Who were the most based kings in Medieval Europe?

Who were the most based kings in Medieval Europe?

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  1. 4 years ago

    The madman Hal Curtmantle

  2. 4 years ago

    I want to go back to that time so bad, anons. The world was so much more magical back then. Beautiful castles. Very neat, strong, orderly hierarchical structure in society. Tales of witches and strange creatures and elves in the forests. Everyone is religious and goes to church. Lots of holidays celebrated as a community. Traditional culture. Knights going on quests and adventures. Monks in monasteries. Nobility.
    Now everything is trash.

    • 4 years ago


      • 4 years ago

        Don't you agree? Modernism has killed the magic and charm of the world. The so-called """Enlightenment""" was a terrible mistake and the Free Masons were behind it.

        • 4 years ago

          Hi Ignatius

          • 4 years ago

            He was based. Normalgays call him autistic but that is what they always call brilliant, visionary men.

    • 4 years ago

      That world never faded, no amount of modernity and machinery can ever tear the inherent strangeness and wonder from it, you've merely been blinded to it by the predominant modes of thinking.

      We should actually be taking more aesthetic influence from the Middle Ages though.

      • 4 years ago
    • 4 years ago

      >he thinks the past was some kind of fantasy world where you'd go on an adventure
      you'd never leave your shithole village and die of some horrible disease

      • 4 years ago

        gays on reddit might fall for your modernist propaganda but I know better. I bet you also say that the Middle Ages were "the dark ages".

        • 4 years ago

          it must be nice to be this delusional actually I bet you have a great imagination

      • 4 years ago

        Just because you will always be a failure regardless of the time period doesnt mean we all will. homosexual.

        • 4 years ago

          you’re on an anime image board “discussing” history. we’re all failures here, don’t kid yourself.

      • 4 years ago

        >he thinks the past was some kind of low-fantasy world where everyone is edgy and dies all the time

        • 4 years ago

          >The average life expectancy for a male child born in the UK between 1276 and 1300 was 31.3 years.
          He's being realistic.

          • 4 years ago

            That's because infant mortality was higher, as was always the case in the natural world before the industrial revolution. People besides the infant mortalities had normal lifespans.
            Due to the industrial revolution, bad genes are not removed by nature now which is why society has been overrun with morons and bugmen and homosexuals like you.

          • 4 years ago

            a common pleb like you would've lived about 50-60 years at best, as did many among the royalty

          • 4 years ago

            I am not a pleb. I am an aristocrat.

          • 4 years ago

            Kind of a meme because child deaths in child-births dragged down the avaerage. Mothers and Children dided all the time before modern medicine started interviening there.

            If you made it past your 20s, then expecting to live to your 60s was not an unreasonible thought.

            tl;dr: Life expectency was noticibly lower but not as low as you think

          • 4 years ago

            It wasn't even child birth deaths but rather to 18. You had roughly 50% odds of dying before reaching 18 due to diseases and the like given how weaker children's immune systems are and how much they have to develop over time. That 50% isn't the coin flip of you die or live, it's that if you have 10 children in your hamlet 5 of them are going to die before they reach 18.

            What's important to remember about the past is:
            1) It was not always the grimdark miserable shitshow that modern perceptions of the pre-modern past hold it to be
            2) When things got bad they got apocalyptically bad, to the point that nobody born after 1945 likely has any ability to comprehend just how bad they got. You'd need to have experienced WW2 in Eastern Europe, the Holdomor or been in Serbia during ww1 or China during the wars with Japan or seen the famines in India to have an idea of how bad things would get when things went pearshaped in the past.
            3) People underestimate how terrible pre-modern surgery/medicine was. I remember seeing a jackass here who went "In my 30 years of living I never needed to see a doctor so what the frick has modern medicine done for me? Frick it I'd be gucci in the past" as if expecting his clean, idyllic, well nutritioned lifestyle today would be replicated then. Yes, we know peasants food was in some ways better than ours in times of plenty. Times weren't always plenty.

