Why doesn't America still look like this? 100 years ago it looked like another planet.

Why doesn't America still look like this? 100 years ago it looked like another planet.

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


      >Muh Black folk are the only political issue that exists
      Absolutely obsessed.

      • 2 years ago

        It's a big one, you have to admit

      • 2 years ago

        So Hispanics and Asians ruined American architecture? Good to know.

        The percentage of Blacks didn't even grow since the 1900s.

        Hispanics and Asians (and israelites) do not build the same things Whites do.
        black influence has grown tremendously and their moronation is broadcast globally.

        • 2 years ago

          White people build pedophile rings and generally pervert whatever they interact with.
          The French petition against age of consent laws? Oh I forgot, that was Hispanic people's fault...

          • 2 years ago

            no, White people do not build pedophile rings.
            >age of consent good
            no age of consent bad, hispanic people raping their children is why we need them, so in a way yes, it is their fault.

            >Anti racists don't have kids
            Yeah, the white ones, and the racists don't either otherwise you wouldn't be here b***hing about the great replacement. Seriously, prepare yourself to start speaking Spanish and learn some Baltimore/Atlanta slang, you're gonna need it.

            >the racists dont
            the racists do, the racist Whites have the highest births per woman in the US.
            >America is already gone
            America needs 2 million immigrants per year to actually replace Whites, ZOG is certainly trying but as the QoL decreases immigrants will come less and less.
            Seriously, develop a Southern Draw because theyre about go to /buffalo/mode when they become a critical mass of all White people.

          • 2 years ago

            >the racists do, the racist Whites have the highest births per woman in the US.
            Your proof of this? Not being facetious, I actually want to see it. Either way, my point was that the overall white population is still down the gutter and going fast, and the racists you speak of don't have enough children to offset that regardless.
            >America needs 2 million immigrants per year to actually replace Whites
            No, it really doesn't. That's outright replacement within the decade. I'm talking about the fact that right now only 50% of the US youth is described as white, and that's with the American census system where blue eyed pakis are white. It's almost certainly a fact that within your lifetime this country won't be white.
            >but as the QoL decreases immigrants will come less and less.
            No, they won't. Because our political masters want to roleplay as Crassus, so whatever country they come from will be made far worse in return because they'd rather kill themselves than improve the quality of life for the average person. You seem to be extremely optimistic about anyone in the current Israeli backing US government doing anything other than destroying all avenues of social mobility for the sake of keeping a profitable crop of people to keep their pension funds running.


            >I can already feel you hitting the report button on this post.
            Because you're paranoid, I'm not a b***h who'll report someone for disagreeing, and going on to post statistics and ignore our original argument just makes me think I hit the nail on the head. It's a fact that you people are obsessed with blacks, and while the media certainly doesn't help, I see motherfrickers on this board screaming about Black folk in topics that have nothing to do with them. I'm telling you that perhaps if you didn't do that and instead dealt with the people in your own community who push socially moronic policies, we wouldn't be here.

          • 2 years ago

            You say down the gutter and going fast, but its just liberal Whites dying off while the % of racist Whites is nearly doubling.
            Liberal society has generated eugenic conditions wherein people who are anti-liberalism are replacing Liberals, an archetypal example would be abortion.
            How many blue eyed pakis are in the US depressing the number of actual Whites?
            basically none.
            It would be better if America was 25% White and 100% racist than if it was 90% and anti-racist, because the former lead to global conquest (thats the demographics of the world in 1700 and of the Continental US in 1750) while the latter lead us to now.
            Ill take 50% White and 100% racist any day of the week.
            >want to roleplay as Crassus
            laughable low IQ lefty take.
            North/Central Mexicans have already stopped coming the US because its so shit in California and Texas and they cant afford to live in wealthier areas.
            The Latam migrants are from Central America and South America now.
            Lower Quality of Life = less immigrants, they will eventually just stop coming because they will find the same conditions they left.
            White areas will become more and more inaccessible as they have already begun to do due to pricing.
            also bad economy makes it more likely the racist Whites will begin actually being racist, and the veneer of a free and liberal society will fall away and America will become what the rest of the world is naturally, an ethnic free for all where everyone plays for their own team.
            Barring actual shooting war genocide of Whites, Whites will take everything back.
            North America was 0% White once upon a time.
            Whites just win, sorry bro but Whites are winners, they took over the planet and subjugated other races more than once.
            Kind of like how there is only one type of homos. There will be eventually only one type of "Race".

          • 2 years ago

            >Sorry that page could not be found
            And yeah, putting "conservative" as "racist" is just disingenuous as shit. Why are you using new libshut definition of words?
            >You say down the gutter and going fast, but its just liberal Whites dying off while the % of racist Whites is nearly doubling.
            And it is going down the gutter, a once 80%+ majority dropping to 50% in a few decades is the gutter, and despite the petty muh political party lines, that doesn't change the overall situation when there's no guarantee of continuation with political beliefs, and fertility.
            >It would be better if America was 25% White and 100% racist than if it was 90% and anti-racist, because the former lead to global conquest
            No it wouldn't. It would lead to a minority that's either relegated to the sidelines, or eventually forced to compromise under threat of mass rebellion. Take this from someone who comes from a third world country, there's little to no chance of any 25% group ruling over a vastly diverse population without it quickly descending into a shithole in the modern day.
            >laughable low IQ lefty take.
            >North/Central Mexicans have already
            It's not a lefty take, it's a fact that our politicians have compromised our system by bowing down to Corporations and stopping the checks of their powers and influence for the sake of campaign bucks. Not even 2 decades ago Microsoft was being forcibly broken down for having a monopoly, and now Disney owns 25% of the entire entertainment industry, and blackrock funds racebaiting propaganda in every sector of entertainment and media. This is a complete betrayal of the principles of a free market, and it's fueled with hordes of Hispanic voters who will vote with them for the sake of maintaining their benefits. As for your "they're not coming in" the net loss was literally less than 200k. A pittance, and mainly because of Trump fear mongering going on in the media.

          • 2 years ago

            Conservatives are unironically racist.
            (and thats a good thing).
            its not down the gutter if its immigration + shitlib boomers dying.
            >heritability of political beliefs
            almost 1:1
            like height but less malleable.
            >a minority thats relegated to the sidelines
            a minority is what's currently ruling the Nation.
            Jews + Elite Turncoats are an extreme minority and do not even pretend to follow democratic will of the majority, let alone their own constituents.
            >mass rebellion
            from who?
            Whites would consolidate and breakaway, or just out right resist anti-White violence with retaliatory violence.
            >no chance
            Communists took over Russia with only 20% of the population on their side.
            Jews 'took over' America while being not even 1% of the population.
            Whites wouldnt need to rule a diverse America, it would be an ethnic free for all but with modern weapons, Whites would excel. Think of the genocides that happen in Asia and Africa today, but much more efficient, they seem awful but thats just how people are.

            I agree The American political Caste is a problem, perhaps a preliminary issue that must be solved before all others, but I dont think its as significant as the demographic or spirituality crisis.

          • 2 years ago

            >Conservatives are unironically racist.
            >(and thats a good thing).
            >its not down the gutter if its immigration + shitlib boomers dying.
            You keep repeating yourself while ignoring the overall statistics, which is down in the gutter. No amount of cope will change that.
            >almost 1:1
            >like height but less malleable.
            It's like 50-50 bro, more than half choose something different from their parents.
            >a minority is what's currently ruling the Nation.
            >Jews + Elite Turncoats are an extreme minority and do not even pretend to follow democratic will of the majority, let alone their own constituents.
            A minority based on race. You don't see israelitey Mcisraeliterson running for president and winning, alongside being viciously racist while doing it. It just doesn't happen, and if it does, that person would be abandoning the part you highlighted (being racist) to pander to other groups as an enlightened one. They'd have to keep their policies in line with this otherwise they wouldn't be reelected. Trying to have a minority race rule a country in the modern day while oppressing the majority has never led to a single functional state.
            >from who?
            >Whites would consolidate and breakaway, or just out right resist anti-White violence with retaliatory violence.
            And they'd be killed because they're a minority. It's Zimbabwe all over again yet you're too fricking stupid to see that unity of nationality is more important than race. The end goal of your proposed plan is a warring shithole torn apart and then balkanized because once people allow that division to divide them, they'll just start searching for more and more.
            >Communists took over Russia with only 20% of the population on their side.
            The communists had a support of 5.5 million men in their army in comparison to the 400k the white army had. Even then it was unstable until Hitler moronic his way in and united them against a common enemy.

