Why did people use to believe in crazy medical treatments like this?


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  1. 3 years ago

    Leaches were scientifically proven to help in the past few years.

    • 3 years ago

      Leeches nowadays are used as a source of anti-coagulant during delicate surgeries, such as those involving blood vessels in the eye

      It's really amazing how such medical science can persist to this day, and still be used for a similar reason all of these years

      • 3 years ago

        One of the reasons that "Orthodox" medicine triumphed so hard as an institution in the early 1900s was that they quietly looked into any alternative/traditional medicine practices for anything valuable and snagged whatever actually worked. To this day medical researchers still quietly do this.

        • 3 years ago

          We don't talk about that.

        • 3 years ago

          yeah it turns out trial and error treatments that eventually worked over the course of centuries benefits medical science because that's literally what science does except faster

    • 3 years ago

      To help against the plague?

  2. 3 years ago

    The good thing about science is that you can actually test a claim if you don't believe it; this would be more adequate for religion though because you can't really disagree with god since he is almighty, always correct
    Therefore give me more shekels

  3. 3 years ago

    Half of the modern American medical industry is legit snake oil. People are just as gullible now.

  4. 3 years ago

    >Your brain is a girl's we need to cut your dick off
    Why do people believe crazy treatments like this?

    • 3 years ago

      That's not even how that works though moron

      • 3 years ago

        You're lucky LULZ won't let me upload the webm I have saved of how they actually do it

        • 3 years ago

          Why do you jerk off that stuff; you must be one in the closet

          Do you have a multi-million dollar lab and funding to do clinical trials?
          You can't test shit, you're entirely reliant on the opinions of others and peer review is a fricking meme in the 21at century.

          Research universities do in fact have that money, yes. You might want to learn what a grant is, moron. They have the money to do so. And, the fact of the matter is that enough people can independently confirm the results. Unless you're so moronic you believe every person on Earth must do the test for it to replicated. I guess we should throw out all the scientific knowledge we have on computer engineering because you weren't there individually to see them do tests on if the internet could theoretically be possible.

          • 3 years ago

            Not really, researchers receive grants based on the success or publication of their research. Because replication studies are seen as boring by the big science journals, no on fricking does them, leading to a metaphorical drought of any replication studies that actually try.

          • 3 years ago




            You have only to gaze slightly to see that most of the sciences, after the discovery of radiation in 1895, have been becoming more and more an article of faith, sir. Prior to that, anyone with a modicum of intelligence could set up experiments of up to intermediate complexity and test them for themselves.

          • 3 years ago

            And go chug some more soilent.

            That doesn't refute my point, moron. I actually said that the fact that replication errors exist means we can actually verify facts. Not all studies are ruled out, but many are because they can not be replicated. That's how you rule out bad data, you morons.You really have no idea how science works, and this is because you obviously never had a scientific education besides what they taught you in special ed.

        • 3 years ago

          make a drawing

      • 3 years ago

        >born in the wrong body
        >sex reassignment surgery
        >transgender toddlers
        Dilate and kys

        • 3 years ago

          You talk a lot about kids; you might be unhealthily attracted to them

          • 3 years ago

            >Caring about children is unhealthy.
            have a nice day rat.

          • 3 years ago

            The deflection isn't working, trannoid.

    • 3 years ago

      It's a tool of population control by power hungry elites

      • 3 years ago

        Do you really want trannies breeding?

    • 3 years ago

      >>Your brain is a girl's we need to cut your dick off
      >Why do people believe crazy treatments like this?
      because they're white, and whites lack the ability to reason logically.

      • 3 years ago

        >Is this thread shitty enough?
        >No bruh, let's get some racebaiting into this as well

        • 3 years ago

          Butthurt homosexual. Everyday the words Black person/spic/israelite/chink are tossed around on this board. Grow a spine.

        • 3 years ago

          it's literally only whites that do that shit though

  5. 3 years ago

    Jesus Christ this is bad history; A lot of doctors were actually trying to push away from leeches, but they were dependent on pay people would give them.

    Many people thought that "good" doctors offered leeches as a service, and demanded they provide it if it was not listed; If the doctor refused and/or tried to explain that it did not work they would lose most paying customers and go bankrupt. Meanwhile Doctors who wanted to make money would see this and advertise strongly they supported such practices.

    It did not help that sometimes what people needed was to lower their blood pressured, so leeches and/or blood-letting would actually work in those scenarios, increasing the popularity of such pratices.

    tl;dr: The way doctors worked in the US before the federal government organized them post-civil war and the 1900s was wild.

