Why do people pretend cheating is wrong when every successful person in history screwed other people...

Why do people pretend cheating is wrong when every successful person in history screwed other people over to get ahead?

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  1. 4 years ago

    this is your brain on atheism

    • 4 years ago


  2. 4 years ago

    It leads to and invites corruption. See, even when a coup or revolutiuon happens the 1st thing the new regime does it try to make it impossible for another revolution/coup to happen, otherwise you quickly spiral into a death loop (see Rome's crises of the 3rd century.)

    • 4 years ago

      So? Eliminating competitors resolves the issue

      • 4 years ago

        >if everyone except me is dead that means I win
        People cooperating always beats an individual

    • 4 years ago

      >See, even when a coup or revolutiuon happens the 1st thing the new regime does it try to make it impossible for another revolution/coup to happen
      If you're weak enough to be overthrown you may no longer have the right to rule, see?

  3. 4 years ago

    No ones pretending it’s wrong, your conscious will tell you it is

    • 4 years ago

      No it dosent, in my country cheating is a collective effort and peole spontaneously organise to cheat, i cant even get myself to see that as negative even if i can see how on higher levels it turns into corruption and degeneracy

      • 4 years ago

        >produces worse professionals
        >harder to get a job due to incompetence and lack of trust
        >unemployment crisis
        unless you have a dad with a firm to hire you its moronic to think its any good for you or society as a whole

    • 4 years ago

      Yes, pretending some metaphysical abstraction will shame you because people claim it will

  4. 4 years ago

    The system wants behavior that is good for the system. The individual wants behavior that is good for the individual.

    This tension exists in any society.

  5. 4 years ago

    If everybody did what they wanted thered be chaos. So the enlightened few make the rules everybody else has to follow.

    • 4 years ago

      But its the other way around
      There is chaos
      A few get to make rules that screw everyone else over
      Therefore everyone else cheats as best as they can
      This in turn reinforces the circle, whoever gets on top allready cheats, and everyone else cheats to counter that

    • 4 years ago

      Are you implying the world isn’t chaos? The enlightened few cheated even harder than everyone else

  6. 4 years ago

    Because once you go around accepting the idea that cheating is okay, the idea spreads to every aspect of society and one day you wake up and find you're in China.

    • 4 years ago

      Oh no! Not China!

      • 4 years ago

        I'm not talking economics, just the sheer misery of life in a place where no-one and nothing can be trusted. Take food processing: as venal as corporate America is you don't get the sheer level of fakery and adulteration China is notorious for. Elevators and escalators in buildings are properly inspected, etc. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

        • 4 years ago

          >just the sheer misery of life in a place where no-one and nothing can be trusted


          Imagine that nightmare

          >Take food processing: as venal as corporate America is you don't get the sheer level of fakery and adulteration China is notorious for.

          Yeah. Imagine if people could sell processed mutant burgers to people and nutrition pills that shrink your spleen.

          >Elevators and escalators in buildings are properly inspected, etc. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

          Yeah. Imagine crumbling infrastructure and $14 million bridges collapsing due to incompetent engineers and greedy contractors.

          • 4 years ago
          • 4 years ago

            >chaos kills the weak
            Chaos kills everyone. It is just a roll of the dice. It doesn't matter how strong or smart you are. A building falling on you because the contractor cut corners will kill you no matter who you are.

          • 4 years ago

            In general when something like that happens new regulation is created to make sure that it does not happen again

          • 4 years ago

            Just another thing that makes man weak.

          • 4 years ago

            but you didn't learn them and cheated
            hence building falling again and again

      • 4 years ago

        >organ harvesting death camps are ok because muh economy

  7. 4 years ago

    Rules are for peasants
    Context is for kings

  8. 4 years ago

    If everyone cheats, the system won't work. Imagine if there was an NFL football game and one team just pulls out rocket launchers and machine guns and start killing the players on the opposing side to "win". The game would breakdown. Same happens to governments with too much cheating/corruption.

    • 4 years ago

      The greatest cheaters rise to the top in life and destroy other cheaters

  9. 4 years ago

    This kid is a horrible cheater, we should do like the Spartans and beat the shit out of cheaters when they get caught.

  10. 4 years ago

    It's only wrong when you forget you "cheated". As long as you acknowledge the "cheating" you can find a solution to wrap it up, and possibly find a better answer to the problem.
    If you follow the rules, you'll never make it, as long as you don't physically hurt anyone, which does go against the natural order of things.

  11. 4 years ago

    Because being successful isn't the same thing as being moral. Cheating might look good until you're the one being screwed over. I think it;s better to be a good person than to be a successful person.

  12. 4 years ago

    Because if everyone cheated all the time no one would fall for the cheating and cooperation would break down

      • 4 years ago

        Yes, because I'm weak and I don't want to be sacrificed for someone else's gain. The strong should care for and be charitable to the weak, not eat them.