          • 2 years ago

            >ignoring the overall statistics
            down in the gutter would be a 90% White nation where the prevailing animus is anti-White and Whites have no kids.
            Its better that eugenic conditions are refilling the White numbers with people who live in a time and place where being pro-White is exceptionally unpopular, yet they despite this, retain pro-White mentality.
            >its like 50 50
            its really not
            >a minority based on race
            Jews are a minority who are distinct from Whites, and who have immense power.
            >theyd be killed because theyre a minority
            ok so why werent Conquistadors killed? Why werent Rhodesians ALL killed? Why werent Europeans killed when they invaded a hostile planet which outnumbered them 3:1 and outnumbered the colonizers more than 50:1?
            Or even in prison riots, why do Whites in prison hold their own even in black majority prisons?
            Right because Europeans are hyper militant.
            >national unity is more important than race
            lowest IQ take
            there is no unity with racial uniformity.
            Unity ended when America became diverse.
            >a warring shithole
            yes and thats ideal for Whites because they wont have to pretend to kowtow shitlibs, zogdogs, or non-Whites.
            The Communists were barely 500,000 thousand when the war began and they were fighting other Slavs.
            Whites vs non-Whites is just, well, look at a map of colonialism.

          • 2 years ago

            Colonialism happened due to an overwhelming technological advantage. Something that is not really the case anymore. China, Pakistan, North Korea and India have nukes and it is only due to a massive commitment to deescalation and peace that many other countries have put their nuclear programs on ice.

          • 2 years ago

            Colonialism happened because Europeans are a martial people with a martial mindset, Europeans invaded and subdued India, likely with an extreme minority of warriors ruling over the vast bindians through martial supremacy.
            useless with missile shields
            The technology of Europeans as an explanation is a cope. Low tech people are perfectly capable of beating high tech people with just pvre BVLL energy. non-Whites simply do not have BVLL energy relative to Whites.
            Consider that Papuans have been fighting off mechanized modern infantry with machetes and javelins for the past 60 years.

          • 2 years ago

            Every group has martial attributes, the Mughals were originally Mongols, a very martial people, and they also invaded and subdued India, for example.

            >useless with missile shields
            This is debatable, some delivery systems basically drop warheads from space like bombs and unless you intend to use strategic nuclear weapons like flak stopping them all is not really feasible. Also this is just one example, there is also an array of chemical weapons and others banned by the Geneva convention. Horror aside, strategically it is pointless, a modern total war would just be a clusterfrick with both countries and the world in general would be irreparably "changed" such that the combatants would probably give up on whatever their objectives were to begin with.

            >Low tech people are perfectly capable of beating high tech people with just pvre BVLL energy.
            A sound theory.

            >non-Whites simply do not have BVLL energy relative to Whites
            Not sure if this is entirely true.

            >Papuans have been fighting off mechanized modern infantry with machetes and javelins for the past 60 years.
            Because they have been poked and prodded and pressed into it. Nonwhites might be ridiculously corrupt and inept, but given time they can become crafty and voracious fighters. Skills and organization can turn humans from useless slobs into someone who can perform a triple bypass or code a flight simulator, they just need the right conditions and feedback to guide them.

            If your dreams come true, you need to make sure your new Führer understands these things and does not underestimate his enemy. Someone 10 IQ points lower can still master a skill and whoop your ass if you are lazy and neglect it, and this is easy to do, some of these skills are intangible, like sizing up a situation, figuring out what you need to focus on and doing so with determination. You have to be quite well refined to accomplish this sort of thing and be an effective ruler.

          • 2 years ago

            Every group has martial attributes because humanity has martial qualities, but Whites are innately the most warlike race and the best at war.
            The mughal conquest is more a commentary on the weakness of Dravidian India than it is the strength of the Mongols.
            Aryans wiped out IVC and the Dravidians and the mutts inbetween.
            The Aryans also did this with fewer people and lower tech, while Mughal India originated from a steppe conqueror on the cutting edge of military tech of his time bringing subgroups into a rolling horde.
            Its not debatable
            US has missile shields, to say they are ineffective is just speculation.
            >chemical weapons
            the missile shield attacks the delivery system, rendering the weapon uselss.
            you can speculate that somehow someone finds an edge, but ok, thats not 'real'.
            >strategically its pointless
            so what?
            humans are not """"""rational"""""" strategists.
            >a sound theory
            its true.
            >Papuans were simply environmentally determined to resist modern militaries with stone age weapons
            tard moment
            >muh skill
            >muh guidance
            tell me friend, do you dream of a black man going to asia and becoming a BVLL by learning the ways of bushido, because you give off extremely cringe non-White trying to escape subhumanism energy.

            You can not escape being a monkey, like (You) can not, but you can take some high quality individuals and start a commune somewhere isolated and select for better traits, and breed a better form of you, and your descendants can escape monkeymode.

          • 2 years ago

            >Papuans have been fighting off mechanized modern infantry with machetes and javelins for the past 60 years.
            What? Really? Source?

          • 2 years ago

            >down in the gutter would be a 90% White nation where the prevailing animus is anti-White and Whites have no kids.
            Since we're talking about the population, no, it isn't. Down in the gutter is a fertility rate at the state it is today, and becoming a minority in your own country.
            >Jews are a minority who are distinct from Whites, and who have immense power.
            They really aren't that distinct from whites. Maybe some mizrahi in Israel is, but the ones in America are basically a bunch of larpers who are more German and Russian than they are levantene. Not to mention that most of them have significantly assimilated into the Culture, and like I said, none of them run publicly en masse, and push clearly biased and racist policies.
            >ok so why werent Conquistadors killed?
            Because after taking advantage of the already existing strife, they immediately relied on the massive strength of the Spanish empire. What you're talking about is those conquistadors bringing their families along and then proceeding with their "mulatto, mestizo, etc.." bullshit before they got their external support.
            >Why werent Europeans killed when they invaded a hostile planet which outnumbered them 3:1 and outnumbered the colonizers more than 50:1?
            Machine guns and greater technology in terms of medicine and transportation, there's a reason why there was no mass effort to colonize Africa until those things became widespread.
            >Or even in prison riots, why do Whites in prison hold their own even in black majority prisons?
            Because the white prisoners aren't the ones running the show, the Government is, and they're the ones who step in and stop things from going out of hand.
            >lowest IQ take
            >there is no unity with racial uniformity.
            >Unity ended when America became diverse.
            If that was the case then France wouldn't exist today and neither would Germany. They'd be stuck squabbling about which tribe of Helvetii, Frank, Goth, or wherever the frick they came from.

          • 2 years ago

            Whites are still a majority, when they drop below 50% they dont become a minority, they become a plurality, the largest ethnic group in a nation, they are currently undergoing a eugenic effect wherein their ranks of cucks are replaced by ranks of people with a "send them back dead or alive" mentality.
            Jews are distinct from Whites.
            Spain was smaller than Central America in terms of population, yet they subdued them, the Conquistadors thousands of miles from home were even smaller.
            >no mass effort to colonize Africa before those things
            no its because no one knew what the frick was in Africa because not even the locals knew the bounty they had.
            The English fought large scale battles with West African kingdoms prior to the age of late modern weaponry.
            The English won against a numerically superior nation thousands of miles away.
            africa couldnt even discover its own islands.
            >White prisoners arent running the show
            >the government is
            Prison riots have White boys dominating everyone else. Whites are simply a hyper martial race.
            >france and germany are racial diverse
            moron moment

          • 2 years ago

            >Whites are still a majority, when they drop below 50% they dont become a minority, they become a plurality
            Anon, I'm telling you that soon they won't be, and if they're failing to keep up when they're the majority, the trend won't stop just because they're now a plurality. This is especially the case when every other race has higher birthrates.
            >wherein their ranks of cucks are replaced by ranks of people with a "send them back dead or alive" mentality.
            But they aren't. At best you've just shown that Republic(ucks)ans are getting more people, which doesn't really help your case.
            >Jews are distinct from Whites.
            >Spain was smaller than Central America in terms of population, yet they subdued them, the Conquistadors thousands of miles from home were even smaller.
            Spain had a population of 9,000,000 in 1490, while the most realistic estimate for the Americas put it at 6-8 million. This number also dropped by half by the 16th century. Not to mention that Spain was by itself militarily and technologically so far ahead of the Americas it wasn't even funny.
            >no its because no one knew what the frick was in Africa because not even the locals knew the bounty they had.
            Bullshit, it was named the Gold Coast for a reason, it didn't take them 300 fricking years to realize it was a valuable land.
            >Prison riots have White boys dominating everyone else. Whites are simply a hyper martial race.
            No, they don't, and no, they aren't. They were just as martial as every other group of people who didn't grow up in an industrialized nation. You yourself mention Africans warring and enslaving each other in one breath and then go around touting this bullshit.
            >moron moment
            I didn't say they were, I said that in the view at the time where they were a bunch of separate and disparate tribes, they would have essentially saw themselves as different peoples. You can't seriously expect me to believe a Frank would have seen a Goth as the same as him.