    • 3 years ago

      >tl;dr: The way doctors worked in the US before the federal government organized them post-civil war and the 1900s was wild.
      That's true in general, medicine was till very recently incredible primitive and is still rapidly advancing each decade.

    • 3 years ago

      >If the doctor refused and/or tried to explain that it did not work they would lose most paying customers and go bankrupt
      Incredible, so doctors were the same as the are now.

    • 3 years ago

      A lot of doctors were actually trying to push away from leeches

      So there was a time they accepted leeches. 0/10 try to debunk harder.

  6. 3 years ago

    In 1000 years I feel they will say the same about our modern pharmacuticals

  7. 3 years ago

    science is not as fun as people make it out to be. shit doesn't make sense until it's fully understood, so the starting point is completely senseless. people don't like senseless. they like shit that fits their preconcieved notion of what the world is and how it works.

  8. 3 years ago

    >science is a cult and politicians use it to justify their bullshit
    Absolutely applies to sociology and gender studies.

    • 3 years ago

      Yeah, the problem is that I doubt you would accept that conclusion applying to you because clearly you're not in a cult even though your entire life you've been told what to do by your family, by your state education system and by society. See, everyone that doesn't agree with you is in a cult; because apparently you've solved all the problems human psychology, and how dare people question you - for you have found the righteous and truthful path

      • 3 years ago

        >everyone that doesn't agree with you is in a cult
        >you have found the righteous and truthful path
        Nice straw men there. No, I am perfectly capable of seeing the difference between honest people who come to different conclusions than me and ideologues who make stuff up to support their political goals. And I'm rather not alone in my assessment that certain self-declared scientists are really not scientists at all.

        This. The triggered reply from the troony under this post just further confirms it.
        Scientism is a cult.

        >Denying reality won't stop people from using science.
        Which is exactly why people keep getting more and more skeptic as the years go by, your bullshit is getting seen through. Novaxxers were seen as tinfoil hatters five years ago, yet now it takes national propaganda campaigns for people to accept the covid vaccine.

        Sorry friend but I don't think I want your support in this. No, "Science" as a whole is not a cult, but a great concept and endeavour to increase our knowledge on the world, which most scientists follow in honesty. It's not their fault fringe groups claim its good name to push ideology.

        • 3 years ago

          Nice fake quotes, cletus.
          If you're unfamiliar with a term you should google it

        • 3 years ago

          >Science as a whole is not a cult, but a great concept and endeavour to increase our knowledge on the world, which most scientists follow in honesty.
          Most might be pushing it, but on the whole I don't disagree. The issue is not so much with the scientists, who for that most part are average people trying to do their jobs, but with the media who subvert scientific findings to push agendas and pressure academics to conform if their studies reach unpleasant conclusions. When even nobel prize winners are at risk of being canceled, you know it's bad.
          People like you trying to screech down skeptics do more damage than anything else as well by the way. Most "science deniers" are simply reasonable people who don't trust political operators to tell them the truth (hardly an unreasonable position), and by asking for unconditional compliance to the authority of the name Science rather than the scientific method itself you do nothing but further erode the trust people have in those who call thmselves scientists.

          • 3 years ago

            >People like you trying to screech down skeptics

        • 3 years ago

          >Science" as a whole is not a cult, but a great concept and endeavour to increase our knowledge on the world, which most scientists follow in honesty

          Imagine genuinely believing that scientists are more honorable than priests, without really you've started seeing scientists as priests.

          • 3 years ago

            More baseless accusations. And yes, current day scientists are more trustworthy than 15th century priests... but so are current day priests.

          • 3 years ago

            >Your accusation is baseless!
            >Also concedes that my accusation is accurate.

          • 3 years ago

            >you've started seeing scientists as priests

          • 3 years ago

            You objectively have. You genuinely believe that scientists aren't merely fallible and passionately biased people doing a job that they might lie to protect, they're figures of moral virtue that represent the highest ideals of society. That's a priest. You can call it something else, but the idea in your head of what a scientist is, is actually a priest.

          • 3 years ago

            You are talking out of your ass, entirely. Maybe you're confusing me with someone else?

          • 3 years ago

            Christgay cope. If you don't believe everything you hear about scientific studies then that's understandable. If you take this as a sign that israelite religion is the truth than you are not going to make it.

    • 3 years ago

      This. The triggered reply from the troony under this post just further confirms it.
      Scientism is a cult.

