Why did so many writers live the low paid outcast life? Is extreme self involvement and introspection enough to be happy?

Why did so many writers live the low paid outcast life? Is extreme self involvement and introspection enough to be happy?

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  1. 2 years ago

    never getting pussy makes your mind go to some interesting places

    • 2 years ago

      Can personally attest to this. Not jerking off amplifies the effect.

    • 2 years ago

      I can attest to that lol. No wonder all worthwhile monks and gurus were practically celibate

  2. 2 years ago

    There are those who write and those who write for money

  3. 2 years ago

    I love Pessoa so much I want to suck his disenchanted sheepkeeper's dick

  4. 2 years ago

    >Is extreme self involvement and introspection enough to be happy?
    Not, that's why they were not happy, and that's why they wrote good literature.

  5. 2 years ago

    Because writing isn't a stable job, and most writers were driven by whim and vices. Nobody produces great work working for some israelite 9-5.

  6. 2 years ago

    >Abnormal good
    >Normal bad
    How could he not see that it's his schizo "ego" coping.

    • 2 years ago

      What's up with the grammar in that sentence?

      • 2 years ago

        He was ESL.

    • 2 years ago

      >childhood dreams are abnormal
      have a nice day

  7. 2 years ago

    what to read next of pessoa after book of disquiet?

    • 2 years ago

      The diaries of Kafka

    • 2 years ago

      Read his poetry.

      • 2 years ago

        i dont speak portugese

        • 2 years ago

          he has some poetry in eglish iirc

    • 2 years ago

      Keeper of Sheep, Education of the stoic

  8. 2 years ago

    He wasn't an outcast. Whenever anyone says that they just expose themselves for having basic b***h knowledge of his work. Contrary to what wiki and dumb anglophones think he wasn't an Intel either.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >He wasn't an outcast
      I thought he was a low paid clerk with no ambition and few acquaintances but I don't really know much, can you provide sources?
      >He wasn't an incel
      He had one (1) waifu that he never fricked . Maybe he fricked some prostitute. That's as incel as it gets

      • 2 years ago

        Dude was a wagie but then again who isn't. He hung out with his family and enjoyed spending time with his nieces and nephews. As far as b***hes go he had at least three in his life. Can't speak about his intimacy with them but he wasn't shy about b***hes. This whole isolated incel poet legend about him is what happens when monolinguals take the word of shitty scholars as gospel. That's why I don't trust philosophy, literature, poetry, or religion in translation. Most translators are complete fricking hacks and have no shame censoring or adding extreme bias to their translations.

        • 2 years ago

          All those things don't exclude isolation. Kafka had friends, was a fitness enthusiast, "dated" girls, visited brothels. He also was isolated, hated his job, his life and couldn't escape it.
          Going out with your friends once a week and attending family gatherings ≠ non isolated. The fact that they didn't want to assume the traditional social role of a man and preferred navel gazing is very telling.

          • 2 years ago

            well I guess since you know his inner thoughts you are right

          • 2 years ago

            >"dated" girls
            What does it mean?

          • 2 years ago

            Kafka had 3 or 4 "gfs" but he didn't frick them, communicated mainly via correspondence and always broke up with them when marriage was brought up.

        • 2 years ago

          The frick are you talking about? He was a depressed loner who probably died a virgin. Even Lobo Antunes makes fun of him and says you can't take him seriously because of his being a virgin.

        • 2 years ago

          >That's why I don't trust philosophy, literature, poetry, or religion in translation. Most translators are complete fricking hacks and have no shame censoring or adding extreme bias to their translations.
          Based beyond belief.

  9. 2 years ago

    >Why did so many writers live the low paid outcast life?
    Actually most writers in the past were doing far better than anyone today. When they did not write as a trade they had stable jobs that gave them time to write. This pseudo-bohemian revival shit is largely a late XXI century fabrication to get young people to cuck themselves out "chasing dreams" so that they're stuck working at Walmart forever.

    • 2 years ago

      Not really Many older writers lived in poverty or semi-poverty because they couldn't deal with waging full-time and sacrificing their art. This applies to artists in general. Look at Nathaniel Hawthorne etc.

      • 2 years ago

        When I read about writers going into debt or having financial problems, most of them also have families, they travel, they might have estates with servants. And they get by publishing a lot less than someone like James Patterson churning out formulaic entertainment - because they were paid better. Not more than Patterson, but on average better.