          • 2 years ago

            >every other race has higher birthrates
            they dont, every other race has lower birthrates and non-liberal Whites.
            If anything Whites will dip into plurality and become a majority again because White people having kids now, their kids are more likely to have kids, America would be a 90% White nation in 2050 if the border closed tomorrow.
            That is the rapidity with which the racist population is growing.
            Conservative Whites are quite skeptical of the average Ziodog Republicuck.
            Faith in politicians is at an all time low for all groups, and especially low in Conservative Whites.
            Spain lost a battle to Mesolithic Hunter Gatherers, they did not even have an empire, they were an inbred tribe of sheep herders living on an island. And the Spanish outnumbered the tribals.
            >the gold coast
            you mean the colony the Europeans established? Where they dominated the Locals prior the use of mass killing weapons?
            Whites do, White prison gangs are dominant even in black majority prisons. Whites are more martial this is just a fact, they invaded Asia more than once, subdued multiple continents, you keep harping on the technological disparity, it wasnt very big back in the 1500-1700s, you still had to kill up close, and most non-European armies except for actual tribes (and even among tribes many were well armed) had firearms and battles consisted of large scale shootouts and hand to hand.
            africans can war and enslave eachother without being a hyper martial race.
            >Franks didnt see Goths as kin
            I cant remember the quote but some Alemanni chief welcomed the Goths as kin when they invaded Spain.
            They very much knew they were related, and these people even formed tribal confederations, the Franks and the Goths were in a confederation together to resist the Romans at one point.
            not to mention, Europeans became apart of large unified nation states in the middle ages, largely selecting for people who are more open to "foreigners

          • 2 years ago

            >it wasnt very big back in the 1500-1700s
            Guns beat spears you simpering moron

          • 2 years ago

            >Whites wouldnt need to rule a diverse America, it would be an ethnic free for all but with modern weapons, Whites would excel.
            No they wouldn't. Whites living in a place like Rhodesia where nothing is guaranteed would excel, a group of people who haven't faced danger in decades would fold like a stack of paper, which is why you see the phenomenon of desperate self-flagellation amongst your community. There would for sure be pockets who would be capable of holding their own, but eventually it would devolve into a Zimbabwe tier blowout, and the best victory one could be capable of claiming is the number they took with them before they were eradicated. It's an unsustainable model, and the divisions should just be ignored and forgotten just as petty tribalism should be eradicated from Africa. All it leads to is grifters hijacking movements for their own needs.
            >I agree The American political Caste is a problem, perhaps a preliminary issue that must be solved before all others, but I dont think its as significant as the demographic or spirituality crisis.
            Demographics can largely be fluid, as long as populations are kept stable for each side. This cannot happen with a political caste that does not care for integration and cooperation, but rather outright slavery. I wouldn't want to see any group of people in this country disappear forever because then it wouldn't be the country I love, and American spirit, values, and quality of life can be maintained regardless of the races that live here as long as they aren't being put at each other's throats. This can't happen when the media is intent on blowing up the thousand or so police shootings that happen a year in a country with 350 million people. Spirituality similarly cannot be gained with a ruling class that sees it as a competitive alternative to depressing anxiety over fake issues used to distract from corruption.

          • 2 years ago

            >those people are all descended from ones who did face that, and in some cases were alive when it happened.
            but it didn't happen to them so what could it matter? you're saying it's worse to have been born in a country and speak its language fluently but your great grandfather didn't have the same advantages (which sounds like everybody) versus coming here as the first generation with nothing and not even a grasp of the language or culture of the country with policies that discriminate against you currently so that the black group can enjoy advantages that still aren't enough to uplift them. that makes no sense to me.

          • 2 years ago

            Anon, things that happened to your parents and grandparents will affect your life. If your parents and grandparents were forced to work menial jobs that will directly affect how you were brought up and where you go in life. I'm not saying what you're implying, I'm saying that people who came in after those things were removed and didn't have the history of dealing with that to do better than those who were here and weren't discriminated against as heavily like the Chinese.

          • 2 years ago

            >Anon, things that happened to your parents and grandparents will affect your life
            Yeah, because whites never had ancestors that faced hardship? American was founded on persecution and wars in Europe. They seem to be doing well in spite of what their ancestors face, but non-whites can't do the same? israelites owned the slave ships, African kangs sold them the slaves. White are not responsible for what their ancestors did because everyones' ancestors did those things and had no problem with them. And whites have suffered from horrible things too. Yet, they still do better than people like you because of their genes.

          • 2 years ago

            >Yeah, because whites never had ancestors that faced hardship?
            That's not what I said, I'm talking specifically about the effects of discrimination on the black community in America. The people you're talking about are the equivalent to African immigrants we were mentioning before, or at least their ancestors were though they had the pro of a mostly uninhabited land, and the con of there being no prior development.
            >African kangs sold them the slaves.
            And like I told you, this was under threat of European hostility and invasion if not outright arming their neighbors.
            >White are not responsible for what their ancestors did because everyones' ancestors did those things and had no problem with them.
            I don't disagree, everyone before a certain time acted like a bunch of savages, but it's a fact that whites had a hand in the state of Africa today. I'm not some "woe is me the white man are the only reason I'm not a Kang" guy, I recognize the brutal state of life before modernity, but acting like you dindu nuffin is just insane.

          • 2 years ago

            >And like I told you, this was under threat of European hostility and invasion if not outright arming their neighbors.
            what european hostility did africans face in the bronze age?

          • 2 years ago

            Anon, we're talking about the Atlantic slave trade, the regular slave trade that existed before was not anywhere near as expansive, or driven by foreign goods. What's the point of changing the subject? Do you think I like Arabs and muslims or forget their involvement in enslaving millions? They did the exact same thing as the Europeans when the Berbers invaded Ghana and destroyed it. At best they're just unsuccessful Europeans in my eyes so I have no idea why you're trying to shift things in that direction.

          • 2 years ago

            >we are talking about the Atlantic Slave trade
            no we are talking about Slavery, the Atlantic Slave trade did not magically appear, it was a subset of African slavery.
            Africans practiced slavery because all peoples in all times and places practiced slavery.
            if blacks didnt want to be slaves, simple, dont enslave eachother.
            >but they had no other choice
            they literally had a choice, mine your own fricking gold mansa muckhead.

          • 2 years ago

            >no we are talking about Slavery, the Atlantic Slave trade did not magically appear, it was a subset of African slavery.
            It wasn't a subset when it vastly outnumbered the population that had been enslaved prior, and no, we are talking about the Atlantic one because our entire discussion is hinged on America.
            >they literally had a choice, mine your own fricking gold mansa muckhead.
            I could say the same to the colonies. And this isn't an argument against the fact that Europeans would, and did fund and invade countries that didn't provide enough, and in the case of Kongo even going so far as to enslave people on their own against the Kingdoms wishes.

          • 2 years ago

            We have no idea the size of the pre-contact slave trade in Africa.
            >I could say the same to the colonies
            well no you couldnt because over half of them had basically no slavery.
            The blacks enslaved directly by Europeans were not sent to the US, nor were they in great number.
            All blacks in the US descend from grassfields tards who's first contact with Iron was the tip of some Kano Noble's spear.

          • 2 years ago

            >If your parents and grandparents were forced to work menial jobs that will directly affect how you were brought up and where you go in life.
            Nevermind that you're saying this in opposition to Chinese and other immigrants who came here because they were from a background of generations of menial labor in another country and thought the US would offer more opportunity, traditionally it's been the case that hardship and struggle make people more successful and have a higher drive and work ethic. What stops them is oppression limiting their options, but when the barriers are removed, those are the people that tend to jet ahead and do well with the opened opportunity. Black people break the mold there for whatever reason.

          • 2 years ago

            >Whites would fold like a stack of paper
            unlikely given the dominance of Whites militarily even in their decadent stage.
            >Zimbabwe tier blowout
            Where Whites are totally dominant militarily but get BTFO by other Whites?
            unlikely given that Whites will be unified in the US and self reliant.
            >we should just stop being tribal
            cant do that anymore than you can just stop being hungry or just stop lusting after women.
            >maintained regardless of race
            absolutely deranged and absurd.
            America was constructed and maintained by Anglo Americans, largely naturalized broadly European Americans, and with their decline things go to shit.
            So no it can not be maintained with low IQ, low effort, low tier people.

          • 2 years ago

            >unlikely given the dominance of Whites militarily even in their decadent stage.
            We're talking about the population of civilians, who haven't been dominant militarily by themselves for decades.
            >Where Whites are totally dominant militarily but get BTFO by other Whites?
            You mean have their enemies funded by foreign powers who wish to topple them? Because that's what happened, and would likely happen again if the arms disparity was that great.
            >cant do that anymore than you can just stop being hungry or just stop lusting after women.
            It could be easily done, otherwise like I said above, none of the current European nations would exist. Anglo-Saxons as a group would never have formed, and the less said about the Romano-Gaulic population the better.
            >absolutely deranged and absurd.
            >America was constructed and maintained by Anglo Americans
            Who imported millions of slaves to do their work, had chinks build their roadways, then imported Italians, Irishmen, and israelites to do other more unpleasant work. It's not deranged, it's fact. History has shown time and time again that people are willing to abandon these things as long as they mutually benefit, and aren't being agitated by a political class who wishes to exploit everyone involved.