      • 3 years ago

        Denying reality won't stop people from using science. Cope all you want, but it doesn't change any facts

        • 3 years ago

          >Denying reality won't stop people from using science.
          Which is exactly why people keep getting more and more skeptic as the years go by, your bullshit is getting seen through. Novaxxers were seen as tinfoil hatters five years ago, yet now it takes national propaganda campaigns for people to accept the covid vaccine.

    • 3 years ago

      those two have to be among the very worst offenders of any academic field out there.

  9. 3 years ago


  10. 3 years ago

    This is a good book on the subject. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000OI0E6I/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1

    But the tl;dr is that it worked for Hemachromatosis, which was a relatively common disease in Europe at the time.

  11. 3 years ago

    >muh science
    Meanwhile, in the real world, science can't figure out if Covid-19 evolved zoonotically or was created in a lab. On top of that research into the question was suppressed because "Orange man bad" and since Trump thought it was a bioweapon OBVIOUSLY it couldn't be. Science has to close ranks against the "racist conspiracy theory" that China might be responsible because the public can never be allowed to believe Trump is right about anything!


    FRICK science

  12. 3 years ago

    Tbh most of the science that people don't believe is of minor importance.
    Hurts themselves or their kids at most.
    Who cares what random schmucks think, the biologists who draw actual use out of it do. And frankly, teaching children bullshit is what school does all the time. The clever ones will tell the difference.
    >Climate science
    Not even the ones who believe in it have the will to actually do something. It's all virtue signalling and minor stuff that doesn't help but at least doesn't hurt too much. "B-but I use a jute bag now" sure you do kid, that'll totally make up for your last vacation to australia.

    The only thing I really hate are mask refusers. Those fricks should be charged with attempted bodily harm, simple as.
    >B-but the science isn't 100% certain
    >So I won't wear that tiny piece of cloth that could save your life

  13. 3 years ago

    he's right you know? as past civilization realised it, soul aka our blood, is were illness are gathered
    why do you think HIV attacks blood? lecumia etc
    those are soul illnesses aka blood, many come from blood, why do you think blood transfusion is so popular people need to learn about it
    your blood is pretty important

  14. 3 years ago

    Leeches actually work. And it's no more crazy than cutting the dick off a 6 year old because he thinks he's a girl, then putting him on television as a freakshow.

    • 3 years ago

      leeches work in certain circumstances but not for the vast majority of diseases they were used to treat in centuries past

  15. 3 years ago

    Humoral medicine had been the standard in Europe ever sense Hippocratic Corpus was compiled. Stuff like leaches and bloodletting was in line with the discoveries of Galen and Hippocrates from that period. The publication and translation of the Kitah al-Qanum into medieval Europe around the 1100's kept those traditions alive, as it was the most comprehensive account of Galen and Hippocrates works available in Latin.

    Although "Muh christian dark ages" is largely a meme, medicine is one area where it has some truth. The church expressly forbid autopsy as desecrating a body for most of its history, and because they had such a "complete" cannon of medicine for how the body worked no one really dared to question the Humorist interpretation of the body till the renascence.

    They had a massive cannon of medicine, most of which was wrong, and no one bothered to check if the old masters had got it wrong.

    • 3 years ago

      >Although "Muh christian dark ages" is largely a meme, medicine is one area where it has some truth. The church expressly forbid autopsy as desecrating a body for most of its history
      Absolute rot. Not only was dissection practiced throughout the middle ages, in some places (like in Sicily under Frederick II's reign) it was even mandatory for physicians to have attended to one during their education. We have full records of autopsies performed by doctors like Mondino de Luzzi in the 1310s and Galeazzo di Santa Sofia in 1404.
      The problem is the same that plagues every aspect of the "dark ages" cultural life: a horrendous lack of textual remains through which to understand what the frick was going on back then.

      • 3 years ago

        >We have full records of autopsies performed by doctors like Mondino de Luzzi in the 1310s and Galeazzo di Santa Sofia in 1404.
        not medieval ages moron that's the renascence already

        • 3 years ago

          Frederick II was full middle ages

        • 3 years ago

          No. It's medieval until 1453

  16. 3 years ago

    Yeah, it's totally crazy. Anyways, let's cut your son's foreskin off. Trust me, it's cleaner.

  17. 3 years ago

    Leeches are based and extremely beneficial when used correctly.

    You're just a low information moron with a bad case of chronological snobbery.

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