      • 2 years ago

        >Many older writers lived in poverty
        This "older" era dates as far back as the XIX century at best; before this era all writers and artists were rather well to do and there was no such thing as a "starving artist". Then in the XIX and early XX century there were starving bohemians mostly due to laziness and mismanagement of finances, not because being an artist meant you'd make no money in an environment where merit was nonexistent (although things went to shit pretty fast in the XX century*~~). Then after WWII it's all a straight up lie. Everyone who's a millionaire today claims that he was starving back then. It's all just bullshit marketing. You can see that every single mediatic "hero" you looked up to in your youth is actually a rotten piece of shit, and those who were not have kissed a gun or drowned themselves in alcohol.
        Everything after WWII is all lies and bullshit.

  10. 2 years ago

    Two questions that are both stupid and wrong. Bravo.

  11. 2 years ago

    because their thoughts and ideas are actually memetic parasites that only sound okay when the writer isn't alive to give full context to their shitty thoughts.

  12. 2 years ago

    Why are you people even talking about this shit? Who cares. Whether it's true that those artists were starving or not, they did it with the consciousness that they had a chance to impact the world they lived in in the present, let alone the future.
    On the other hand you (as people who live in this cancerous time) have zero chances of producing work like Pessoa or whoever the frick you're thinking about right now, your favorite writer. This doesn't exist in the future. You can't even remotely hope that someone in the future will "appreciate" what you want to do, assuming you find the strength to produce the absolute best possible version of the work you have in mind to produce.
    You know what future people will be like? Bugs. Bzz Bzz Bzz. Bugs. Insects. They will have no inner voice, nothing to speak to. They'll go home and wank to their custom AI generated porn or simply stuff themselves with their daily drugs and go to sleep. This is the future you hope to speak to. Then there's the present and near-future, how about that? What do you hope to accomplish here and now? There are two things you can do in this age if you're a nobody: one, various degrees of porn and two, political shit. In both cases your anus will need to be so lubricated you could play ice hockey in it. Your voice, what you have to say, it matters NOTHING, in fact not only it doesn't matter, it's nothing but a hindrance in this world right now because what matters is what the consumer wants to jerk off to. See, if you still think that the values of the past like truth, honesty, a personal vision are things that this era wants to see more of, you are sorely deluded. What this era wants to see is big fat wieners. And drooling veganas. And being told that taking it in the ass is great and you should do it more. And tokens of virtue that you can tweet about for social cred. This is how you advance society now, so people require as many of these tokens as they can. Not having the tokens means you're broke, and if you're broke you're probably depressed, and if you're depressed you're probably not medicated, and if you're not medicated you're probably not a sex-haver, and if you're not a sex-haver you're probably a Nazi and if you're a Nazi you're probably dangerous and you need to be sent to room 101.
    Who are you writing for?
    That's bullshit, and if it's not bullshit then you're a fricking moron. How the frick can you do something that is by its very nature meant to distribute information from one human to another entirely for yourself? You know who is it that works tirelessly entirely for "himself"? Someone who is literally, clinically autistic. And that work will be shit because it's not meant to communicate anything, it's just empty time-wasting with no purpose. Why are you doing something that has no purpose? Why do you dedicate yourself to something that will never have an impact on anyone unless what you are distributing is the worst possible filth humanity can conceive?

    • 2 years ago

      good to know the only thing you value is fame you ego-driven moron

      • 2 years ago

        you deliberately chose to think about fame and I am fairly sure that you're arguing in bad faith because you are one of the supporters of the narrative. I was talking about impacting people

        • 2 years ago

          Everything you do has an impact you sad, cynical little man.

          • 2 years ago

            You're deluded. I'll take you as a direct example: I know that you are a like stone. Nothing I might say will change your mind, because your job is to support the idea that we still have a future ahead of us and that future will be made bright by all these new things that are happening today. These are not just your opinions, this is your job: people like you have willfully made themselves into full-time agents of the machine. I talk to you types all the time, and there are many of you because you are terrified of the truth, that you're all locking yourself into a butchery. It looks like a butchery, it smells like a butchery, it has "butchery" written on it, but very nice well-dressed people keep telling you that this is just what the past looks like, and this place will be your new home soon. The machines are whirring into motion and the doors are locked and you still believe it.

            >you deliberately chose to think about fame
            how up your own ass do you have to think this? no i didn't sit down and say "frick what am i gonna say to discredit this guy" and if you think that you're a loon
            your overvaluing of fame LEAPS out of the words you write even if you don't see it.
            >I was talking about impacting people
            yeah, fame. you can juj it up with some masturbatory feelings of "le grand importance" but all you're talking about in the end is popularity with masses, hvaing your name recognized.
            the "impact" of writers is as expression of their fame, and is entirely negligible outside of that. people choose meaningless and often harmful things to be "impactful" or "meaningful" to fit the narrative about themselves they want to project to the world all the time

            >yeah, fame
            Impacting people has absolutely nothing to do with fame, although fame necessarily impacts people. Not a single word of what I said was connected to fame and the masses, but any audience at all. You're either stupid or you know all this and you're arguing in bad faith, and I lean toward the second, because I know how it wounds you that someone is pulling that veil from your eyes and you'll adamantly try to keep arguing with me forever. I won't entertain you because I have better things to do that waste my time arguing against walls so train your boot-licking chops somewhere else.