          • 2 years ago

            militaries are drawn from civilians, most soldiers spend the majority of their lives as civilians while in the military itself.
            >have their enemies funded by foreign powers
            the Rhodesians ran out of fuel and ammunition, they were never beaten militarily, their war machine ran out of gas, literally.
            This would not happen in a nation where Whites are a plurality, a 51% majority, or even a minority which is relatively small but in absolute terms large.
            Rhodesia was not self sufficient, thats whats killed it.
            They would have won the war with a fricking skeleton crew if they had more supplies.
            >it could be easily done
            >none of the European nations would exist
            they were brought in by dynastic marriage and conquest and at a time when they had developed a share ethnic identity as a tribal confederation.
            The idea of ethnic unity grew to extend beyond immediate family due to social and political eugenic factors in the middle ages.
            youd need those same effects in non-Whites, which simply isnt going to happen, its being reversed in Whites anyway.
            >who imported millions of slaves to do their work
            no, millions of slaves were completely absent from PA, NY, The MidWest, and New England.
            the brown parts of America were the poorest parts of the America, the least developed.
            Chinks did not even lay 40% of the rail track, and its not like Whites couldnt have done that, because Whites literally did that.
            >imported israelites
            Jews were not imported
            Jews migrated to America and naturally did their ethnic subversion thing.
            Most Italians went back to Italy.
            The Irish are ethnically indistinguishable from Anglo-Saxons.

          • 2 years ago

            >militaries are drawn from civilians, most soldiers spend the majority of their lives as civilians while in the military itself.
            Militaries are drawn from a small portion of the civilian populace, and even then they're trained first for possibly years in situations that aren't total war. What you're talking about is a guerrilla war where a bunch of white civilians suddenly turn into commandos.
            >the Rhodesians ran out of fuel and ammunition, they were never beaten militarily, their war machine ran out of gas, literally.
            Yes, continue on, which other countries led to that? You want me to believe that 25% of the population can somehow do this resource extraction with perhaps 10% of them constantly fighting a group of people that surrounds them on every front, which was your original stipulation. Not to mention that you didn't deny what I said about them being funded by foreigners for the sake of fricking with the whites.
            >Rhodesia was not self sufficient, thats whats killed it.
            Neither are random pockets of America.
            >they were brought in by dynastic marriage and conquest and at a time when they had developed a share ethnic identity as a tribal confederation.
            No they weren't, they were brought in by forceful conquest and Religious conversion which over time led them to form a shared identity. There was absolutely no shared identity between Visigoths and Franks, otherwise one wouldn't have taken advantage of the succession wars of the other and inadvertently helped the Muslim conquest happen.
            >no, millions of slaves were completely absent from PA, NY, The MidWest, and New England.
            Ah yes, I guess the tobacco, sugar, and cotton those northern states sold and packaged just came from nowhere right?
            >Chinks did not even lay 40% of the rail track,
            >By the time of its completion and opening on May 10, 1869, 90 percent of the workers who built the railroad were Chinese immigrants.
            >and its not like Whites couldnt have done that,
            Then why didn't they?

          • 2 years ago

            >White civilians turn into commandos
            the word commando literally comes from a war where White civilians turned into elite soldiers
            >resource extraction
            America doesnt extract any resources, we have barely any industry we are a service economy.
            >surrounds them on every front
            non-Whites are concentrated in Urban areas. If was a moronmode race war where everyone woke up and thought "its time to fight to the death" Whites would win hands down, you can cut their numbers in half and Whites would still win, Whites at 1/10th of their strength would still win.
            non-Whites arent able to be self sufficient in the US. most of them could not live without a strong government and strong economy.
            both of which are diminishing with the passing of White majorities.
            non-Whites would turn on eachother or starve or run out of ammunition and gas.

            Again, Rhodesia lost because they were not supported, not because their enemies were supported.
            Whites in the US could very easily be self sufficient.
            >neither are random pockets of America
            try entire states, and its not pockets, its vast swathes of land, Whites have the majority of land by far, non-Whites are concentrated in the tens of millions in a handful of urban counties.
            >no shared identity between Visigoths and Franks
            Germans are not descended from Visigoths.
            Germans are from Germanic Tribes living in Germany, such as the Chatti and Saxones and Thuringians, French are from the Franks and Gauls.
            Germanic tribes did have a sense of shared identity.
            Europeans today have a sense of shared identity.
            >northern states sold and packaged
            they didnt.
            Southerners sold directly to Europe.
            Northern Economy was built on industry and production and resource extraction, not agrarianism.
            And where the North did use agrarian products, it was cereals which were 3x more profitable per lbs than ol kang cotton.
            >why didnt they
            they largely did, Chinese were cheaper. Whites laid the majority of track.

          • 2 years ago

            >because Whites literally did that.
            To add to that point, if they could and chose not to, then it doesn't matter because either way the fact is that they didn't just build the country solely by themselves, they relied on slavery and immigrants.
            >Jews were not imported
            >Jews migrated to America and naturally did their ethnic subversion thing.
            You know what I meant, they allowed the immigration of these groups of people for the sake of building industry and doing dirty work.
            >Most Italians went back to Italy.
            Yet they still helped build the country.
            >The Irish are ethnically indistinguishable from Anglo-Saxons.
            Which once again, is just admitting I'm right about the fact that they weren't in a similar situation to the blacks in America, not to mention that once again you've failed to prove in any way that this makes them Anglo-Americans who were the only ones that built the country, which was your original argument.

          • 2 years ago

            >they relied on
            you say that as if slavery and migrants were critical, when they werent, the American economy was built by Anglo Americans in the MidWest, New England, and Mid Atlantic.
            Slavery was peanuts compared to a factory and most slaves were generating small profits and their labor was primarily upkeep of a feudal manor.
            >building industry
            industry was already built by the time immigrants arrived, immigrants arrived for the industry.
            weird how Italians and israelites never came to America when it was wild country.
            >dirty work
            such as?
            >they still helped build the country
            yeah not really, America would be better off with only Northern Europeans, it would literally objectively be better off today, if it was 100% northern european throughout its history.
            >the irish werent in a similar situation to blacks in America
            correct, they had it much worse than blacks.
            My original Argument was Anglo-Americans, Anglo-American means people from the British Isles. Not solely Anglo-Saxon I1 men who trace their ancestors back to Juteland.
            Everyone in the British isles is basically the ethnic group anyway, there is no real difference between Anglo and Irish genetically.
            the irish were not as prominent in building the nation as the English from England, so even if Anglo-American meant only Anglo-Saxon Danish proto Germanic tribesmen, then yeah they had the largest hand in making America and America would not even be remotely what it is today without them.

          • 2 years ago

            >Disney is a monopoly
            >owning 25% of an industry makes you a monopoly
            I wish you would just stop posting because you don't know what you are talking about.

          • 2 years ago

            Anon, 25% of the ENTIRE entertainment industry, from sports to radio channels to Cinemas. It's quite different from oil, but when your only other competitors number 6 in total, you're basically a monopoly with extra steps.

          • 2 years ago

            25% is not a monopoly, and not even the entire entertainment industry. You don't even know how vague the term "entertainment" is - its includes much more the kiddke theme parks you to do to pick up kids to groom. You're moronic. Stop using terms you don't understand.

          • 2 years ago

            This is true apart from whites one day taking over the world like in the Turner Diaries. The world is a little too far gone for that, it's a pipe dream. Maybe some genetically modified superhumans will but not naturally evolved white people.

          • 2 years ago

            >ignore our original argument
            what argument?
            listing blacks as a reason for differences in American society is not an obsession.
            >screeching Black person
            its just memes unironically
            >socially moronic policies
            blacks are in full support of those policies because they benefit them.

            As for the rest, it's just your usual
            >Oh we enslaved these people, brought them here, destroyed their cultural unity, then when we freed them proceeded to make them second class citizens by law until 6 decades ago, why are they so poor and commiting crimes
            Gee whiz Black person, I wonder why that is? This is all the fault of Dixie homosexuals refusing to let go of their black obsession, and shitting on a group of people who would have happily integrated into the Culture like Italians and israelites, now that they've reached the point of feeling total separation with the rest of the country in terms of identity you go "how could this be?". It's fricking moronic to claim "oh I'm just racist because of ___ problems not hatred" when that racist behavior created the problem you're dealing with today.

