Why do western people find the separation of men and women so strange?

Whenever a photo from a mosque gathering is posted in Britain by someone like sadiq Khan or a picture from a protest in the middle east and the women and men are clearly separate the replies will be full of western people saying

>"note the women kept separated this is the 21st century folks"

>"omg the women are separate truly backwards people"

You will literally see a thousand comments pointing it out.

Did Europeans never before in history practice any kind of separation of the sexes in churches or anywhere? Why is this seen as so odd and unusual to karens and westerners?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Are you really curious or is this just another le libtard europeans meme? Because that's why btw

    • 2 years ago

      You're one to ask.


      Whenever a photo from a mosque gathering is posted in Britain by someone like sadiq Khan or a picture from a protest in the middle east and the women and men are clearly separate the replies will be full of western people saying

      >"note the women kept separated this is the 21st century folks"

      >"omg the women are separate truly backwards people"

      You will literally see a thousand comments pointing it out.

      Did Europeans never before in history practice any kind of separation of the sexes in churches or anywhere? Why is this seen as so odd and unusual to Karens and westerners?

      Its just weird, ok?

  2. 2 years ago

    Europe as far back as the Middle Ages always had somewhat more liberated gender norms than the Islamic world. Gender segregation was less extensive nor did women have to cover themselves as much.

  3. 2 years ago

    Yeah they did. Its called the women stay at home and do housework/care for the kids and the men work in the field and die on the battlefields

    Europe historically was very much anti-incel. They loved sex, so no, they don't have those kinds of gender separation things like hijabs and separate mosques

    • 2 years ago

      >Europe historically was very much anti-incel. They loved sex
      kek, read Aquinas

      • 2 years ago

        What about Aquinas?

  4. 2 years ago

    >Did Europeans never before in history practice any kind of separation of the sexes in churches or anywhere?
    They did (such as in convents, nunnery's and all that) but it was never as extreme as what muslims did. Even the more moderate hair coverings are a little more modest than the euro ones. Not to say the ones they use in afghanistan, etc. Plus normal churches both let men and owmen in and sit not segragated. It's jus not within the culture.
    Plus the fact that they are all foreigners being foreign makes it worse usually.

  5. 2 years ago

    Women naturally want to be segregated from men, but modern society forces women to mix with men - and non-whites, contradicting the rights of women. To put up with this cognitive dissociation they have to go on the attack against puritan societies as above

  6. 2 years ago

    Because postmodern western culture is predicated on the extermination of male-only spaces
    (this is the reason for smoking bans in bars btw)

    • 2 years ago

      The blowback is gonna be terrifying

      Women naturally want to be segregated from men, but modern society forces women to mix with men - and non-whites, contradicting the rights of women. To put up with this cognitive dissociation they have to go on the attack against puritan societies as above

      Nothing women do is natural, except childbirth

      • 2 years ago

        >The blowback is gonna be terrifying
        Are you referring to the global proliferation of essentially female men (on the behavioral and hormonal level)?

        • 2 years ago

          No, incels. Learn to read.

          • 2 years ago

            tbqh I'm not worried about incels as much as

            >The blowback is gonna be terrifying
            Are you referring to the global proliferation of essentially female men (on the behavioral and hormonal level)?

  7. 2 years ago

    Westcucks aren't even sure what is a man/woman lmao

  8. 2 years ago

    Why do Muslim subhumans get angry when you tell them that women inheriting less than men, and women's testimony being half of a man's is moronic? Do Muslim subhumans realize how much hatred and opposition they garner when they ape out over someone walking a dog or threatening to murder someone because their dog licked them? Westerners are compassionate and love their pet dogs, why can't Muslims understand this?

    • 2 years ago

      >they ape out over someone walking a dog or threatening to murder someone because their dog licked them
      honestly ever since moving to Denver I've come to understand this position more and more

  9. 2 years ago

    Because many of us, though mostly feminists and other assorted left-wing degenerates, have confused men and women having equal rights and equal value for them being equal in the mathematical sense.

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