Why are people so ugly today compared to people in the past?

Why are people so fricking ugly today compared to people in the past?

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  1. 4 years ago

    Because you only see what you want to see in order to make moronic threads like this

    • 4 years ago

      Cope, uggo. It's really hard to find fat or ugly people in old photos whereas now you can look through any social media and immediately find uglies.

      • 4 years ago

        Here is Eva Braun, considered the most beautiful woman in Nazi Germany

        • 4 years ago

          Goddamn Hitler has no taste

          • 4 years ago

            As if he could have done better

          • 4 years ago

            Are you moronic? He had a literal personality cult built around him and was the most powerful man in all the country and you seriously think he couldn't get the best looking hoe out there?

          • 4 years ago

            >He had other women, he kept Eva around because she made him relax and comfy

            Didn't Eva shoot herself with his pistol after Hitler didn't see her for a few months because he was running for Chancellor and basically used the incident to emotionally blackmail him into staying with her?

        • 4 years ago

          You know Eva Braun translates to Brown Woman. Supposedly Donald Drumpf was born to Hitler and Eva Braun who was his seamstress.

      • 4 years ago

        >It's really hard to find fat or ugly people in old photos
        look up any POW photos

        • 4 years ago

          That's a funny looking bear

      • 4 years ago

        Why would anyone back then take a picture of someone they consider ugly?? I get people do that now but that’s only cuz the times have changed.

  2. 4 years ago

    average person looked uglier due to worse healthcare, higher tobacco usage, worse hygeine, only thing they have on modern people is being less fat

    the beautiful actors and actresses who you see pictures of were 0.0001% of the population just as they are today

  3. 4 years ago

    Fewer fatties?

    • 4 years ago


  4. 4 years ago

    Pictures back then were a special thing you got dressed up for. Now not so much.

  5. 4 years ago

    Ugly thoughts = ugly countenance

  6. 4 years ago

    We've become so used to how fat Americans are today that we've forgotten just how much obesity can change someone's looks.
    People today are much fatter, and the acceptance of "casual" clothing makes their fatness seem even more apparent. A chubby guy in a suit doesn't look bad because the suit will "frame" his fatness; a chubby guy in a t-shirt and cargo shorts, on the other hand, will look like an oversized infant.

  7. 4 years ago

    lol they aren't at all, its the exact opposite

  8. 4 years ago

    there's less phenotypic diversity because larger populations and modern transportation encourages a kind of genetic regression to the mean

  9. 4 years ago

    much lower obesity rates and stronger social stigmas
    unfortunately if you're posting on LULZ you would've been bullied to death back then

    • 4 years ago

      >unfortunately if you're posting on LULZ you would've been bullied to death back then
      I am utterly convinced I would have become a serial killer if I had been born 50 years ago. Or at least join the infantry in the army

      • 4 years ago

        >I am utterly convinced I would have become a serial killer if I had been born 50 years ago. Or at least join the infantry in the army

        Join the Marines, you'd fit right in.

  10. 4 years ago

    Soft processed foods and orthodontics

    Also yt had 2 dysgenic wars that killed off a good majority of the masculine nationalistic stock

    • 4 years ago


    • 4 years ago

      You sound like a gay

  11. 4 years ago

    Because you are a brainlet

    • 4 years ago

      the 3rd one looks liked he'll lead a incel rebellion lmao

  12. 4 years ago
    • 4 years ago

      These look so obviously lesbian

  13. 4 years ago

    >Also yt had 2 dysgenic wars that killed off a good majority of the masculine nationalistic stock

  14. 4 years ago

    getting fat is so easy, I used to have these pots of potato salad thinking they were like 200 calories but they turned out to be 800, a bit of ignorance on my part about the mayo but they also dissolved sugar into the mayo

  15. 4 years ago

    Because you're suffering from selection bias.

    • 4 years ago
      • 4 years ago
        • 4 years ago
          • 4 years ago
  16. 4 years ago

    Higher quality food, less consumption, better genes and better family units

  17. 4 years ago

    I find women get hotter and hotter every year on average, so I don't know what you're on about. The only trends I don't like are tattoos, unnatural dyed hair, and noserings.