            >enslaved these people
            Ah yes, the Hausa Nobility of North America, going over to Africa and enslaving poor tribals before returning Nova Mali in North America. FVCKING Robertabe E. Leembae The Fula kang enslaving poor little igbo yoruboids who were just minding their own business picking their asses in the savannahs of West Africa
            >VGH the cultural unity of grassfield peasants

            blacks are poor and committing crimes in africa too.
            it seems to be a black thing.
            also you didnt answer, if blacks were just left in a vacuum, where would they be? Superior, inferior, or equal to Whites in IQ, material goods, and criminality?

          • 2 years ago

            >what argument?
            The one where you claimed I'm an anti white racist for telling you that perhaps you should deal with the traitors in your own camp.
            >listing blacks as a reason for differences in American society is not an obsession.
            Cutting off context to make a completely different point is not an argument. I was referring to the general trend on this site, you know that.
            >its just memes unironically
            I don't take the general "muh Black person" as actual obsession, I mean the motherfrickers who will start waxing poetic about black people in a thread about Napoleon.
            >blacks are in full support of those policies because they benefit them.
            I was gonna argue, but yeah you're right.
            >Ah yes, the Hausa Nobility of North America, going over to Africa and enslaving poor tribals before returning Nova Mali in North America.
            Buddy, you have examples like Kongo where the conflicts were driven by need for European firearms because if they hadn't, their opponents would be given guns, and would happily play along. You even had the King of Jolof almost be a Portuguese puppet because his brothers weren't playing ball before he got murdered by the Portuguese himself. It's like a guy who starts a drug network claiming people selling it are at fault when he provided the means.
            >blacks are poor and committing crimes in africa too.
            >it seems to be a black thing.
            What are you going to act like white people left blacks in Africa alone and left them to be independent states and nations without their interference or turning the population into second class citizens? Let's not pretend that Colonialism made Africa worse, but it sure as frick wasn't that.
            >also you didnt answer, if blacks were just left in a vacuum, where would they be? Superior, inferior, or equal to Whites
            They'd probably equivalent in most statistics except obesity imo.

          • 2 years ago

            You playing for your own team makes you an anti-White racist in some sense.
            I dont blame you for that.
            What context did I cut off?
            >waxing poetic about black people in a thread about Napoleon
            are you talking about that thread where some moron was claiming blacks were present in Europe beyond a token fascination because the painting of Murango (by someone not there) had a Black in it?
            trade something other than humans for guns, Bojumbe.
            >White people are somehow at fault for Africa
            talk about obsession.
            If anything the only thing White people did wrong was introduce technology from the modern era (which is an invasive species in a socio-economic sense) to africans and disrupted their tribal way of life which they evolved and adapted to.
            >Whites and blacks would be equivalent
            ok why?
            Whites and Asians arent equivalent
            Whites and South Americans are equivalnet
            Whites from Western Europe and Eastern Europe arent equivalent.
            Why would blacks be equivalent to Whites?

          • 2 years ago

            >You playing for your own team makes you an anti-White racist in some sense.
            No, you can play for your own team without shitting on others. The human race is close to exterminating all life on this planet because of our ability to cooperate, and when there isn't a conflict of resources fighting over nothing is just degeneracy. I won't hate any group of people I don't fully know, so I can't call myself an anti-white racist. This is also because that same racism led to the current state of political division, and embracing it would just set my people up to get fricked in the same way white people are. As for the context, the part where that post was referring to the constant race bait threads on completely unrelated topics and boards.
            >are you talking about that thread where some moron was claiming blacks were present in Europe beyond a token fascination because the painting
            No, and desperate homosexuals like that should be shot for being so eager to insert themselves into other cultures and people's for a shred of legitimacy. They unintentionally insult all of their people's history by doing that, and they should be ignored at best if one wants to be as generous as possible.
            >talk about obsession.
            Anon, the colonization of Africa is a historical fact, the people being second class citizens is also a historical fact, the destruction of the original "kingdoms" and nations is similarly so as is the new borders which grouped together unfamiliar peoples. Nations that don't form organically due to the people livinf there will always turn out to be shitholes
            >If anything the only thing White people did wrong was introduce technology from the modern era
            I disagree, the only thing they did wrong was Interfering in other places by outright conquest while preaching liberal dogma that being said I do agree with the disruption on tribal way of life even if I see it as a net benefit that it's almost fully eradicated. Natural development would have been preferable.

          • 2 years ago

            humans are not even close to exterminating all life.
            There is a conflict of resources, land won by Whites is being given away, this is generating animosity betwixt Whites and non-Whites.
            You want to live in America, your ancestors should have been here before 1960, and honestly your ancestors should have been here before 1860 and at the very least included in the 1790 naturalization act.
            >africans are forced to live together
            they could just you know, rearrange their nations
            >diversity is bad for africa but good for america/europe
            >tribal life bad
            tribal life good.
            Humans were made to be tribals, technology like high technology, beyond the Iron Age is a result of an unusually intelligent, courageous, and creative race reaching a critical population and exploding in development and geographic conquest.

            Without Europeans, the world would not have progressed past right where it was when Europeans found it, it would have remained largely
            >hyper religious
            >hyper tribal
            >low tech
            >prone to high mortality
            till the human race passed on and whatever comes after came.

          • 2 years ago

            The rest of the world was moving towards the industrial revolution in the later middle ages, just at a slower pace than Europe, instead of taking 400 years it would take 800 or something, but I don't see any reason why they would not. Europeans are only a shade more intelligent than other Caucasians and Asians have their own high IQs.

          • 2 years ago

            >The rest of the world was moving towards the industrial revolution in the later middle ages
            Its not just IQ, IQ is a critical pre-requisite but there are other factors involved.
            For example the Industrial revolution was predicated on largely the unique social culture of North West Europe which made it possible to develop large industries and pioneer mass production of goods and mechanization and automation and allow for the capital to fund such things to exist in the hands of entrepreneurs and not local warlords, sultans, or emperors.
            This is a uniquely Northern Europe aspect.
            non-Whites cant even maintain industrial society let alone produce it.

          • 2 years ago

            >humans are not even close to exterminating all life.
            With all the nuclear bombs on Earth we absolutely are, or at least capable of easily causing an environmental disaster equal to the one that ended the dinosaurs.
            >There is a conflict of resources, land won by Whites is being given away, this is generating animosity betwixt Whites and non-Whites.
            That's not the conflict though, the conflict is the people in charge agitating the population over invisible divisions and past historical events that they could either easily fix, or stop prodding to further give the hopeless something to blame and radicalize themselves with.
            >You want to live in America, your ancestors should have been here before 1960, and honestly your ancestors should have been here before 1860 and at the very least included in the 1790 naturalization act.
            That's ridiculous, at that point you may as well keep going and say you shouldn't be in America if you aren't a native American. It just goes to show the arbitrariness of what you're saying, and reinforce my point that with enough time all this petty bullshit would have disappeared if not for purposeful stirring by people who need to fear monger for votes.
            >they could just you know, rearrange their nations
            Kinda hard to do when the people now in charge will be completely unwilling to cede land. I'm not saying diversity is bad, I'm saying thoughtlessly cramming people together in an artificial manner devoid of choice in the way immigration is leads to problems. It's literally in that post about nations that don't form organically, you're being painfully dishonest with this reply.
            >tribal life good.
            No, tribal life bad. It's a shit state of living rife with all the problems you have now, and complete powerlessness and ignorance against nature. We were made to be tribal, but we were also made to shit in bushes and get eaten by Cheetahs, following what worked yesterday will leave you in the past to be replaced.

          • 2 years ago

            This is the biggest whataboutism I've ever seen

        • 2 years ago

          >Conquer a kingdom and dominate it for nearly a century
          Why are you guys such pussies? If you're racist just admit you don't like that group of people, you come up with all these shitty excuses and it just makes you look like a wishy washy b***h. Seriously, I'd prefer it if you were just honest.

          • 2 years ago

            Everyone is racist. I wish you anti-white racists were honest instead of looking for excuses to hate white people.

          • 2 years ago

            I'm not an anti-white racist though, I just don't like people shitting on my people for no fricking reason because they're too cowardly to deal with the other cowards in their own community who are just as racist but hide it behind a veneer of insulting patronization. If you guys weren't so fricking obsessed with shitting on black people because you need a punching bag, you'd probably have a lot more support on a lot of the points you make that don't involve race.

          • 2 years ago

            >can't even spell "Assyrian" right
            opinion discarded

          • 2 years ago

            >every one is racist and that's LE GOOD
            What an embarrassing display.