      • 4 years ago

        you know englishmen, at least, DID leave their villages all the time, right? One of the perils of modern, steady employment is that you're expected to be steadily employed. If a free man wanted to frick off and walk across england with a staff, or sword and buckler, he could.

        • 4 years ago

          Modernism is slavery.

        • 4 years ago

          why can't you do that now? aside from the sword and buckler part

          • 4 years ago

            If you're not wealthy? Lose your home and then have to explain the gap in your employment history when you try to find another job. Hope your credit score or equivalent isn't so fricked you end up unable to get any but the shittiest apartment- and then try to explain to your prospective landlord why you got evicted or broke your last lease.

          • 4 years ago

            would you not lose your home by fricking off to wander the country in medieval times? wouldn't your job prospects also be uncertain as well?

          • 4 years ago

            It would seem the answer is: No. Not if you're doing this at a time of year without a ton of work to be done, since you're probably a farmer, and you're likely not paying monthly rent, just taxes. Plus, the canterbury tales make it clear that people did in fact travel, at least on pilgrimage, with some complaints that a lot of "pilgrims" were essentially tourists.

            If you're some dirt poor villein you're fricked, but freemen had options. They came with risks, obviously frick off too long and your farm suffers, fail to unfrick it and you may starve or be impoverished.

          • 4 years ago

            It's better than famine and endemic warfare. There are a few things that are worse about modern life, but the people who look at the past as better for the common man are wearing unbelievably thick rose tinted glasses.

          • 4 years ago

            No, we have simply taken off the NPC "modernism is best" propaganda glasses.

          • 4 years ago

            If you want the real medeival experience, there's very little stopping you from underrating for a few days a year and dying in a knife fight over dice. Black folk do it all the time.

      • 4 years ago

        homosexuals on the hypernet in the 23rd century will be like "no bro you wouldn't want to live in the 21st century you'd definitely just be a homeless opiate addict who would die in your 20s"

    • 4 years ago

      >dies from smallpox

    • 4 years ago

      Based and medievalist pilled

    • 4 years ago

      stop watching Disney cartoons manchild

      • 4 years ago

        If you can actually read about medieval history without being awed by the adventure of it and the sense that anything can happen you have no soul.

    • 4 years ago

      This but unironically

  3. 4 years ago

    It was Europe at its peak. It was glorious.

  4. 4 years ago

    Alfred the great beat the Vikings so hard into rebuilding the Anglo Saxon kingdom, and made the Dane king Christian.

  5. 4 years ago

    The viking kings who would attack undefended monasteries and villagers

  6. 4 years ago

    In Poland the most based rulers were:
    Boleslaw the Wry-Mouthed - he gained the nickname because he told his brother that he would not kill him if he returned to the country (which of course eventually he did)
    Leszek the White - allegedly he said ,,In the Holy Land there is no beer, therefore it is impossible to live there''. He died completly naked while being pursued by rebels who surprised him in a ,,sauna''
    Boleslaw the Brave/Generous - when he learned that the wives of his knights weren't behaving very well while their husbands were away he ordered to swap their babies with dogs' babies. Also, he personally dismembered a bishop.

  7. 4 years ago

    Phillip II Augustus

    • 4 years ago

      my man

  8. 4 years ago

    sweyn forkbeard for putting genocidal anglos in their place

    • 4 years ago

      This, the chudglos deserved it.

  9. 4 years ago

    Edward Longshanks, Hammer of the Scots, Expeller of israelites.

  10. 4 years ago

    Only because he unified the Franks

  11. 4 years ago

    SeBASEDtian der Basierte

  12. 4 years ago

    Who were the most based Holy Roman Emperors?

    • 4 years ago


      • 4 years ago

        Voltaire was homosexual

    • 4 years ago


  13. 4 years ago


    • 4 years ago

      Strong Anglo face. One can hear him saying "U wot m8?" just from looking at that picture. The spirit of the Anglo is strong in him. A true man of his people.

  14. 4 years ago


  15. 4 years ago

    King Niall Frasach.

