Why did the marshals betray Napoleon?

>Austrians lose Wien to the enemy, but they continue fighting
>Prussians lose Berlin to the enemy, but they continue fighting
>Spanish lose Madrid to the enemy, but they continue fighting
>Russians lose Moscow to the enemy, but they continue fighting
>Napoleon loses Paris to the enemy and wants to continue fighting, his marshals force him to surrender
Surely, the situation wasn't any more hopeless than the aforementioned examples?

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  1. 2 years ago

    >Austrians lose Wien to the enemy, but they continue fighting

    Good joke
    In 1800 Austria surrendered because the French were near (not even in) Vienna

    • 2 years ago

      The French people were cowardly and desperate for peace. No sense of patriotism to defend themselves and gather arms to fight the invaders, unlike the Russian serfs during 1812 or Spanish peasants throughout out Peninsular War who fought back with everything they had even at the cost of their own lives.
      Napoleon's soldiers and officers were still loyal to him to the point that many of them deserted Marmont when the marshal decided to surrender his Corp. Others were furious and almost mutinied until Napoleon had to calm them down.
      Other issues such as many politicians and councilors being in the same league with Talleyrand to save their own skin passing temporary laws to deny the conscription of eager volunteers.

      French/Italian/Polish soldiers with many generals and a few marshals were great and a source of hope for Napoleon, but the French people and the majority of political/military figureheads were not. He deserved better.

      Although that's true, Austrians fighting despite losing Vienna happened twice: 1805 Austerlitz and 1809 Wagram.

      • 2 years ago

        >Although that's true, Austrians fighting despite losing Vienna happened twice: 1805 Austerlitz and 1809 Wagram.

        Because the Austrians were morons who managed to lose their capital before major battles even happened.
        In France's case in 1814, Paris fell AFTER the French army had exhausted itself in a bunch of major battles in Northern France.

      • 2 years ago

        >The French people were cowardly
        25 years of war in all Europe and you say this shit, desperate for peace they were but I dont think of them as cowards

        • 2 years ago

          Yes. The French people were and ARE cowardly.
          The French soldiers were a different breed far superior to the average French sitting in France hoping for peace. Shame that they all died.

    • 2 years ago

      You know where Austerlitz happened? East of Danube because Napoleon had taken Wien. It wasn't even the only time. During the war of the fifth coalition, Napoleon took Wien again, forcing the Austrian to retreat east of the Danube, Napoleon held it longer than six weeks before crossing the Danube.

  2. 2 years ago

    >Surely, the situation wasn't any more hopeless than the aforementioned examples?

    It was.
    In your exemples, Prussia and Austria had a powerful ally left (Russia) to retreat toward after their capital fell, and in Russia's case in 1812, they had an infinite country to retreat on.
    Only for Spain in 1808 it was really hopeless, but Spaniards were mentally ill.

    After Paris fell in 1814, France had zero chance to win.
    They were heavily outnumbered, they had no allies and they couldn't even retreat southward as the British and Spanish were invading from there.

    • 2 years ago

      >Only for Spain in 1808 it was really hopeless, but Spaniards were mentally ill.
      but they won in the end and the French lost 500,000 men there. Also France today is the cum toilet of Africa so if they rebelled it couldn't be any worse. I mean African can literally murder French and go away with it. Even if they get caught picrel is the average French prison.
      Point being: Autism pay in the end.

      • 2 years ago

        No fricking way this pic is real, it must come from a movie or a series or some shit.

      • 2 years ago

        Good on the Spanish for killing hundreds of thousands of Frenchmen and their own people in order to pave the way for anglo hegemony, it sure worked out in the end!

        • 2 years ago

          Anglo hegemony > French hegemony
          Anglos aren't as obsessed with Black folk as French people are. The real loss was 1945 anyway

      • 2 years ago

        >Also France today is the cum toilet of Africa

        To be fair France borders Africa, since it begins at the Pyrenees

        • 2 years ago

          Weak cope.

  3. 2 years ago

    >Be Marshals
    >Do all the work
    >pathetic cuck takes all the credit

    • 2 years ago

      >still making shit up after 200 years
      give it a rest nigel

  4. 2 years ago

    France is a godless country

  5. 2 years ago

    Because loyalty is actually built on the idea of mutual self-interest, Anon. Chivalry is just a historical veneer we place upon our actions when writing the history books after the fact.

    All cooperative interests are founded upon the idea that if two people, or groups of people, work together, that all parties involved can gain from this arrangement. The benefits of throwing in behind Napoleon are fairly obvious - if he wins, you get to be a Lord and rule over vast swathes of Europe and LARP as an Austrian. The moment that eventuality ceased to be a possibility, everyone abandoned ship. Why wouldn't you? It was never about idealism. Nothing is ever actually about idealism.

  6. 2 years ago

    Hey ESL PRO TIP FOR YOY IN English people don’t call it Wien because that sounds like the word wiener which is slang for song ok good talk.

    • 2 years ago

      I refuse to use the anglo word word "Vienna".

  7. 2 years ago


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