          • 2 years ago

            >you have to be totally consistent on a moral principal you can not favor your own family over foreigner because that would violate my concept of a moral categorical imperative

          • 2 years ago

            >youre racist because youre hateful
            shitlib projection on full display.
            All races are racist, everyone is racist, racism is just in group preference it is natural and healthy, it is terminally deranged leftytroons who cant wrap their heads around why humans naturally do what humans naturally do, more so they really only want to deny Whites the right to practice in-group preference, or its just browns who know if Whites have in-group preference then less gibs for their own group of poocoloreds.
            anti-racism is either mental illness or a form of Machiavellian racism (less for Whitey more for me).

          • 2 years ago

            Hate isn't healthy.

          • 2 years ago

            Its healthy, its a natural emotion.

          • 2 years ago

            >durr it's natural so good
            go outside and just start eating random mushrooms you find then

          • 2 years ago

            my natural instincts tell me eating random plants is a bad idea

          • 2 years ago

            It also can ruin your QoL and turn you into a monster.

          • 2 years ago

            its a defense mechanism and humans have it because those without it died

          • 2 years ago

            >naturalist fallacy
            Swing and a miss there Hater

      • 2 years ago

        Demography IS destiny.

      • 2 years ago



        We're literally 12.5 percent and underclass in hell even less unironically than when pic rel was made, in what way did we have that much power to influence urban planners and architecture to not build more of that?

        • 2 years ago

          Y-you just did, okay???

        • 2 years ago

          It's not about blacks.

        • 2 years ago

          dude, those are all chinese posters who started flooding this website after Hiro took over, they're losers

    • 2 years ago

      So Hispanics and Asians ruined American architecture? Good to know.


      The percentage of Blacks didn't even grow since the 1900s.

      • 2 years ago

        >The percentage of Blacks didn't even grow since the 1900s.
        But their civil rights and influence did

      • 2 years ago

        >The percentage of Blacks didn't even grow since the 1900s.
        their mouths sure did

      • 2 years ago

        >The percentage of Blacks didn't even grow since the 1900s
        But their total population did especially compared to the white population. Their birth rate is below replacement level but their total number still increases through immigration.

        • 2 years ago

          Ew less African immigrants please.

      • 2 years ago

        > The percentage of Blacks didn't even grow since the 1900s.

        It did grow in the upper Midwest where there used to be magnificent cities. Basically the south was a shithole full of blacks, the north had the richest cities in the world. Millions of blacks moved north, the cities turned into shitholes. White people turned them into shitholes to feel better about themselves

    • 2 years ago


  2. 2 years ago

    Modern urbanism and promoting infinite economic growth is more important to Americans than pretty buildings

    • 2 years ago

      This. Carcucks turned America’s previously beautiful urban centers into ugly concrete jungles, which then became unrecoverable shitholes once the white tax base left that was keeping the overdeveloped city-sprawl from literally collapsing in on itself.

      • 2 years ago

        I would contest the beauty part, because to an extent the mason-style "frick you Euro-dad, I'mma build my unique cities" look was a bit satanic as well, bit certainly pess than the car shitshow.

  3. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      if racist white people weren't so obsessed with ugly suburbs and having a hundred car lanes, america might look much better!

    • 2 years ago

      that makes no sense seeing as the black population hasn't changed much since then

  4. 2 years ago

    people in power don't like honest beauty anymore

  5. 2 years ago

    Marxism, Judaism and Communism

    • 2 years ago

      But all those things existed when this photo was taken, moron.

      • 2 years ago

        And they had to for them to make an effect today, moron. It wasn't instantaneous. It was slow and subversive, like all decline.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Lmao your country is 50% white because your capitalists were too israeli to just pay people a wage to pick cotton

    • 2 years ago

      Communists built architecture with comparable soul. America is lost to the priority of a functionality for consumerism ie. Strip malls, and large numbers personal vehiciles ie. Ugly roadways and grid-cities.

  6. 2 years ago

    A bunch of America has places like this. A more significant portion of the country probably has more nice buildings than in the '30s.

    Around the same time, the rural US was full of towns with third-world levels of infrastructure.

    • 2 years ago

      Looks comfy

  7. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      I'm not schizophrenic can somebody please translate?

    • 2 years ago

      the bit about the "neo-romans replaced by the car park people" was fun, but everything else was schizobabble

      • 2 years ago

        >but everything else was schizobabble
        It all made perfect sense to me

    • 2 years ago

      Oh yeah WEGGER WUZZERS

    • 2 years ago

      nords were living in huts in their homeland, romans conquered them and built palaces there
      Then they left and nords went back to living in huts. Cope

      Even slavs are superior to nords

      • 2 years ago

        They had wooden and stone structures anon.

        • 2 years ago

          yes, wooden and stone huts
          even the gauls mogged them hard

    • 2 years ago

      The most insane thing about this picture is the creator thinking anyone will read this

    • 2 years ago

      so is this saying that the Isrealites were the first people in America?

    • 2 years ago

      can someone redpill me on the parking lot builders? why did they build parking lots before there were cars to park?

    • 2 years ago

      This is not the conversation I wanted the thread to be about at all.

      The US still has plenty of neoclassical architecture, anon. It's not like the pics you're sharing were representative a century ago.

      I wanted to talk about the esoteric history of the Americas and you stupid homosexuals just want to talk about black people.

      >soulless neoclassicism
      >seen by americans as the best their civilization ever archieved and a symbol of a glorious, lost past

    • 2 years ago

      Is that pic a gigantic shitpost? Those very pretty buildings were made in the early 20th century for exhibitions. Sadly they got demolished soon after the event was over.

  8. 2 years ago

    Baby Boomers.

  9. 2 years ago

    Most importantly, why do virtually none of these buildings survive today? What are they trying to hide?

  10. 2 years ago

    Those statues, and the victory arch with it were made with a non-permanent material. Why? They wanted to have something up for the victory in the Spanish-American war, so they had to do it quick.

    • 2 years ago

      And what "non-permanent" material were they supposedly made out of? Oh wait, you don't actually know? You're just pulling shit out of your ass?

      • 2 years ago

        timber and steel framing, with precast panels made of a plaster/fiber mix.

      • 2 years ago

        Literally Papier Mache, at least that's the case for most World's Fairs

  11. 2 years ago

    It's a parade dude

  12. 2 years ago

    Oversized flags are still a staple of American culture.

    t. local car dealership literally has a flag that big

  13. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


  14. 2 years ago

    Where would you park your car there?

  15. 2 years ago


    Won't be happening. Have fun dealing with the hispano-black majority.

    • 2 years ago

      You say it wont be happening but anti-racists dont have kids, racists do, simple as.

      • 2 years ago

        >Anti racists don't have kids
        Yeah, the white ones, and the racists don't either otherwise you wouldn't be here b***hing about the great replacement. Seriously, prepare yourself to start speaking Spanish and learn some Baltimore/Atlanta slang, you're gonna need it.

    • 2 years ago

      >Won't be happening.

      • 2 years ago

        >posts a CIA plant killing a white person
        >meanwhile millions of immigrants continue to enter the country monthly
        it's over anon. You race is weak and has recessive genes
        all it can do as it gets slaughtered like a pig is one CIA zoomer kill a handful of randos. Meanwhile immigrants keep coming and they keep shitting kids out
        Your gay race won't be missed

        • 2 years ago

          >killing a white person
          >a white person

          • 2 years ago

            She's counted as white in US census

            >Meanwhile immigrants keep coming and they keep shitting kids out

            >kill less than 50
            >meanwhile, 50,000 come in weekly
            thanks for proving my point americanoid golem. Also that dude was israeli
            whiteys are literally enslaved and none of them does anything to stop it. killing some Black person is just cnn fodder to enslave you more
            YOU are weak and hopeless
            what have YOU done to stop the extinction of your weakling race?

          • 2 years ago

            >Also that dude was israeli

          • 2 years ago

            looks like a guy from the middle east tbh. regardless most of these are isolated losers who are generally repulsive in public and they never amount to anything but more power to that specific ethnic group. the fact this guy was turned into a incel meme just comes to demonstrate ethnic minorities have already infiltrated the system.

          • 2 years ago

            Well he's israeli so it fits that he looks levantine

          • 2 years ago

            >killing some Black person is just cnn fodder to enslave you more

            Not if we kill them all.

          • 2 years ago

            >She's counted as white in US census
            us census is self report so highly unlikely.

        • 2 years ago

          >Meanwhile immigrants keep coming and they keep shitting kids out

          • 2 years ago

            wasn't that guy made into that incel meme?

  16. 2 years ago

    This is not the conversation I wanted the thread to be about at all.

    • 2 years ago

      The US still has plenty of neoclassical architecture, anon. It's not like the pics you're sharing were representative a century ago.

      • 2 years ago

        >It's not like the pics you're sharing were representative a century ago.
        How do you know that?

        • 2 years ago

          >how do you know America wasn't filled with thousands of secret neoclassical buildings only a few generations ago, but all mention of them and photographs of them were destroyed by some secret conspiracy?
          Just a feeling, I guess.

