Why did the western world largely outlaw Exeuctiins?

Why did the western world largely outlaw Exeuctiins?

How is locking someone in a concrete block until they die more moral than painlessly killing them?

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  1. 2 years ago

    moronic leftist who think with their feelings rather than logic, the easiest way to determine if a convict cannot be rehabilitated is a brain scan of their frontal lobe if there is barely any activity it means they cannot understand morality so its fine to kill them. Notice leftist lunatics do not ever suggest brain scanning felons before sentencing them its because they are nutjobs who want to brag about saving the lives of others and how superior they are you because of it.

    • 2 years ago

      Enlightenment ideals led to the restriction and eventual abolition of the death penalty and deliberately torturous methods of punishment. Read Montesquieu or Beccaria.

      Morality doesn't come from just one part of the brain, and most criminals do not have brain damage. Someone with frontal lobe injury would possibly lack the capacity to plan out a crime.

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          Those inmates don't have frontal lobe damage. Read the article again.
          It's not like all prisoners lack any empathy at all. You can see this pretty easily. In American prisons, the inmates most at risk of being beaten or killed are those who committed crimes against women or children.

          • 2 years ago

            I didnt say all prisoners.

          • 2 years ago

            My point stands. Most inmates don't have brain damage.

          • 2 years ago

            What about serial killers?

          • 2 years ago

            Dunno if there's a survey of them. Psychopathy might be more common among them though

    • 2 years ago

      >muh leftist leftists leftists
      Have you ever leftist house and touched grass?

  2. 2 years ago

    Executions cost more in terms of legal fees than imprisonment for life. Argue against it all you want, but would YOU be the one volunteering to tell somebody’s family that the state executed him before forensic evidence exonerated them?

    State Executions end up becoming an anti-lottery security theater that feeds into society’s sense of vindication but doesn’t actually deter crime.

    Lifers can still work jobs and be productive inside of prison, working for special privileges like AC and TV

    Only the most heinous crimes warrant this sort of extreme punishment. Most prisoners are capable of being rehabilitated.

    Executions just send a person on vacation. If they did commit a heinous crime. They deserve to sit there and think about the damage they caused to another family for the rest of their days

    • 2 years ago

      >Executions cost more in terms of legal fees than imprisonment for life
      >75 cent .32 round or a $20 length of rope
      >versus housing a guy in prison with air conditioning, HBO, etc for 30-40 years until he dies.
      You tell me.

      • 2 years ago

        >city gets sued when new evidence exonerates the victim that you swiftly murdered like a moronic inbred cowboy
        >prisoner works during the day which more than makes up the cost for basic things that support them
        You really aren’t thinking things through

      • 2 years ago

        Put them to work in a factory or workshop to keep them busy.

    • 2 years ago

      It's pretty hard to have a wrongful conviction with modern forensics. In the 1950s it was possibly a problem as well as the lack of Miranda Rights and other modern police procedues.

    • 2 years ago

      >Most prisoners are capable of being rehabilitated.
      If you look at the statistical life histories of most convicted felons, this is incorrect. If you look at the re-imprisonment statistics compiled by Fazel and Wolf in 2015, you'll see that five years after being released from prison, 43% of Israeli prisoners, 46% of French prisoners, 52% of New Zealand prisoners and 45% of American prisoners have been sent back to prison on another conviction. That's the baseline, an absolute minimum; those are just the ones against whom there was evidence beyond a reasonable doubt of another crime; it's entirely likely that another 20-30% on top of that committed serious crimes but were not caught or charged for those crimes.

      I'd say it's far more defensible to say that most prisoners are congenitally criminal and cannot be helped by present-day rehabilitation efforts. Not only because of the aforementioned life histories, but because you can compare felons to the general population in terms of facial features, serum testosterone and general intelligence, and you'll find very large differences (felons tend to have significantly wider faces, lower foreheads, more facial asymmetry, higher serum testosterone and lower general intelligence than the rest of the population, to the point where in some prisons more than half of all prisoners are mildly mentally moronic).

      • 2 years ago

        I remember when I had to pretend to like these potato-brained psychos to get into the pants of art hos who wet themselves over true crime shit, but the sad truth is most serial killers aren't very smart or cunning, they're not Lex Luthor, they're mostly 85 IQ idiots with no impulse control, empathy, or self-awareness. Seriously you seen psychologists interview prison inmates?

        >When you stabbed and sodomized that 13 year old girl, did you think how terrible, painful, and scary that was for her?
        >No. I just wanted to get her quiet.
        Stuff like that.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, even Jack the Ripper wasn't exactly the dastardly upper-class gentleman or insane-yet-brilliant surgeon that he's made out to be in popular media. The most likely suspect by far - the one identified by a witness and believed to have been the perpetrator of all the canonical murders by the police detectives - was a deranged unemployed Polish-israeli barber who hated women, regularly threatened his own sister with a knife, and jerk offd incessantly. Instead of making a spectacle out of his capture and hanging, they just shut him in a mental asylum where he stayed for the rest of his life.

          What you believe to be the result of rehabilitation tactics is really just demographic differences. Shartmerica is increasingly Brazil-tier.

          This is also substantially true. There are real racial differences in impulse control and intelligence. On both of those measures, Northern European people rank very highly, while the material of America's current population growth ranks quite near the bottom worldwide.

      • 2 years ago

        Norway has rehabilitative prisons and about 20% recidivism rate, the lowest in the world, while the US has the highest at 44%. Turns out people are less likely to commit crime when you aren’t actively manufacturing them into life long crime als

        • 2 years ago

          What you believe to be the result of rehabilitation tactics is really just demographic differences. Shartmerica is increasingly Brazil-tier.

          • 2 years ago

            Brazil doesn’t have rehabilitative systems either

          • 2 years ago

            Brazil - which is America's future - doesn't have many functioning government or societal systems of any kind. It's a sluggish, disorganized, corrupt place.

          • 2 years ago

            What you believe to be the result of rehabilitation tactics is really just demographic differences. Shartmerica is increasingly Brazil-tier.

            The US and Brazil were both historically diverse countries with plantation systems and federal governments, but the commonalities pretty much stop there. The US was never a military dictatorship or monarchy, and the plantation system was largely restricted to the South.

          • 2 years ago

            The only commonality relevant to this discussion is the increasingly dysgenic population.

          • 2 years ago

            Which genes in which populations? Is this unique to those two countries?

      • 2 years ago

        They also concluded that there are grave deficiencies in data and that international comparisons are likely inaccurate for most of the datasets.

  3. 2 years ago

    One step that people often forget about in the abolition of capital punishment is the step from public to private executions. I think that is what laid the foundation for the total abolition of capital punishment more than anything else.

    By moving executions out of the realm of public spectacle (where good and evil are judged for everyone to see), and into prison interiors and courtyards, societies signaled that they were weakening their stances on crime and punishment.

  4. 2 years ago

    The rise of atheism means that most Westerners view death as nothing more than an abrupt end, they don't believe that these criminals will suffer punishment in the afterlife or anything like that, so the punishment of living the rest of their days rotting away in prison makes more sense to them. Death is viewed as an easy escape into sweet oblivion which is why atheists are more suicide-prone.

  5. 2 years ago

    >physiognomy anon shows up
    Oh boy it's another thread of trying to pathologize individuals and their choices.

  6. 2 years ago

    20 posts before the race card was pulled. Not bad.

  7. 2 years ago

    I think Wesley Allan Dodd was the fastest ever execution in the post-1976 era. He refused all appeals despite his lawyers' protests because they wanted to make an easy payday by dragging out the appeals process as long as they could.

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