 4 MONTHS ago (book formally released 3 months ago and is widely available) and they've delayed it twice becuase "lol distribution issues pwease wait". This isn't a fricking $5 literal who book either, it's $180 worth that I'm being told to sit on because their moronic arses are too stupid to figure out what to do. Anyway thanks for reading my TedTalk.

  18. 12 months ago

    I guess it depends on country and region, but I've found that a lot of people are selling books for cheap on second hand market apps.

  19. 12 months ago

    If you look hard enough, there's probably a used bookstore in your area. If you can't find one, or it doesn't have what you're looking for,Thriftbooks is my go-to online bookstore. They have a wide selection of books for pretty cheap, although they ship over USPS so wait maybe a week for them to arrive.
    If those options don't end up working for you, there's always the library, or piracy sites like Libgen.

  20. 12 months ago


  21. 12 months ago

    Used. Thrift stores in upscale areas or adjacent to them.

  22. 12 months ago

    Old books I get from resellers, hard to get books from the past few years however.

  23. 12 months ago

    I haven't found a book that cost more than $10 used...ever. And I buy a lot of old obscure stuff

  24. 12 months ago

    Z library. Who pays for books?

  25. 12 months ago

    Easy way to get free, brand new copies of books.

    >Go to library
    >Check out all their copies of a certain book
    >Throw them away
    >Go to front desk, report the books accidentally damaged
    >Place hold on the book again
    >New copy comes in. You get it first.
    >Report it accidentally damaged.

    • 12 months ago

      Quite possibly the single dumbest thing I've ever read. Well done.

  26. 12 months ago

    From non-catholic/non-jesuit publishers.

  27. 12 months ago

    >Live near capital
    >Go to the 4 2nd-hand bookstores
    >It's the same price as on amazon
    bros... anyone else have this experience? Seems like they are jacking up prices for tourists.

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