          • 2 years ago

            >No one with total control of schools and book publishers could ever destroy and invent history, because... THEY JUST COULDN'T, OKAY???

            “The first step in liquidating a people is to erase its memory. Destroy its books, its culture, its history. Then have someone write new books, manufacture a new culture, invent a new history. Before long the nation will begin to forget what it is and what it was.”

          • 2 years ago

            whoever had "total control" of all that stuff must of done the shittiest job on earth if it's so easy to find these pics

    • 2 years ago

      There is only one topic in IQfy. There is only one topic in IQfy. There is only one topic in the US. Race.

    • 2 years ago

      It just looks like some european cities and towns just with less shitskins.

    • 2 years ago

      I wanted to talk about the esoteric history of the Americas and you stupid homosexuals just want to talk about black people.

      Where is the "court" from?

      The United States of America sought to become the inheritor of Rome. Britain sought to do this similarly, as did the French, as did Russia for centuries going backwards in time. The U.S., like the rest of the Western World, was dealt a brutal blow by The Great War. From 1914 onwards, beauty, traditionalism, and the grace of Western civilisation began to decay as did our cities. We can blame Black folks and israelites allwe want (and rightly so) but the real reason is The Great War (whether that was started by israelites behind international finance: who knows?) Consider the devastation that The First World War caused: Germany, Austria, and Russia - destroyed completely. France crippled, Britain maintaining form at the expense of everyone else. The life, the soul, the spirit of the West was crushed.

      Pic related shows the phenomenal pushback in the U.S. similar to Germany (just one example, National Socialism is not the only example). The amount of moronic posting here shows how important the topic is - shills and JIDF flock to it.

      >it was just a temporary structure bro
      >it was just for the world's fair bro
      This is an enormous Dome in San Francisco USA covered in swastikas


  17. 2 years ago


    As for the rest, it's just your usual
    >Oh we enslaved these people, brought them here, destroyed their cultural unity, then when we freed them proceeded to make them second class citizens by law until 6 decades ago, why are they so poor and commiting crimes
    Gee whiz Black person, I wonder why that is? This is all the fault of Dixie homosexuals refusing to let go of their black obsession, and shitting on a group of people who would have happily integrated into the Culture like Italians and israelites, now that they've reached the point of feeling total separation with the rest of the country in terms of identity you go "how could this be?". It's fricking moronic to claim "oh I'm just racist because of ___ problems not hatred" when that racist behavior created the problem you're dealing with today.

    • 2 years ago

      Not him but
      >>Oh we enslaved these people, brought them here, destroyed their cultural unity,
      We didn't do that, the British did. As soon as we gained our own independence, we worked towards giving them their freedom
      >then when we freed them proceeded to make them second class citizens
      They were basically given the choice of being second class citizens or make their own country with our help and they chose the former. The people who founded the country warned that they should never be citizens.
      >until 6 decades ago, why are they so poor and commiting crimes
      They end of their discrimination wasn't much more recent than Italians, israelites, Irish, Chinese, and Indians, and look where they are now in comparison

      • 2 years ago

        >We didn't do that, the British did. As soon as we gained our own independence, we worked towards giving them their freedom
        That's bullshit though, the states were fine leaving it unresolved because of Dixie chimpouts, just for them to ape out anyway. If they had been working towards it from the getgo, President Jackson wouldn't have been fricking his slaves in his downtime rather than setting up provisions for the mass freeing of slaves.
        >They were basically given the choice of being second class citizens or make their own country with our help and they chose the former. The people who founded the country warned that they should never be citizens.
        No they weren't, that was almost immediately abandoned, and Liberia was a moronic premise considering that all of those people had already lost their cultural ties thanks to the way American slavery was conducted. Then southerners turned to sharecropping and other forms of soft slavery basically making that point moot anyway, because those people sure as frick didn't have a choice. It's also ridiculous to tell people who no longer have any connections to a land to go to a different one than the one they came from, displace the natives, and tell them they have no rights to live in a country they helped build, however unwillingly.
        >They end of their discrimination wasn't much more recent than Italians, israelites, Irish, Chinese, and Indians, and look where they are now in comparison
        None of those groups had the same level of discrimination though, israelites and Italians were never banned from settling in certain areas under pain of death, and Italians sure as frick weren't forced to drink from the colored fountains or be relegated to menial jobs for generations at a time. Chinks are the only comparable group, and are a complete nonentity considering how low their population is even today. In 1870 there were 70,000 of them ffs.

        • 2 years ago

          do you think drinking from a different water fountain is the root cause of black dysfunction? or if there were only fewer black people, they would somehow be excelling in schools and business the way Chinese people are? i want some detail on this

          • 2 years ago

            The water fountains are just one example of the social division, thats my point, they weren't discriminated against to such a level that they even bothered to separate the water fountains for them. Fact is that an Italian can easily blend in with other whites after a few years, but the same would be impossible for any black person that wasn't a mulatto. You speak of schools and businesses while ignoring the fact that those were literally separate too, and under the same levels of discrimination. So yeah, if those hadn't been separated at a moronic attempt to destabilize this country further, this wouldn't be an issue today.

          • 2 years ago

            >You speak of schools and businesses while ignoring the fact that those were literally separate too, and under the same levels of discrimination. So yeah, if those hadn't been separated at a moronic attempt to destabilize this country further, this wouldn't be an issue today.
            but it isn't an issue today. why are black people today and chinese people today not succeeding at the same level? they go to the same schools and policies even legally favor black people

          • 2 years ago

            >but it isn't an issue today. why are black people today and chinese people today not succeeding at the same level? they go to the same schools and policies even legally favor black people
            Anon, things can continue to affect people years after they've been implemented. That is the whole point of this argument, and Chinese immigrants who come here do worse off than ones from Nigeria. With that in mind it becomes even more clear that it's an issue of historical biases that led to the current problems.

          • 2 years ago

            >Anon, things can continue to affect people years after they've been implemented.
            not when they're completely different people and the system is stacked in their favor in an active effort to make them succeed
            >and Chinese immigrants who come here do worse off than ones from Nigeria.
            if select nigerian immigrants coming here with nothing are still succeeding, why aren't most black people?

          • 2 years ago

            >not when they're completely different people and the system is stacked in their favor in an active effort to make them succeed
            But the system isn't. Those advantages you list are stopgaps meant to try and change course and compensate for prior discrimination, but they're not all-encompasing, and those people are all descended from ones who did face that, and in some cases were alive when it happened.
            >if select nigerian immigrants coming here with nothing are still succeeding, why aren't most black people?
            Well the other part of my post, which mentioned the historical discrimination I was talking about being the cause was the answer. My point is that that's the main thing that causes the imbalance in status.

          • 2 years ago

            Chinese immigrants here tend to be middle class at least. Many already have degrees.

          • 2 years ago

            they're stealing that wealth, they come here already wealthy and displace white Americans even though chinese people are not at all intelligent or welcomed in western civilization

      • 2 years ago

        >As soon as we gained our own independence, we worked towards giving them their freedom
        Not really. The main early provision against slavery was the banning of the external slave trade in 1808. Most white abolitionists were racist too at the time and weren't interested in giving free blacks rights. Then slavers fired on a federal fort because they didn't want slavery to end.
        >or make their own country with our help
        Which was never a realistic option and was mostly just proposed to get them out of the country, not in good faith.
        >They end of their discrimination wasn't much more recent than Italians, israelites, Irish, Chinese, and Indians, and look where they are now in comparison
        Asians were uncommon until the 70s and later. Irish and Italians never faced what black people did.

    • 2 years ago


  18. 2 years ago

    corporate greed influenced congress to a degree where they basically turned the populace from intelligent, educated citizens to consumerist cattle

  19. 2 years ago


    But there are no whites in the United States of Shartmerica

  20. 2 years ago

    Perhaps its in part because of Europes decline

    The US always used to see itself as Europe but better then it became better than Europe at a time when the world had lost faith in Europe (including europeans). So the US decided to start anew which meant logic/practicality>beauty/soul

  21. 2 years ago

    Look in Washington DC and NYC. There's some nice Art Deco architecture.

  22. 2 years ago


    >2 more weeks until the ethnostate is created
    Poltroony cope

  23. 2 years ago

    >it was just a temporary structure bro
    >it was just for the world's fair bro
    This is an enormous Dome in San Francisco USA covered in swastikas

    • 2 years ago

      My son really wants me to take him there, is it worth the money?

  24. 2 years ago

    Im disappointed that America went for neo classical and then dropped it for an even worse standardized architecture.
    What everyone is really missing nowadays is monuments. (Good ones not floyd bench type monuments)

  25. 2 years ago

    I wanted to talk about the esoteric history of the Americas and you stupid homosexuals just want to talk about black people.