    • 4 years ago


      Women have bigger breasts, bigger hips, bigger ass, etc now because of all the estrogenic shit everywhere but men are uglier, more beta and more effeminate for the same reason.

      • 4 years ago

        The correct take.

    • 4 years ago

      Have you deduced the current trend to vacate the premise laws and visna projects.

      Vacate the premise are technical “informal” possession laws. Basically if you’re an expat and find yourself living elsewhere you’d realize there are
      mafiosi playing vacate the premise. Vacate the premise basically means they call dibs on your genetic profile confirmations and through it claim your ancestral land. They usually play with children mills like orphanages to get it done. There’s been problems with it since victor disappears and loser also so people try to compensate the disappearances by bringing them from other ports so other port people try to maintain different vaccination protocols. Because Americans fell in love with visna (and visna-like) protocols for identity. So once they see an American they run for the hills. Because to them it means they are going to get nabbed to make up for American civic losses.

      • 4 years ago

        So one is named Puerto Recall and the other Cuba. Supposedly legend is on side those with Charles Manson that a group of Greeks from an Island settled in the US. Since they had no family they would adopt or raise. However they all looked alike. They would begin taking over the little islands off of Florida and use it to set up rackets to bring their female relatives. They began calling themselves anything else but. Sooner than later everyone started doing the same after the saw their successes. People began saying they were from everywhere too. And the law began observing that. Without the truth of the local populaces. In other words a place could be bombed completely and no one could even tell because their pictures will still remain up.

  18. 4 years ago

    Because the only people who had their picture taken and had someone preserve it into the 21st century were photogenic in the first place? Do some critical thinking for once

  19. 4 years ago

    the people in your picture are ugly, what are you trying to prove?

  20. 4 years ago

    The beautiful strong people of the past died in wars or had less kids compared to the welfare bums. Technology made life easier and kept the weak alive.

    • 4 years ago


  21. 4 years ago

    Less starchy/sugary foods, regular exercise

  22. 4 years ago

    Cherrypicking moron, most women from old photos are hideous

  23. 4 years ago

    no more naturla selection

  24. 4 years ago

    You would be wrong.

    • 4 years ago
      • 4 years ago

        A teenage girl from Mesolithic Greece.

        • 4 years ago


  25. 4 years ago

    people are generally attractive throughout time. Only homosexuals fixate on tiny details and chimpout over whatever it signifies about muh degeneracy

    • 4 years ago

      You know that US tap water is full of halogen class minerals that react with uranium. There were debates that people could only leave the US through cruise ships and not planes because most of the world earns money mining uranium for super powers. Meaning if you leave the US by plane there are chances you could poof disappear. However cruise ship water is different. No matter where you fly out to you will always go to Air strip ones.

  26. 4 years ago

    I was told by an expert on this matter that most people should look like their ancestors and the bigger the region their culture encompasses the more they look alike. However since there are satellite images taken 24/7 and national identification programs all over most govts set out to reduce court disposition risk by slightly damaging symmetry. I think post 9/11 there were situations involving Germany and Russia rehearsing superstitious dispute on super facts. The fact is if god is time and man one day will be capable of traveling through time how would you ease the burden of being victim to that one plot.

  27. 4 years ago

    Older mothers, alcoholic parents, bad diets since childhood, also average age of the population is older, you had more young people out and about ... but I’m guessing.

  28. 4 years ago

    Worse diet, lower standards on personal grooming, shit fashion, etc...
    I personally have grown to believe that personality deeply affects the way you look (not talking about some /x/ fantasy but rather that some personality types will take more care of themselves), stoic and emotionally stable people tend to look better than mentally impaired morons who have no self-discipline, the latter of which are extremely common today.

  29. 4 years ago

    Why were people so fricking ugly in the past compared to people today?

  30. 4 years ago

    those are wasps. They don't exist anymore.

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