          • 2 years ago

            >Impacting people has absolutely nothing to do with fame, although fame necessarily impacts people. Not a single word of what I said was connected to fame and the masses, but any audience at all. You're either stupid or you know all this and you're arguing in bad faith, and I lean toward the second
            You don't even understand what i'm saying.
            >because I know how it wounds you that someone is pulling that veil from your eyes and you'll adamantly try to keep arguing with me forever. I won't entertain you because I have better things to do that waste my time arguing against walls so train your boot-licking chops somewhere else.
            How can someone honestly say shit like this and think "yeah i'm not ego-driven at all", holy shit dude you need to reexamine yourself outside of your lustful gaze for your own being.

          • 2 years ago

            This will be my last post here in case someone starts false-flagging or sockpuppeting as always.
            >You don't even understand what i'm saying.
            You used a word against me that had no relationship with what I said. You either misunderstood the post due to being stupid or you were purposefully trying to twist my words into an argument about fame and glory, whereas I was talking about impacting people instead. If you argue that fame and impact are the same thing then you are wrong and arguing in bad faith, because fame, especially today, is the result of giving people consumable products that cater to their basest desires and addictions instead of creating something that impacts (as in, changes and enriches) them. Fame today implies the exact opposite of impact.
            >How can someone honestly say shit like this
            I just said the truth and because it's the truth I say it with confidence. I know you.
            Anyway bye. I don't want to demoralize anyone but this argument is silly. We live in the end times.

          • 2 years ago

            You're so full of shit, amazing

          • 2 years ago

            Man you project a lot based on a single sentence. Look in a mirror.

        • 2 years ago

          >you deliberately chose to think about fame
          how up your own ass do you have to think this? no i didn't sit down and say "frick what am i gonna say to discredit this guy" and if you think that you're a loon
          your overvaluing of fame LEAPS out of the words you write even if you don't see it.
          >I was talking about impacting people
          yeah, fame. you can juj it up with some masturbatory feelings of "le grand importance" but all you're talking about in the end is popularity with masses, hvaing your name recognized.
          the "impact" of writers is as expression of their fame, and is entirely negligible outside of that. people choose meaningless and often harmful things to be "impactful" or "meaningful" to fit the narrative about themselves they want to project to the world all the time

    • 2 years ago

      There will always be a striver, even in the deepest darks. I write for them, in hopes that my stories will lighten their burdens.
      >Writing for onesself is bullshit
      This is how I know you don't write but think often of writing. The thing imagined in ones mind and the craft of putting it in words produces something unique. The enjoyment of this process is commonly called expressing yourself

      Zarathustra you are now. You're the clown.

      • 2 years ago

        >This is how I know you don't write but think often of writing.
        Of course I don't do anything anymore lol, I wrote that entire essay about the futility of it. I used to and I eventually stopped because there is simply no point in wasting one's time hoping that there will be that someone who "strives in the darkness". Do you think it was a relief for me to get to this conclusion, so I could finally stop, or was it torture? I just keep a daily journal now and I know I'll eventually stop doing that too.

        • 2 years ago

          Call yourself what you are: a coward.

    • 2 years ago

      Fricking meds. Just make a DnD campaign dude.

  13. 2 years ago

    No. They simply paid then to be remembered now. Some people are perfect maybe but the rest have to choose.

  14. 2 years ago

    Because writing doesn’t pay.

  15. 2 years ago

    if you're obsessed with things and money you generally don't spend a lot of time focusing on your thoughts and imagination

  16. 2 years ago

    What translation of The Book of Disquiet should you read? Is that good book of his to begin with?

  17. 2 years ago

    This homie Pessoa was such a genius that even his alts were geniuses. Alberto Caeiro is one of the greatest poets of the past century.

    • 2 years ago

      That's honestly incredibly based. Imagine being A-tier as your alter ego. Except if he didn't really have an ego and his alt was himself , always shifting positions

  18. 2 years ago

    Op learns about poor people….

  19. 2 years ago

    No you have it the other way around. Your monday to friday 9-5 wagie cuck doesnt have the time or energy left over to create any form of art or lit. This is the opposite of neetpilled people who might have an interest beyond waging

  20. 2 years ago

    >Why did so many writers live the low paid outcast life?
    Stop spying me, anon,

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