    • 2 years ago

      Sorry this happened to you OP. How would you describe modern American architecture? I think modernization just made it convenient to build quickly and cheaply so everything is as low effort as possible.

    • 2 years ago

      There's one moron who shows up in random threads to turn them into shitflinging fests about race. His writing style is recognizable: he nitpicks minor points in greentext and writes essay-length responses with his headcanon, always doing as much as possible to shit on black people and say how great racism is and how wonderfully merciful white people are for not exterminating all minorities. He also loves using the term "(you)" and LARPing as a geneticist or archeologist. By far one of the worst, most insufferable posters on the whole board.

    • 2 years ago

      Every thread that's about
      >Old good!
      Eventually devolves to this.
      Listen, anon. Do you want the real answer?
      It's not cost, it's not Black folk, it's just how easier to be an architect today is enabling a massive amount of nepotism.
      In the era you are talking about, an architect had to be a true fricking artist. He had to have knowledge, he had to have studied his ass off. Did nepotism exist back then? You bet your ass it did. Being well connected always meant and will mean you get to land gigs. But there was still a great filter of skill that didn't allow fricking morons to build.
      Now that everyone can make a wavy line in autocad, every spoiled rich kid coasting through a couple of years of some private school who's got an uncle in the right company can be commissioned to make a landmark, and idiots will eat it up because they don't know better.

  26. 2 years ago


    >So either America isn't as much of an evil horrible racist place as you all think or you are greatly exaggerating how much American blacks have been oppressed since the 60s in order to cope for their abject lack of success and disproportionate rate of violent crime and theft
    No, you're right that institutionalized racism ceased being a thing in the 60s. Yet 55 or so out of 300 years is nothing, not even one human lifetime. There are still many people alive who remember Jim Crow being a thing. Those negative attitudes born out of hundreds of years of servitude don't disappear in one or two or even three generations.

  27. 2 years ago

    Oh yeah and he also throws a tantrum about the fact that his posts (occasionally) get deleted, and he loves to accuse the person he's arguing with of reporting him.

  28. 2 years ago


    >I mean shit you people have been relentlessly pushing this same cope for 60+ years now with no end in site?
    I know right? The Nazis lost and no amount of cope will ever change the fact that it was a good thing.

    >I mean genuinely asking how long is a reasonable period of time in which you can use muh waycism as a way to excuse a group's lack of success.
    Exactly bro. Crying about muh waysist jooz whenever someone btfo you in an argument is embarrassing. Glad we cleared this up.

  29. 2 years ago


  30. 2 years ago

    Lmao at OP wanting to talk about architecture and all the insecure spergs freaking out about race, stay classy IQfy

  31. 2 years ago

    Fricking chuds every time go have a nice day.

  32. 2 years ago

    What's this structure called?
    I love reading about architecture and its relationship with culture. It's always a balance between function and aesthetics.
    That being said, during the mid Cold War, brutalist architecture took root in many cities, and older, more beautiful structures in cities like Detroit fell into disrepair or outright decay as heavy industry declined and people moved away. Some of the photos of those structures are beautiful in a tragic way.

  33. 2 years ago

    >/Pol/acks bemoan decline of American cities and ask why they're not like this
    >Point out the lack of cars and the trolleys and shieeeet
    >They sperg out about how they saw a black guy in the subway once so now we must tear up public transport and live in shitty suburbs

  34. 2 years ago

    >open thread
    >it’s all about race
    I’m not surprised but holy shit, why are you people so obsessed with black people?

    To answer you, a lot of urban planning from Eisenhower’s era combines with the non stop rise of the car industry. It was just profitable and seen as better at the time, until it wasn’t.

    • 2 years ago

      >why are you people so obsessed with black people?
      American culture is centered around Black folk. They have holidays for Black folk. They killed hundreds of thousands of white men to free Black folk. They listen to Black person music. They elect a Black person as their president. They dress and act like Black folk. They draw the entirety of their modern culture from Black folk. They post sassy gifs about Black folk. They watch sportsball in worship of Black folk. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of Black folk playing sports. They use Black person slang like "bruh" and "thot". When you say "Martin Luther" they're not thinking of the father of protestantism. They're thinking of the Black person. Their cities are completely overrun with Black folk. They worship their ZOGbot police force disproportionately filled with Black folk and their global police force of soldiers filled with Black folk. Their men sit around watching Black person ball while their women sit around watching Black person talk shows. They worship Black folk like Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson and the late Eddie Murphy while attacking the whites who actually built their country before Black folk took over. Their movies are filled with Black folk and their music charts are topped by Black folk. They send Black folk to the Olympics and celebrate when the Black folk win because those Black folk are true red blooded american Black folk. They watch Black person porn to a point where "BBC" does not make them think of an international media company but about Black person penises instead. They will tell you how much they hate Black folk and how the mutt's law meme is a stale joke and they are just pretending to love Black folk but the evidence speaks for itself in that America has always been and will be a nation of Black person loving Black folk.

      • 2 years ago

        I love this pasta :3

    • 2 years ago

      What do you expect of some the people here?
      They are a bunch of losers whose only achievement is their race, the will always derail the threads so they can show how inferior the other races are to try to inflate their fragile ego.
      And I am not talking only about the whiteoids

  35. 2 years ago

    we will rebuild. not now. not in a hundred years

    but one day

    • 2 years ago

      in about two weeks

      >killing some Black person is just cnn fodder to enslave you more

      Not if we kill them all.

      and here the larper reveals himself
      will never happen. millions of whites would unironically protect them and would shoot at you. You can no way of doing anything
      It's over

      • 2 years ago

        >will never happen. millions of whites would unironically protect them and would shoot at you. You can no way of doing anything

        They get to die along with the Black folk they love so much.

        • 2 years ago

          >can only post cartoons as his cuck race is getting slaughtered, offering zero resistance
          I accept your concession

          • 2 years ago

            The only concession you're getting is hot lead

        • 2 years ago

          Can't wait for the military to start drone striking you guys into pieces.

          • 2 years ago

            >can only post cartoons as his cuck race is getting slaughtered, offering zero resistance
            I accept your concession

          • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            >muh maga

          • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            >Can't wait for the military to start drone striking you guys into pieces.

        • 2 years ago

          >picrel was ~60 years ago
          Let's be real here gays, you won't do anything about it. You didn't then, and you won't in two weeks.

          • 2 years ago

            id volunteer just to go oppress dixoids

          • 2 years ago

            id volunteer just to go oppress dixoids

            And every last one of those Black person-loving ZOGbots who stepped on a landmine in the jungles of Vietnam deserved it, unironically. I hope the heroic Victor Charlie sent every last one of them to Hell alongside their beloved Black folk with his SKS.

  36. 2 years ago

    I grew up in New York State.

    This is what my town used to look like:

    Now this is what it looks like:

  37. 2 years ago

    100 years of near constant warfare and capitalising all the remaining wealth into a very few (instead of improving the life of all your citizens) tends to do that.

  38. 2 years ago

    Because tastes changed

  39. 2 years ago

    >Le nignags made it bad
    Meanwhile in 99% White Springdale, USA

  40. 2 years ago

    What does race have to do with American elites changing their architectural style?

  41. 2 years ago

    These were cheap decorations for the world fair

  42. 2 years ago


    Cheap as in the material was cheap. They weren't meant to last, was just to impress visiting Europeans.

  43. 2 years ago


    The OP image is the world fair. It's American elites flaunting their wealth to the rest of the world. Not a piece of genuine Americana. Middleclass America was never a land full of neoclassical beauties.

  44. 2 years ago


    Prove it then.

  45. 2 years ago

    Burgers don´t have an architecture of themselves, never created their own artistic style, limited to copy neoclassical style, hispanic colonial style or 1920s french styles. Shit country.

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        It's a fact. Original burger architecture is this. Souless as the country and his inhabitants.

  46. 2 years ago

    what morons are told to believe:
    >liberals destroyed America

    what actually happened:
    >crush unions
    >export manufacturing
    >incentivize speculative rent seeking investment
    >cut taxes on the highest incomes so there is no incentive to spread around the gains
    >destruction of the family and women entering the workforce

  47. 2 years ago


  48. 2 years ago

    >What is Las Vegas
    >What is Disney Land
    You got plenty of places to go stare at giant fake material structures if that's your thing.

  49. 2 years ago

    Mass immigration.

  50. 2 years ago


    >if you put a bunch of Africans in The British isles in the 1500s where they'd live in relative isolation and their economy is independent of broader Europe, they would not produce the industrial revolution.
    well duh of course they wouldn't and brits wouldn't either since the industrial revolution depended on the economy not being independent and the country not being isolated.

  51. 2 years ago

    All of these buildings were put up by racist white men and therefore must come down. You didn't we were going to stop with Confederate monuments, did you? All white men must die. #Biden2024

  52. 2 years ago


  53. 2 years ago
  54. 2 years ago

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