          • 4 years ago

            >If everyone would be thieves, humanity would become hard as tempered steel in under a century, far stronger than it is under current weakness-coddling regimes.
            yeah let's turn the whole world in to africa

          • 4 years ago

            >That mentality makes humanity weak and unable to survive.
            Survive against what? We've already wiped out or contained all the most dangerous species on the planet. And humans survive natural disasters better by being cooperative and helpful to one another rather than looting. You can see this numerous times both recently and historically. I believe humanity is a social animal and ascended by way of cooperation, organization, and caring for one another, not through being cutthroat to one another.

            Additionally, you might not like to think about this, but one day you will be old and weak. Ask yourself, when you;re old and weak, would you rather be destroyed as a consequence for your frailty, or have the wisdom you acquired in your old age passed along to the next generation? Which would really make humanity stronger, a bunch of elderly corpses or a bunch of wise and learned youngsters who've had the knowledge of past generations added to their own through respect to their elders? I think weak people have a place in society, especially the elderly, who should be cared for and rewarded for all the work they've done throughout their long lives, and encouraged to write accounts of their lives in memoirs so the next generation can learn from both their successes and failures. I truly think that would make for a stronger humanity than simply killing anyone that can't defend themselves.

          • 4 years ago

            There can be no true strength there where weakness is allowed to exist.

          • 4 years ago

            Well, I think you're wrong.

      • 4 years ago

        Because cheaters rely on the system to exist else they would have nothing to cheat. It's the same reason why thievery isn't a viable model for society, because if everybody is thieves then nobody makes anything in the first place to be stolen.

  13. 4 years ago

    Cheating isn't bad. Being caught cheating is bad since it denotes lack of skill and character. Any moron can take out his phone in the middle of class and fill in the answers, but if you can't plan beforehand and don't have situational awareness of when you should do it, or how, then you deserve to be weeded out.

    Simple as.

  14. 4 years ago

    Cheating is wrong to people who care about their merit.

  15. 4 years ago

    There is nothing wrong with cheating if the rules are unfair.
    This is why I admire Black folk, private property is only there to protect the assets of the rich. Black folk just take what they want. White bois are too indoctrinated and domesticated, thats why they seethe but they secretly wish they had the balls to steal like the black bois.

    • 4 years ago

      Blacks steal because they cant think not that they are fighting da system as if those fricktards can even comprehend da system to begin with you fricking cuckol

  16. 4 years ago

    too many subhumans who think they're badasses for copying someone smarter than them on this board

    • 4 years ago

      If you were actually smart you’d be too busy banging supermodels on a yacht instead of complaining here

  17. 4 years ago

    Not all of them. Political systems are more stable when you either don't have to screw anyone over to get to the top (hereditary monarchy) or the legal way to do it is easier than any underhanded methods (an ideal republic)

  18. 4 years ago
    Kneel to your master

    I consider it morally wrong because you didn't actually achieve it on your own. The same way rape is not really getting laid. Your cheating the system and so the system should frick you in the ass to teach you a lesson.

  19. 4 years ago

    corruption turns your country into a third world shithole

  20. 4 years ago

    You are cheating yourself out of an accurate experience and assessment.
    You can not "cheat" your way into billions of dollars or out of a battlefield.
    >but literal who did it
    is that an anomaly or can you show me 1,000,000,000 who cheated their way into billions of dollars?

    • 4 years ago

      >You can not "cheat" your way into billions of dollars or out of a battlefield.

      Cope. Literally all billionaires cheat to become billionaires. The SOP for every military in the world is “Never fight fair. Bomb the shit out of the enemy and only bring in infantry with 3 to 1 overmatch”.

  21. 4 years ago

    Because ethics and optics. I mean cheating/stealing looks bad. So we must create ways around it.

  22. 4 years ago

    if everyone was constantly screwing other people and cheating, our society would suck
    if only one or two people do it then society is ok

    • 4 years ago

      Our society does suck

      The top cheaters just convinced everyone it’s for their own good

  23. 4 years ago

    >Why do people pretend cheating is wrong when every successful person in history screwed other people over to get ahead?

    Have you seen Chinese infrastructure and what happens when you cut corners and also hire subpar engineers?

    • 4 years ago

      Some of the best quality in the world.

      I mean I’m sure you don’t get your ideas from decade old YouTube vids, right?

      • 4 years ago

        >Some of the best quality in the world.
        Yeah, I imagine some of it is. Otherwise, please don't insult my intelligence.

  24. 4 years ago

    I would beat the shit out of the kid on the left. That would teach him not to peek at somebody's

  25. 4 years ago

    Because you are bypassing the purpose of the test that is to learn the topic, you are wasting your time/money and degrading your institution reputation and everybody else that studies or studied there because of that, not to mention damages to society and lives because of malpractice
    Successful people from history werent the average soi of today btw, its okay to cheat if you can achieve great things with that and have other great virtues

    • 4 years ago

      >its okay to cheat if you can achieve great things with that and have other great virtues
      >but you shouldn't cheat because it ultimately destroys society -- that is, unless you throw some ham out of a truck to the local community

      Pick one, man.

      • 4 years ago

        are you comparing cheating on a test with winning a war or anything?
        you can't get on the top if you corrupt yourself for so little

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