    • 4 years ago

      what the frick

    • 4 years ago

      Incredibly based

    • 4 years ago

      it does make sense tbh

  16. 4 years ago

    >Henry V the frankslayer
    >Henry VIII the missus marauder
    >Kaleb of Axum slaughterer of semites
    >King Billy the fear of all fenians
    >Vlad the terror of the turks

  17. 4 years ago

    The last monarch (or Bishop or whatever) of Toledo who just ran away at the most crucial moment. Not Roderic. The other one.

  18. 4 years ago

    Phillipe le bel 4 , french king and pope Clement 4 acted together. Firstly they imprisoned JBM and then theyt burned a Big Grand Master Templar Jacques Bourguignon Molay (he was considered as a Prophet for them) because he was commiting sins and gaining power "they told".
    After that ,all the freemasons vowed on their souls to take revenge on the church and the king.
    They are still are mad even today they cannot forget that , thats also why its called Black Friday cuz JBM was burned on a Friday.

    • 4 years ago

      Based. All freemasons should hang.

  19. 4 years ago

    The Iron King

    >Jews BTFO
    >Templars BTFO
    >Pope BTFO

    • 4 years ago

      Why is the Medieval aesthetic so cool, anons?

    • 4 years ago

      cheap ass mother fricker

      templars were absolved. philip is roasting in hell

  20. 4 years ago

    Henrik I av Sachsen

  21. 4 years ago

    Ferdinand III the Saint

  22. 4 years ago

    *Conquers North Africa
    *Conquered Epirus (Albania=
    *Sieges Constantinopolis
    *Submit Campanian city states definitely to his kingdom
    *Attracts illustrious intellectuals to his court like Al Idrisi
    >builds beautiful churches and palaces

  23. 4 years ago

    Man, how cool were the Rosenbergs? They had a moat of live bears.

  24. 4 years ago

    The Árpáds of Hungary.

    >Go from steppe horselords to holy Christian paladin kings in a short time
    >Two kings and five other members of the dynasty are canonized as saints.
    >Countless others are beatified.
    >Some others excommunicated.
    >Known as The Kindred of the Holy Kings throughout Europe.
    >Stayed in power for more than 400 years.
    >Freely installed and removed bishops as they saw fit.
    >Survived countless civil wars and foreign invasions, always came back stronger.

  25. 4 years ago

    Batu Khan, Uzbek Khan, Mamai Khan, Tochtamysh Khan.

  26. 4 years ago

    Brian Boru (Ireland)
    >born as youngest son to a minor tribe
    >father killed in a viking raid
    >brother ascends to the throne
    >join him in overthrowing your overlords and burning the norse city of limerick to the ground
    >brother forges uneasy alliance with irish rivals and norse king
    >rivals and norse king betray him and kill him
    >kingdom thrown into chaos
    >take control of tribe's armies
    >retake control of Munster
    >hunt down norse king
    >kill him, kill his sons, wipe out bloodline
    >hunt down irish rivals
    >kill them
    >neighbouring kingdoms call you a usurper
    >invade them
    >subjugate them
    >High King of Ireland intervenes
    >fight him
    >force him to give you half of the island
    >norse power remains in Dublin
    >northern Kingdoms still don't trust you
    >go to war again
    >conquer the island
    >unite Ireland
    >start reforming it so that the kingdom can be stable
    >King of Leinster and his ally, Norse King of Dublin, rebel against you
    >They bring in several large norse armies from overseas
    >Rush to face them
    >In your late 70s at this stage
    >Wait beside the battlefield praying as your son leads the armies
    >Norse armies completely destroyed
    >King of Leinster killed
    >While fleeing, a group of Danes come across your tent
    >Get killed whilst praying
    >Dane who killed you was later captured and slowly tortured while his men were slaughtered one by one in front of them
    >Your other son tries to rebuild your Kingdom but fails to do so
    >Single-handedly bring an end to the Viking Age in Ireland, then unite Ireland, only to fall because of your age
    If only he'd lived a little longer

    • 4 years ago

      He was crowned Imperator Scottorum or “Emperor of the Scots” in 1005 and Queen Elizabeth is a direct descendant.

  27. 4 years ago
  28. 4 years ago

    Mehmed II

    • 4 years ago

      Block your path

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